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37.5% Marvel: Mimicry / Chapter 2: Chapter 2: Mimicry

Chapter 2: Chapter 2: Mimicry

(A/N) Note : This is my first fan fiction, so bare with me. I've had a craving for a specific kind of marvel fanfic and decided to take matters into my own hands. Any helpful suggestions are welcomed. I'll try to upload 1 chapter a day. Lastly, I do not own any of the characters in this story, except my own. This is purely for entertainment. Enjoy~


Westchester County, New York.

Home of the prestigious Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters, an academic institution known for its exceptional students. Though few knew the true nature of this academy.

Founded by the renowned Charles Xavier, the school was actually a secret institution designed to find and raise mutant children before they were detected or posed a threat to themselves and others.

It was a grand estate featuring a large mansion and state-of-the-art facilities, from classrooms to training rooms and vast outdoor areas for practice.

Currently, in a specifically designed chamber located deep in the mansion, a sense of tension permeated the air.

Professor Charles Xavier could be seen connected to what looked like a futuristic helmet, surrounded by a web of intricate circuitry and monitors.

This was Cerebro, a complex network of technology that amplified his telepathic abilities, allowing him to scan for mutants worldwide.

Xavier currently had his eyes widened as he focused on the readings that were displaying, the energy signature was off the charts... A new mutant had been born, one with a lot of potential at that.

He calmed his mind as he concentrated on finding the location of this new mutant.

"Another one?" Xavier muttered, his voice barely audible in the quiet chamber.

The door to the chamber opened, and Ororo Munroe, known as Storm, stepped in. Her eyes were filled with concern as she noticed the tension in Xavier's expression. "Charles, what is it?" she asked, her voice calm but laced with worry.

Xavier removed the Cerebro helmet, his expression grave. "We've detected a new mutant. An omega-level, by the looks of it," he replied. "He's in New York City. This level of power... we must act swiftly. We cannot afford to let such potential go unmonitored."

Storm's eyes widened slightly at the mention of an omega-level mutant. "What's his current status? Is he stable?"

Xavier turned his gaze towards Storm, his expression serious. "He's just awakened his powers. According to Cerebro, his energy signature spiked suddenly. We need to ensure he's safe and that he doesn't pose a danger to himself or others."

The door opened again, and Scott Summers, known as Cyclops, stepped into the chamber. His visor gleamed under the room's bright lights as he asked, "Where exactly in New York City is he?"

"Collins Men Preparatory Academy, on the Upper East Side," Xavier responded, already mentally planning the rescue operation. "Scott, I need you to assemble the team. We must approach this carefully. Magneto likely already detected him also."

Cyclops nodded, understanding the weight of the situation. "I'll get Jean and Logan. This could get messy."

Wolverine, who had been standing in the doorway, chewing on an unlit cigar, grunted his approval. "Messy or not, if this kid's really an omega-level, we better get to him fast before someone else does."

Jean Grey joined the group, her presence bringing a sense of calm. She had sensed the collective concern through her telepathic link with Xavier. "I'm ready," she said softly, her eyes reflecting a deep understanding of the situation.

Xavier gave a nod of appreciation. "Thank you. We must ensure this young man understands his powers and finds a safe place among us," his eyes looking off into the distance.

In less than a few minutes, they had already boarded the X - jet and were soaring through the skies of New York.


Collins Men Preparatory Academy

It was currently the first period of the day. Zora sat towards the back of the classroom, lost in thought. He had already come to terms with his reincarnation and memory awakening, though having fifteen years of memories in this world already did help this fact. He was more curious as to why it occurred.

After seeing the state of the world and the fact that there were mutants, his first thought had been that it was a result of him awakening his mutant ability. However, he had tested it all morning and found no changes. He was still an ordinary human being. With his feeble knowledge of the Marvel Universe, Zora was unable to think of any other possibilities. As a result, he decided to just push it to the back of his head and focus on what he could do.

He had already decided that if he couldn't have superpowers yet, he would start by growing his wealth and influence. Zora could already think of numerous companies to invest in that would bring him a large return in the near future. Apple, Facebook, Stark Industries, Oscorp, Hammer Industries, Pym Technologies, and more. If he could invest in these industries, by the time the plot starts, the amount of wealth and power he would have wouldn't be inferior to some minor heroes or villains.

Not to mention, humans in this world aren't necessarily so helpless. Tony Stark being a prime example. Maybe he could become good friends with the guy and get a spare suit for free.

As Zora entertained thoughts of possibly infiltrating Hydra or SHIELD and getting advanced weapons and technology, he was broken from them by a weird sensation in the surroundings. A silent, undetectable energy seemed to have just washed over him. He couldn't see it, but he could feel it. Looking around, none of his classmates seemed to notice it.

The second the energy passed over him, though, Zora felt a faint feeling in his subconscious. Not even really thinking about it, in a daze, Zora spoke the words that came to his lips, "Copy."

As if on cue, he suddenly felt a piercing pain in his brain, causing him to lower his head on his desk as he grasped it.

'Ugh, I can't wait until this period is over, the teacher is boring me to death.'

'I heard Stark Industries Expo is coming up soon, I wonder what they'll unveil this time.'

'FUCK, I forgot to do the homework!'

'I really hope she says yes to prom...'

The rush of inner monologues continued, overwhelming Zora's senses.

'Xavier said the kid's another Omega level, right? I wonder what his abilities are.'

'Stay focused, Logan. We need to reach him before anyone else does.'

Zora could hear the thoughts of countless people in his brain currently, the sensation causing him to almost pass out. Recognizing some of the voices, though, he understood that this wasn't the time for that. Focusing with all the mental strength he could muster, he attempted to block out the noises that seemed to involuntarily appear in his brain. Surprisingly, it only took a few seconds, and he was able to hear silence again.

That silence, however, was soon interrupted as Zora felt another sweep of energy, this time directed specifically at him. A large bang sounded in his brain as, whatever the energy was, failed to invade his mental faculties, dispersing on impact.

'Charles Xavier,' Zora muttered under his breath as he wiped the sweat that had formed on his face.

Thankfully, he was in the back of the class, so nobody in the class had seen his weird behavior.

All of that had happened in less than a minute, but that brief moment provided Zora with significant insight.

'For one... it seems I did awaken,' he thought to himself. He felt that he could now easily invade the minds of his classmates with but a thought.

It was the same telepathic ability as Professor Charles Xavier. However, this wasn't Zora's actual ability.

The instant he awakened this telepathy, he understood what his true power was. It was as if information that had been hidden from his mind had finally surfaced.

His ability could be referred to as Power Mimicry. This ability enables him to copy the powers of other mutants through three distinct activation methods: physical contact, proximity, and visual observation. When he physically touches another mutant, is within a certain radius, or witnesses the power in action, he can permanently acquire the ability. Not only that, he can also store an infinite number of powers, as well as instantly master each one to the level of their previous owner.

It was an extremely powerful ability, the magnitude of it not even registering completely yet, as Zora was currently pre-occupied with thinking about what to do next.

What he did just now was subconsciously copy the abilities of Professor Charles Xavier. Thankfully, it seems he shouldn't notice since the copying is undetectable.

'It seems Charles detected my awakening through Cerebro...,' Zora concluded. In all honesty, he had forgotten about that, since it had been a while since he saw anything X-men related. Not to mention, he wasn't sure if he even had an ability, up until now.

Still, he had been careless.

Zora could sense with his new power the presence of the X-Men in their jet hovering above the school. He could also bet that Magneto was likely making his way over here as well.

The fact that Charles had come in person meant his ability reading on Cerebro must have been high.

It seems he was going to have to change his plans.

korazon003 korazon003

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