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40% Marvel knowledge in DC / Chapter 8: 7. operation commence

Chapter 8: 7. operation commence

Right after Franklin gave the mental que to go, they waited for fifteen minutes before starting following them, just to be safe, Jared's entourage kept going at low speeds, monitoring all those around them.

it was a beautiful stary night , plus the atmosphere around Eden's was always clear and clean their was no waste no garbage , the shores were filled with marine life , both normal and magical, that's what confused the Atlantians to them all surface dwellers were evil, always corrupting and throwing waste in the oceans they live in , but not Eden ,the semi continent sized island was always fascinating to the people of the sea, their pictures showing beautiful fauna all over the country, civilization and nature meeting and converging , never clashing, it was a beautiful sight to see , plus the ability of the island inhabitants in magic was astonishing, magic and technology also converged into one again puzzling the ocean dwellers, plus their precious metals supply was seemingly endless, they were called vibranium, nth metal , adamantium, and more , but those 3 were more abundant and important, specifically vibranium, noted for its extraordinary abilities to absorb, store, and release large amounts of kinetic energy,plus its been proven it weighs one third the weight of steel . they were coming tonight with young prince orm, he was always obsessed with Eden superiority over Atlantis, and he wishes for nothing more than to destroy this entire country and its people, he have been warned multiple times by his parents and elder brother not to antagonize Eden, but he finally found Eden's downfall, apparently the youngest brother of the king wishes to take over the country, classic, though he managed to use it to his advantage, weapons, vehicles, medicine all that he managed to bargain with for some discretion about their involvement of outside world trading with weapons, slaves , drugs, he truly detested them, plus all he had to pay for with previous merchandise was gold and jewelry, he had no use for the yellow metal, as for jewelry, he preferred Pearls the fruit of the sea ,so he was okay with giving the required amount of gold, all for the rise of Atlantis above all land dwellers.

prince orm musings were stopped by the approaching levitating vehicle, equipped with the latest of weaponry prince orhm have ever witnessed, he wanted all this for Atlantis and more , their vehicles were laced with what they call nth metal, highly resistant to gravity, that's why they fly so easily and so fast plus the aerodynamics of the design helps alot too , this vehicle looked like nothing mankind could ever reach for another 500 years, he gritted his teeth, he had welcome those abhorrent surface dwellers with royal courtesy, they were also royals , traitors , but royals nonetheless, same as him , he snorted, " welcome prince Charles, prince Jared, it's a pleasure to see you again, I guess you brought what we talked about?" prince orm asked friendly, quickly hiding the malice within his heart.

" offcourse, we did , did you bring the pay we agreed upon previously?" asked Charles quickly, trying to be done with his transaction, not wanting to stay near the fish people, he always disdained them, and thought of them that they should be slaves to Eden as so the rest of the world.

" yes , as agreed upon, a ship filled with Spanish gold, three chests filled with rubies, sapphires, diamonds and other precious stones, so do you have the required amount of viberinum we agreed upon " said prince orm after making one his ships rise to the surface and show both father and son their payment, their were an entire hill of gold, perhaps 100 ton of gold in coins , statues and other artifacts, plus opening the three largest chests, showing the precious gems , needles to say the father son duo's eyes gleamed over the fortune, until they heard about viberinum, their mood turned sour, 10 tons of viberinum was no small amount, if someone looked up really close they could be found luckily they managed to collect the amount over long amount of time, it took them 2 years, 2 freaking years, even if they were royals, the screening of the use of viberinum was very strict, because of its importance and significance , that why the half fish pounce asked for 10 tons of it .

Prince Jared motioned to his guards and from their pouched enchanted with various charms especially space charms to enlarge the space inside of it and using magic started levitating several cube of viberinum each weighing a ton, orm eyes were glowing at that moment, at last the fabled ore is within Atlantis's grasp unbeknownst of them they were been watched this whole time by the entire army , royal knights and naval forces.

On the side of the cliff, laid the troops secretly amassed by the king to apprehend the scheming traitors waiting for the orders to strike, when they saw the chief guard extract viberinum from his pouch all people gritted their teeth, and before the transaction could be done, the king gave them the order and they swiftly moved and stealthily taken out all traitors silently guard after guard fell while those in question had no ideas of it happening, luckily Charles only brought those loyal to him , to the side Jared was caressing something along the the line well hidden beneath his robes, he felt it call for him to escape, it never disappointed him, so he secretly his magic to port him back to the castle not knowing what happened next after he left.

after Jared sneakily ported his father took notice of his absence, something was wrong, he felt it ,and then he saw from the cliff side their troops were down to half what they were previously, " it's a trap" all people present were alerted by his shout , they wanted to ready their weapons , but they didn't have the chance , immediately came spells blasting and energy blasts raining down on them , " call for backup " immediately orm screamed to his troops " sir, our backup is not responding" immediately after the soldier told him his face darkened, he went he was doomed, and so like a cornered dog they started to battle desperately, prince orm was met with jason , who without warning casted " stupify" spell he feel on the ship unmoving, " you should be thankful you were a royalty of Atlantis otherwise you would be dead " jason said not bothering with the incapacitated prince and move to take down the rest of the atlanteans , harold dueled with his brother and swiftly defeated him, Charles was scared seeing the man here and never thought his scheming would come to light, he was executed by a swift cutting spell which came flying after his shields were shattered, until the end his eyes were still open unable to take the fact that this was his end , the traitors of Eden were all executed on the spot after were checked for imperious charm which was placed on two thirds of them, as for the atlantians were all arrested some who resisted were killed, 20 atlantians came to Eden alive only 5 were leaving out of this alive plus the prince offcourse, " count them all check for if their is someone missing" ordered harold still looking at the lifeless eyes of his brother with some sadness, "have anyone seen Jared? he should be here " after looking for his body not finding it Franklin's parents had a since of dread in their hearts .

Back at the palace

when Jared arrived to the palace via a port key he especially made for urgent situations and incase of emergency, he went to a butler and asked of the royal family whereabouts, when the the butler told they went out he immediately knew their schemes were blown and their lies been found out , he immediately asked who remained in the palace and was told it was only Franklin here , he had a huge grin, he was gonna kill the source of his blight, ever since the kid been born his plans were mostly foiled or he hadn't an accident or was blown out but luckily were never traced to him he was carefully cutting loose ends , today he will kill the boy and make HAROLDVII's line feel agony beyond compare, he shall kill Michael's son, he immediately let his rage control hit the butler with a curse killing him on the spot and got rid of the body to bring suspicion and to end the line of evidence leading to him, he went to Frank's quarters silently with malice filled eyes .

Franklin Richards was sitting in his room trying to occupy his mind from Atlantis matter and its precautions, when he felt through his telepathic abilities the presence of one of the castle residents disappear , he checked all personal one by one and found the missing butler to sebastian and old butler working for his grandfather, no matter where he looked he couldn't find him, until the silent alarms he put to his quarters and connected to his bracelet came alive he immediately went to the window opened it only to see his locked door be blasted and Jared coming right through the door did he connected the door and found out what happened, he swiftly propelled him self with his telepathic abilities and flew to the skies, the fucker has came for his blood and had survive, " cant we like , I don't know , solve this peacefully " he quickly maneuvered out of the way of the bombardment of spells and went straight to the roof only to see Jared wearing a demon looking mask , after that he started flying and following behind him, ' its gotta some dark magic ' he thought, the bombardment continued and Franklin kept cursing in his head, he was flying the fastest he could, how could Jared follow up with him , it made no since , the guy knew some magic and that was it , he was decent but not a genius, there gotta with weird mask he is wearing, I gotta take it of somehow, then he used psionic powers to the maximum and surrounded Jared by a cocoon of red psychic power and started tearing the mask off his face all while flying and dodging, after Jared saw what Franklin trying to do he struggled but he couldn't and inch he couldn't move a finger psychic powers holding him tearing the the demon mask off his face , I can see surprise, confusion, shock,disgust , fear , anger rolling over him , I used my power to remove the inhibitor off his head and bring close to my hands when I put them on his head started reading his mind, it brought to his magic school year and a certain professor, felix faust,damnit of all people my family bring to teach magic to people they bring that maniac , he gave some weird demon mask to jared to research but Jared possessed, he fought for long but apparently the devil gained dominance over his sanity, and he has been doing his bidding for the last 7 years, that's not the terrifying matter , faust had other item given to alot of students over his teaching career which lasted 2 years until he delved to deep and was thrown out ,they should have killed the fucker , when I wasn't paying attention the mask came flying and latched into my face, it started showing me pictures but without a moment hesitation I tear it off and threw it ,then it flew again this time toward Jared, it connected to his face, he tried break free but the mask won't let go , without amount of hesitation I beckoned to the mask and it tore off went flying toward me I created a psionic construct similar to a sword and struck the mask swiftly and it shattered.


A lowd sound was heard and a wraith went out of the mask startling Frank and then Jared went unconscious on the floor, and left Franklin panting from the use of his powers " fuck" was all he said before he slumped down too, afew minutes the remaining guards came over , ten minutes later the king and Franklin's parents came over to find out passed from exhaustion, they left him asleep and went to interrogate Jared, when Jared woke, he was like anew person,he immediately confessed to everything he had done and and told them all the shameful things he had done under the control of the demon mask , at first they didn't believe him and who would? but later Franklin shared his memories of the entire event plus , all magical items given by faust were tracked down and confiscated , alot of them were brought in, mostly connected to mind control, the others were connected to demons one way or another so they were destroyed by Jason and Frank pleaded to declare Faust enemy to the nation, so that would start a man hunt for the wicked man.

even though I pleaded my parents for Jared the man question refused, he wanted to spend so years in prison trying to atone for what he have done , as for Willis he became timid, fearful even and the looks he was getting from the servants and the palace residents didn't help , being related to traitors he became an object to vent their anger, until I stepped in he began to live in my chambers , what can I say , I felt bad for the kid , after that he adjusted his attitude, and one night:

" Franky , I want you to tell know all about that night , I want to hear it from you " I was surprised by the request, " what can I tell you will ? it was a hell of night, but that wasn't your dad I hope you realize that, that was the demon or whatever was in that thing, controlling him , poisoning his mind , corrupting him " " how did managed reject him " he shot back with determined mind " I had alot of lessons in mind arts , so I managed to push him back and never let him control, listen will there is a demon in control of every city on earth all over the world except for Eden, we stayed strong, sticking together, they nearly managed to make a domain here but they failed miserably to, they will continue to work on coming back trying to control our land but once the population is aware of their dangers, they will fight and fight hard against them, and one day will cleanse the entire planet from their existence , they fear our country because our magic runs strong and we have some of the best exorcist in the world living here , so they are all afraid but also they want control our country " he then asked " whose the greatest exorcist here" ' oh I know where this is going ' " our own uncle, Jason Richards " right then and there I saw a spark light it self in his eyes and that would be the start of what was known master student strongest demon slayers known to the world, even more powerful than John Constantine.

author NOTE: hey there guys , this is moh999, I would like to thank all who rated my humble first novel of mine and to apologize to the rest if it's not up to their liking, the mc arrival will change many fundamental events in dc my version of it will be far more gruesome, to some my Mc may seem some self righteous guy , but he is a normal guy with sanity, I don't manage will with mcs who at their death hood and benevolent, and once they reincarnated they turn to a beast who won't even spare children, to me that's not mc reincarnated by a god but a demon lord , as for his love life any girl he like he will get , but he won't turn to a mindless horn dog(mineeta from BNHA),but note to readers he like cold girls suggest a girl with cold personality from justice league or dc universe in general and the most voted would win , thank you very


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