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10% Marvel knowledge in DC / Chapter 2: 2. 2 wishes

Chapter 2: 2. 2 wishes

The first word our mc said when he opened his eyes our chikas and boyos were the exact title of the previous chapter.

and so to answer the slightly afraid, mostly surprised and mildly awed by its sudden appearance in such a grandiose hall which had universes rotating right beneath their feet like they were standing on glass god declare :

" welcome to my halls my dear friend, I am god , THE GOD , the one and only , the one above all , creator of the multiverse and those who with in it , and you little human have been here by death itself, to be compensated, for your most untimely death , this man standing in chains behind you , is the culprit responsible for such unfortunate events, and so you were both brought before to decide your compensation and punishment, so we start with you issei hyuudo one of the many ROBs across the multiverse which unfortunately I allowed to infest the multiverse" .

" you cant this to me , am a high god " issei screamed .

"silence, I can and I will you grant him 3 wishes " god rebuked" I allowed you guys to run rampant all across the multiverse, but no more " then he turned to Franklin and explained what does he meant and how he died and what was meant to be his life , needles to say he was enraged because the this guy actions , to kill him ,only ,because of that , but he was relieved ,when he knew he would be compensated , so he like any sensible fan out there he started instantly compiling powers , bloodlines, etc ..

but god instantly shot him down , he wasn't going to grant him wishes he just wanted to send to any universe of his choosing, but befor he started to protest ," just because am not going you wishes, doesn't mean you won't get any " instantly Franklin heads jerked up " what do you mean ?" god " oh , you're getting wishes alright , but not from me , him " and pointing at the chained miserable ROB who shuddered at the mention of that , he felt cold sweet at his back and met both God's and the guy's menacing looks , oh he didn't like , he didn't like it one pit , and so Franklin started thinking of his wishes and then his eyes had a dangerous glint for a second when he looked at the ROB .

" 1. I want to be as smart as Tony, Howard stark, Reed Richards, Peter parker , vector von doom , Steven strange, hank Maccoy , Charles Xavier norman Osborn and otto octavius , and have all their memories and knowledge from birth till death"

needles both of them were flabbergasted , because where ever you would go , that amount of knowledge its g guaranteed to get you an easier time pushing that world's technology to the next level , so god interfered in this

" how about this , he give the knowledge, the entire knowledge of one out of each of them and it starts at the age of 10 after 3 years you get another's knowledge also and after 3 years , another and so on , that way you won't overload your brain and will assimilate the knowledge safely "

" ok put add hank pym knowledge as well"

"alright "

the ROB then grumbled and asked for the second wish .

" my second wish is to have the powers of the strongest versions of Franklin Richards, x man ( Nate grey ) , Tyler magnus "

and at that moment all the people in the room were flabbergasted, ROB thoughts were that this human again had asked for crazy stuff like reality manipulation and warping plus crazy levels of psionic powers , in short he was going to be a living god , and he wouldn't need to left a finger to lay down to his enemies.

again god interfered to slow our crazy mc .

" we cant unleash your entire power to the world from the beginning you will lose control and end destroying the whole planet and even if could get a hold over your prowess, it will tip the scale to much , but how about this , you chose from the powers you have the powers from you would like to unlock first and train like astral projection, telepathy, telekinesis etc , but the reality manipulation powers will be locked till the age of 30, how about that , and I will add a system which will help you train and master your powers "

Frank went silent for a moment before agreeing this held nothing but benefit for him .all that power was dangerous and he knew it ,

Tyler Magnus is an Omega Level Mutant with control over probability, magic, and even reality itself. His quasi-mystical powers revealed a higher potential, i.e.. capable of prevailing against the mastered mystical ones of Dormammu in his own Dark Dimension while possessing Avalon's Evil Eye power-object, by indirectly disrupting the energies of Dormammu and the Eye, thereby defeating him.

Reality Warping: Like his mother, Scarlet Witch, Tyler has the mutant ability to manipulate and warp reality at will, which allows his to access different kind of abilities such as: flight, probability manipulation, telekinesis, telepathy, mental manipulation, teleportation, magical spells, willpower construct, etc...

Probability Manipulation: Due to inheriting his powers from his mother, the Scarlet Witch, Tyler has inherited the ability to harness and manipulate the forces of probability at will. This allows him to perform psionic feats that sway the odds in his favor as well as telepathically view all the possible outcomes of a situation and alter reality by projecting his thoughts.

Luck Energy Manipulation: Tyler has the power to manipulate luck by manifesting an energy that can make an unlikely event either positive or negative to happen. He can shift the energies to accomplish different effects due to its concentration; thus, the energy may be pre-existing. The lack of energy may make structures crumble while an abundance of energy can increase the efficiency of the object.

Energy Blasts: Tyler can project incredibly powerful blasts, orbs, waves and beams of quasi mystical-based energy. This can destroy or hit objects or people with a great force.

Telekinesis: Tyler has been shown to psionically levitate, propel and manipulate matter and objects with the energy of his thoughts. He can also use his telekinesis to fly at incredible speeds.

Power Warping: Tyler is able to manipulate superpowers, and/or unique talents at an incredibly high degree.

Flight: Tyler has the ability to engage in self-propelled flight at incredible speeds.

Teleportation: Tyler has portrayed the ability to teleport himself and others over long distances. He can also travel to and open portal and/or gates accessing other worlds, places and dimensions

Magic: Magneto revealed that Tyler had immensely powerful magical abilities along with his known mutant ability of probability manipulation. He stated that he inherited these abilities from his mother, the Scarlet Witch. Tyler seemed to have little control of his incredibly strong magical abilities, since he unintentionally used them to bend time and space to summon dinosaurs to the Savage Land.

Willpower-Based Construct: He create strong energy constructs like energy-based weapons: swords, force-fields, blades, punches, etc..

X-Man was one of the most powerful mutants to exist and one of the most powerful beings in the universe. One of the many impressive moments that displayed Nate's powers was when he easily defeated Exodus, a mutant with vast psionic powers who managed to defeat the combined efforts of the X-Men and Avengers in combat. This easy defeat left Exodus feeling humiliated, especially considering that he was centuries old while Nate was only around 16 years old (he confirmed himself to be physically 17). He had psionic powers beyond those of any other mutant in the world, and was easily among one of the most powerful mutants in general. As he grew, he possessed enough power that he could destroy entire worlds if he wished. His power was such that upon examination by Moira MacTaggert, she suggested his psionic powers rivaled that of a Phoenix Force-imbued Jean Grey even at such a young age. In another instance, he was measured as having a psionic energy output matching that of the Dark Phoenix itself and since that moment his powers and control have grown much.

Nate was created to be the most powerful mutant on Earth and the most powerful psionic imaginable. He was classified as an Omega Level Mutant, a psi of the first order, an Alpha-Psi, and an Omega Level Threat. He was described as the most powerful and the most dangerous being on the planet, the ultimate mutant, the most powerful psionic in any reality, as near-omnipotent, and as a living god.

As he grew, he possessed enough power that he could destroy entire worlds if he wished. Even a small trace of his powers led to almost instantaneous overload of Omega and Mimic. His power is such that upon examination by Moira MacTaggert, she suggested that his psionic powers rivaled that of a Phoenix Force-imbued Jean Grey, even though at that time, he just started to learn how to use his powers. It was also stated that he can fight on par with the Sentry.[39] Nate even stated that he and Sentry fought Galactus.

Psionic Energy Absorption: He was capable to absorb psionic energy from other living beings

or psi-attacks, and use it to amplify himself. He was able to almost instantly siphon psionic energy of a few dozens psychics without any effort, that deprived them all unconsciousness and left on the brink of death.

Psionic Armor: He was able to form the psi-armor around himself, that greatly increases his strength and durability. While armored, he was able to counter the Holocaust's strength, push the Hulk miles away with just one punch, and withstand the grip strength of Thanos. He also was able to form psionic armor around other people.

Psionic Energy Materialization: He was able to create perfect replicas of normal matter by reifying the psionic energy. He created a psionic construct of the arm for Jam, that looked, felt and worked as a real arm; a copy was so perfect that even a professional doctor could not determine that it wasn't real. These psionic constructs are independent from Nate and continued to exist even without any support from him, they cease to exist only if Nate decides so.

Astral Plane Tap: Ability to tap into the virtually-unlimited psychic resources of the astral plane in order to manipulate matter and energy (even down to the molecular level) and up to a potentially-unlimited scale.

Telepathy: He possessed telepathy of the first order and was unmatched by any other telepath. His telepathy proved great enough in power and scope as to allow him to read thoughts across vast distances, and even interface with multiple minds, simultaneously. His telepathy was so great that, even while inexperienced and weakened, his powers enabled him to easily block and even overcome telepaths such as Charles Xavier. He was even able to hide his mind from Cerebro, which is impossible for even the strongest mutants to accomplish.

Intuitive Multilingual: Capable of intuitively translating new languages.

Astral Travel: Capable of forging psi-links to travel around in astral form.

Material Astral Projection: Give substance to astral energy to solidify psychic forms or forge protective psi-armor and even pull the astral projections of other telepaths into the physical world, such as Charles Xavier.

Psychometry: Can read the residual thought imprints left on objects touched by people.

Dimensional Sense: Capable of sensing dimensional rifts or anomalies.

Telekinesis: Telekinetically, Nate was capable of very fine control over objects down to the molecular level. He could telekinetically move the chemicals in someone's brain around, he could disassemble complex devices very quickly (separating every last component, such as screws, nuts, circuit boards, etc.), and just as quickly and easily assemble complex devices. This also enabled him to even attain awareness and control over objects as small as individual electrons in an atom. For instance, Nate could detect if a seal was hermetic or not, by checking for the presence of penetrating oxygen molecules. He could even detect and discern individual oxygen molecules, and determine the atomic weight of molecules, by the amount of atoms present. On larger levels, Nate could levitate great weights, but his upper limit remained undisclosed. He was able to crush the entire city of Quito in Ecuador, in just a few moments, in his sleep. He was able to psionically isolate the entire planet's gravitational pull. His telekinesis also allowed him to redirect security lasers around his body and get past even the best security system.

Concussive Blasts: Could project his telekinetic energies as powerful blasts directed from his brains that could apparently affect matter with concussive force. His telekinetic blasts were possibly the strongest on earth, strong enough to punch through solid steel.

Flight: By telekinetically levitating himself, he was able to fly at amazing speeds.

Force Fields: Nate was able to create protective force shields that could deflect even the most powerful of attacks. There did not appear to be any correlation between field strength and the thickness of his telekinetic fields.

Intangibility: Could phase through solid matter by mentally shifting his molecules around another object's as he moves forward.

Telekinetic Holograms: His mental fine motor skills were so acute that he could mentally manipulate dust particles and water vapor to refract lightwaves and create holograms.

Electromagnetic Pulses: He also had creative uses of his powers, such as using his telekinesis to channel the Earth's magnetic field through the electro-current of his brain and generate devastating electromagnetic pulses.

Dimensional Teleportation: X-Man even learned that he could use his telekinesis to transport himself to any location and even into other dimensions by mentally bending the dimensional barriers that separate one reality from another.

Precognition: Since his return, X-Man gained a number of new powers. One of which was precognition, which he possibly used to concoct his plan against Norman Osborne. X-Man's precognition works by displacing himself into a timestream that shows every version of every future. X-Man claims he has over 300 ways to see the future. X-Man's precognition can also be considered time manipulation because he enters a different timestream.

Psionic Evolution: After becoming one with the Earth, X-Man has ascended to a higher state of existence. Because of this, he can exist as pure energy and is no longer restricted by the boundaries of the physical world.

Physical Reconstitution: After his apparent death against the Anti-man, X-Man has learned to rebuild his body by absorbing psionic energy. He used this power to regain his physical form after becoming one with the Earth.

Physical Possession: Along with learning to rebuild his physical form, X-Man's hightened state of existence has allowed him to convert his body into pure psychic energy and possess people. He used this power to possess Norman Osborne. While possessing someone, he can also explore their mind from the inside. It is possible that if he possesses a mutant, he can use their powers along with his own

Franklin Richards is a mutant with vast, psionic powers. When Franklin achieves conscious use of his full powers, he will have vast, telepathic powers, tremendous telekinetic powers, the ability to fire enormously-powerful energy blasts, and the ability to rearrange the molecular structure of matter and energy, even up to a cosmic scale. His powers are so great that he has been compared to the Celestials (Said to be even greater than them.), rather than other mutants. In terms of unrealized potential, Franklin was generally considered for years to be one of the most powerful mutants in the Marvel Universe, greatly surpassing even mutants such as Charles Xavier and Magneto easily.

Reality Manipulation: He has the ability to manipulate reality itself. Nigh omnipotent reality warping powers on a near infinite level. His abilities are so great that even at such a young age he can create "pocket" universes in alternate realities (A pocket universe is a cosmos that does not equal our own in size.).

Molecular Manipulation: He can rearrange the molecular structure of matter and energy, even up to a cosmic scale.

Telepathy: He can read minds and project his own thoughts into the minds of others on unlimited radius. His notable abilities include:

Telepathic Illusion: He can create realistic, telepathic illusions and cause people to experience events which are not actually occurring.

Telepathic Cloak: Can mask his presence from being detected by others. He can extend these defenses to others around him as well.

Mind Link: Ability to develop a mental link with any person which remains as a connection to that individual.

Telepathic Camouflage: Ability to mask himself, and other peoples' presence from those around him. Can telepathically disguise himself, making his appearance to those around him quite different (Changing the appearance of clothing, as well as more detailed disguising.).

Mind Control: Ability to control the minds of others just by trying.

Mind Possession: Ability to possess the mind of another, and use that being's body as his own.

Mind Alteration: Ability to alter the minds of others by force of will.

Mental Amnesia: Ability to cause loss of particular memories, and amnesia in another person or even in a group of people.

Psionic Shield: Ability to erect a psychic shield for protection of himself and of others' minds.

Psionic Blasts: Can project psionic force bolts which have no physical effects but which can affect a victim's mind so as to cause the victim pain or unconsciousness and can even kill an adversary.

Astral Projection: Astral Travel and communication with others astrally through his own will, or through contact with the thoughts and memories of others. In the astral realm, he can use his powers to create "ectoplasmic" objects.

Mental Detection: Can sense the presence of other superhuman mutants within a small but as yet undefined radius of himself by perceiving the distinctive mental radiations emitted by such a being.

Mind Transferal: Able to transfer both his mind and powers into other host bodies should his own physical body be somehow killed.

Telekinesis: Possesses telekinetic abilities enabling him to levitate and manipulate living beings, inanimate objects, and to some extent energy psionically. He can "lift" as much as 10 tons of weight at such an undeveloped age and potentially an unlimited amount of weight and it can enable himself to "fly" at great speed.

Bio-Blasts: Ability to fire enormously powerful energy blasts which he generates from his body's extrasensory potential.

Precognitive Dreams: Franklin has precognitive abilities, which manifest themselves in his dreams, enabling him to envision possible future events. Although there are countless possible futures, Franklin foresees the most probable future path, and therefore his predictions usually come true. Franklin seemingly cannot foresee events more than roughly a few days in the future. Franklin's precognitive power developed to the point at which he could see images of future events when conscious.

Fundamental Forces Manipulation: Franklin has complete control of the four fundamental forces of the universe, reaching nearly any effect he desires. As a result, Franklin can absorb, manipulate and discharge energy of the entire electromagnetic spectrum with sufficient destructive force to destroy planets.

these powers when viewed like this will make everyone knew why Franklin chose them , what senju and uchiha , what saitama , even the strongest character in dragonball will pale in the face of these powers which contend with powers of gods also .

no , he chose them for a reason he doesn't want a harsh life and these powers will ensure him just that .

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