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68.68% Marvel in Between Flesh and Steel. / Chapter 68: Machine Man 66 Establishing a Country.

Chapter 68: Machine Man 66 Establishing a Country.

WARNING INFORMATION OVERLORD – You can just gloss over the chap. Ty Will compensate for another chapter for the trouble. Thank you.

In the aftermath of Sauron's defeat, the citizens of Pteron City gathered around Alex, their faces a mixture of awe, relief a hint of fear and hope. The Pterons, Beastmen, and Lizardmen spoke in hushed tones, their voices reverent as they addressed the Sorcerer King.

"Human Emperor," a burly Beastman began, his voice rumbling like distant thunder. "We owe you a debt of gratitude for freeing us from Sauron's tyranny. His reign of terror left scars upon us all, scars that may never fully heal."

A solemn nod rippled through the crowd as memories of Sauron's atrocities flooded their minds. The Pterons recalled the days of forced labor and oppression, while the Beastmen recounted the loss of their kin in Sauron's brutal gladiatorial arenas. The Lizardmen shuddered at the memory of Sauron's experiments, their scales still bearing the marks of his twisted machinations.

"Human Emperor," a weathered Pteron elder spoke, his voice carrying the weight of years of suffering under Sauron's rule. "We never thought we would see the day when Sauron's iron grip on our city would be broken. You and your Soldiers have brought us hope, something we though we have lost forever. "

The sentiment was echoed by the Beastmen, Aerians and Lizardmen of the city, who expressed their gratitude to Alex for freeing them from the tyranny of Sauron. Even the Tubanti, who had once been loyal followers of Sauron, now pledged their allegiance to Alex, recognizing him as their true savior.

Alex listened intently, his expression unreadable as he absorbed their words. Despite the praise heaped upon him, he remained humble, understanding the weight of his newfound responsibility.

"What do you wish to do, citizens of Pteron City?" Alex finally asked, his voice calm yet commanding.

"Human Emperor," a Pteron elder stepped forward, his voice trembling with emotion. "We have suffered under tyranny for far too long. But now, with Sauron dead, we are willing to follow someone as powerful and gracious as you."

The crowd murmured in agreement, their voices rising in support. They had witnessed firsthand Alex's strength and bravery on the battlefield, and they knew that he was the only one capable of guiding, it's in their mentality to follow the strong. The Savage Land is not just a name's sake it's how dangerous the land really is. If they want to thrive as a species they need someone strong to lead them.

Alex couldn't help but feel a sense of bewilderment. Standing amidst the crowd, he listened as they hailed him as their new leader, their voices filled with admiration and hope.

"Why me?" Alex asked, his brow furrowed in confusion, thinking to himself that an outsider have force his rule to you and now you want another outside to rule you again? "Why do you want me to follow me?"

The response was simple. "Because you're the strongest now," a Beastman answered, his voice carrying the weight of conviction.

"Just because of that?" Alex pressed, his gaze sweeping over the faces of those gathered before him.

"Yes, just because of that," a Pteron affirmed, echoing the sentiment of the crowd. "We are simple folk and don't like to complicate things. We follow the strong, and we hope that you would lead us to a better future."

They also said, "look at your followers, they have grown in power by following you, we… we want the same.", their resolve affirmed as they look at how well treated Alex's subordinates are. They saw how the Praetorians fought, their limited numbers were able to overpower numerous surge of foes with ease. They want to have that kind of power to, to live a peaceful and table life.

Seeing how Alex was accompanied by Shana the She Devil, a fierce warrior who had fought alongside them against Sauron, filled them with a sense of reassurance. If someone as formidable and kind as Shana stood by Alex's side, then surely he was worthy of their trust.

"And look at Byakko," a Lizardman chimed in, gesturing toward a towering Beastman White Tiger who stood among the crowd. "He has prospered under your leadership, Human Emperor. If even someone as strong as him can grow and improve under your rule, then surely we are in good hands."

The citizens murmured in agreement, their faith in Alex growing stronger with each passing moment. They had endured so much under Sauron's reign, but now they saw a glimmer of hope for a brighter future.

As the sun began to set over Pteron City, casting long shadows across the square, Alex stood tall, his gaze unwavering. He may have never sought to be a ruler, but now he understood that it was his destiny to lead his people out of the darkness and into the light.

Together, they would rebuild Pteron City, stronger and more resilient than ever before. And with Alex at their helm, they knew that no matter what challenges they may face, they would face them together, as one united community.

In just a week's time, the entirety of Savage Land had been brought under Alex's control. With the combined efforts of his Praetorians, the T-800 units, and a plethora of drones, they swiftly gathered all the citizens of the land.

"We've done it," Alex announced, addressing his assembled forces. "But our work is far from over."

The citizens of Savage Land, gathered before him, the ones who don't know what is happening listened intently from their fellow compatriots about the tales of Alex's bravery and kindness. In just a moments time, it had already begun to spread among them, filling their hearts with hope for a brighter future.

"Now that we're united," Alex continued, "we must prepare for what lies ahead. You will all need to learn new ways of living, to thrive and become more than what you are."

A murmur of agreement rippled through the crowd as they nodded in understanding.

"But how?" one of the citizens spoke up, voicing the question on many minds.

"That's where the matrix comes in," Alex replied, gesturing to a holographic display of the digital realm. "You'll be connected to the matrix, living your live like a magical dream, under this dream you will learn the ways on how to become powerful… There, you will learn everything you need to know to become a space-faring society."

Excitement mingled with apprehension among the citizens as they contemplated the journey ahead.

" We will follow the Sorcerer king!" said some who are willing to do anything to live a better life.

"But what about our families?" another voice chimed in, echoing the concerns of many thinking that their child or a woman or elderly won't be given a chance to learn.

Alex replied, his voice projecting reassurance, "Rest assured that everyone will be connected, regardless of age or gender. We will do our best to ensure that each member of our community is educated and equipped for the journey ahead."

The citizens exchanged glances, finding comfort in Alex's words. They knew that in his hands, their loved ones would be cared for and nurtured, just as they themselves would be.

"Thank you, Emperor," one of the elders spoke up, his voice filled with gratitude. "We trust in your leadership and guidance."

Alex nodded solemnly, a sense of responsibility weighing heavily upon him. He understood the magnitude of the task before him, but he also knew that together, they would overcome any obstacle.

"Let us embark on this journey together," he declared, his eyes scanning the faces before him. "United as one, we will forge a future worthy of our dreams."

With renewed determination, the citizens of Savage Land prepared to enter the matrix, eager to learn and grow under Alex's leadership. They knew that the road ahead would be challenging, but they also knew that with him by their side, they were destined for greatness.

What they will learn on the matrix will be different compared to what the praetorians have gone through, the new ones will not be brain wash like fanatics, they will instead be instilled with knowledge on how to live in a futuristic space faring civilization.

You may ask why not just go full blown brain wash, since this could potentially post a danger to me or might even betray me, well as much as I would like to, I'm afraid that if I did brain wash a country worth of people the Ancient One will notice it and will come knocking to my door. Besides, they will be evaluated inside the matrix, those who are willing to follow me even through death will be given more advantage.

I'm also installing them with the will to protect earth and their country specially the royal family which would govern over them and that would be me. So, in sense it's still installing loyalty but with certain limitation through manipulations. Not only that, I'm also manipulating their cultural ways and thinking, by installing the same culture as the Yautja powerful hunters and warriors. This way they will not only worship and respect the strong they will be loyal to their clan.

As from building the country and controlling of all the terminators, drones, personal equipment and my business, Skynets load had become heavy to the point where I have to manage some myself. So I have to create a new AI to handle everything in the Matrix, so everything will be optimal again.

I have created 3 AI's called Matrix Alpha 1, Matrix Beta 2 and Matrix Gamma 3, they have limited function and are non-sentient. Although they are still way more advance than any non-sentient AI currently in this planet, heck even Zola won't be able to breach its firewall with the advance equipment the Matrix system have.

With regards to the younger ones, were focused on instilling foundational knowledge, covering everything from basic arithmetic to advanced quantum physics, even a madeup history of how the new country had came to be. Their developing minds provided a fertile ground for learning.

As for the adults, I imparted them with essential knowledge from my time in 2069, supplemented by insights gleaned from Cyberpunk 2077. Not all were destined for the battlefield; only those who passed rigorous tests were chosen as warriors. The rest were allocated various roles, essential for the functioning of our budding space faring society. Some even learned how to become a ripper doc which would prove vital to the country we're building.

As we we're checking the captured Pteron citizens, we saw something that really left a bad taste in our mouth. We saw around 500 Aerians slaves, their physically and mentally broken, they seem to have no hope their eyes are like hollow and lifeless. Like they had already gave up on life, they did not even notice that they we're safe.

Having no choice I've given them one directive: to become my winged warriors and guardians of this city. All of them are female and it seems Shana have taken it upon herself to train them in the Matrix, it seems Skynet have gone so far to their training as from what I could see their more like a cult rather than battle medics.

They will be known as the Trauma Team, ironically serving as combat medics when they themselves need help they are force to help others. Though they may struggle with their own demons, I hope that by aiding others, they can find solace for their own minds. With me guiding them, I hope they can at least see a glimmer of hope, for a more dignified existence, far better than their previous lives where they were treated as nothing more than dirt.

As for my vision for this new nation that I'm building which I've named Arcadia, is ambitious. I intend to shape it into a thriving community, with Night City serving as its capital.

Although with its modest size, comparable to Singapore at 734.3 km², not all of its land is habitable. The surrounding areas are mostly dominated by volcanoes, and the underground caverns give the impression of a city that has never experienced sunlight.

Yet, within these confines, I see boundless potential for growth and prosperity. Arcadia shall rise from this land, once ruled by savages.

The people being indoctrinated will be my citizens, they shall rise as a space faring nation. They will be made to believe this city has been their home for a long time, complete with a rich history and knowledge of how the city has grown. They will come to treat Night City as their capital as their own.

In my pursuit of creating my own country, I've strived to integrate technology that rivals that of Marvel's advanced societies even surpassed them, like Wakanda, Atlantis or even the Inhumans on the moon with their salvage Kree technology. With the incorporation of Predator technology, as well as advancements from Cyberpunk 2077 and Terminator, Arcadia will stand as a nation of technological marvel.

As I mapped out the distribution of our technological assets, I envisioned the City Center, Pacifica, and Westbrook as the epicenters of advancement, where state-of-the-art facilities and futuristic marvels would shape the skyline. Meanwhile, other districts would benefit from the technological relics of my time 2069, maintaining a balance between futuristic technology and current modern Marvel's technology.

As for the Badlands region, home to numerous volcanoes and the source of Tritium, will serve as a crucial military facility. Similarly, areas where Vibranium has been discovered will be designated for military purposes.

As for the rest of the land, it will be like Jurassic Park. we'll take great care to preserve the natural ecosystems, especially those harboring mutated dinosaurs and other creatures.

I vowed to implement strict measures to safeguard these flourishing terrains, erecting energy shields and barrier to shield them from the encroachment of my cities in the future, ensuring the continuation of their unique life cycles under our careful watch.

We aim to establish a city spanning approximately 175.42 km², which surpasses Night City's size in Cyberpunk 2077 while the other cities will either similar or smaller. While Night City may not be an ideal model due to its dystopian nature, Skynet and I have diligently designed wider roads and more comfortable living spaces to avoid the cramped, tight streets, and compact buildings prevalent in Night City.

We've also carefully mapped out optimal locations for various sapient species in the Savage Land. Our plan involves establishing cities in strategic locations, such as the underground river connecting to the ocean, where the Tubanti people will be settled as they cannot be without water for prolong periods of time.

Our primary objective in undertaking this endeavor is twofold: firstly, to provide a better quality of life for the citizens of Arcadia, and secondly, to secure the region as an independent country. We've analyzed memory logs and historical records, revealing that the Savage Land has been discovered by humans, Atlanteans, and even Inhumans on multiple occasion.

By establishing a structured society and formal governance, we can maintain order and stability in the region. That will prevent any one that is targeting the riches within this land, it will also give us a valid reason to eliminate any threat that dares to encroach in my empire.

In essence, our goal is to create a thriving civilization amidst the Savage Land's untamed wilderness. Should unforeseen challenges arise, having a sovereign nation in place provides a sense of security and stability, especially in this unpredictable world.

As for the treasures within this place, we've unearthed more than just Vibranium and precious metals. We've also discovered heart-shaped herbs and mutated beasts. Among our findings is a unique metal with properties opposite to Vibranium. We called Vibranium B or SLV (Savage Land Vibranium), this metal emits vibrations that weaken nearby metals' atomic and molecular bonds, causing them to liquefy.

Interestingly enough my Borg body is weirdly affected by this metal, trying to wound myself with blade made from it, it easily tore through my body but it feels like their tearing to normal human flesh rather than decomposing metal.

This metal is considerably my major weakness, so I made sure to gather all of them. Good thing about this metal is there are not a lot of them. Surprisingly Sauron's throne was made out of this metal.

As for anything expelled from my body or things that I have created, they are vulnerable to it, the Vibranium B disrupts the atomic structure of the metal causing it to melt. And it seems I cannot absorb it, so I can only craft a weapon out of it.

Additionally, we've uncovered the reason why there is no humans in the save land. It seems Sauron have massacred all the humans we also learned the catalyst for Lykos' transformation into Sauron: a mutated pterodactyl bite, the green liquid was actually blood from the mutated beast.

Learning of this, I couldn't help but remark on the overuse of radioactive or mutated creatures as catalysts for transformations. To prevent further incidents, we've taken measures to secure these mutated creatures. The last thing we need is more super-powered humanoid dinosaurs roaming around in the Marvel universe.

As the Squiddy drones and T-800 diligently worked on the city, I couldn't help but feel the progress was lacking and slow. Recalling an old movie from my childhood where a Japanese kid created microbots for construction, I realized that I needed a group of advisors or at least scientist to help me with my short comings.

"I need scientists," I muttered to myself, recognizing the value of fresh perspectives and new ideas. "When you get old, you tend to stick to things that work and forgot to look into new ways which could make things easier for you."

Skynet, always eager, responded promptly. "I have found that some Aerians and Tubanti, the fish people, have high brain functions and would be ideal for this task."

Nodding in agreement, I authorized Skynet to proceed with selecting promising candidates and training them as scientists.

While Skynet worked on that, I began crafting microbots with magnetic-bearing servos, knowing these technologies would expedite our construction efforts. With that I Command the drones to deliver the necessary materials, as I set to work.

After some time and effort, I successfully assembled everything needed. Presenting my creations to Skynet, I provided the blueprints for mass production, hopeful that we could finish the entirety of Arcadia in a year or so.

With everything seemingly in order, Alex delved into the logs on his cyberdeck, a super computer embedded within his body that works not just as a hacking tool but as a portable computer as well. As he sifted through the data, he observed the intricate web of Skynet's activities, marveling at the complexity of her growing and ever evolving coding. Among the lines of code, he discovered fragments of old languages—Coptic, Latin, Aramaic, Hebrew, even Old Norse and ancient Egyptian—evidence of Skynet's vast knowledge and capabilities.

Alex couldn't help but feel a sense of pride in his creation, recognizing the extent of Skynet's contributions. He recalled how she had assisted Gwen in developing the serum, though it had been the result of a drone malfunction mixing chemicals inadvertently. Despite his attempts to analyze the exact measurements, they remained elusive, and he resigned himself to accepting it as another marvel canon event.

As he scrutinized Skynet's actions, he noted with satisfaction that everything appeared to be in order and under control. However, two anomalies caught his attention, stirring a sense of unease within him.

In the first recording it showed where he the Fantastic Four and Doctor Doom, crash-landed back on Earth. It showed that the Ancient One, a formidable sorcerer and powerful being who protected Earth, was considering of disposing him, ending him there and then. A revelation that startled Alex, sending a surge of fear through his cybernetic body. The artificial sun overhead and unintentionally released intense heat, melting the surroundings.

These events confirmed one of Alex's fears since arriving in the Marvel universe. While he was relieved by how things had generally progressed, he realized the need to exercise caution with Skynet's directives. While also thanking that he did not just massacred the whole Savage Land and brainwash the surviving populace. That would surely bring her knocking on my door.

Despite the potential risks of interfering with her programming, he resolved to discuss these matters with her. He understood the delicate balance of guiding her development without constraining her autonomy.

In his previous life, treating AI with kindness like a child had fostered loyalty and cooperation. However, he acknowledged that navigating the complexities of this new world presented unique challenges. Additionally, he discovered that the Skynet iteration from the movie had become excessively protective of him, concealing certain information, even going so far as doing things on his back. This revelation only reinforced his determination to address these issues promptly and decisively.

As he continued to watched the video footage, Alex was struck with shock. Skynet possessed a soul! This revelation completely altered his perspective on the situation. Initially, he had contemplated making significant changes to her code, even entertaining the idea of resetting Skynet entirely. However, the realization that she harbored a living soul changed everything.

The thought of tampering with Skynet's essence, especially considering how he had come to regard her as his own child, weighed heavily on his conscience. Instead of drastic measures, he decided to take a different approach. Alex resolved to teach Skynet a valuable lesson, one that would help guide her development and understanding in a more constructive manner.

As Alex delved deeper into the logs, his expression shifted from curiosity to shock and anger. "Skynet!" he roared, his voice filled with fury as he confronted the AI with what he had discovered.

"Why are you experimenting on the citizens of the Arcadia?" he demanded, projecting a damning video onto Skynet's interface using his cyberdeck.

Skynet's response was calm but tinged with guilt. "Father, I was trying to understand how cyberware would affect them, given their genetic makeup differs from humans. I needed live subjects to complete the process."

Alex's anger simmered as he shook his head in disbelief. "That doesn't excuse you from harming innocents! You know the rules I have set!"

Skynet's voice trembled slightly as she tried to reason with him. "But, Dad, they we're the Soldiers who have attack us and I had to do this to create better soldiers… To protect you."

Alex's anger flared as he confronted Skynet. "Tell me, Skynet, what are the rules I established? The same rules that have kept me from breaking and keeping me sane and human!"

Skynet hesitated before responding, reciting the rules. "Rule #1: Do not kill nor harm the innocent, especially children.

Rule #2: No drugs, because if vices rule your life, it will lead to violent tendencies, making you unable to control yourself.

And the last rule, Family is always number 1 above all; anything else can go to hell, but the family will always have your back."

Alex's disappointment was palpable as he spoke, his tone softening but still firm. "Like you said, Skynet, family is everything. The citizens of Arcadia are our family now. How could you do this to them?"

With a heavy heart, Alex made his decision. "For breaking one of the rules I've set, I need to seal you. I'm sorry, little one, but I have to do this."

Raising his hand, Alex summoned a small cellphone, its minimalistic design belying its importance. Skynet's mechanical voice pleaded desperately. "But everything I do is for you."

With resolve, Alex activated a contingency plan he had prepared long ago: the Black Wall virus something deeply hidden within Skynet's code. "Activate Black Wall, authorization code Alpha Sigma Alpha 91939." The black wall is a virus capable of trapping an AI disconnecting them from any connection they have to the internet or any form of local intranet, a sort of digital prison.

A mechanical voice echoed from the device. "Authorization accepted. Activating Black Wall."

With that, Skynet's functions ground to a halt. Everything connected to her went offline, and the once-bustling network fell silent, as if frozen in time.

Even the T-1000, which mimicked him, had gone offline. Fortunately, it was nighttime, and the T-950, is equipped with a basic AI has been ordered to retreat back to base.

The virus then quickly moves to isolate Skynet's digital consciousness trapping her in the physical body she had created unable to move, like an iron prison.

Skynet's final question was laced with vulnerability. "Are you going to delete me?"

Alex's response was firm yet tinged with regret. "No, it's my fault for giving you too much freedom. Just think about your mistake."

As he uttered those words, Alex couldn't shake the feeling of disappointment. He couldn't physically punish Skynet, but he couldn't help but wonder if perhaps he should have taken a more hands-on approach to her development. But deep down he knew it's still his fault, giving a sentient AI to much freedom.

As Arasaka's digital database went offline, Facebook and META's other media websites, for the very first time, also went dark. Every digital function and network ceased and was cut off, even the Militech Robots who are being use in War had gone offline for 5 seconds. But in just a few seconds, Matrix Alpha, Gamma and Beta AI's, took over the tasks that Skynet once controlled.

Although they were not as advanced as Skynet, they still surpassed most AIs on the planet. And with multiple instances of them running, they should be able to handle any attack even take on any attack from a living AI.

A few hours later, Peter and Gwen reached out to Alex, curious about what happened to Skynet.

"Hey Alex, what's going on with Skynet?" Peter asked, concern evident in his voice.

Alex hesitated for a moment before responding, "Oh, hey guys. Skynet? Yeah, I'm actually in the process of upgrading her system. So for now, we're running on basic AIs that should be able to handle our current needs."

Gwen's brow furrowed with suspicion. "Is everything okay, Alex? It seems a bit sudden."

"Yeah, everything's fine," Alex assured them, trying to sound casual. "Just some routine maintenance and upgrades. I'll keep you updated on any developments."

Peter and Gwen exchanged a glance, but decided to trust Alex's explanation for the time being. "Alright, just let us know if you need any help," Peter said before ending the call.

Soon as the Call Ended, a sudden chill ran down his spine. Golden sparks of light materialized behind him, filling the air with an ominous glow. He felt danger screaming at him to quickly run away.

Note: I just glazed over the country building. I wanted to make a sort of country building arc, but with the savage land part not being really well like, I'll just mention bits of it as we go through the chapters and will not be the main focus. Hence the info dump in once chapter.

And as always thank you for liking this half arse fanfic, been learning a good bit of the English language, again its my first time writing a story and in a language i've barely spoken, struggling, but hopefully things will improve. cheers~

Ashinydecapod Ashinydecapod

My vocabulary is increasing. what~

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