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70.83% Marvel : Eternal Blazing Sun / Chapter 51: Tyre

Chapter 51: Tyre

Tyre. It was a magnificent city built on the Mediterranean coast. It was a city with narrow streets and massive bridges. Towers dominated the centre, surrounded by thousands of residences. At the top of each of the towers was a blazing sun emblem, attesting to its faith.

Tyre was well-known for its vibrancy. It was always buzzing with noise and music, regardless of the time of day or night. It also had the vitality of life and the resolution of twilight. It was a contradictory city, but that was what made it oddly beautiful.

It wasn't always so prosperous. It was nothing more than a shanty settlement when it was founded, led by Aegor, who was created from the hands of the Eternal Blazing Sun himself. And things didn't get any better until the Angel of the Eternal Blazing Sun arrived and gave them a choice of faith.

Aegor accepted it, remembering his origins, and everyone followed him, for they trusted their leader.

Through the angel, Anastasia, they received the blessing and gift of the Eternal Blazing Sun. She was the Angel of Judgement, strict and stern, upholding her lord's will and order. And she expected and demanded the same of the believers, instructing, 'Nothing comes without a price.'

Their settlement quickly became a city under her guidance and the blessings of the Eternal Blazing Sun; towers rose, temples were built, and houses were constructed.

She also gave them knowledge, imparting it herself. Though she was strict and strung out, she also had a soft side that many witnessed during her guidance. She will do her best to satisfy their insatiable curiosity and will sometimes go out of her way to personally teach them.

As a result, she earned the moniker "the Sage."

Anastasia's knowledge even drew the attention of the Goddess of Wisdom herself, who praised Anastasia in the council of the gods. After receiving Apollo's permission, she also spread that knowledge throughout the Western world. And she didn't forget to give Anastasia credit.

As an outcome, the name and title "the Sage" spread throughout the Western world from the burgeoning city of Tyre.

And, as Phoebus Apollo put it, she truly became the Sage of humanity, her name and title forever etched in the annals of history.

Despite her growing fame, Anastasia remained focused on carrying out her lord's order in the burgeoning city, paying little attention to the outside world.

Under her guidance and power, the city rose to greatness, and every citizen converted to the religion of the Eternal Blazing Sun, wholeheartedly believing in him. Some even constructed temples for Anastasia and consecrated her. But she turned a blind eye to it, as she knew this was inevitable.

The presence of the city was marked and known to other rising city-states of the Western World by the gods. And their unrivalled rate of development was only surpassed by Trier, earning them the moniker "Second Trier."

The citizens were honoured to be compared to the holy City of the Sun, and their leader, Aegor, decided to name his city Tyre in honour of the sun.

As her time in the city was running out, Anastasia carried out her lord's final command, naming Aegor as king. It was her choice, as well as the people's, since Aegor had already proven himself to them on countless occasions. In the hearts of the people, there was no more suitable king than Aegor. Thus, the crowing ceremony began jubilantly.

In the presence of Man and God, Anastasia bestowed the traditional golden laurel crown on Aegor, crowning him as King of Tyre.

She also officiated his wedding to Telephassa, a beautiful woman created by the divine hands of Aphrodite herself. And Telephassa was already expecting twins. They requested her to name their children, and she did, naming them.

Cadmus and Europa.

Anastasia then flew over Tyr to see her work of art one last time before returning to the divine kingdom of the Eternal Blazing Sun, having completed her duty in Tyre.


The shimmer and glimmer of the sun washed through the colossal pillars of the temple of the sun, attesting to its otherworldly ethereality.

Aegor paced back and forth in front of the golden door, while his wife, Telephassa, worriedly swaddled her two children in golden cloth.

"What caused you such worry?" Telephassa calmed, sensing his tension. "The sun is always with us."

Aegor smiled, but his dismayed expression betrayed him.

Telephassa held her children in her hands and rocked them. They shifted in their arms uncomfortably, as if affected by the tension in the air.

"Look." She showed him their children. "You are also affecting them. They can sense your feelings."

Aegor sighed and strode towards her. And he took Europa in his hands, gently swaddling her.

"I'm sorry," he apologized. "You know, Telephassa, I never liked waiting."

"I know." Telephassa smiled broadly. "Everything will be totally fine."

"Will it be?" Aegor whispered under his breath, then he looked at his wife. "What do you think of the gift?"

"What is it to think about?" Telephassa said. "It is obviously a gift to us, mankind. I was truly surprised when the divine oracle came down…."

She went on and on, but Aegor was staring at the ceiling, his mind racing with terrible thoughts.

"I had a terrible feeling, Telephassa." He drew her attention with his whisper. "Something catastrophic is on the horizon."

Telephassa frowned, her eyes snapping at him. "Don't tell me you mean the gift?"

Aegor continued to stare at the ceiling in sunken silence.

Telephassa's heart sank. "No, you could be wrong."

"Lycaon." Aegor uttered. "He blasphemed the King of Gods."

"And the vile creature paid for it. The King of Gods even generously resurrected the fallen child," Telephassa said quickly. "That was the end of the story."

"What if it's not?" Aegor said. "Remember the cataclysmic lightning that shook the entire sky,"

He looked her in the eye. "Telephassa, I was created by God's hands and under his power. He also has domain over prophecy. That's why... "

"That's why we should believe in the sun." Telephassa cut in, her gaze hardening. "He gave us everything. He will undoubtedly guide us if a disaster is to pass. So, Aegor, let us wait for his revelation before we worry ourselves to death."

"Maybe you could just be wrong."

"I wish for it too." Aegor sighed, and they stood in front of the golden door, swaddling their children in the golfe rays.

After a few moments, the golden door opened, and a priestess emerged with a blissful smile, which washed away some of their concerns.

"Was there a revelation?" Telephassa inquired immediately.

"Yes." The priestess nodded. "The Sun had said that the Gods sent their gift to the world through the hands of a divine woman created by the Sun himself...."

Telephassa sighed. Her heavy heart settled down. "You see, husband, you were worrying unnecessarily. The Sun himself sent the gift in the hands of his daughter."

However, Aegor ignored her and pressed. "Go on."

The priestess delivered the joyful news with a brilliant smile. "She is coming to our city bearing the gift."

For some reason, Aegor didn't feel any relief or happiness; only the ominous foreboding in his heart deepened.

Telephassa was over the moon. "Are you telling the truth?!"

"Yes, milady." The priestess gave a firm nod. "She will arrive in our city soon. I had already informed the other temples, and they were planning a welcome ceremony for her."

"It is the best." Telephassa agreed, her eyes welling up with joy. "Can you tell me her name?"

"Pandora. She is Pandora." The priestess responded.

"Pandora. All-Endowed." Telephassa murmured, "It is truly a befitting name for the daughter of the sun."

"Don't you agree, husband?" She poked her silent Aegor with an elbow.

"Yes." Aegor hummed silently.

"I can hardly wait to see her." Telephassa continued on her husband's behalf. "The crown will also be present at the ceremony."

The priestess nodded and watched them leave the temple.

Telephassa's smile faded as she exited the temple, dragging her silent husband to the shade of the tree. Then she whispered. "Why are you still despondent?"

"Nothing." Aegor shook his head and took a deep breath. "I was just thinking a lot."

Then he turned to face the warm, bright sun, which didn't hurt his eyes. "The Sun is with us."

He whispered to her, but it sounded to Telephassa like he was trying more to reassure himself than her.

"Aegor, the sun is always with us." Telephassa said it again as she took Europa, who was giggling . "Everything will be fine."

"I hope..." Aegor said.

"Come on, let's get the preparations started for the welcoming ceremony." Telephassa said, and they walked out of the shade, surrounded by guards, to the royal palace.

The sun shimmered, changing. It emitted a cruel and indifferent light, reflecting the world.


A few hours later.

The sky was at twilight, when the strength of day meets the softness of night. The city gradually came to life. The streets and bridges of Try were thronged with people, all of whom were filled with curiosity, excitement, and anticipation for the Daughter of the Sun, who carried the Gift of the Gods.

A witch in dark-green gown and a man in a lavish golden chiton walked through the raucous crowds, their eyes narrowing at the city gate.

"We're walking on thin ice, Ikaris," the witch said quietly, her green eyes glowing with pure magic.

"I will protect you, Sersi, even if the bigoted gods descend." Ikaris spoke, his hand firmly gripping hers.

"The Gods..." Sersi murmured, her hands gradually emitting whips of energy and transforming into a golden magic circle.

"See them." Ikaris looked around at the ecstatic crowds. "Their happiness and elation. They truly believe that the petty gods have sent them a gift."

"They are just ignorant. They are not to blame." Sersi said, as her emotional gaze was fixed on humans. Ikaris locked his gaze on her, staring silently.

"How about the others?" Sersi asked, adjusting her hair and dodging away from him.

"They are on standby." Ikaris said. "Ready to enter at any moment if there are any compilations."

A sigh sounded near them, and their eyes instantly narrowed in alarm, turning back with their powers charged and aimed.

A brown-haired man stood in front of them, his surging golden eyes indifferently peering at them.

He ordered, looking at the forming magic of Sersi and the coalescing energy of Ikaris.


Sersi and Ikaris felt their cosmic power vanish in an instant, but there was no panic in their eyes, only resignation to death. They swept their hands across their robes, attempting to seize their weapons.

But, with the speed of light, the brown-haired man caught them by the necks and hoisted them into the air, taking them away from the ignorant and oblivious masses to the abandoned alley, where he pressed them down on the ground, breaking it.

"Honestly," the brown-haired man grumbled. "I've had enough of this."

Sersi and Ikaris managed to regain their senses after travelling at the speed of light, and their wide eyes snapped at the God who was pressing them to the ground by their necks.

"You are Apollo..." Ikaris wheezed, his hands catching the Sun God's, attempting to break free.

"Bingo…" Apollo cocked his head, ignoring his struggle. "But sadly, you get no reward, little Eternal…"

Athena and Artemis walked from behind Apollo, looking down at Sersi, who was trying everything to break free from Apollo's control.

"It's useless." Artemis said kindly. "Give up, little girl..."

Athena crouched in front of Sersi, her eyes narrowing as she noticed the traces of magic in her hands. "I never expected the famous immortal sorceress, Circe, that mortals compared to Hecate would turn out to be an Eternal."

Sersi immediately felt the scorching hands on her neck tighten, almost suffocating her.

"Get your hands off her, filthy god!" Ikaris roared, causing the alley to rattle.

"Shut up!" Apollo snapped.

An invisible force ripped Ikaris's lips and mouth apart, his blood splattering across the ground.

Sersi inhaled deeply as Apollo's hand loosened slightly on her neck. Her blazing eyes then turned to Ikaris and then to Apollo.

"Is this the infamous Eternals?" Artemis looked at their wreaked figures. "I didn't expect them to be so... weak."

"They are not weak..." Athena shook her head. "It is just that we are strong."

"Listen..." Apollo lifted them into the air. "You have two options: leave or perish."

"Kill us." Sersi immediately snarled.

"No, no." Apollo shook his head in amusement. "I mean, real death. This time, you won't be able to resurrect. I will personally send you into the pale arms of Death herself."

"And don't mistake my mercy for my kindness. If you and your kin continue to meddle in the affairs of the gods, I will exterminate your entire species from the face of the earth...." Apollo bore his surging eyes at them.

Then, he thrashed them, sending their wrecked bodies sliding down the rocky ground.

Ikaris and Sersi heaved for air, clutching their scorched necks. And the little eternal raised his head and glared at Apollo with bloody, incensed eyes.

Sersi placed her hand on his shoulders, shaking her head and soothing Ikaris before he did something foolish in a rage.

"Let's go." She stood up and assisted Ikaris, whispering. They turned one last time to face the gods.

Apollo removed his suppression of them. And Sersi waved her hand; magic cloaked them, teleporting them to Olympia.

Artemis looked at their fading figures. "You just let them go. Is this all right, brother...?"

"Eternals have a complicated background." Apollo said, his gaze fixed on the city gate. "It is better this way."

"Do you know it?" Athena inquired, intrigued.

"Yeah." Apollo nodded. "But that's another story for another day; Pandora has arrived."


The streets and buildings around the city gate were packed with people, huddling together in anticipation. Clamour and whispers filled the air, thickening it with jubilation.

Everyone soon fell silent. The King and Queen appeared with the Temple's head priestess, followed by a swarm of priests carrying containers and plates filled with materials for the welcoming ceremony.

Aegor, the King of Tyr, whispered to his Queen. "Cadmus and Europa..."

Telephassa reassured him by holding his hand. "I prayed to Goddess of Love. She bestowed her blessings on our children. They're as safe as they can possibly be, husband."

Aegor sighed in relief, his shoulders slumping. He then tightened his grip on her hands and spoke firmly. "Come on, let's face it, whatever it is..."

Telephassa, surprisingly, did not chastise him, instead nodding firmly. And they strode hand in hand towards the city gate, under the harsh glint of the sun.

As the Head Priestess waved her hand, light bent to her will, morphing into flowers and decorating the entrance in seconds. The fragrance of the flowers blanketed the entire city, calming their restless and excited hearts.

And they waited, emotional eyes fixed on the land beyond the gate.

Then, there she was, emerging out of twilight, brightening the world with her mere presence. She was ethereal and perfect in every sense of the word, making many immediately hang their heads in fear of blasphemy.

Her beauty was divine; it couldn't even be described in words for mortals. It would be more accurate to describe her as a literal interpretation of the word "beauty."

The gods and their oracles didn't lie at all; she was truly "all endowed."

She was Pandora.

Pandora entered the city gate, her path adorned with brilliant flowers. She looked around at the city and the people, her eyes wide with wonder and curiosity. If they hadn't fallen into a daze from her mere presence, they could have told she relished it and took it all in stride.

Aegor was the first to awaken and strode towards her, gently greeting her. "Welcome Pandora. It is an honour to have the daughter of the sun in my city."

Pandora looked at him, surprised, and said sweetly, "I can sense my father's presence in you. You were also created by my father, weren't you?"

"Yes," Aegor admitted with a smile, "I was created by the Eternal Blazing Sun himself."

"That makes everything better." Pandora sighed and placed her hand over her heart. "We are brother and sister. I was very concerned, you know. But not anymore with you here."

She flashed a brilliant smile.

"Brother…" Aegor murmured, his worries slowly dissipating with her words. He, too, smiled. "Now don't stand there any longer; come on, we've got a big ceremony planned just for you."

"Yes, brother," Pandora nodded obediently, raising an otherworldly golden box in her hand. "But first, I have to open the gift."

"Father instructed me to open it the moment I entered a human settlement."

Aegor finally noticed the presence of the golden box in her hand, and his heart tightened as the terrible feeling returned to him.

"No, sister!" He instinctively yelled, but his voice was drowned out by the loud exclamations of people startled awake by the magnificent appearance of the golden box.

Pandora placed her divine hands on its lid and opened the golden box curiously.

And the world stood still.


Was it the whim of cruel fate or the will of amused gods? Perhaps it was either or neither; nobody knew then or now.

Pandora didn't hear her brother's desperate warning and opened the gift of the gods under the witness of man and god.

The Pandora's Box.

- The Greek Mythology

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