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Marine's Thunder God of One Piece Marine's Thunder God of One Piece original

Marine's Thunder God of One Piece

Author: Itsh1999

© WebNovel

Chapter 1 - Sky Island, Birka.

Chapter 1....

This was a mystical land.

The clouds were gathering in the line of sight, the deep blue horizon seemed like it was within one's reach. The surface under the foot was not soil, but lumps of snow-white cloud instead. Waves of warm breeze caressed people's faces, bringing with it a cool and refreshing feeling. An unusually shaped coconut tree stood straight in the middle of the white beach, several flat-fishes rushed out from within the white cloud, splashing a string of water droplets.

As an anime and manga enthusiast, it only took Ron three minutes to get a clear understanding of the current situation.

He had crossed over.

This place was the One Piece World, Skypiea.


"It's all a misunderstanding! For what reason I, your father, must be executed, bastard?"

Da DaDa!

In a small dilapidated town, a silhouette fled in panic, while being chased by several lance-wielding soldiers who were dressed in a strange manner. Ron crashed into the street-side peddlers, pushed away the pedestrians blocking his way, and just rushed ahead with his head down.

"Ah! This Blue Sea person!"

"Stop! Don't run!"

"Hurry up! Capture him, and the Lord will reward us!

Cries of alarm and shock resounded on the streets for quite a while, chickens flew, dogs jumped; it was all very lively!

Ron was also quite helpless about the fact that those soldiers were coming after him to forcibly arrest and execute him.

One could say he had really crossed over, but the number of people who crossed over and appeared on Earth everyday was very large. An army consisting of the people who crossed over had already occupied a multiverse. It could be said that their number was neither many nor few.

But crossing over and landing in the sky, who could endure it?

He was an ordinary person. Falling from a height of five meters, spinal cord receiving the brunt of the force; even if it won't result in death, it will certainly leave one in a disabled state.

The good news was that Ron didn't die as he fell down to the ground. But the bad news was... he fell down on top of a fat man with gorgeous attire, and a group of imperial bodyguards.

Ron, with his big physique and the body weight of 90kg, came crashing down from a height of five meters. Under the effect of gravity's acceleration, his head smashed against that fat person's head.


After the sound, Ron only felt slightly dizzy and dazzled. On the other hand, that fat person started laughing like an idiot and fell on the ground with a plop as his blood dyed the white-cloud floor in red.

Looking around at the stunned imperial guards, Ron rubbed the back of his head with an awkward expression on his face: "Will you believe it if I said I didn't mean to do it?"

"He….He killed Lord Sysco! Grab him!"

"Grab this Blue Sea assassin; he'll be executed by Cloud Drifting!"

Ron knew about the "Cloud Drifting" that this white-winged Skypiean group leader was talking about; it was indeed a method of death penalty unique only to Skypiea. Putting the prisoner on a small island cloud, letting them drift freely in the sky with not a thing or a person around them. At an altitude of ten thousand meters, without any shore or end in sight; and finally, death by either thirst or starvation. It was similar to the sea penalty that was used by the coastal countries and pirates cities of the middle-ages; similarly, the prisoners there were also banished into the sea.

"No, listen to me..... ah, fuck?"

Initially wanting to provide an explanation, but the arrow that flew nearby Ron's ear while cutting air made him understand that the time for arguments and explanations had already passed; the only option he was left with now was to run.

And hereby began a battle of pursuit; as Ron, relying on his valiant physique, ran away in a frantic manner.


Skypiea was an infertile land, and its population was sparse; after quickly passing through the small village, they entered the empty clouds. The soldiers, who were restraining themselves in fear of the stray arrows hitting someone, started pulling the strings one after another and released a volley of arrows.

Xiu! Xiu!

The ear-piercing sound created by the arrows cutting air made Ron tremble with fear as he kept running in a zig-zag motion and narrowly escaped the incoming arrows.

"Hu...Hu….dying…. oxygen….exhausted!"

Ron gasped for breath as he ran. His sight soon started to turn dark; every step that he took made him feel like he was walking in a swamp.

One Piece World; Skypiea was at least 5000 meters above the sea level, and the oxygen level here was extremely low!

If an ordinary person suddenly arrived at this height from the sea level, even if they didn't get altitude sickness, they would definitely suffer from low oxygen supply to the brain, and would have trouble breathing; especially if they were to run continuously.

If Ron hadn't gone to Tibet in the past and had not climbed the Mt. Everest, he would have already fallen down by now; of course, his fit body also contributed towards it.

"Not good! It's the God's Shrine ahead!"

"Stop him! We cannot let a Blue Sea person enter the God's Shrine!"

Suddenly, the soldiers that were chasing Ron started to shout and yell. Ron, who was already in a half-conscious state, tried his best to open his eyes. As he looked ahead, the God's Shrine that looked like an altar appeared on an island cloud at the end of the path.

"Eh, what's that? A human? "

Ron lightly exclaimed as he saw a figure through the small perimeter wall, sitting at the corner of the God's Shrine. This figure was kneeling down as it had its hands on its knees and its head buried in its chest. And….

Unlike the Skypiean people that were chasing him, this person was similar to him, in the sense that this person also did not have any wings.

"I finally saw my own kind. Big brother, help me!"

Ron was pleasantly surprised as he started shouting. But his shout startled that person as he lifted his head in a panic and opened his vacant eyes; apparently, this person had fallen asleep.

Immediately after lifting his head, this person first noted the Skypiean people that were chasing Ron, causing him to immediately jump up in shock.

"No…no, it's not me. I didn't do it on purpose."

As he saw this, Ron suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart. Initially, he thought about bringing the trouble to others, but this guy already seemed to have caused trouble. Not only that, but this person also had a friendly face, combined with his afro hairstyle, the impression he gave was not extreme.

Next second, the soldiers started to shout and roar in anger.

"Enel! It's you again, you bastard!"

"Get out of the God's Shrine, you freak!"

"Tarnishing the God's Shrine! It will not be forgiven!"

"We can't spare him this time! Take him away for Cloud Drifting!"


Ron's feet suddenly stopped, releasing dust due to the momentum, as he stared at the afro hairstyle in front of him with a stupefied expression all over his face.

"Wait a minute? You are Enel?"

It seemed that the year of the appearance of the afro hairstyle did not differ much from his, Ron's, appearance; at most it was a difference of one or two years. Looking at his semblance and the long earlobe that reached to his chest, this person really seemed to be the "Skypiea's God" that appeared in the original work; Enel.

It was just that, comparing the future's rampant and imperious person who regarded human life as mere grass, the Thunder God, to the cowering Enel of the present time with his submissive expression; tears and mucus coming out of his eyesand nose, on top of that hearing the soldiers demanding the 'Cloud Drifting' penalty for him, Ron couldn't help but doubt if he had heard wrong.

But at this point, Ron didn't care about Enel's actions and manners. A trace of light flashed through Ron's eyes as the corner of his mouth slowly split open.

"This is Birka. The time right now seems to be way before the original work. Enel still hasn't obtained the Goro Goro no Mi. In other words…..


Ron suddenly grasped Enel's long earlobe with a tight grip, causing him to shout out in pain. He then pulled the panicking and alarmed Enel towards him.

Seeing this, Ron lightly smiled: "Enel… right? Let me ask you, do you know if there is any strange fruit around here?"


Ron was exhausted; yet, his expression was just like a vicious beast. The adrenaline rush, his fast-beating heart, and the lack of oxygen had caused a red tint to appear on his face; making his appearance similar to that of a demon.

This kind of naked malice and greed, it was something that Enel had never seen in his whole life.

The snow-white teeth that looked like the bones of the dead seemed as if they were releasing cold air. Being pulled close by Ron, the mist coming out of Ron's mouth,which had the smell of blood due to damage that was caused by the pressure on the lungs, directly hit Enel's face; as Ron said in a somewhat trembling voice:

"Ah…That's right. It has spiral-like thunder patterns, and if one approaches it; they get an electric shock. It's a fist-sized fruit, have you seen it?"


Author's note // I did not find the novel here on the site so I decided to put it on the site ....

Itsh1999 Itsh1999

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