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50% Magic The Gathering System In A Summoning World / Chapter 1: Chapter - 1: Well...Being Born Was Traumatizing
Magic The Gathering System In A Summoning World Magic The Gathering System In A Summoning World original

Magic The Gathering System In A Summoning World

Author: RealitySenpaiEro

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Chapter - 1: Well...Being Born Was Traumatizing

[ Quote of the day: If you are too broke to take her on a date, go hiking and eat that bitch out on top of the mountain. Be creative boys and girls ]


Unlike other people, what Enzo Engel got after death wasn't eternal sleep, nor was he presented with two doors to Heaven or Hell, but instead he was thrust into a second life without his consent.

Which meant that he was forced to start over, forced to meet a new family. He didn't mind that he needed to learn how to control his body again, but loving two new  strangers  as though they were his own  parents ?

No. He can't do that.

Admittedly, it took him a while to realize that he'd even died in the first place. That wasn't exactly unusual, because after 'waking up again', your first thought wasn't going to be: well, I guess I'm now an infant. It was more along the lines of; Where am I? What happened? Why am I blind, deaf, paralyzed? WHAT IS GOING ON?!

Eventually, he did figure out what was happening. Namely, he has been reborn;  Reincarnated. It  immediately raised the question of, how did this happen? Why  did it happen? Was there a sick God who wanted to laugh at his misery, or was it a cosmic accident? It didn't make any sense.

The one  thing that stood out the most out of all pile of endless questions was, why him? He hadn't been anyone important. He had a small circle of friends, going to his last year of High School. To put it simply, he hadn't done anything memorable. He mostly lounged on his sofa all day long after returning from school, and spent most of his time watching playing Video Games, and reading Manga, Light Novels, and Fanfics, instead of going out and actually doing something to change his mundane life. Hell, he knew more about game and anime characters than his actual friends.

So why Enzo Engel?

Or rather... Why Enzo Bloodfallen, the third Son of the Famous Vampire Summoning Family of the Kingdom of Validus.

He doesn't have the answer, but he will. Mark his words. He will found out if it's the last thing he does.


He's six now. And he's bloody happy that he is.

Being born was traumatizing. Especially so. He still has PTSD and nightmares about it. The dark place, being constantly squished around while not being able to do anything was hellish. He hated it. No wonder babies cry when they are born. It sucks ass being born.

And he will kill that Doctor who slapped his ass upon being birthed. He was already awake! So what he was silent baby, that doesn't mean to slap his ass! That shit hurt like a motherfucker!

" Enzo, what's wrong? Are you hungry?"

Taking him out of his thoughts was a Maid. One of the handful of actual living beings that aren't his family.

The Maid is his Caretaker. Her name is...

Enzo blinked. He then blinked again.

What's her name again?

" What is your name?"

The Maid was taken aback by hearing Enzo. His crimson eyes shone like rubies under the low lighting of his room. Those crimson eyes of the Bloodfallen Family stared into her eyes and very soul with curiosity.

Cold sweat already started to form on her back. A six-year-old shouldn't have that look. The look that demanded an answer out of her.

Under those eyes, she bowed, as cold sweat ran down her back.

" This lowly one is Nour."

She heard a chuckle from the young Bloodfallen.

" What an irony."

Nour blinked and looked up.

She couldn't help herself and opened her mouth.

" If I may ask, why is it an irony?"

The young Bloodfallen looked at her like she was an idiot.

" You don't know what your name means?"

She shook her head. Her hazel eyes glowing with interest.

" No, my Young Lord."

Again, he looked at her like before. His face was dull.

" Your Mother didn't tell you?"

Nour's eyes dimmed, but said so anyway. Her Young Lord asked after all.

" No, my Young Lord. I never knew my Mother. She left me with my late Grandmother and took off."

Enzo hummed. His mind working overdrive.

Until finally, he found what he wanted.

" You Grandmother was the late Headmaid - Luella?"

Her face told him everything. The hollowed look in her eyes was a dead giveaway.

" Ah, I see." He nodded.

If it was the old him, he would have hugged her or said sorry, but he can't. Bloodfallens don't care about anyone except themselves and sometimes their family. So, Enzo Bloodfallen can't do that. She's after all, a lowly commoner and Bloodfallens don't talk to Commoners unless they are gonna kill them or experiment on them.

Hs hated that. But, he loves his extremely comfortable lifestyle right now. He doesn't want to be re-disciplined by his Mother and Father again. Nor does he want to learn the way of a Noble with his Big Brother and Sister again.

Selfish, yes. He is extremely selfish. It's probably the reason why he was Reincarnated as a Bloodfallen.

He already fucked up a year ago when he said sorry to a Butler when he ran into him. After being re-disciplined and learning the way of a Noble for a weak non-stop, the Butler was gone. When asked, all his family looked at him funny and said; what butler?

Enzo withheld a shiver. On that day, hs learned how cold-blooded was his family.

Now to stick in with these Monsters, he has to become a Monster himself.

...Oh right. The Maid.

Coughing lightly, he looked at the patiently waiting Maid.

" Well, I said it was an irony is because your name means; Light and The Divine Light."

The Maid blinked innocently," If I may ask again; how is it an irony?"

Ezno rubbed the bridge of his nose," Do I need to spell it out to you?"

Before she could say yes, he cut her off with a wave.

" It's an irony because my Bloodfallen Family works with Vampires. So your name doesn't really mix with us."

A wave of understanding hit the Maid.

Oh right, her name is Nour. This is what this whole conversation is about. The Bloodfallen part of his brain was working too well.

" It is an irony, Young Lord."

He chuckled.

" Yes, it is."






[ Ending of Chapter. Please wait for the next chapter~! Have a great day to whoever is reading this~ ]

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