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34.78% Magic, Romance, and Mayhem / Chapter 8: Chapter 8-

Chapter 8: Chapter 8-

Ricky felt like he had been gypped, again.

Not only had been in a suspended sleep for two months but the next Hogwarts term started in two days.

Two days in which he was forced to stay at St. Mungo's 'to make sure all was normal' which considering that a magical creature attack was pretty normal to Ricky was a bit absurd.

And as if to add insult to injury, he was to check in daily with Madam Pomfrey for the next two weeks.

It must have been a record, a formal mandate to hospital wing before September 1st.

Even though he would do anything to regain those two months, he was actually glad for it. The reason why is because all four souls finally synchronized together, creating a mew personality.

For his enemies he would go full Voldemort on them, for his friends and family his orginal and Harry Potter personalities fitted best,The personality of his DnD character seems to support all the others equally so he was ok with that.

But what shocked him was that he gained the famed system ability, probably a bye product of the his DnD character. But unlike those of novels it didn't give him a power boost or anything like that, simply put it allowed him to buy things from his previous world.

Nothing alive, but you know product, food, clothes, vinyls, record players, jewelry. Little things that would not change the world too drastically, well some of the things in there definitely would.

It was like having amazon inside your head, and everything was free of charge. Smilling at his obviously broken gifts, he decided to look at the scenery outside.

Ricky was sitting in a chair by the window looking down at the passers-by in muggle London, heedless of the magical hospital they were walking by.

He appreciate the view really, and despite his restlessness this probably had best the best vacation hes ever had. No work, no people yelling at him, no noise. Well he could do with the fusing mediwitches asking a thousand questions about all of his scars.

It seemed that he still retained all the scars he received during his previous life, and to put it mildly there was alot of them. it didn't help that those of Harry Potter and those of his DnD character's own also transferred over to him, which turned his body into gruesome sight for the faint of heart.

Euphemia broke out into a fit if tears, while Henry and Fleamont were shell shocked. Well Henry did his best not to join Euphemia in crying, but the grief was evident on his face.

The only saving grace of that episode was that James was not present at the time, after all he did not know how he would explain any of this to his fifteen year old cousin/brother.

The adults tip toed around the subject, avoiding any and all mention of them at all, but he noticed how much attention he now received from them, specially Euphemia. The danm woman was like a mother bear protecting her Cubs.

As a matter of fact he brought it up once, which cause a round of laughter from everyone present, and a light smack to the back of the head from Euphemia herself. Though going by the slight smile on her lips, she enoyed and appreciate the comparison.

On another note, the forner Voldemort part of his soul, had developed a deep seethed hatred for his past self for splitting his soul and lock them away. And wanted nothing more than to rip him piece by bloody piece, the former Harry side whole heartedly agreed.

So now that he had time to think and plan the downfall of the dark lord he realized a few things, one he was a horcrux and that the scar that looked like a copy of the mark of Cain on the side of head was where it laid dormant

Funny enough that he had another soul of Tom in his head, but this one would need to be destroyed in order to kill the bastard.

Luckily his DnD character had a spell that could help with purpose, what it did was transfer a soul piece from one object into another. And it did not destroy the orginal object holding the soul piece either.

So what that taken care of he started thinking of other things, he needed more information, the information he got from Voldemort was missing key pieces which were probably due to splitting his soul so danm much.

And considering how obscure Secrets of the Darkest Art had been, he very much doubted that he would be able to find anything about soul magic in any Defense Against the Dark Arts book.

Which meant one thing, if Ricky wanted to defeat Voldemort he would have to learn more about the Dark Arts. He slumped in his seat.

Being sorted in Slytherin might have been more convenient.

In another note Euphemia still acted a bit traumatized around Ricky, which he deeply regretted. Not a full twenty four hours in her gaining custody over a new ward and Ricky had gotten himself caught and almost eaten by Kelpies not a hundred yards away from her

.Ricky couldn't even promise that nothing like that was going to happen again. One because of Harry Potter's shitty luck was always that messed up and two he was actively planning to single handled take down a Dark Lord and stop a war before it happened.

His safety wasn't something he could promise, but Ricky would be damned if he brought James down with him.

No, he had fully decided to keep James safe. Wormtail wasn't a Death Eater yet, but Ricky was going to plant the seeds of doubt about his supposed loyalty. Ricky was also planning to do his best to play peacemaker between the Marauders and Slytherins.

Lofty goals as these were, Ricky needed to ensure that even if he died that he left something better behind him. It wasn't like everyone was given the chance to rewrite the fabric of time every day.

A few days later, the family was a kings cross staring at the train leading to Hogwarts.

Euphemia nearly squeezed the life out of him when they hugged goodbye on the platform. It felt like yesterday to Ricky that they had been picking James up. Fleamont's hug was just as tight and even Henry looked concerned for him.

Ricky was astounded that these people could have known him for such a short period of time and yet care for him so deeply.

And yet, didn't Ricky himself already love them? Maybe that is just what family was. Blood was an excuse to love people before you even knew much about them.

Euphemia gave him another bone crushing hug, "You be good, you hear me?" she threatened.

Ricky nodded, he supposed that fighting for goodness made his consent to be good not a lie?

"They are going to be late, darling," Fleamont told his wife softly.

She stepped back tears in eyes. James led him away.

Ricky didn't want to leave.

His grandparents and great grandfather blew them kisses and waved as the train pulled away from the station.

From Ricky's perspective, Sirius looked like crap. He laughed a little too hard and he looked raw around the edges.

Ricky knew that Sirius was going to run away from home next year and all he wanted to do was find Mrs. Walburga Black and hex her into the next century.

Wormtail sat in the opposite corner from Ricky, and Remus was with the prefects.

James mainly talked about himself throughout the train ride, Sirius refused to talk about his summer, Wormtail was to busy drooling over James to think for himself, and Ricky had been unconscious for the last two months. He really didn't have much to say.

"So Ricky," Sirius asked, "James wrote that you had been attacked by Kelpies."

"Yep," Ricky answered.

Sirius rolled his eyes, "Well come on, details, my man, what happened and how did you survive?"

"I was in the water, then there were Kelpies, one bit my leg and pulled me under and the other bit my arm. I managed to cast a placement charm on them both but I was too far under the waves and then I crashed into the cliffs. I hit my head and woke up yesterday." Ricky shrugged, "I don't have anything else to say."

Sirius narrowed his eyes at Ricky, "You seem to be handling it alright."

Ricky shrugged again, "I'm annoyed I didn't get to spend the summer at home." He hadn't had a summer.

"Annoyed? You have huge teeth mark scars on your leg and forearm now and you're worried about missing a summer vacation?"

"Sirius," Ricky sighed, "I have a lot of scars, I don't see how a few more make all that much more difference."

In fact, Ricky liked that the Kelpie scar covered up the one he had gotten from the knife wound he received in tenth grade.

"How did you get the one on the side of your head?" Sirius asked.

"Why are you using a glamour to cover up a black eye?" Ricky asked in return.

Sirius flinched back from him.

James's eyes went wide, "What is he talking about?"

Sirius shook his head and glared at Ricky.

"There is no way you could have seen that."

"So he's right? Padfoot are you alright?" James pressed.

"I guessed, But also you are not the first I've seen or know that's done that before. And merlin knows I've done it a few times too." Ricky answered Sirius's question and stood up.

That answer caused Sirius to flinch a bit before his eyes went wide in shock.

"Where are you going?" James asked.

"To find some Ravenclaws," Ricky said taking his luggage with him.

Wormtail hid a grin from the others when the door shut behind Ricky.

Ricky found Terry Greengrass a couple compartments down, sitting with none other than Andromeda Black. Terry waved at him.

"Hi, Ricky," Terry greeted warmly, "this is Andromeda Black."

Ricky held out his hand. Andromeda raised a single brow.

Terry laughed, "Women from Pure Blood families don't shake hands, Ricky."

"Oh," he said, slightly embarrassed and awakedly let his hand fall. "Sorry, I didn't mea-"

"It is a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Potter,"

Andromeda said cooly, though her eyes shown with an inner warmth.

Ricky," he corrected, "please call me Ricky."

"You may call me Andromeda," she said in return.

"Oooh," Terry cued, "'Andromeda' already, it took me three years until you let me call you by your first name, Droms." His face was alight with laughter.

Rickyy took a seat and felt himself relaxing, Terry He just had a way of making you feel at ease with the world. It was odd though that Harry Potter had never heard anything about him.

In the meantime Andromeda flexed her wrist, which caused the top layer of Terry's robes to cover his head. He fell to the floor laughing as he tried to untangle himself.

Andromeda watched him stiffly, but Ricky caught the tiny, almost unperceivable smile on the corners of her lips.

Smilling Rick went back to pondering the only members of the Greengrass family he even remotely heard of were the Slytherin sisters Daphne and Astoria.

And Andromeda was married to Ted Tonks back in Harry's memories, they had a daughter by the name of Nymphadora. Ricky may have just met Andromeda, but he was certainly curious about her and what better way to break the ice than now.

When Terry finally untangled himself he stayed on the floorboards, catching his breath from nearly laughing himself to death.

"So," Ricky began, "are you two an official couple?"

Andromeda coughed and Terry spiraled down into another round of laughter.

Andromeda naturally got ahold of her humour first, "No, my uncle would kill him."

"Besides," Terry said still grinning at Ricky as if he had just said the most wonderful joke, "we are just friends."

Harry looked between the two frowning, he didn't see the slightest hint that they were hiding anything or lying to him. "But-" Ricky caught himself, from adding more fuel to the fire.

"But why are we hanging out together?" Andromeda finished for him, "Well the problem is between our parents not us."

Ricky shrugged, he knew that must've been a deep grudge, but he didn't know nor would he poke in other people's business, as if sensing his curiosity Andromeda answered his unasked question.

"My uncle was courting his mother back in they're Hogwarts years, but before he could finalize the contract his father swooped in and made a more favorable offer." Andromeda shook her head in resignation

Terry picked up from there and continued on with the story.

"Let is not forget that My parents were openly dating in they're sixth year, Orion Black had a big crush on my mother and even confronted my father on numerous occasions to tell him to say away from his woman. I think he was a but delusional, or just desperate enough I guess." Terry shrugged after finishing.

Andromeda coolly replied "Yes desperate enough to not marry Walburga "

Wouldn't your uncle hear about this then ?" Ricky finally spoke up.

Even if he did it would not be an issue, because I'm the middle child and even if Ted and I are seen together at Hogwarts no one would ever believe we would get along."

"An open secret, as you might call it," Terry said with a charming smile.

Ricky didn't believe them, but maybe it was the pair of them were lying to themselves about what they felt for each other. Either way, it wasn't really Ricky's problem.

"How were both your summers?"

"Great!" Terry enthused, "My mother and I went to France and spent time with family friends. It was hot but really fun. The beach, food, and good company made it all the more interesting."

Andromeda rolled her eyes, "Mine was… well, I would say boring but my mother and aunt spent all summer trying to woo my eldest sister, Bellatrix into picking a groom."

Ricky frowned, "Shouldn't the perspective groom being trying to woo her?"

Andromeda smirked, "Not unless my mother wants her sent to Azkaban for murdering eligible pure blood bastards, my apologies, I meant pure blood bachelors."

Terry chuckled.

"So who is she marrying?" Ricky asked.

Andromeda shrugged, "She doesn't have to legally decide until she is twenty, so we will not know for another two years, if my mother survives that long."

"I'd be more worried about your aunt," Ted remarked. "You always make Walburga sound scary."

"She is scary," Andromeda said, "Scary and too bitter to ever die early."

"How's Regulus?" Ricky asked suddenly. Sirius only mentioned his little brother once.

Andromeda's eyes focused on him sharply, "What did you hear?"

"Nothing, but I am pretty sure Sirius had a black eye."

Her jaw flexed, "I hate the bitch, I truly do."

For the first time, Terry looked serious, "Is Regulus alright?"

Andromeda nodded, "Sirius is the punching bag of the family. I know he enjoys his time at Hogwarts, but Gryffindor might just have been the worst thing to ever happen to him."

"The Potters," Rick started, "aside from James, didn't mind I had been sorted into Ravenclaw."

He looked out the window, wishing that this summer hadn't been stolen from him.

"The Potters are good people," Terry said, then smirked, "aside from James."

Ricky turned back to him grinning, "He's full of himself but I don't think he is a bad person."

"He isn't," Andromeda said, "but his jokes go to far a lot of the time and between him and Sirius the Gryffindor Quidditch team has been unstoppable for the last four and now likely five years."

Ricky's mouth quirked, "What does that have to do with his character?"

"Besides adding to his ego," Terry said, "it means everyone is bitter. According to Gryffindor House, James Potter can do no wrong."

"Lily Evans didn't appear to believe that."

Terry laughed.

Andromeda shook her head, "Poor girl. Potter would be dead by now if he tried 'courting' me like that."

"I bet she secretly likes him and if Severus wasn't her best friend she'd probably already fallen for him," Terry said.

"Severus?" Ricky asked.

Terry gave him a look, "James hasn't told you about Severus Snape?"

"I have been unconscious in a hospital bed from the start of Summer vacation until yesterday," and yes, Ricky's own bitterness was audible.

"What!?" Terry exclaimed.

"Why?" Andromeda asked cooly, "I heard a rumour but it was hardly believable. No one imagined that the Euphemia would let her ward get attacked on the first day."

"She didn't let anything happen. We were at the beach and a pair of Kelpies came after me and then I hit my head on some rocks. If the Potters hadn't been there I would have drowned."

"Kelpies?" Terry squeaked.

"And how did they fight off Kelpies if they had already gotten a taste of you?" Andromeda pressed. "I can't see anyone being able to retrieve you in time to save you from a water horse that had presumably pulled you quite deep already."

Harry reached over and unlocked his trunk. Hedwig hooted at him in disapproval as he yet again had to shift her cage. He summoned his new copy of magical beasts and opened to the chapter on Kelpies. Harry potter had basically memorized this book after the first task of the triwizard tournament back in his fourth year. Between his luck and Hagrid, the information had served him well and now Ricky as well.

He passed the book off to Andromeda, "The placement charm isn't that difficult of a spell."

She nodded and passed back the book, Terry snatched it from her hand, "Damn, I never thought this book would be relevant in the real world."

"The spell is simple enough but not while being attacked and drowned," she said to Ricky.

He shrugged, "Personally, I find that I am at best under stressful circumstances."

"And how many stressful situations have you been in the muggle world?" she asked, giving him a suspicious look.

Ricky smiled brightly, "You have no idea how big this world is, Andromeda Black, magical or otherwise."

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