/ Fantasy / Magic and Science

Magic and Science Original

Magic and Science

Fantasy 2 Chapters 5.3K Views
Author: SaDaoistOZOq2s

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An 18 years old Kanta Rae is always be an nerd in this past whole year... after giving his graduate from the High school Kokon. His mother decided to go Hokaido and to live with her sister hopping to see some good changes in her son to built a good manner. Vivmek joined one of the well known college named Sakura.
As always kanta only focus on his study... rather giving attention towards anyone. But suddenly something happens in Hokaido, everyone was running like crazy dogs and screaming. To see what just happen, Kanta rush to the top floor to see it. Then he couldn't believe in his two eyes. He saw a big hole at the side of the big building. The building was totally wiped out. Then Kanta saw a little girl holding a handkerchief on her hands. When she looked up at the building where Vivmek was watching... she became overjoyed and call him "Littlebrother"...

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