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33.33% Magi: Into the Fire / Chapter 1: Night # 0
Magi: Into the Fire Magi: Into the Fire original

Magi: Into the Fire

Author: Amanda_Reta

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Night # 0

Sarina smashed the head of one of the dragons that had lunged at her with her axe/hammer before she knocks a new dragon away, "Where are these dragons coming from?! Every time we kill one, another takes its place!"

Ioana sent a tornado of flames towards at Dragon Knight before she lands next to Sarina and said, "But isn't it this fun?"

Aurel, Ioana's father, snaps at them, "Ioa!! Sari! Stop horsing around and pay attention!!"

"Yes, sir!!" Both girls saluted before rushing forward to kill some dragons and Dragon Knights.


A metal whip wrapped around the neck and shoulders of a Dragon Knight, Alina gritter her teeth and threw the Knight to her brother Costel who was standing on a pile of rubble behind them.

"Here ya go, brother!"

"Thanks, sister!" he shouted as he fired an arrow at the Knight.

Costel fired arrows upon the dragons and Knights that his companions couldn't get to.

"Ah!" Sarina cried out as she was slammed into a fallen pillar by a Dragon Knight.

"Sis!" Sergiu shouted as he turns and runs towards his fallen sister but then he spots a black blur running towards her, it leapt up and slammed into the Knight and he saw who it was: High General Daciana Dracul.

She had slammed an armored, high heeled boot into the Knight's back as she unsheathes her sword and slams it into its head. She then pulls out the blade as she turns to face the next Knight as Ioana ran past her to check on Sarina. Daciana brings her sword up to bear and narrows her eyes at the Knight.

"Why don't you pick on someone your own size?" Daciana said with a smirk.

"Ha!" Her cousin, Tatiana, said. "That would be Aurel then, cousin." Tatiana was the daughter of Doina who was the twin sister of Daciana's mother. Tatiana spins on her heels and drops to her knees before she slams one of her knives into the head of a dragon.

"True but I'm close enough since he's busy."

The Dragon Knight lunged at her and as he swung his sword at the woman...who simply wasn't there when the sword reached the target, Daciana had leapt to a fallen pillar and into a one handed position that she performs in meditation. But there was nothing sleepy or meditative about this. With her forearm serving as a pivot, the Draconis High General swept torso and legs about, catching her opponent beneath the jaw and flinging him against the wall behind him. She flipped back onto the ground and threw her sword into its chest, pinning it to the wall and killing it.

Once again her most loyal followers were impressed by her skill, she had been trained by the previous High General, her Uncle Dragos Dracul the younger brother of the King, Decebal Dracul....and the father of Dragomir and Daciana. He had came to visit her in the Kou Empire, to help train her for her rank in case she ever returned to the Draconis Kingdom.

Another Dragon Knight appeared and lunged at Daciana, who leapt straight up, grasping a pole that was above her head, and punched both feet into the Dragon Knight's face. The Knight fell back and onto his back as she dropped back onto the ground, she then runs back to her sword and pulls it out of the dead body of the knight, swinging it in an arc to clean off the black blood on it.

She took a deep breath and let it out slowly, closing her eyes then opening them as she puts her sword away. Daciana charged at the Knight, she hit him in the jaw, and then followed it by simultaneous hit of both her arms on his neck. Then she did a sideways flip, bring feet down on him three times before bashing him with both of her fists at the same time in a vertical fashion. She did a couple of back flips as she staggered backwards and landed a few feet from him.

Aurel glanced over at her, then he looks at Ioana and shouted, "Help her, Ioa! Send the rest down the abyss!"

"Yes, Father!" Ioana shouted as she did was she was ordered.

"Sergiu! Take your sister away from here! She's too weak to fight and they will try to get around her to attack her!" Daciana shouted as she fought the Dragon Knight before she sliced him in half at the waist then she proceeded to slice off the top of its head.

"Right, Princess!" Sergiu said. "Come on, Sarina! Let's let Daci handle the rest!"

Aurel slammed his broadsword into the chest of a Knight, knocking him off the ledge and into the abyss behind. He then twirled his sword around and leapt into the air, bringing his sword down on the top of the head of a dragon driving it into the ground underneath.

Another Dragon Knight lunged at the Draconis High General, Daciana patiently waited until he was close then she jumped up into the air and launched a kick that was aimed at his head. He ducked her kick; Daciana changed her pivot in midair and swung her heel down on his head. The kick dazed him and Daciana then spun and kicked his knee, forcing him into a kneeling position then she spun and lashed out a roundhouse kick, hitting his in the side of the head with her foot. He went crashing to the ground but he didn't stay down. The Dragon Knight stood up and faced the Draconis warrior.

Ioana sliced and diced Dragon Knights and dragons as she ran threw them while Sergiu protected his unconscious sister with his spear and Costel fired upon the dragons from a pile of rubble and pillars.

Lunging at Daciana, the Knight got behind her and looped his arms over Daciana's and bearing her backwards. He wrestles Daciana to the ground but her feet were too quick for that, setting her in perfect balance almost immediately. She slid one leg between his feet and started to twist to the side, weakening his hold on her arm and then Daciana flipped the Knight over her back, slamming him into the ground. He stood up again and charged at Daciana who quickly responded with a roundhouse kick, hitting him in the side of the head with her foot. He went crashing to the ground, but he didn't stay down. Daciana just whirled and slammed her open palm across his face. The stinging blow disoriented him, throwing him off balance. She moved fast; almost too fast to see. In a single fluid motion, Daciana grabbed him by the throat and drove her fist into his torso, knocking the breath out of him, then hooked her foot around his ankles and tripped him. Thinking that it was over, Daciana turned and started to walk in the direction of Sergiu and Sarina but she was proven wrong.

The Dragon Knight rushed her from behind with his sword drawn and Daciana spun around, lifting her sword to block the downward slash.



"High General!!!"

"Your Grace!!"

"Lady Dracul!!!"

The force of the blow almost drove her to her knees but she locked her knees and instead the blow caused a small crate to form under her armored, booted feet. She gritted her teeth, flashing her canines like a cat's, elongated and curving, ending in delicate, piercing points but they were strong despite their appearance.

"Stay where you are!! I can handle this!!"

She pushed the Knight back with a grunt before she stabbed her sword into his chest, the point of the blade coming out of its back by the force of her stab.

Aurel and Ioana had finished throwing the remaining of the dragons and knights off the cliff...though not before Aurel had made sure to slice off the wings of the dragons so they wouldn't fly back up. Sarina slowly regained conscious during this and she sat up with the help of her brother.

"Are you okay, sis?" Sergiu asked.

"Yeah..." Sarina said. "Just got my bell rang..."

"Phew..." Daciana said as she swings her sword, splattering the blood onto the ground in an arc before she puts it back in its sheathe. "How are you, Sari?"

"I'm good, Your Grace...we're tougher than we look." Sarina said with a smirk.

"That was fun...why are we here again?" Ioana asked.

Costel snorted and said, "Because we need the power to scare the worthless Prince and his mother away from the throne while the King is in his sickbed..bunch of scavengers."

Aurel glared at Costel at that before they looked at the High General who was staring down at the ground.

"He will be reunited with Ileana, my mother," Daciana finally said. "Let's go...this dungeon won't conquer itself." And she started to walk, forcing her companions to follow after her.



Daciana skidded back, her shield had blocked most of the attack and she gritted her teeth. She had lost her veil and helm during the first attack and she had a cut bisecting her left eyebrow from the attack that had taken her helm.

Aurel lets out a war cry before he slams his sword into the head of the creature that was attacking them. They all were panting heavily and had bleeding cuts on their bodies, Daciana felt that she may have bruised her forearm bones with that last block.

She lifted her armored foot and brought down heavily on the head of the Dragon Knight that she defeated a few minutes before, her stomp crushed the head before she turns around and looks at the others, "How is everyone? Any major injuries?"

"I'm fine." Aurel said.

"Scratched up but whole!" Sarina said.

"I'm fine, thanks." Ioana said.

Sergiu shook his head and said, " about you?"

"Not a scratch on me!" Costel said. "How about you?"

Alina gave her a thumbs up and smirk, "I am A-okay!!"

"I'm fine." Tatiana said.

"Eh, I've had worse..." Daciana said with a shrug as she flicks the blood out of her eye with her thumb. " let's go," Daciana said. "I want to see this dungeon conquered...I don't care who conquers it." Truth be told even though she had said that she'll conquer this dungeon, Daciana couldn't careless about obtaining this power. But this dungeon seemed to have called to her, she couldn't really explain it but deep down she knew that Judar didn't summon this dungeon.

It was a gut feeling.

"Are you okay, Daci?"

Daciana jerked in surprise as Sarina's question and looked over at her to see her staring at her with a worried look on her face, she smiled and patted his head, saying, "I'm fine...just thinking."



They all stopped walking when they felt the ground shake and buckle underneath their feet, she and everyone else looked down.

"Well...that can't be good..." Ioana started to say just before the ground cracked open and a ridiculously large dragon burst from the ground.

Sarina whistled at the sight of it and said, "Wow..look at the size of that dragon..."

"Now is not the time to admire it!!!" Aurel shouted angry.

"Sorry~." Sarina said scratching the back of her head.

"Alright..." Daciana said. "How did that old saying go? 'The bigger they are, the harder they fall'?"

Ioana chuckled and said, "That's it, Princess~ so what's the plan to bring such a big ugly brute down?"

"We attack at once together...and try to keep up!!" Daciana shouted as she lunged towards the dragon and delivered the first strike.

Her companions quickly after her and after what seemed like forever, they were able to bring the large dragon down.

"Ugh, that took forever..." Ioana said. "This dungeon certainly isn't making it easy for us!"

Sarina chuckled and said, "It'll be boring if it did."

The three men only snorted at that but didn't say anything in disagreement or agreement.

Daciana straightened and cleaned her blade before she sheathed it once more. "Come on...we're almost there." And they started to walk once again.


Water splattered up onto her legs as Daciana stepped into a puddle of water. Daciana stopped walking suddenly causing Costel, Sergui and Aurel to slam into her, Costel barely contained his grunt of pain because he had slammed full force into her armored body. Unlike the rest of his companions, he only wore armor on his legs and arms so it hurt to slam full force into someone who was wearing armor.

"Oh...sorry." Daciana said as she stepped away from him before she looked up, lifting the torch that she had created using a human leg bone and torn cloth. She had stuck the morbid torch into one of the lakes of fire that they had came across.

The light from the flame danced on the large door before them, carved into the door were dragons and forest.

"The Torn language..." Aurel murmured.

Ioana lifted an eyebrow and said, "This Djinn has a thing for fire and dragons..."

"Enter those who have courage and the strength to be bathed in fire'." Daciana translated.

Daciana looked at him and smiled, "Good thing my father insisted that I learned to read the Toran language and speak it...because the Queen refused to allow him to teach his son...idiot."

Daciana stepped closer and as the flame barely grazed the surface of the door, both doors swung open with a loud creak causing the Draconis High General to jump back in surprise.

"So that's how you open it," Daciana said. "Good thing I decided to make a torch." She and Costel stepped into the treasure room followed by the rest of her company.

"Look for the container!" Daciana ordered before everyone went off and went looking for it.

It was Ioana who found it and she found it by tripping and falling onto the metal container, which was a metal chest and the Draconis Magician girl barely had time to jump away when the Djinn made her appearance by a large column of flame.



When the flame subsided, the Djinn had a humanoid dragon appearance with ears on the side and top of her head and a long tail with scales covering her breasts and groin as well as her arms, she had wings on her back. She has several necklaces around her neck; she also wears an elaborate choker that has a long chain linking it to her armbands. She has a metal headband around her head. She also has a belt on her waist. And other than the jewelry, she was completely 'naked'.

"I am Sitri, the Djinn of Fearlessness and Warriors," The female Djinn said. "Mmmm." Sitri twitched her tail as she lied on her side and looked down at them with her unnerving eyes, her eyes were a gold color but the sclera was black instead of white. Her nails are somewhat long and pointed, like claws which are black in color. "I am surprised that such a large group had made it here...congratulations, humans."

"So..." Sitri rumbled out. "Who shall be King?"

"King'?" Daciana echoed before she looked at her companions and then the Djinn.

"Mmm, yes but I don't believe in the whole one king shall rule thing, I think a king should have trusted generals and advisers to help him rule over this world," Sitri said. "And besides, this woman that stands before me has more of a bearing of a Queen, not of a King...she is to rule at a King's side." She glanced over at the people standing behind her and smirks. "I can see it in the eyes of your followers..."

But then she looked away and back at Daciana, "Very well, I pick you as my have my ideal body type anyways, big breasts and a toned body." She winked at Daciana.

"Great...always wanted to have a Djinn hit on me," Daciana sighed heavily. "Remind me to punch someone when we get back." She looked at Ioana who looked up at her and gave her a thumbs up with a large smile on her face (that was a order that Ioana would obey) before she looked back at the Djinn. "Alright, I'll accept you...I hope you're ready to get well used though."

Sitri stared at her silently before a smile slowly appeared on her lips, "Oooh, I like you already."

The Djinn reached out her hand towards them and a glowing column of light appeared around them and stared to left them up, sacks filled with the treasure appeared with them and Daciana looked down at her sword and saw the glowing pentagram appeared on her sword, that was still in its sheathe.

She smirked and looked up as she sat down next to Sarina, "That was fun...never want to go through that again."

Sarina and the rest laughed at that as they waited to return to the outside world, who knows how long they had been within this death house. Daciana knew at least two people who would be worried about her and would be devastated if she had perished within the dungeon.

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