Let's travel back to to the Victorian era...
Magdalene a young apprentice under the physician Apollo See's herself as simple human girl living in a village. Unknown to her, she's from the lineage of the most powerful creatures, her fate collides with the most feared, ruthless and powerful Lord of all times ' Lord Lucas ' A pure blooded vampire known for his ruthlessness and blood thirst . Magdalene discovers her true identity as well as the danger of being killed if discovered. With every blessing comes a curse, in a world filled with different kinds and creatures...The vampires, witches, demons, humans, gifted, goblins, trolls, and wyverns. Magdalene is the only one who can bring balance to them all.
But it isn't as easy as she thought, her life hangs on a thread, the appearance of her abilities comes with life threatening dangers.
This work is entirely fiction and from my own imagination.
It's a story in the setting of the Victorian era
This story contains horror and thriller, all type of magic and fictional characters.
Also there are no werewolves in this book.
If you find this work similar to someone else's work or any play or movie, it's entirely a coincidence.
cover credit goes to owner.
You can follow on Instagram @author Tori.
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kungfu book is scam😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠why will you go ahead and sell people's hard work without their consent you did it to Sarah MA now Tori too😠😠😠😠😠😠this is so disgusting 😠😠😠😠😠😠guess you sold mine too I won't be surprised ..... Webnovel shouldn't approve this kind of act