AN: To be honest i was and still am a bit scared of posting this chapter, for the simple reason that it's not all about Madara destroying everyone like the ultimate chad, like it happened on Naruto... well it's understandable, he is not the real madara, he is 11, and he does not have chakra to enhance himself... but regardless... people have their tastes and what they want to read.... and i feel like a lot of people will hate me after this chapter, i can only hope to be wrong... but i have my story to tell, and i will tell it regardless.
((Lets play Naruto Shippuuden OST – Shouryuu))
Madara was tense, this would be the toughest battle of his life, he was already partially tired after sailing for so long and rushing here at full speed for hours, he was starving since he didn't eat a single thing since he left the ship, and he couldn't use guerilla tactics to fight these soldiers as he did before, otherwise a part of them could go back to chase Toph instead of focusing on him, adding just the sheer numbers of opponents…
Looking around 'Should i just use another 'Great Fire Annihilation'?' he shook his head 'No, the terrain is against me this time, they are too spread out and there's obstacles everywhere...'
There were no other possibilities that he could think at this time, he needed to make them ignore Toph's existence, so he needed to fight them head-on.
'C'mon Madara, I have chosen you for a reason, don't disappoint me now!'
Zhao on the other hand was very relaxed, he couldn't really see what the Greedy Ghost looked like since there was no moonlight to illuminate the swamp tonight and the man was dressed fully in black, but he knew that this person was his ticket to a promotion.
'I might get my general badge after this' he grinned.
The stare-down didn't last long, Madara moved first.
He dashed full speed towards the soldiers, with his sharingan slowly spinning and a battle-crazed smile on his face.
'I'm going to kill you all!'
As he was mid-run a wave of fire covered his vision, having no cover in sight he quickly jumped as high as he could, dodging the wave.
Doing a spin in the air, he tossed a kunai to the side.
The wire wrapped around a tree trunk.
Looking towards the soldiers he saw a second wave of fire coming towards him mid-air, he pulls the wire with his full strength and due to it being tied around a tree, he moved towards the kunai instead of the kunai moving back towards him, dodging the second wave.
'So that's how it works.' his sinister smile grew more.
He landed sideways with his feet on the tree trunk and jumped towards the next tree, moving closer and closer to the soldiers while dodging wave after wave of fire, either using his speed or the trees as cover.
'I need to infiltrate their numbers…'
He jumped towards the next tree, a wave of fire passing right above his shoulder.
'.. As long as I'm alone I will be an easy target for their firebending…'
The closer he got to his enemies the more chaotic their attacks became, abandoning the combined firebending and attacking individually, aiming to strike from every direction.
Using his wires, he swings towards the next tree trunk. As he is about to step on the branch his sharingan captured a firebender aiming at the precise location where he was about to land, the man didn't ignite the fire yet, but his eyes could see the chi inside his body moving.
He instantly moved his hand.
"ARGH!" the soldier in question screamed with a kunai lodged between his fingers all the way to the handle.
Madara landed safely and stared at the crowd right ahead of him.
'All is going well... now let's show them the ultimate taijutsu!'
Jumping as far as he could he managed to land in the middle of the soldier's formation.
Using his lower stance due to the landing he put his hand on the ground and did a quick break dance spin sending a fire wave through his feet in 360 degrees around him.
The ring of fire expanded and caught over a dozen soldiers unprepared.
"AHHHHHHHHHHHH" many screams of pain
"H-he is a firebender!"
Zhao was shocked at the battle and the revelation and grew serious. 'What?! This...this person is way too skilled to be unknown…'
When the soldiers tried to reach him, he used one kunai attached to the metal wire as a whip in each hand to keep hacking them down and if they tried to maintain distance, for a firebending counter he sent his own wave of fire through his feet by kicking and spinning.
Yes, he was surrounded, but the soldiers were slow due to their armor and had a limited field of view due to their helmets, Madara was just too fast, nimble and short due to his age, for every fireball that they managed to hit, 10 soldiers were taken down, and since he was in the middle of the battalion, the soldiers in the back couldn't just throw fire at him or they would hit their own people.
With a slightly pained expression due to a hit on the back of his shoulder he turned around and sliced the throat of the soldier by controlling a kunai through the wire.
'Now it's become a battle of attrition… and I won't lose!'
Toph was being carried by the badgermole at full speed towards Gao Ling, it took her two hours to reach her destination, dropping from her new friend she moved as fast as she could towards the Beifong estate, the rain started pouring as she hastened her steps, using her rough seismic sense to avoid being seen.
Once she was about to enter the estate, she heard a voice.
"Miss Beifong?!"
She jumped, but then calmed down when she recognized that voice "Lei?"
"Yes, it's me Miss Beifong, what are you doing out here?"
"Lei! You have to help Madara, he is surrounded by countless Fire Nation soldiers in the swamp!" she exclaimed.
"Calm down young miss, come with me!" he grabbed her tiny hand "I apologize" and guided her towards Madara's training area.
Once they entered and closed the door, Lei spotted Kaliya and gulped, she was wearing Madara's black robes, but they were too small for her so they were very tight, and her massive assets were easily noticeable. Damn this woman is hot... wtf?!
"Ah Jackie! What did ye bring for food?" she asked in a lazy tone while stretching her body.
Gulp. I'm a married man, I'm a married man. He shook his head and concentrated "Mr. Uchiha was surrounded by the Fire Nation inside the Foggy Swamp."
She just shrugged "Yeah? What are ye worried about? That guy did the biggest wave of fire of the century and burned me ship to cinders alongside me crew, he will turn those pesky soldiers into ashes"
Toph was actually surprised, she didn't know Madara was a firebender, and according to what she just heard, an absurdly powerful one at that!
But Lei didn't seem that calm, he shook his head "You don't understand! Your ship was an easy target and your crew was packed inside it, and even with that… Mr. Uchiha disappeared for a whole day after bringing you to our ship, I assume he was dead tired, a power of that scale was surely exhausting for him, but now it's different… he is surrounded, he won't be able to pull the same trick and even if he does, I doubt he will hit every enemy with it!"
Kaliya grew serious, she didn't think about that "Ye right Jackie, by the way... who is the little toad over there?" She said with a smug grin looking at Toph.
Toph snorted "Someone that will beat the shit out of you one day if you don't shut up." She crossed her arms and huffed.
Jackie went between the two "Calm down, now is not the time for this drama, Kaliya you go to the Foggy Swamp to help Mr. Uchiha, Toph I will lead you to the bathroom to take a shower, you can't go face your parents looking like that, I will ask my wife to smuggle some of your clothes out of your chambers, she is one of your maids so it will be easy for her."
Toph narrowed her eyes and walked long strides towards the corner.
Kaliya narrowed her eyes towards Toph 'this little one got heart...' she grinned and stood up and moved towards the exit, but before she could reach the lever a hand grabbed her arm with a hard grip, turning around she saw Lei looking at her with a murderous expression.
"If you dare to betray Mr.Uchiha, I will hunt you down and kill you myself." He said in a low and somber tone while his narrow eyes kept staring at hers.
((Swapping music, Emergence of Talents/Hyakkaryouran from Shippuden OST))
Back on the battlefield, Madara was surrounded by corpses, he kept killing soldier after soldier but they seemed to never end.
There were already beads of sweat covering his forehead 'Are these fuckers respawning or something?!'
He crouched, dodging a point blank fireball, grabbed the soldier's wrist and throat with his hands and used him as a shield against another fireball.
Zhao at this point was actually starting to fear that person 'He already downed at least 60 men, with who knows how many more injured… and it doesn't seem like he is out of gas yet...' he looked around and saw only 20 to 30 peak state soldiers remaining.
Trying to grab Madara, three soldiers rushed towards him, noticing this Madara jumped high and landed his feet on a soldier's shoulders right before doing a backflip to evade a fireball that was instantly thrown at him, as he landed, he pulled one of his last kunai and lunged it towards the soldier's jaw from below his helmet, piercing through his skull.
He had to let go of his weapon to do a quick roll to the side and evade a kick aiming for his head, mid-roll he opened his mouth and breathed fire directly to that soldier's crotch since he had one leg raised high.
'My stamina … I can feel my movements getting slower already… damn I should've eaten and rested a bit!' he dodged again, killing another soldier by throwing his final kunai at his eye.
'Their numbers are finally down…' he looked around he grinned. 'Luckily, I saved some of my chi... using firebending only for precise attacks or to defend… this damn child's body! Madara did this easily, why's it so hard for me?! Am I missing something?!?!'
His thoughts were interrupted by a heavy kick to his chest that sent him back a few feet.
Cough 'damn that hurts you motherfucker!' landing on his feet he got into his stance again.
Looking up, he saw the smug grin on Zhao's face as he retracted his foot
"Commendable endurance, to think you were so young…" he couldn't really see Madara's face because it was covered by his messy mane, but with his voice and height, there was no mistake.
"You could've been an asset for the Fire Nation… "
"Heh, If that pathetic Fire Lord wants me to serve him, call him here to have an Agni Kai with me, if he wins, then I will accept it" Madara chuckled and spat on the ground.
Zhao frowned and got pissed "PREPOSTEROUS!! You filthy commoner dare to speak like that about our Fire Lord?! I will make it easier for you to fight then, I will fight you myself so I can teach you where you belong."
Madara roared in laughter, those words triggered him "make it easier for me to fight, you say?!" His sharingan glowed and Zhao got scared when he saw those demonic red eyes.
"Congratulations bug, you officially pissed me off" he took a deep breath and fire came out of his mouth as he slowly exhaled "If that's the case... then I will make it easier for you to run, I will fight you seriously so I can teach you the meaning of FEAR!"
A clap of loud thunder echoed through the skies as he shouted his final word, a blue aura appeared around him and a spectral ribcage started to form, encasing him inside it.
Not much to be said here, i just hope it's well received, i researched a LOT to write this chapter, big battles are really tough to write, too much happening and the narrative can't be too detailed to keep the fast pace of a combat scene.
On a side note, Ser_Gamma, my wife did some grammar corrections on this chapter, and she said that if you find any mistakes she will slap you to death, and you know what? i want to watch it! DEW IT!
Have a good evening you gorgeous sausages, and i hope that you guys dont burn me to ashes and i can keep writing my beloved fanfic XD lol cheers!
((Let's settle this mood with the Zetsu Theme, Shipuuden OST))
"What the hell is this ?!"
"This is no human!"
"Is he a spirit?!"
Zhao could only stare wide eyed as a spectral ribcage appeared around Madara, he never heard of anything like it before! What kind of power is this?!
"Come here little Zhao" A dark and sinister voice echoed from inside the Ribcage, he could only see Madara's shape and his eyes…
Those demonic red eyes that glowed in the dark…
Zhao took one step back as Madara took one step forward.
Madara gave up on all possibility of a battle of attrition and went all out, he knew that considering how exhausted and hurt he currently was he wouldn't be able to outlast every single soldier here, eventually he would collapse and even a scrub would be able to score a finishing blow on him.
He could've tried to escape, but he wanted to finish this fight, he felt excited by the thought of such battle! He did find it strange that he became a battle maniac after transmigration, was it a Madara trait that he absorbed or was he always like this and was just born in the wrong era?
He didn't know, and he didn't give a fuck! His blood was pumping and he wanted to keep this fight going for a bit longer.
"Don't tell me that you are afraid now, little Zhao?" he chuckled "Come, the night is still young... let's keep dancing!"
He dashed towards Zhao, who tried to counter with fire, Madara didn't even dodge he just dashed through the wave of flames and came out unscathed.
Zhao saw his opponent's silhouette raising his hand, and suddenly the spectral ribcage expanded and a skeletal arm appeared.
The big skeletal fist hit him on the side of his torso.
Zhao felt the bones of the upper right side of his body shattering, he flew like a cannon ball and was lucky to be caught by his soldiers before he could hit a rock or a tree.
Zhao was fucked and he knew it, such power behind a single punch… A SINGLE PUNCH! Trying to stand up and overcome his newfound fear, Zhao used his strongest firebending move with his one available arm, alongside his remaining standing soldiers, and launched a massive combined fire missile towards the abomination, but as the fire reached his target it just… dispersed…
'WHAT?!' now he had goosebumps all over his body, his back drenched in cold sweat.
"You will have to do better than that little Zhao"
Madara's movements were slower than ever at this point due to exhaustion and lack of chi, yet he was like an impregnable fortress, an impregnable fortress that could fight back, a very dreadful concept but at the same time Zhao saw hope when he noticed how slow Madara was moving around the battlefield.
"He is getting tired, GET HIM!"
One of the soldiers acted instantly and rushed towards Madara with all his speed, jumping in the air while spinning as flames came out of his heel, ready to strike.
Zhao didn't know what to expect but he had hope, even a single crack on that shell would be enough to keep the morale of his soldiers on a decent level, enough to keep fighting.
'He is obviously tired... if we can-'
His thoughts were interrupted at that moment, because before the man could complete his bending the skeletal hand grabbed him mid-air.
"I never liked bugs, they annoy me!" the hand's grip intensified and loud crack sounds echoed as the soldier screamed in pain and despair.
After that he tossed the broken soldier towards Zhao, who managed to dodge in time but was in so much pain that he could barely stand up.
"How does it feel little Zhao, the feeling of despair and hopelessness?"
The blue flame-like aura expanded in all directions and the soldiers felt dread.
"W-we can't fight this!"
"C-commander lets retreat!"
Zhao gulped hard as he was shaking inside his armor, there was no hope. 'Fuck this!'
Zhao turned around and ran, he ran as fast as he could… that thing, whatever it was, made him feel at death's door! At least it was slow and wouldn't be able to give it a chase at this point.
The soldiers. who already were low on morale, looked at each other and as if they were given a new lease in life they dashed to all sides, spreading through the swamp as fast as they could.
Escaping was all they could think right now, no one gave a damn about their pride when faced with sure death!
Madara's eyes went wide, he was livid!
He shouted in anger while used the skeletal arm to grab a big rock nearby and tossing towards Zhao, who dodged thanks to the soldiers beside him that pulled him to the side.
And like that the remaining soldiers ran for their lives and abandoned the battlefield.
Madara on the other hand was breathing heavily, activating Susano'o was a risky move but he knew that he wouldn't be able to win the battle if it kept going, his condition was far from optimal, and he did the one thing that he could think of, break their spirit.
He was having a hard time staying awake, his vision started to get blurry due to exhaustion and he raised his head and shouted at the top of his lungs.
His voice echoed through the swamp as the ribcage disappeared and he fell on one knee, his sharingan deactivated and he felt something coming through his throat.
Blood came out of his mouth 'I will take a long time to recover from this…' he stood up again, and mustering all his strength and willpower he walked through the swamp with unsteady steps, using trees and rocks on his way as support so he didn't fall on the ground. 'I have to get away from here, I don't know what kind of predator will be drawn by the smell of blood.'
"My body… can't... handle it…." He spat some more blood as he walked 'Susano'o in this world is way too demanding for my current body… why couldn't the voice make it more like the avatar state? is it because It's external while the avatar state is internal?'
It was possible for him to continue fighting if he never activated Susano'o, he could even take down more soldiers, but on the long run? He would've been overwhelmed, there was no escape since he was surrounded so he gambled it all on the Susano'o and did his best to keep it up until everyone was gone, even the final shout was just to plant a permanent seed of fear in Zhao's heart.
During the whole battle he was hit many times, although very few through firebending, those physical injuries added up, and that final kick from Zhao cracked his ribs "Next time I see you, I will tear you apart!"
He walked for hours, each step was harder than the one before since both his chi and stamina reached rock bottom.
'I need to rest' he though as he fell down on the ground, panting.
When his consciousness was about to fade, he heard a familiar voice.
"What do we have here?"
Using all his willpower he could muster he opened his eyes slightly and saw a familiar blurry silhouette.
Snort "To think ye would get beaten this bad…"
"You… should see… the other guy…" he tried to chuckle but coughed hard.
"Aye..." she chuckled "It's like fate isn't it? … ye remember what ye did to me ship and me crew? do ye remember what I told ye about trusting a pirate?"
Madara said nothing at this point, if she really is going for vengeance there were no words that would save him. He could only close his eyes, and since he couldn't muster any more strength… it was all up to fate.
Kaliya leaned towards him and stared at his exhausted visage, clicking her tongue "Ye know… it's not really fun to tease ye… "she grabbed his exhausted body like a sack of potatoes and placed him over her shoulder "And here I was thinking that I could at least scare ye a little bit"
She turned around and started running back towards Gao Ling at full speed.
Leaving the training area with Lei beside her, Toph turned to him and asked in a somewhat anxious tone.
"What should I say to my dad? I don't want him to blame Madara, he did nothing wrong and he even went there to save me"
Lei gave her a wry smile "Little Miss I'm afraid that they already blame him, there's not much that you can say to help his situation right now."
She lowered her head feeling guilt "But... it's not fair, is there really nothing that I can do to help him?"
Lei felt conflicted, in one hand he could give her some ideas to help Madara's situation, on the other hand he would be betraying the trust of Master Beifong, it was a very tough spot for him since he respected both men a lot, but when he looked at the depressed Toph he couldn't help it.
Sigh "You can do a few things…"
Toph perked up "Tell me!"
Massaging his forehead and contemplating what he was about to do, he could only shake his head "Tell your father that you were lost in the streets of Gao Ling the whole time, that you discovered that you could earthbend but can't control it so you got lost while exploring your skills…."
"But… what if they go and ask about it?"
Lei shrugged "So what? Gao Ling is a massive city, there's kids everywhere and people wouldn't remember you even if you actually went there, on the other hand they won't press you too hard because it's not like you can tell them where you were… "he chuckled, he really was spending a bit too much time near Madara. "I will back you up and tell your father that I spotted you while doing some chores for Mr. Uchiha in the city."
Toph raised one of her eyebrows and a cunning smirk appeared on her cute face "Oh?.... the perks of being blind…" she chuckled and gave Lei a gentle punch on the side of his thigh "You are a good person Lei… thanks..."
He chuckled at her behavior and bowed respectfully "Always willing to serve, Young Miss Beifong."
I am actually very surprised that the last chapter was so well received, this is actually my first fanfiction and i've seen many times good authors receiving harsh criticism just because the story they wrote wasn't a 100% wishfulfillment, where the MCs had to struggle and suffer.
It seems i was lucky on attracting the right kind of readers here, to that i'm very thankful, you guys are awesome!
Have a great day, and i hope you guys like this chapter as well!
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