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7.5% Madara in the Avatar World / Chapter 5: Facing an Angry Mob

Chapter 5: Facing an Angry Mob

"You gotta be kidding me..."

Both parties kept staring at each other in silence for a whole minute, even if Madara was only 9 years old, his 'waterbending mastery' made the villagers fearful, especially considering that they were on the docks near the ocean, in their eyes young Madara held the terrain advantage even if they had numbers on their side.

Kyoshi island was an 'island-state', they were not considered part of the Earth Kingdom, which means that they didn't get military help from anywhere. With barely a handful of earthbenders spread across all villages on the island they didn't really have enough confidence to charge Madara.

That was until a charming female voice broke the silence

"Whats going on here?"

Passing through the crowd, a group of armored females with face-painting stood between Madara and the mob... I mean villagers...

'For fuck's sake mate, even the Kyoshi warriors came? I stepped in here for like … ten seconds… you fucking wait you damn elephant koi bastard, you got demoted from my newest best friend to my newest favorite dish...'

Taking a good look at the group of ten Kyoshi warriors he couldn't help but praise their posture and fitness, even with their armor, heavy thick kimonos and katanas attached to their waist, they had a perfect combat posture. It shows how much training they endure and how proficient they were in their art, not only that each one of them looked gorgeous with their face-paintings on.

"So, you are the spy from the Fire Nation that is trying to enter our lands?" Asked the leader of the Kyoshi warriors.

Madara shakes his head in denial "I'm no spy, didn't you all see me how I arrived? Isn't that too high profile for a spy?"

Murmurs echoed through the crowd until one of the villagers yelled.


Madara let out an exasperated sigh as he turned to the crowd.

"I AM NO SPY!" he shouted.

But there's always that one asshole...


On the background he could hear a bunch of "Yeah!" and "He is right!" while the villagers nodded their heads like sages.

Facepalming himself, Madara turned to the crowd in anger and called out that one asshole by shouting towards him.

"Hey you, big ugly guy with missing teeth!"


At least five male voices could be heard replaying him.


'This will be a long day… all I wanted was a soft bed…'

Madara turned to a specific big ugly guy with missing teeth and shouted.

"I'M TALKING TO THE FUCKING IDIOT CARRYING SHACKLES!" taking a deep breath, stared at the man and continued "I'm no spy for fuck's sake! I'm 9 years old!"

But again, it was like trying to punch through a steel wall, one could try... but it would only hurt one's fist.


"Are you a spy then?" asked Madara.


"Isn't that exactly what a spy would say?" an amused grin appeared on Madara's face.

The murmurs started to getting louder and louder, Madara is managing to kick the hornet's nest and leaving them on each other's throat, he could clearly hear how many people were starting to doubt one another. 'Ah... how easy it is to pull this off when your target is a crowd of uneducated commoners…' he couldn't help to praise himself.

That was until the leader of the Kyoshi warrior let out an irritated shout.


And just like that the whole mob got silenced, not a single sound. 'God damn... those girls run this place with an iron fist…'

"You are coming with us, spy or not. We can't risk having you around without interrogating you first." She spoke.

"I refuse to be shackled or tied up, I'm no criminal and if you try to force me, I will fight back." Madara replied.

"I don't think you understand your situation, we outnumber you 10 to 1 and that's not counting the whole village behind us, they might not charge you on their own, but if we charge you first, they will follow."

Shaking his head he spoke with a deeper tone "Its you who don't understand your situation, I'm by the sea... I have terrain advantage here and worst case I can just run on the water and escape from here... you can't follow." Subtly doubling down on his 'waterbending mastery' while staring at each one of the Kyoshi Warriors with a serious gaze he continued "And even if you by some miracle prevent me from escaping, I will fight to the death... you may be able to take me down by relying on numbers... but I will take an arm and a leg of every single one of you with me, I wonder how long this village can survive without you girls to protect them in the future..." Said Madara while crossing his arms in front of his chest imposingly and narrowing his eyes, even the air around him seemed to get heavier and they all felt it.

It was a bluff, although he could do exactly what he said, he wasn't willing to put his life on the line to fight the Kyoshi Warriors, he had nothing to gain from it. He could win if he used his firebending but he wasn't willing to do that around these people unless needed, those warriors and the island itself was a Key point for the Avatar's journey.

Aang would awake that's for sure, and he would come here even if it was just to play with the elephant koi just like he first intended on the series, there's no doubt in that, but if he attacked to kill, he would stain his name permanently with the Avatar, he doesn't want to have the whole world against him, there's nothing to earn from that outcome!

Just imagine the Avatar arriving and learning the stories of the 'Firebender demon that burned a whole village to ashes along with its inhabitants' he would never be able to befriend Aang or anyone on his team after that.

Not only that, it would be incredibly difficult to best those girls relying only on his Taijutsu, they have been training for a decade or more, they were masters on their own right and although he has real Madara's knowledge and experience, not only he only trained only for a single year, but his body is also not optimal for his fighting style yet due to his age, a half-step makes a whole world of difference in a real fight, he might be able to do it, but at what cost? Can he survive the wounds on his own?

The Staring contest lasted for about thirty seconds, both side trying to scan one another for openings and possible weaknesses.

"If you agree to come with us, we won't tie you down or shackle you." The Kyoshi leader said.

The mob behind them didn't like that one bit, they started shouting and yelling demanding the 'spy' to be captured regardless of the cost.

Even the Kyoshi Warriors themselves got pissed with the angry mob at this point, one of them in particular had her eye twitching in annoyance. 'Those fucking idiots can't even see five inches ahead of their own nose, the kid is not wrong, an all-out battle in this situation is not optimal for us at all, if he manages to cripple two or three of us before we take him out, we will be terribly weakened for the forceable future...' looking around she shakes her head 'that's not even considering the collateral damage... I can see that this kid is not simple, not only his gaze but his confidence and posture... he is a little monster...'

At this point Madara couldn't help but cheer internally, but kept his poker face and replied "You can't expect me to believe that when the whole village is shouting demanding for my head regardless the cost, right?"

Exasperated, the Kyoshi leader spoke. "How can we compromise then?"

"That's simple, give me your word as an honorable Kyoshi Warrior that you will guarantee my freedom and safety unless I display any treacherous behavior towards you and your people"

Biting the corner of her lips she narrowed her green eyes, what he just asked is too much, the Kyoshi Warriors take their honor more seriously than anyone, they would rather die than forsaking their honor, it seems that this kid knows them quite well.

"Fine… I give you my word as the leader of the Kyoshi Warriors that you will remain unharmed and unrestricted unless you display any shady behavior towards the people of this island, satisfied now?"

She expected him to still be wary of them, regardless of how much the rumors spoke about their honor, its impossible to just trust rumors 100%, right? He is bound to have some wariness regardless... right?

Madara smile and relaxed instantly, completely abandoning his battle-ready posture and walked leisurely towards them "Very satisfied! C'mon I'm hungry, dirty and tired, show me around will ya?"

All that pressure he was emanating was gone, his serious deep, dark tone was gone, his imposing presence... gone... it's like he became a completely different person!

Her eyes went wide and her mouth agape with his instant change of behavior 'It seems I was wrong...'

With that the Kyoshi led Madara through an angry, noisy and ugly crowd of villagers, taking him to an abandoned shack near their barracks, if he is going to stay in here, they will keep an eye on him every second of the day!

Not that Madara cared, he was just walking while whistling, without a single ounce of worry.

The Kyoshi Warrior, named Kira, couldn't help but grin.

"What an interesting kid..."

KojiSan KojiSan

About Romance and Harem i already said before, i will wait until characters are properly developed before considering it, i plan on keeping the personality of the canon characters, and i won't be adding convenient methods to force any specific ship to work.

next chapter

Chapter 6: Kyoshi Island

Madara was escorted to an abandoned shack beside the Kyoshi Warrior's training dojo, once he got settled down, he asked if they could give him some food,water and some clean clothes, he promised that he would pay it back with labor the next day if possible.

Kira, the leader of the Kyoshi Warriors appointed one of the other 9 under her command to stay outside his door for the night, they made no efforts on hiding from Madara that he would be under heavy surveillance, and all he did was shrug.

'Hey I was expecting being chased out of here under a rain of rocks, arrows and cabbages… not only I got a free place to sleep, I got some food and water and even a 'bodyguard' to watch my back while I sleep… from where I came from, this can be considered the best treatment I've ever received!'

As all the other nine left, the one staying behind approached Madara, she had long black hair tied on a high ponytail, with bangs covering half of one of her sharp silver-colored eyes, she was average height, 5'5, and had a slim well-proportioned body with slightly thick lips. If she had black eyes instead of silver she would look like a proper Uchiha, if she didn't have that thick face-painting on.

"Let's introduce ourselves, I am Madara, what's your name?" asked Madara.

She kept staring at him for a few seconds with an emotionless gaze before answer

"You may call me Fei Lan, I will be responsible for keeping an eye on you for the time being."

"Oh, Fei Lan, lovely nam-"

He got instantly interrupted by her.

"I'm not here to befriend you, no one here wants to befriend you, I'm just here to do my job so as long as you don't do anything suspicious you won't be seeing each other once this little introduction is over."

Madara stared at her in silence with a deadpan expression.

"Aren't you rude? I was about to invite you to sit on that chair over there so you could be comfortable…"

She turned around and walked towards the door "I will stay outside; you don't have to worry about me."

"But outside is-"

He got interrupted again, he is getting really pissed by her rudeness right now.

"It seems being subtle won't work with you, so let me say this straight then, there's nothing in this world that would make me accept staying inside this place just so I can watch you for the night, don't overestimate yourself, boy."

And just like that, without even waiting for a reply, she walked outside of the house and closed it with a loud bang.

"What rude little bitch this one…" He muttered to himself. 'Are all the Kyoshi Warriors this bitchy, or is her period today? I might have to consider leaving here sooner… it's just not worth it'

He sat down on the chair and started considering his next moves.

'I need to find a good way to have a decent income, there's many utility items that I want to purchase that will make my time in the Southern Air Temple way more comfortable... I also will need a ship to carry things around... tsk... I obviously won't be buying one... its war time and Fire Nation ships are all over the place, I believe no one will miss one hehe…'

He tapped his finger on the table and continued.

'I will also need more clothes, many clothes to last me for at least five years... getting my armor forged would be great but its not needed right now, I am still growing, I don't want to waste money on something that I will have to wait a decade to use or something that I will throw away in a year because it doesn't fit me anymore...'

He Stood up and started walking in circles. 'I also need to figure out how to activate the sharingan, the method that came with my memories is not working for some reason, is it related to my age? As i expected… the sharingan here is completely different than in Naruto world, there's no emotions involved and it seems that is related to my chi pool but I'm not sure of the specifics… and there's also the method for opening my chakras...'

And like that Madara spent hours planning and making mental notes to future possibilities until he started to feel sleepy and exhausted, deciding to call it a day he walked towards his bed.

As he was removing his dirty black robes, picking up some ugly beige hemp clothes that the girls so graciously gave him. 'These look like fucking jail clothes…' shaking his head he wore his hemp pants, when he was about to grab the top, he heard an incredibly loud thunder sound echoing through the island.

What followed was a sound of heavy rain, it was the beginning of the winter after all, Kyoshi Island could be considered to be located on a 'tropical zone' of this planet with no snow in sight and rain during this time of the year was very common.

He walked close to one of the windows by the door and looked outside to see the figure of a soaked Kyoshi Warrior, with ruined and messy face-painting and hair, under the heavy rain with no cover on sight;

"Would you look at that…"

He kept staring at her for a while and could clearly tell that her intense glare was on him, those were not the eyes of someone that was just watching, that gaze was basically telling him subtlety 'Open the door!'.

He looked around and saw a deserted road, no one in sight, just pure darkness with a few sparkles of candle light here and there coming from inside a few buildings nearby.

"Sadly... I heard that being subtle doesn't seem to work well with me…"

He closed the curtains, locked the door and laid down on the old bed, covered himself with a thick blanket and closed his eyes.

"What a shame..."

And just like that, he fell asleep and enjoying a long night of sleep and the comfiest place he ever slept on since he came to this world.

On the next day Madara woke up to soft bird sounds on the distance, he never slept so well! His body was so relaxed that he didn't even want to get up from bed, that was until knock sounds came from the door.

He rubbed his eyes and stood up, walking towards the door and unlocking it just encounter the leader of the Kyoshi Warriors in front of his door.

"Good morning..." he said with a sleepy voice and a happy smile.

"It seems you rested well during the storm last night" said the Kyoshi Warrior.

"What can I say? rain sounds are cozy and makes me really sleepy, was a great night! Where is Fei Lan by the way?"

"She is at the healer's tent, she got really sick and have a nasty fever, I shall take up her job until she gets better, my name is Kira."

He displayed sadistic smirk that made Kira's green eye twitch. "Oh really? What a shame indeed…"

After that Madara left his shack and walked around the village, ignoring the dirty looks that everyone is giving him this place is very cozy, it resembles Japan's Edo period, if he remembers correctly, Kyoshi Island culture was heavily inspired by Japanese culture, their clothes, armors and even food, now that he thought about it... the Kyoshi Warriors does wield Katanas alongside their war fans.

The roads were made of dirt, which were obviously wet after a long rainy night with many puddles here and there, the buildings were very traditional, he noticed that there were many stones on top of the roof, he learned from Kira that it's a way to prevent the tiles from detaching and sent flying during heavy storms.

Their agriculture was mainly rice, as expected, and the people wore mainly kimonos and sandals, and it seems that during rainy weather they also have a thick coat of hay on their shoulders and carried the traditional Japanese hat, as known as kasa, on their back.

All in all this was a very peaceful society, it would be even better if it wasn't the dirty looks that everyone is giving him everywhere he goes, which it feels odd to him, yes they didn't like him, yes they had a hostile behavior towards him... but there's something more in those looks…

As they walk through the main road, with heavy blacksmith hammering sounds on the background mixed with charts being pulled left and right Madara can't handle it anymore and turns to Kira.

"What the hell is going on... why they are staring at me like that? I might be suspicious, I admit it, but why are they looking at me as if I destroyed their families?"

Kira was shocked by his question, and a helpless wry smile appeared on her beautiful face "Well you see… its... a bit complicated…" before she could explain any further a group of at least 10 kids, all around the ate of 5, some younger some a bit older, came running through the houses yelling at each other.




The kids kept playing and yelling at each other repeating the words they listened yesterday at the docks, and that's when it's clicked...

"Oh…." That was the only thing Madara could say.

"Yeah, I heard that they kept saying that since last night after your grand entrance at the docks." She answered him with a hidden amusement in her voice.

He could only stand still in shock, he didn't even consider the fact that there were very young and impressionable children on the docks yesterday, he clearly saw and heard them the moment he arrived... and still cursed like a sailor... what to say in a situation like this?

Taking a deep breath, he talked to himself "Way to go Madara, you achieved the impossible, made the paranoid Kyoshi people hate you even more... why not just shout that you are a firebender as well?"

Kira couldn't help anymore and started laugh "Yeah that would 100% make everyone hate you even more, I find it hard to even imagine that level of hatred."

"Our imagination is limited by our knowledge..."

"Very wise words… by the way, although I have a good sense of humor and laugh at it, don't even joke about being a firebender,"

Madara just nodded. "Yes... joke... of course..."

KojiSan KojiSan

I hope you all like the chapter, my cat left a nasty cut on my finger when i took her to the vet today and i don't know if i will be able to write another chapter today.

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