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11.25% Madara in the Avatar World / Chapter 8: Demon

Chapter 8: Demon

After a whole week of doing nothing all around the town, living of the kind donations that came from Kira, which improved a lot after their talk that day, Madara was putting his black robes on.

Today was the day that he was informed that he would be allowed to watch the Kyoshi Warrior's training, but his goal was not just watch, he will fight, he has to fight, when your words are discredited, when your actions are ignored and only warriors seem to understand you, you have to talk the warrior's language, using your fists!

Checking if everything was properly tied, Madara nodded to himself, and after putting on his black shinobi sandals he walked out of the house.

Today the mood of the town was different, he could see quite some new faces around. For someone that explored the village for a whole week, he knew quite a bit about the inhabitants, so new faces could only mean one thing…

'Heh, they are preparing for any trouble, eh?' his eyes narrowed and he smirked as he walked to the Kyoshi Dojo that was very close to his shack. 'Let's have some action.'

As he walked inside the dojo, he noticed that it was already full, not only the 10 Kyoshi warriors were giving a lecture about combat techniques to young children, even Oyaji, the village leader, was here as well, not only that but from the moment he stepped in Oyaji has been eyeing like a hawk.

While taking his sandals off before stepping on the training area he hears his favorite female voice talking to him.

"You have quite unique shoes, don't you?" Said Kira as she approached him.

He just shrugged like he usually does "What can I say, it's the kind of shoes that my people usually wear"

"I never seen or heard of anything like it"

"Of course you haven't, the Fire Nation don't have these" he replied with a smirk.

She could only reply with a smirk of her own while shaking her head. She noticed that although young Madara had the same carefree speech, tone and behavior that he usually displayed, today his eyes were sharper, today he didn't come to be a tourist, today he came as a warrior, to fight!

As the lecture kept going, which was just some basic exercises so he didn't put too much attention to it, he turned to Kira and curiously asked.

"I see quite a number of boys here, I thought you would only teach girls"

She shrugged just like him and replied "If we can accept an outsider that is a boy to be here, why would we chase away our own?"

He couldn't help but snort amused, her behavior changed a bit since they met, it's almost like... she is taking some of his mannerisms.

After the lecture there was a series of spars between Kyoshi Warriors, nothing extreme and certainly nothing dangerous, but it was enough for Madara to see their combat style.

'So, they mainly use their hands to attack and grapple... their legs are mainly for movement and stability, a very good style to specialize in using an opponent's strength and weight against them.'

After the spars were over one of the Kyoshi Warriors came to the center.

"Thank you all for coming, I hope you all learned something new to help you improve yourselves" she slightly bowed her head, proper etiquette was part of being a Kyoshi Warrior after all. "But now we will have a final spar, our … visitor … will fight with one of us 9, this will be a more serious spar but I want to let everyone know that this won't be, by any means, lethal, you are welcome to stay and watch if you so desire."

Many murmurs spread through the dojo, only the 10 Kyoshi Warriors and Oyaji knew about this spar so everyone else was obviously shocked! Most of them already got used to Madara's presence on their daily lives and even stopped staring at him when he walked around the village, to think that the young boy would have a serious spar with a trained Kyoshi Warrior….

Madara was shocked, but by another reason "9? Won't you be the one to spar with me?"

Kira just shook her head "No, it wouldn't be appropriate for the leader to spar in this situation, I will be watching the fight to guarantee fairness and the safety of everyone."

Madara snorted "Will it be Fei Lan?"

Kira raised one eyebrow "You really don't like her, do you?"

He just shrugged, and she chuckled

"No, it won't be Fei Lan, it will be Lana she has been waiting for this since you arrived, she even calls you 'little monster' when we talk about you"

Now was Madara's turn to raise his eyebrow "Oh? You talk about me?"

Kira couldn't only leave an exasperated sigh "Go!"

No one left the dojo, even the little kids were excited to see a serious combat, its not every day that a Kyoshi Warrior displays their real skill after all.

Once Madara stepped up the young kids kept staring at him, especially young Suki, she was mesmerized by his appearance, long black spiky hair that reached bellow his shoulders with bangs that covered his black sharp eyes that made him look like a predator, long black robes that, together with his eyes and hair, contrasted with his pale skin, all in all… her first impression of him was of a strong and mysterious boy.

Once he stepped up his opponent also walked towards the center, Lana was another beauty among the Kyoshi Warriors, long braided chestnut colored hair tied in a low ponytail with bright blue eyes.

When both of them were in the center, they bowed to each other in respect and at the exact same time assumed their combat positions 10 meters from one another, it was so well performed and synchronized that if someone didn't know, they would believe this was choreographed.

But then… they just stopped moving… seconds passed and no one moved. It was more like a stare down than actual spar, this made the girls and even Oyaji confused, but once he looked towards the other Kyoshi Warriors he was shocked, they all had grim expressions on their faces!

Others wouldn't notice minute details but how wouldn't they? They are all martial arts masters, regular untrained people would never notice it but they could see it clearly as day, Lana body moved slightly and Madara's body shifted in response right after in less than a fraction of a second, every time Lana prepared a movement Madara prepared a counter instantly!

To the crowd they were just staring at each other as statues, but Lana already had a cold sweat running down her spine. 'Little monster?! WHAT A JOKE!! This boy is a demon!'

Kira's expression was very grim as she looked at both of them, muttering to herself "His words weren't a bluff, if his skills are half as good as his reflexes and instincts... he could've really crippled us that day on the docks" the other 8 that were sitting in seiza position beside her couldn't help but give a serious nod.

((I kept listening to the Agni Kai theme while writing this chapter, so I would recommend the readers to do the same while reading))

Madara's presence changed since he assumed his position, his gaze and the pressure he emanated was just like that day on the docks, right now he isn't a transmigrated person with Madara's powers, right now he truly is Uchiha Madara!

'Not coming, eh? If that's the case' he stared at Lana's pretty blue eyes and displayed a sinister grin "Lana, right? Let's dance!"

In a fraction of a second his body shifted and dashed towards Lana with extreme speed, the girl manages to react but was half second late, as soon as she moved to grab his arm, he already shifted his feet and landed a heavy blow to her gut with his knee.


Saliva flows out of her mouth. she takes one step back to catch her breath but Madara isn't letting her.

He jumps on a spinning kick aiming her head, she manages to block it but her posture was broken, the power of that kick made her feel her bones shaking.

She grabs his ankle with her free hand, and since he is very light, she spins and throws him upwards with all her strength.

She needed some time to recover her posture and creating a distance would help, that and having him on the air would making him an easy target.

But what happened next made her feel despair, Madara did a backflip in the air and landed upside down on the ceiling.

Time seemed to stop and she could see his predatory gaze fixed on her, a sinister bloodthirsty smile on his lips, right after that he instantly dashed towards her again.

He flipped on the air, using both his weight and the momentum gained, he landed a heavy axe kick on her right shoulder.


Lana bit her lips feeling the pain, that arm is gone for the fight and every inch she moves it she feels a stinging pain.

The spar continued, Madara didn't let her even seize initiative, it was a one-sided beatdown and she could only endure it, she is a Kyoshi Warrior, she would never give up just like that.

The other Kyoshi Warriors were even more grim as the time passed, some of them were closing her fists so hard that their hands were turning white. 'That's no boy… that's truly a demon in human skin... and he is only 9 years old…'

Lana could only try to defend with her knees and left arm, she couldn't muster a counterattack at all, Madara was relentless and merciless, he might not be fighting in a life and death battle considering how he aims to incapacitate her and not to kill, but it doesn't diminish the seriousness that he is putting in this fight.

After a couple more minutes of combat Madara landed his knee on the side of her right thigh with his full strength, this time she couldn't help but let her pain out.


Falling on one knee and without being able to use her right arm, she gives up her defenses and lunges a jab towards his face.

Madara was startled by her sacrifice and couldn't react in time to dodge the blow completely, so he shifted his body and took the jab on his shoulder, using the momentum of the blow he went for a final spin.

Mid spin his hands morphed from a close fist to stretched fingers, at that moment Kira's eyes widened staring at Madara's spear-like hand.

He lunged his hand towards Lana's throat like a spear, time slowed down.

Lana could see that spear-like hand moving towards her throat, she had no way to avoid it or block it, if that hit lands, she is dead.

Kira instantly starts to stand up trying to stop the spar but she is too slow and is too far away, even saying "STOP" would take too long and Lana would be a cold corpse by then.

Everyone stopped breathing at the final moment of the spar, and when they thought it would be the end for the Kyoshi Warrior, Madara just stopped his hand half-inch from her throat.

It was dead silence, no one said a word, even Kira was stuck on a half standing up position, that final attack was aiming to take a life, it was not a kind of attack that a 9-year-old could ever use, regardless of how talented and well trained they were!

Madara kept staring at her eyes for a couple seconds as he caught his breath, then he retracted his arm while nodding to her, he offered his hand to help her stand up and she accepted it absentmindedly.

Kira finally came back to her senses and shouted

"The spar is Over, Madara Wins!"

No one could say a word, there was no cheer, there was only utter dread!

'This kid… ' Oyaji kept staring at Madara with his huge forehead covered in sweat 'He didn't even used his bending and could already kill a seasoned Kyoshi Warrior….' He then looked at Lana 'If he was a spy, he could've attacked us and we wouldn't even be able to react… I find it hard to believe ANYONE would dispatch someone like this just to spy on our small little island…'

He then muttered to himself "Potential friend, huh? I pray that you are right Kira, I truly do…"

KojiSan KojiSan

It took me a while to write this chapter, i'm not experienced in writing combat so i had to research quite a bit to not make it bad and boring, which i hope i didn't!!!

Dialogue, interactions and character development just comes easy to me but combat is tricky, i hope i did good sinse this is actually my first ever fanfiction.

next chapter

Chapter 9: Final Preparations

Kira helped Lana to get to the healer's hut and led everyone else outside the dojo with the help of the other Kyoshi Warriors, all of that while Madara sat on the ground to rest, his shoulder was hurting like crazy, that last strike he took really screwed him, if not for his final move he didn't know if he could keep fighting aggressively like that, and giving Lana the initiative wouldn't be different from admitting defeat, that woman is strong!

To anyone watching the fight it seemed that it was a one-sided beatdown but he knew better, he had to spend three times more stamina than needed, his child body didn't have the same strength as a grown man, every kick and every punch NEEDED to be done with his full strength behind it, otherwise it would have no effect in battle whatsoever.

Not only that but during fight he felt something, he doesn't know what it was and it was very faint but he felt something weird with him.

As someone who struggled to live during his previous life he was more than used to dirty his hands with a few things, he never crossed certain lines because he was afraid of the consequences that would for sure come to bite him in the ass, but he was never soft-hearted person, his goal was to survive and if he had to play dirty do achieve that he would, so he had no problem in fighting seriously or aim for the head.

His thoughts were interrupted by Kira that came back and offered a waterskin, he took it and gulped it in a few seconds.

"Phew, I needed that… thanks…"

"You are welcome" she grinned "That was a nice fight by the way, to think your small body could pack such punch…"

"Hey I resent that! Don't use the word 'small' when talking about a man, unless you want that man to really dislike you…"

She laughed out loud "Well… tell me that after you grow up a bit, okay?"

'This fucking bitch…' his eye twitched and he let out a loud laugh together with her, regardless of her teasing he couldn't stay angry with her.

"So, what you think? Did I worsen my situation with your town?"

She shook her head "I believe that after this everyone will know that if you had bad intentions, you would have no issues in doing it... by the way..." she pointed to his shoulder "You better get that checked."

Madara loosed his robes a bit to reveal his right shoulder, a huge nasty purple mark spread through his skin.

"Ouch" she said with a sarcastic tone.

"Ouch indeed, that will hurt tomorrow" he replied.

She turned her sarcastic grin on. "That will hurt for at least five 'tomorrow's"

"You know... you are this far from entering my Fei Lan list…" he said with a deadpan voice, which she just laughed louder and louder.

He got up and left the dojo with her on his tail, when he turned the corner of the street, he understood the saying 'Talk about the Devil and he shall appear'.

"BUT HE IS A FUCKING IDIOT!" said a small five-year old boy looking at the Kyoshi Warrior, Fei Lan, right in front of him, while all she did was to stare at the boy with an angry face.

That seemed to be enough and he boy lowered his head and walked away with her.

Madara turned to Kira and asked "Who's that? One of her victims?"

She chuckled and answered while shaking her head "No, that's Kelo, her son… she always doted on him like a little prince, he is spoiled to the core… well that was until certain someone showed up and taught him how to curse…"

"Oh…" Was all Madara could say.

"You finally understood huh?" she asked teasingly.

"Now everything makes sense… I can't even complain about the treatment anymore…"

She started to laugh out loud again, using her fingers to clean her tears.

"What's so funny?" Asked Madara annoyed.

"We had a bet about how long would it take for you to figure that out…" she answered while still laughing. "Some said a day, some said a week, some of us said never…"

"What about you?" He asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Until any of us told you about it" she said that with the most sunny, charming and cute smile possible, that made Madara want to punch her face so damn hard...

After that incident Madara went to rest on his cabin, and look at that? That little bitch was right, it took him five days to get his shoulder better.

After that he kept exploring the Village and talking to the population, this time no one treated him badly, it seems someone told them to treat him with respect that he was no spy at all… phew… finally!

After the first couple weeks after the spar, Madara was called by Kira again who offered him some sort of exchange for some fighting tips for her warriors, he wouldn't get paid in currency, because they wanted to keep their economy tight inside the island, but they would fetch goods for him directly if he wanted, and just like that Madara got his first job.

He also taught some extra tips to the young girl group that watched the spar that day, especially Suki, he knew what she would become so he went an extra mile to impart some extra fighting techniques to her.

"Huff… Madara this is too much... I can't carry more weight!"

"Your stamina is too low Suki, you need to grow up and become the strongest of the Kyoshi Warriors." He replied.

"Just a little break... pretty pleeeease?" she said doing her best puppy-eyes technique on him.

"Sigh, alright alright… lets rest"

And like that she dropped a big rock from her back and sat down under a tree with him, drinking water and resting her tiny body.

"You are from outside the island, right?" she asked while she gulped her water.

"Yes, why?" he said while taking a dumpling from his bag and started eating beside her.

"What can you tell me from the outside world? How people live there? Have you been to other nations?" She was really curious about how things were outside Kyoshi Island.

"Other nations huh?" he leaned back on the tree and started thinking for a few seconds, then an evil scheming smile appeared on his face "I know quite a bit about the Southern Water tribe…"

"OHHH! Tell me tell me!" she exclaimed excitedly

He pretended to be reluctant for a bit "Are you sure? I don't know if you will like it…"

Her cute blue eyes narrowed "What? Tell me!"

Sigh "It's…. well…. the boys of the southern water tribe believe that woman aren't capable fighters, that they should accept being housewives and always bow their heads to their man's wishes"

As expected, Suki got furious "THAT'S STUPID! THEY ARE ALL FUCKING IDIOTS!"

For the first time Madara was proud of spreading his sailor's speech through this village, he gave her an understanding nod and continued "That's how they behave, even if they pretend to be understanding… is just to woo other girls, it's their culture after all…"

She was fuming "What a stupid fucking culture! If I encounter any of them, I will break their family jewels!"

He let out a loud laugh and patted her head "Good, young Suki... Good" he couldn't help but use a Palpatine-like voice. 'I hope you enjoy my gift, Sokka' he lifted his water skin to his mouth, pretending to drink water to hide his demon-like evil smile on his face.

After a couple of months of tutoring young children and veteran Kyoshi Warriors in different fighting styles Madara went to Kira with a request.

"Can you take me to a blacksmith? I have some weapons that i want forged…"

She looked at him in confusion "You can just ask me any weapon and I will find you one, I know you like the katana so I will just give you one, there's no need to get a new one forged…"

He shook his head "It's not a katana, I can't wield it properly my body is too sma-" he paused mid-sentence and coughed "Ahem.. I don't have the proper body to wield one yet, the balance would be all wrong for me."

She couldn't help but raise the corners of her mouth in a sarcastic and smug smirk, gosh Madara really wanted to punch her pretty face right now once again!

"Alright, you can come with me then, I will take you there."

"Before we go can you spare me some paper and charcoal? I want to draw the weapons that I want" he requested.

"Sure" She, she looked around the dojo for the items he asked and handed them back to him. "Here."

"Thanks!" he started sketching different shinobi weapons from the Naruto world, Kira never saw any of those weapons anywhere, that made her belief even more firm 'He is definitely not from the Fire Nation.'

She guided him to the blacksmith and he presented his sketches, that made the poor old man scratch his head.

"What is this one?" he asked with a raspy voice while pointing specifics.

"This one is a Kunai, it needs to be this specific size, don't forget the hole on the pummel that's very important, it should be large enough to put a finger through it."

"I see, how about this one? How long do you need this thing to be?"

Madara stopped to think for a second "Hmm about... 900 feet each, I want at least 30, the same goes for the kunais... I will need 30 of them."

The old blacksmith nodded "Very well it will take me over a month to finish this, this... kunai… is easy, the problem is this other one, to make it resistant and malleable we will need to work on it for a while."

Madara just grinned "No worries old man, I have all the time in the world."

KojiSan KojiSan

My plan was for a more exciting chapter, but i can't skip important characters interactions like that, skipping friendship building moments is a big No-No in my book, i am an advocate of "show don't tell" so i had to make this 'interlude' chapter.

Also many people ask about "Why not he just kill Aang? Why not just do this or that?"

I don't know if i'm not edgy enough for this platform or what, but Madara is not an idiot, he thinks ahead.. Killing an avatar is the worse thing anyone can ever do, they can comunicate with their successor and spread knowledge and information, that wouldn't be a problem for certain situations, but Madara would still be alive by the time the next Avatar come to be, and his doings would be known, he would be fucked! Also killing the Avatar and taking his spotlight on the Canon story is not what Madara wants, thats too much trouble for him, he doesn't want the weight of being the "Savior of the World" on his shoulders, let Aang deal with this shit.

Not only that he would be permanently erasing Airbending from the world, no one knows what kind of consequences that would have, he wouldn't risk it.

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