Roughly a week after his contract with the Beifongs were signed Madara could be seen walking towards the main residence of the estate, he was wearing the new robes that the Beifong's ordered for him.
At first Lao wanted him to keep the color scheme of the robes in touch with his family's, but all that took was Madara to say "well that wasn't part of the contract".
Madara was wearing robes very similar to his old Darth Maul inspired ones, the difference is that the inner layer of robes was red with silver embroidery details, the outer robes were still black but made of top-quality fabric, the Uchiha symbol on his back was professionally made this time, he also had shin guards similar to the Akatsuki's uniform, but instead of white it was made of black leather. Attached to his leather belt was a fancy red string which's other end was tied to a small token that carried the Beifong family sigil, that part Lao demanded and Madara shrugged, it didn't bother him.
During the past week Madara interacted with the Beifong family a lot, he met Poppy Beifong, Lao's wife, and also, he met the 4-year-old Toph, and considering her behavior he believed that she hasn't learned earthbending from the badgermoles yet.
"Hello there Mr. and Mrs. Beifong, you look lovely today, I think it's the new hairstyle" he lied through his teeth, that hairstyle was very traditional but just made her look like she had a big head, regardless who would say such things to the wife of their boss?
But then a childish voice came from bellow.
"Madawa!" said the young Toph trying to locate him.
He chuckled and walked towards her and patted her head "You look great too little midget"
Poppy Beifong's eyes twitched, she didn't like how Madara behaved informally with Toph, and she didn't like how Toph changed from her quiet and silent personality around him either, she tried to talk to her husband many times but Lao told her that it was good for Toph to have someone closer to her age to talk to, he hasn't been fully smitten by his control freak of a wife… yet.
Lao wanting to prevent any sort of conflict between parties coughed "Ahem, Mr. Uchiha today is the first day that you will be teaching the Beifong guards, although you are a master of your own right, you are still… well… a 10-year-old boy in their eyes, it may become rather tricky for you to control them, do you want me to send a missive and personally order them to behave?"
Madara grinned "Nah, that won't be necessary… If they behave badly, I will carve subordination in their bones" he let out a wicked chuckle that made the Beifong couple sweat a bit.
Toph on the other hand grinned behind her mother, and no one saw it.
"Sigh, I trust you, but at least let me send you an assistant, it won't be someone that will get in your way you have my word, you seemed to have acquainted yourself with Lei, he will be under your orders for the duration of the contract, how about that?"
"Oh? Well, if its Jackie then it's fine, he seems like a fun guy to be around, but let me tell you beforehand Mr. Beifong, I will train them for war, many will want to quit, but if only one out of ten endure, you will have the best guards available in the four nations, discounting the Fire Lord's and Earth King's, I can't do that much in such limited time I hope you understand."
Lao nodded "Do what you must, just don't kill them, I don't want the tales of a monster that is killing Beifong guards to appear, it would ruin our prestige."
Madara turned away and walked towards the training square "I can only promise to do my best in that regard, please send Jackie to the training grounds."
Lao could only sigh 'Since when i became an errand boy…' he chuckled 'this kid got balls'
Poppy wasn't amused "Are you going to let him talk to you like that? He is the servant not you! And look at how he behaves with little Toph, he is a hooligan that will teach her bad manners!"
'Damn you Madara…' was all that Lao could think at this moment.
Toph on the other hand, did her best to prevent a smirk from forming on her cute chubby face 'heh…'
Madara walked through the estate, all the servants that saw him bowed their heads a little, they didn't know who he was but to get a house inside the estate and being sponsored so much by Master Beifong means that he was special in some way.
As he arrived on the training grounds he did a quick scan, the place resembled the tournament square from the Dragon Ball series, and a bunch of young men were already talking to each other, today they heard that they will be training under a martial arts master and they were obviously curious about it.
Madara kept watching their behavior when he heard hasty footsteps behind him, when he turned, he saw good ol' Jackie… ahem... I mean Lei… arriving in a hurry.
"Mr. Uchiha, I came as soon as I was given the order, I shall be under your command from this day forth." He said bowing his head, but his voice was loud enough to attract attention, everyone turned to both of them and when they saw young Madara they raised their eyebrows 'What the hell? is that boy our instructor? It can't be right… he looks more like a noble.'
Madara turned towards the crowd and walked steady steps towards them, stopping ten feet away while crossing his arms.
His eyes narrowed and the air around the training ground got heavy.
Everyone hurriedly ran and stood five feet from one another with their backs straightened, all they could think is 'What the actual fuck…'
"I was hired by Mr. Lao Beifong to teach you all to fight properly…"
His gaze scanned every single one of them, once they felt their gaze on them a cold sweat ran down their spine.
"I will twist your insides until they bleed!"
"I will grind your muscles until they shatter!"
"And when I'm done with you… You will become fucking experts or die trying!"
Madara walked towards one of the men in the front, this one had hazel eyes and messy light brown short hair. "What is your name scrub?"
"G-Gan, sir!"
"Gan!" he said again.
"Tell me Gan, what is your profession?"
"We are guards of Beifon-"
He was interrupted by a heavy blow to the gut, everyone looked towards him and saw Madara's elbow sunk on his gut and the poor guy fell on his knees, completely out of commission.
"You are no guard,. your current profession is cannon fodder!" said Madara as he retracted his arm and went back to his crossed arm position.
"And you will remain that way until this training is complete, I might be a 10-year-old but I killed more men than any of you met in your whole lives!" he was talking about Madara's past experienced added to his own "I trained girls that could beat all of you black and blue ALONE, and bend your bodies twisting you like pretzels!"
'What the hell is a pretzel?'
'Sounds scary…'
'Shut up, leave my thoughts you idiot' (???? Lol)
"Sir, I don't thi-"
"Ugh!" the man caught his throat wrapped on metal wire.
"You didn't ask for permission to talk, you will learn how to behave or you will go back to your homes tonight with your arms replaced by your legs, AM I FUCKING CLEAR?"
"YES SIR!" A loud chorus of voices echoed through the Beifong Estate.
"Now you fucking useless dogs, before learning how to beat someone you first need to learn how to take a beating! Everyone in pairs NOW!" the guards quickly moved and found their pairs. "I want you exchanging punches, no need to defend, aim for the gut and USE YOUR FULL STRENGTH! The first five that falls down will accompany Mr. Gan tonight, being tied to those poles until dawn" he said while pointing towards the many carved stone columns that decorated the training area.
After that he walked back to his initial place.
"Very smart sir! That way they will train their pain endurance!" said Lei with a classical bootlicking tone.
"What the hell are you talking about?" Asked Madara.
"I-isn't that the goal of this exercise?"
"Of course not, I just want them to bleed for the day… if they can muster the proper will to come back tomorrow then I will train them for real, there's no point in training those who aren't cut for the job."
"I-I see…"
"By the way Jackie, what the fuck are you doing here?"
"I-I came under Master Beifong's orders to be your assistant Sir." Said Lei nervously.
Madara shook his head "No, that's not what I'm talking about… what are you doing HERE" he pointed to the precise location they were standing "Take those fancy ass robes off and go join the group."
"B-but S-Sir…"
"You are under my command Jackie, and I am telling you to go and join the damn group, this is an order and all I want to hear from you is 'Yes Sir!' are we clear?"
"Y-Yes S-Sir!" Lei was almost crying at this point, he took his fancy robes off and walked towards the group reluctantly.
"FASTER JACKIE!" Shouted Madara.
"Y-YES!" he started running, god dammit! His wife just got back from the spa and was so happy and glowing that she promised to give him the treat of his life tonight… if he is among the first five to fall down… at that thought a dangerous light glowed in Lei's narrowed eyes… not a chance!
Madara hummed as he watched the crowd of grown-up men beating the shit out of one another, obviously Jackie wasn't the only one that had plans for tonight and no one wanted to be tied up for a while night with blue balls as an extra adornment.
What no one saw was that in one of the cabins nearby a young Toph was playing with her toys, well at least that's what she told her parents while claiming that having some fresh air would make her day more comfortable.
Her parents didn't see any issue since she wouldn't be leaving the estate and sent maids to accompany her.
Right now, she was pretending to play with wooden toys while the maid's kept patrolling the perimeter of the cabin, but she could hear what was happening on the training grounds perfectly.
A sinister grin appeared on her cute chubby face as she started giggling, the maids just assumed she was very happy and entertained with her toys… of course…
Recently i've been receiving some low star ratings because, according to them, my Madara is not the real Madara and they can't accept how disrespectful it is to nerf his power's to fit the Avatar World, ffs... so i had to add a disclaimer to the Fanfiction synopsis to hopefully weed these pests out.
Thank you for all the support you lovely sausages have been giving me, you guys are awesome and i hope to keep you entertained for the forseeable future!
By the way, i don't have an editor yet, my wife is requesting to edit my FF, but until then... don't be shy and point my grammar mistakes :3 i will do my best to fix them as quick as possible!
It was a lovely first day of work for Madara, he spent his whole day sitting under the shade drinking expensive cold drinks and watching grown men beating the shit out of one another until sunset.
The only disappointment was that he couldn't tie people upside down on the columns as he wanted, Mr. Beifong intervened and prevented it from happening, 'what a party pooper' so he just tied them regularly with his wires without any issue, they were out cold after all.
But Madara was actually shocked by Lei's endurance and strength, it was like he was fighting against the world on his own and outlasted everyone even though he could barely walk back home. 'It seems I underestimated you Jackie, you just earned my respect today.'
He could feel a cold breeze passing through him as he walked towards a secluded location right outside the Beifong estate, the warm setting sun illuminated the roofs of Gao Ling like jewels, it was a beautiful city.
Walking furter from the estate he saw a huge hollow mountain. 'This wasn't here when I arrived… it seems Lao called some earthbenders to build me a training area, what a thoughtful bastard.'
He walked through huge metal gates and pulled a lever nearby that closed them, taking his robes until he was only left with his pants on, he found some shelves and made good use of them, walking towards the main area he found a place very similar to the Beifong estate training area, a large arena that looked a lot like the ones in Dragon Ball tournaments.
"It seems that everything a Beifong does needs to be grand… is he compensating for something?" snorting he swaggered his way to the center and sat down.
"My chi pool stopped increasing after I became 10, it seems that in this world there's only a very tight timeframe in which someone's chi pool keeps expanding naturally, that explains a lot about a lot of things…" he took a deep breath.
"My sharingan only activated that night because I can assume that was the moment that my chii pool stopped increasing, it was 15 days ago… which means that I turned 10 exactly 15 days ago, I now know my biological birthday, although I don't know which day is today because I never cared but I can ask for information after this training."
Focusing on his hands in front of one another ahead of his chest, he willed it and a flame appeared, he narrowed his eyes and increased his concentration "Now c'mon, lets try to achieve that beautiful blue fire…"
Minutes became hours and he failed and failed in achieving the blue fire, his first theory was that Azula spent twice or thrice the amount of chi to intensify her flames and he tried just that, but that only made the flame go bigger, he was lacking something. Even the best firebending method he got didn't teach him the fire because the amount of chi required for the blue flames was absurd, he wonders how many before Azula could do it, he never heard of any Avatar doing it so it must be a very rare trait to have a huge chi pool.
"I will work around that, my plan is to spend my next year coming here every day after work to master firebending entirely, then go back to the Southern Air Temple to fetch my gunbai and once I'm back here… heh." he grinned "It will be lightning time baby..."
From that day on he kept the same regime, he woke up at dawn he trained the soldiers until they could barely walk before sending them back home, many decided to quit but most of them stayed, which shocked Madara a bit, his training was borderline torture but those blokes endured it without crying, well at least in front of him.
During this time, he also spent quite some time with little Toph, who's already displaying her rebel personality when alone with Madara.
"This place sucks!" a childish female shout echoed through the little gazebo in the middle of a huge koi pond.
"It's not that bad little midget, I had to live on fruits and birds for a whole year… and after that I had to survive in the wilds for half a year, hiding in the Foggy Swamp eating things you don't want to know to satisfy my hunger." Said a less childish male voice in a soothing tone.
Yes, these were Toph and Madara having one of their 'Secret Meetings' during the evenings, it needs quotes because Madara was upfront with Lao, who was actually very open and receptive about the idea, and even went a step further and prevented his wife from discovering, after spending quite some time with Madara he was already regretting certain choices in life, well at least now he might not end up like a whipped simp.
"It's not fair! They treat me like I'm a porcelain doll just because I'm blind!" complained little Toph.
"Well, you indeed are blind but I do disagree with how they treat you, well at least how your mother treats you." Said Madara, he was trying to make Toph not hate her father like in canon, he might be a pretentious bastard but he was lovable pretentious bastard.
"Only you understand me Madara, I don't know how I would've endured this without you around" she said sulking.
That triggered a red alarm inside his brain, if he stays around for too long Toph might not try to run away, and if she doesn't…. she won't be able to learn earthbending from the badgermoles… 'luckily my trip towards the Potala Mountains will give her the push to run away from home, if 2 weeks is not enough, I can only rush to the desert and take my two leaves back-to-back so she can follow her canon route.'
"It's not hard to understand you, or do you think I can't see your smirk when I make grown men cry" he asked while chuckling.
Toph grinned "That's how it needs to be done, you beat the shit out of them and one day I will do the same!"
Madara patted her head gently "Yes, make me proud little midget".
But she slapped his hand "Don't pat my head I'm not a deer dog!" she pouted and crossed her arms.
"Aye, Aye, whatever you say" he said softly while patting her head once again, this time she didn't stop him.
After that night Madara kept his part of the bargain, he trained soldiers daily, took no day offs and trained on his own, during his stay in the Beifong estate he stopped two abduction operations against little Toph and one assassination attempt on Lao Beifong's life, which earned him the full trust of the Patriarch of the Beifong family, well except the big head, she still disliked him very much.
After a year of work Madara was walking towards the gates, his crew was waiting for him, and even Lao himself showed up to see him off with Little Toph, who was doing her hardest to not cry at this point, tough earthbender or not, Madara became her big brother and she didn't want him gone, she would feel lonely and trapped again.
"Be safe Madara" said Lao, since the assassination attempt, he became way more casual with Madara and started calling him by his first name like friends "And come back soon, little Toph will miss you dearly"
Madara chuckled "yeah I will miss this little midget too" he looked at her for a bit, seeing her pouting but doing her best to keep her princess persona, before turning to Lao "As for you Mr. Beifong, take care of your health."
Lao shook his head "You know you can call me Lao at this point, don't you?"
Ponting to the servants nearby, Madara replied "Yes but the word would spread and a certain someone would hate me even more."
"hahahaha" Lao let out an awkward laugh.
Toph walked forward like a princess and gave him a signal, to which he understood and lowered his head, they had their own signal language at this point, every time Toph wanted to say something to him, something that would break her princess persona in public, she would use certain signals.
"If you don't come back, I will beat the crap out of you the next time I see you!" she whispered in a way that only he could hear, after that she elegantly walked back to her position by Lao.
Madara grinned and stood up "Very well, it shouldn't take long, two weeks give or take, don't go dying on me Mr. Beifong, you still have 4 years of Gold Taels to pay me."
Lao just grinned back.
And like that they parted temporarily, well that was until a shout came from behind.
Everyone turned back to see a man in elegant clothes running towards them.
"Jackie? What the hell are you doing here?" Asked Madara confused.
"I'm going with you sir! I'm your assistant, its my job to help you!" He said firmly.
Looking at Lao and seeing him smiling and nodding Madara could only sigh.
"You better not slow me down, come… you will be carrying my luggage" he tossed his backpack to Lei.
"Yes Sir!" Lei caught it and walked towards the rest of the crew, he changed since he started his daily exercise with the guards under Madara's cruel torture, at first, he hated it, he barely could enjoy his wife and was in constant pain, but after the first six months? His body became tough and his six-pack was at full display, his body became so well defined that his wife attacked him at nights and displayed many new kinks that he never knew! From that day forward he vowed to always follow Madara with all his heart.
After travelling for half week towards the nearest port-city, they all entered the Beifong owned boat, a huge flying boar on the sails that scared people away, no one wanted to fuck with the Beifongs, one word, one bounty, and they would be hunted for life, even by their close relatives! Money had THAT much power.
The trip was actually very comfortable, even the ship was like a small palace stocked to the brim with luxury food and drinks, damn he is being spoiled rotten here.
That interrupted Madara's meditation, his eyes slowly opened displaying his blood red sharingan, he stood up and walked out of his cabin with slow steps and a neutral expression on his face.
Everyone that saw him made way for him, those eyes were scary!
"S-sir they are coming for us! These pirates don't care about the Beifong Family! We should prepare for battle or for escape, give us the order, Sir."
Pirates were different from the mainland bandits, there's no way to escape through the water, even for a waterbender since they were quite far from the mainland, and they can just erase all the witnesses, the Beifongs would be furious but they wouldn't have anyone to target, storms were very common on the open seas afterall.
Madara reached bow of the ship and stood on top of the railings, his black robes and long spiky black hair moving with the wind. "Keep current course, I will handle this."
Madara watched the pirate ship getting closer and closer with a demonic grin forming on his lips 'I always wanted to do this…'
He formed the Horse hand sign with both hands in front his chest, took a deep breath and said out loud.
"Katon: Gouka Mekkyaku!"
And just like that the world was set aflame.
Good evening you beautiful sausages, im here to deliver another chapter. This time i won't be saying anything negative or anything like that, you guys are awesome, thank you for your ratings and support!
On a sidenote, it seems i will have to get my wife to work on my chapters sooner than i though, some of you.. *cough* im talking to your Ser_Gamma you lovable bastard *cough* have been marking all my grammar mistakes and boy o boy i didn't think i was THAT bad... i had to remove the comments after fixing the issues though i hope you don't mind. >_> Having too many of that through the whole chapter didn't look good... for me... heh.
I hope yall have a great evening and enjoy this chapter! you can keep helping me with grammar but please... every time Ser_Gamma comment about it, if you spot it... please slap him.
Thank you for your support!
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