/ Fantasy / Luna Cherry

Luna Cherry Original

Luna Cherry

Fantasy 19 Chapters 20.3K Views
Author: sbenham

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Cherry Bloom, a strong twenty-five year old woman that wishes she could get out of her verbally abusive marriage. Her husband Darrel only keeps her around so he get's his cut of the will, but he has his own demons in the closet.

Levi Smith, the local Alpha that has been hunting for his mate since he was eighteen and has started to lose hope.

When Mary, Cherry's work best friend, invites her out for drinks and they get black out drunk to piss off Cherry's husband, Cherry get's more than she bargained for. In her drunken state the Alpha sweeps her off her feet determined to keep her, no matter what it takes.

Darrel isn't ready to let her free, Levi won't take no for an answer, and Cherry... well Cherry just really wants a martini and freedom.

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  1. _Michele_
    _Michele_ Contributed 2
  2. Annonymus
    Annonymus Contributed 1
  3. Raine10
    Raine10 Contributed 1

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Author sbenham