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73.07% Luffy is Lost in The MHA world, but he gets taken in by Momo's dad / Chapter 19: Chapter 19: Breakdown!

Chapter 19: Chapter 19: Breakdown!

The Yaoyorozu Mansion

Right now Luffy and Momo were on vacation from U.A, That was what the school body told them anyway, but anybody smart enough would've realized that it was because of the League of villains' attack. Even though the school getting attacked was pretty big news, it was heavily overshadowed by the three-way fight between All-Might, All for One, and Luffy, which UA was pretty grateful for.

"Come on Lu, You have to give me more than that. You can't just say 'that it happens.'" Momo said from her spot on the couch for what was probably the 20th time, Luffy looked annoyed. "I mean, it's a whole transformation! This isn't something that just happens."

"But it did happen!" Luffy said from his spot on a nearby bean bag, he was getting really tired of Momo asking him about his fifth gear. "I was just feeling free and was having a blast fighting that it kinda happened, what else do you want me to say?"

"Ugh well, I don't know… You know I'm not the only one interested right? I mean the whole class has been sending me messages non-stop. How do you think I feel when I wake up and the first thing I see is at least 30 messages asking about you? I'm surprised they haven't visited already." Momo said as she reached for the remote for the living room's flatscreen. "Haven't they called or messaged you?"

"Huh? Messaged… Oooooh, you mean on the phone thing? I lost that thing." Luffy said nonchalantly as he spun his straw hat on his finger. Momo twitched an eyebrow.

"You lost it? What do you mean you lost it?! I told you to look after it like that straw hat! What am I gonna do when I need to call you?" Momo said with a palm on her forehead, she supposed she could have just made him another one, but how many times is she gonna make him a new phone? "Can you at least tell me when you lost it?"

"Umm… When did you give me it?" Luffy asked after a moment of focused thinking.

"About 3 months ago." Momo asked as she switched on the TV and started flipping between channels.

"Then about 3 months ago." Luffy said, not knowing that he came very close to getting an earful, thankfully a News channel saved him. "Look! It's All-Night!"

"Tsk! This isn't over." Momo said angrily as she upped the volume and looked at All-Might who looked like he was holding a press conference. As much as she wanted to scold Luffy, she was even more interested in what was going to happen to All-Might and his legacy, him going AWOL after his big fight, and the media begging him to make a public statement, apparently, he was going to do just that.

With All-Might.

"Sir! Sir! Sir! A question Sir!" "All-Might a question please!" "I have a question! All-Might!"

And multiple questions like this were asked way too fast and way too loud to understand. The flashes from the camera's blinded him, even though he didn't show it. All-Might sighed, now in his deflated form, held a hand up to signify the press to quiet down. He wore a suit, not his hero outfit. *I've been dreading this, possibly my last press conference.* He pointed to a random person who had their hand up. "Yes, the young man in the middle."

"All-Might, I'll just ask the question on everyone's mind. What happened to your appearance? Is this a result of the fight in Camino Ward?" The young man asked, his pen and notepad at the ready, the same as many other journalists there.

"My appearance… Is the result of a fight against a villain about 5 years ago." As soon as he said this, multiple cameras flashed at once and people started whispering with each other. "Thanks to modern medicine, quirk usage, and my own quirk, I've managed to survive what should've been a fatal blow, but not without consequence. Ever since that fight, my quirk has started to diminish in strength, being able to keep my other form from a couple of days a week to a couple of hours a day. Sadly, now I find it hard to keep it for more than a couple of seconds. I'm hoping to put my experience and hero knowledge to good use, to educate the next generation."

This news very clearly stunned the journalists. Not only had their suspicions been confirmed but they also got confirmation that the world had truly lost the hero All-Might. There was a moment of silence.

. (From now on, I'll use . to indicate silence.)


Suddenly, a reporter stood up and said. "Have you been lying to the public for the past 5 years?"

"Well uh–" All-Might expected this kind of question but was also caught off guard, not expecting someone to ask it so fast.

"You kept secret the fact that you were unable to do your duties as Japan's Nr. 1 Hero. Were you aware of the fact that you gave the public false hope?" Another reporter stood up and said.

"Oh no." Tsukauchi said from his spot behind the press conference stage. He was asked by All-Might to assist him in making and securing this press conference from possible villain attacks, now he wasn't sure if he was going to have to stop this press conference due to it turning violent. "The mood is quickly changing. If you don't do anything, we could be in big trouble. And I don't mean just us, I mean the whole hero society." He said in his earpiece to All-Might.

"Was the public aware of the fact that they couldn't be protected?" A news anchor said as she also stood up. Soon, more and more of these questions popped up, questions where everyone knew the answer, but they wanted to hear it from All-Might himself.

"They were protected!" All-Might said loudly in an attempt to cut through the noise and quiet down the room, but it didn't work.

"Would you have been able to defeat the villain if the mysterious hero hadn't shown up?" All-Might heard from the loud crowd seemed to get louder and louder. The cameras flashing him non-stop.

"I uhh…" All-Might started saying but trailed off, the noise of the crowd growing ever more distant. The fact is that he didn't know if he would have defeated All for One if Luffy hadn't shown up. And that terrified him. Suddenly, a question pierced through the noise of the crowd.

"How can we ever put our trust into our hero society after this?" This question seemed to quiet down the crowd. All-Might took this opportunity and rolled with it.

"...I will admit the fact that I have lied but don't think I have done it without a good reason. I have built my hero persona as someone invincible, someone who can't be defeated, a hero who would strike fear in the hearts of villains just by hearing my name. I can't say I don't regret it but I also can't apologize for it. 'A symbol of peace' that's who I am–was, that's who I was, a blanket to shield society from villainy, to bring peace to this god-forsaken world…. Now it's your turn, heroes." All-Might said, the room had grown silent, only the sound of pens against paper and camera flashes filling the room. "It's your turn to become the symbol of peace, to pick up my mantle and announce proudly I Am Here!" All-Might said as he switched into his muscle form before quickly getting out of it and spitting out blood. The reporters freaked out at this but didn't dare stop him. "Trust that, trust in us, and trust that the age of heroes is still prospering."



"Huh, Not bad." All-Might heard Tsukauchi in his ear. "You managed to calm the room filled with angry reporters while also reassuring everybody. Not bad at all."

Time seemed to move at a snail's pace as All-Might waited for anybody to ask him something, his prayers were answered as a reporter held his hand up. "Yes?"

"Can you tell us more about the villain that you have fought?" He asked with a mic extended to All-Might.

"I'm afraid that information is confidential. The only thing the public must know about him is that he is locked up at Tartarus, where he won't see the light of day anytime soon." All-Might said as the reporter sat down. Soon another female journalist sat up and asked.

"At the battle scene, you weren't the only hero there, were you?" She asked and All-Might felt a bead of sweat form on his forehead, he dreaded this question way more than the other two. "An unknown rookie hero appeared seemingly out of nowhere and played a big role in defeating the villain. Quickly rising through the unofficial popularity rankings and gaining a top 10 spot in a 'Hero for Children' list, this young hero has gathered nicknames such as: The White Cartoon, Shirakumo, and Boundless. Can you tell us more about him? And is he a hero or a vigilante?" (The white cartoon is pretty self-explanatory. Shirakumo means white cloud, thanks to Discord for that one. Boundless cuz he isn't bound to earth and its laws of physics.)

"Well you see…" All-Might knew who he was and he knew him quite well but if he said who he was, he might as well throw Luffy in jail himself. So he was going to lie, even though he didn't like it. "My fight at Camino ward was the first time I saw him. Unfortunately, I don't know anything about him, besides the fact that he is strong and that he helped me defeat the villain. So, based on that, I wouldn't consider him dangerous but I also wouldn't consider him safe. If you see him, my advice is to get away from him, as fast as possible."

Luffy and Momo.

"Look Momo! Look! That's me!" Luffy said as he got off the bean bag and pointed to the screen which held a still image of Luffy in Gear Five, laughing. "Wow! They're talking about me! That's so cool! Is that how I look?! It's so awesome!"

"I'm more relieved at what All-Might had to say. You certainly can't handle the media so it's a good thing he's driving them away from you. Also, get away from the screen, I can't see anything." Momo said as Luffy apologized quickly and got back on his bean bag.

"Multiple eye witness reports have placed teenagers at the fight scene. Care to elaborate on that?" Luffy and Momo heard a reporter say as the camera panned to the crowd of reporters. Luffy seemed excited while Momo looked worried.

"Due to the evacuation alarm and the sheer scale of the battle, I find it hard to believe anybody would have been there unharmed and willing. As for myself, I can't say that I have seen any teenagers there." All-Might lied to the press. He lied to protect the kids, his students. Even if he didn't like it. Lying comes with the job, unfortunately. "Sadly, this is all the time we have for today. If there are any questions left, please redirect them to the Hero Safety commission. Thank you all and goodbye."

"Wait!" "All-Might Wait!" "We still have more questions!" The reporters said in an uproar as AllMight left the stage.

"Huh? That's it?" Luffy said disappointed. "He barely said anything!"

"It doesn't matter how much you say, it matters what you say." Momo said also a little disappointed. Luffy could at least understand that. She understood why. All-Might was there to answer the questions that were on the public minds the most, he didn't have to say every single detail.



"So… Ready for more training?" Momo asked after closing the TV.

"Ugh, Again? Are you serious?" Luffy said looking very annoyed. "All we've been doing, since I fought the mask guy, is train."

"You can never train too much." Momo said in response. "Who knows when I might fight again? What if what happened at camp, happens again?"

"You know, Old Man Rayleigh says that you should always take breaks." Luffy said.

"You don't get stronger with breaks." Momo said as she got up from her couch. "Come on, Just five more minutes." It wasn't gonna be just five minutes, thankfully for her, Luffy was too stupid to realize that.

"Fineeeee, but just 5 minutes, okay?" Luffy said as he jumped from his bean bag and headed towards the gym.

"Of course." Momo lied. Ever since her realization of just how weak she was compared to the elites of the world, she started training harder and harder. "Oh yeah. By the way, Mr. Aizawa and All-Might are supposed to come by later."

"Really?" Luffy said surprised. "That's awesome, I haven't seen those guys in a while!"

"It's been only 2 weeks." Momo said with a bead of sweat down her forehead. "They said that they have some important news, even my parents are going to come to greet them."

"Woah! Maybe they're making a secret party for us!" Luffy said hopeful. He did really want some sort of party after his last battle.

*How can it be a secret party if they say that they're gonna come?* Momo wondered, Luffy's mind was really a mystery to her on the best of days. But she was worried, not because All-Might and her homeroom teacher are gonna come to give her, and Luffy, the lecture of a lifetime. She's more worried about her parents coming since they were extremely busy these past few weeks, All-Might being gone, didn't do anything good for her father's company, quite the opposite, so he had to stay at work, day in and day out. They didn't even come to visit her in the hospital. *Ugh, I can already feel the migraine coming.*

Aizawa, Present Mic.

Currently, Aizawa and Yamada were walking through the empty halls of U.A. They were going to meet Nezu, but the air felt heavy with a topic they didn't really feel like talking about.

"...So…" Present Mic said, in an attempt to fill the dead air and to bring up the subject. "Do you think… that Luffy…"

"No way." Aizawa already knew what he was gonna ask and immediately dismissed it.

"But–" Present Mic insisted.

"It's not possible. He's dead." Aizawa said.

"Weirder things have happened." Yamada said as he shook his head. Aizawa couldn't disagree with him. "I mean, just take a look at him and tell me it doesn't look like him even a tiny bit." He said as he pulled a screenshot of Luffy in gear 5.

"..." Aizawa quickly glanced at Yamada's phone.

"Even the way he acts!" Yamada said as he put his phone away. "It's way over the top and WAY more than he used to act but, you can't say–"

"No, I can say. He's dead. Shirakumo is dead. I refuse to believe otherwise." Aizawa interrupted with an annoyed/hurt tone. "I can't believe otherwise."

"B-But–" Yamada was interrupted again.

"We're here." Aizawa said as he moved to knock on the principal's door. "Don't bring it up again."



"Please." Aizawa said, the hurt clear in his voice.

"...Fine." Yamada said and believed it himself. There's no way that their long dead friend could have been alive all this time. Right?"

*Knock! Knock! Knock!*

"Come in." Nezu said as he put down his tea near a stack of papers on the table. "Ah, What a lovely surprise."

"Cut the crap Nezu, you know why I'm here." Aizawa said after closing the door behind them. He put on his usual, never caring stance but on the inside he was ready.

"Yeah!" Yamada said energetically, him adopting a tough guy stance. Aizawa gave him the side eye.



"...Why are you here?" Aizawa said with a raised eyebrow. "You just followed me here and I forgot to ask."

"For emotional support, yo." Yamada said in a hushed whisper that barely even registered as a whisper. "Imma have your back, no matter what."

Aizawa just shook his head in annoyance. "Just ignore him."

"I assume you're here to talk about Monkey D. Luffy?" Nezu said as he took a sip of his tea. "Oh, Please sit down."

"I want to know exactly what's going on with him." Aizawa said as took a seat on the armchair in front of him. Yamada followed suit, never dropping his tough guy stance.

"I believe I already explained what happened to Luffy in the past." Nezu said. "Truly tragic if you ask me–"

"You can't possibly expect me to believe that again." Aizawa said.

"Yeah! Plus, if he really was experimented on, why is the dude so chipper and happy-go-lucky?" Yamada added. "If he was forced to fight all his life, you would think he would be more like my friend over here."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Aizawa said insulted.

"It just doesn't add up, yo. If he was experimented on and kept in the dark about the outside world and peeps in general, how come he's so sociable?" Yamada continued and Aizawa had to agree with him.

"He's right, and don't you dare say mental break. If that was the case, why isn't he receiving psychiatric support?" Aizawa said. "And not to mention the fact that I've done several searches in the past few weeks, and nothing came up with underground multiple-quirk experimentation. It didn't happen."


"Well, you certainly live up to your reputation, Eraserhead." Nezu said. "I knew I made a good decision when I recruited you to this school."

"Don't try to butter me up, It's not gonna work, so spill. Or I'm going to find out for myself." Aizawa said as Nezu began to take a long sip of tea. After a couple of seconds he put the cup down and sighed.

"I suppose it was foolish of me to think that I could have kept Luffy's true origins for long." Nezu said and the teachers both raised an eyebrow.

*True origins?* they both thought at the same time.

"The truth of the matter is that Young Luffy is not from here." Nezu said. "He never was."

"Well duh, we kinda expected that." Yamada said.

"No no, you don't understand. When I say from here I don't mean Japan or something like that." Nezu said and in a more solemn voice he said. "I mean he's not from earth."




"...Well, at least not our earth." Nezu said after a period of nobody saying nothing.

"A-A-A-A-Alien?! He's an alien?!" Yamada shouted in complete disbelief. He didn't even register that his glasses fell.

"Not really. That would imply extraterrestrials. And that's not really the case here." Nezu said as he held a paw up.

"I knew it! I knew it!" Yamada definitely did not knew it. He got up from his seat and started speaking louder and louder. "I knew it was something like that!"

"Would you stop shouting?" Aizawa said as he used his scarf to put his ass back on the seat. "Now, Alien? Really? You really expect me to believe that?"

"Like I said before, not an ali–" Nezu was interrupted.

"Wait wait wait wait wait! That actually explains a lot o' things!" Yamada was the one who interrupted.

"Oh yeah? Like what?" Aizawa said sarcastically but given his monotone voice, Yamada didn't realize it.

"Like how Luffy is an idiot and how he has no idea how to hold himself in our society." Yamada explained and Aizawa agreed with him. "And why he has so many weird powers!"

"Well, I guess, but then why does he look like us?" Aizawa said. "If he was an alien, shouldn't he look at least a little bit different?"

"I said it once and I'll say it again." Nezu said a bit louder to grab their attention. "Luffy is not an alien."

"B-But you said that he was not from earth." Yamada said and proved that he was clearly not listening.

"I said not from this earth." Nezu said and hoped they listened to him this time. "He's from a different universe."

"The multiverse theory? You're telling me it's true?" Aizawa said in disbelief even if he didn't show it.

"From what I managed to find out. Yes." Nezu said as he took a sip of tea.

"What do you mean?" Aizawa asked.

"Well, you see, ever since Luffy has arrived here, which was a couple of weeks before the start of this school year, I have spent a considerable amount of money in order to figure out a way to send him home. Don't worry, I only spent money from my own pocket, I didn't use the school's budget. I helped enroll Luffy into our school in a way to keep a watchful eye over him." Nezu said. "Any questions?"

"Why are you helping him?" Aizawa didn't hesitate.

"This is a hero school. Hero's help people." Nezu said. "Be they human or otherwise."

"Why didn't ya tell us sooner, yo?" Yamada said a bit angry. "Oh! My glasses!" That anger turned to embarrassment when he noticed his glasses on the floor.

"For his safety. And more importantly his earth's safety." Nezu said before adopting a much more serious look. "I think that there is a traitor among us, and I couldn't be too sure so I never told anybody."

"Why did you tell us?" Aizawa asked. "What if we are traitors?"

"Hey man! Don't say that!" Yamada said angrily, Aizawa ignored him.

"I didn't have much of a choice, you storming in here and all." Nezu said. "But I do have to ask you to keep this a secret from everybody. At Least until we are 100% sure of how the portal that brought Luffy here works."

"What are you gonna do when you figure out a way to send him home?" Aizawa asked.

"What am I supposed to do? I'll just wish Luffy good luck on becoming the pirate king and send him off." Nezu said, returning to his usual demeanor.

"Just like that?" Aizawa said. "You're going to throw away the key to what could be potentially the biggest discovery of this millennium?"

"...I have thought about that." Nezu said. "I don't think the risk are worth the reward that a new universe could offer us. I will hold on, on revealing this discovery to the public until we can be sure that what happened at Camino Ward won't happen again. I think we should be in good control of our earth before approaching a new one."

"...Sigh…" Aizawa sighed as he relaxed his whole body, not realizing it had been so tense. "I really wish you would've told me sooner. How am I supposed to treat him now?"

"That is for you to decide. You are his homeroom teacher after all." Nezu said as he began organizing a stack of papers. "But I do ask that you won't treat him any differently. Alternative universe or not, he is still a child."

"Is he?" Yamada said. "What if this other universe has other laws of nature than us? What if he is actually older than all of us?!"

"Well, he's clearly not mentally older." Aizawa said as he got off the chair. "I don't even know if he's gonna come here."

"Oh yeah! You still have to talk to some parents, right?" Yamada said as he followed after him out the door. "Who's next on the list?"

"The topic of our conversation actually." Aizawa said as he closed the door behind them, leaving a quick 'goodbye' to the principal.

"I wish you luck! Make me proud!" They heard Nezu say from behind the door. Aizawa felt tired, he always did but now, he felt even more. He felt his brain overworked, he didn't like the amount of times it felt like that.

Yaoyorozu Mansion.

"Hello, welcome. Please come in. You must be the U.A teachers, right?" a household servant said as she opened the door for All-Might and Aizawa. This was a couple of hours after Aizawa's talk with Nezu. "We are so very glad to have you."

"Thank you," All-Might said in his deflated form. He felt the servant's gaze linger on him longer than needed, but he couldn't exactly blame her. For her, he was something new, scandalous, and alien. He got in through the door, and Aizawa followed after him. "This is a very nice place."

"We're not here for sightseeing. Could you please announce that we have arrived? Our topic is very important," Aizawa said, and the servant did just that. They proceeded to take off their shoes. "Wait, where should we wait?"

"Oh, of course," the servant said with a bit of embarrassment. She looked around, not knowing what to do. She couldn't do two things at once. She almost gave up and went to bring a coworker of hers, but thankfully, her saving grace came in the form of a pirate.

"Oh! Sunglasses! All-Night! What's up? It's been a while!" Luffy said after noticing them and startling the servant and All-Might. He was coming out of the kitchen with a piece of meat in his mouth, of course. He proceeded to eat the entire piece of meat in one gulp and ran at them.

"Did he just eat the entire bone?" All-Might thought with a sweat drop as he saw Luffy run at them. Meanwhile, Aizawa was looking at him very warily.

"Young Luffy, it's good to see you in such high spirits," All-Might said with a smile. He was glad Luffy didn't feel any sort of side-effect from his last battle. "Guess some things never change, huh?"

"Mr. Luffy! I have to notify Sir. Yaoyorozu on their arrival." She said as Luffy pulled to a stop in front of them. "Can I count on you to bring them to the main living room?"

"...main… living room?" Luffy said with a tilt of his head.

"The big room with the big black window and a bunch of fluffy chairs," the servant said, and Luffy immediately understood. Several servants were forced to learn the language of Luffy, thankfully it wasn't hard. Just imagine a toddler instead of Luffy, and you're set.

"Ohh! Why didn't you just say so?" Luffy said, and the teachers sweat-dropped. They really should've expected this. She proceeded to do a quick bow and left. "Follow me!"

"Sure." Aizawa didn't have the most trust in him right now, but he couldn't exactly let him see it.

"So, what have you guys been up to?" Luffy asked, bored with the silence.

"I've been forced to deal with the black lash of our last battle." All-Might said. "Thank you by the way, without you. I couldn't even imagine what would've happened."

"No problem, but I bet you coulda beat him." Luffy said, placing his hand behind the back of his head. "He wasn't that big of a deal."

"If he wasn't then why did you fight? You clearly know that it's against the laws to fight a villain without a license." Aizawa said a bit annoyed.

"Eh? He hurt my friends! And stole boom boy! What was I supposed to do?" Luffy asked.

"Nothing. You were supposed to do nothing." Aizawa said but in it went through Luffy's ear and out the other.

"You don't make any sense." Luffy said as he opened a big door to the living room. As the servant said, it had a big black window a.k.a the TV and a bunch of sofas and bean bags. There was also a coffee table, some bookshelves and just general furniture you would see in the living room. "Here! Sit down."

Luffy proceeded to jump on the bean bag and grab a bag of leftover chips. Aizawa and All-Might looked at each other before deciding to follow his example and sit on the sofa.

"Oh, by the way, if this is supposed to be a surprise party, then it kinda sucks." Luffy said with a mouthful of chips.

"Surprise party?..." All-Might said.

"For who?" Aizawa asked

"For me." Luffy said it like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"And why would we throw you a party?" Aizawa asked as he rubbed his eyebrows.

"Everybody knows that after a fight you have to celebrate." Luffy said. "But I don't sense anyone else here besides you guys."

"You should be punished, not celebrated!" Said Aizawa angrily.

"Why?" Luffy said and Aizawa decided to just drop it, he didn't feel like having deja vu.




"So… Where's your good friend young Yaoyorozu?" All-Might asked in an attempt to fill the silence with something other than Luffy's eating.

"Oh, she's probably training." Luffy said as he held his chip bag over his mouth to get the last crumbs. "She's been doing a lot of that and she's dragging me into it, it's getting kinda annoying."

"She should be resting, especially after what happened." Aizawa said as he pulled out his phone.

"That's what I said!" Luffy said as he proceeded to fiddle with his straw hat.

"You have to admire her desire to better herself though." All-Might said.

"Not if it's at the cost of her health." Aizawa said and All-Might found himself agreeing with him. "I didn't expect her to be so reckless."

"Huh, yeah." All-Might said with a laugh. They soon heard three sets of footsteps walk in through the door. Aizawa put away his phone.

"Hello gentleman, I am so sorry to have kept you waiting, me and my wife have recently arrived and we had to prepare ourselves." Mr. Yaoyorozu said, him in the front, Mrs. Yaoyorozu at his side and Momo in the back. They kept the teachers waiting because they were too busy checking on Momo and saying some quick apologies.

"It's no problem, we're happy to wait." All-Might said as he and Aizawa stood up and bowed, the family did the same and quickly sat on a nearby sofa, ready to hear them out.

"I guess I should start this." All-Might said after everyone made themselves comfortable. "First of all, I want to apologize." He and Aizawa stood up. "On the school's behalf, allow us to apologize for not protecting your daughter and young Luffy." They bowed, and a deep one at that.

"Because of our mishandling and general lack of power, we were unable to keep your daughter and Luffy in a safe environment, and because of that they sustained heavy damage and had to be taken to the hospital. We are deeply sorry for that." Aizawa said and Momo felt frustrated but didn't object to them in any way.

"We understand and are, of course, exasperated at what the school failed to achieve." Mr. Yaoyorozu said and before Momo could object.

"But we also understand that you are human, if you are to be kept responsible for what you failed to achieve, then we, as parents, should also be kept responsible for not checking in on our daughter."

"But mothe–" Momo was caught off.

"Momo please. The adults are talking." Her mom said and turned back to the teachers who were still bowing. "You can sit, please."

"The fact is that we knew what enrolling our daughter into such a school could entail, and truthfully we didn't expect this, but we are also not going to press any charges or hold the school responsible." Mr. Yaoyorozu said. "You can be at ease with that."

"Thank you." They both said at the same time, then Aizawa took the lead. He reached into his suit and grabbed a file. "Actually, we have a way to make your daughter's life safer."

"?" They all raised an eyebrow when Aizawa plopped the file on the coffee table. The dad took it and opened it. "Height's Alliance?"

"It's our way of ensuring the safety of young Luffy and young Yaoyorozu. U.A. is one of the most secure places in all of Japan. The last place a villain would want to attack is a hero school." All-Might said and Aizawa agreed with him. The dad took a look at the file and then passed it to the mom.


"Does this mean both Luffy and Momo will go to this dormitory?" Mr. Yaoyorozu asked after the mom put the file back on the coffee table.

"Yes, the dormitories are ready to be used. We can have them there as soon as next week." Aizawa said, hoping they would accept. "Every single student we have visited has accepted our offer and are already preparing to move in. We hope we can add Momo and Luffy to that list."

"So both?" Mr. Yaoyorozu asked again.

"Umm… Yes?" All-Might said, not knowing why they would ask again.

"Well Momo, looks like you're going to be living with Luffy at U.A." Mr. Yaoyorozu said, having a very hard time keeping his relief/happiness in and shocked Momo, Aizawa and All-Might.

"W-wait, that easily?" Momo asked, a bit weirded out. It wasn't that she was against the idea, more like she was surprised her dad would send her away like that. "Mother?"

"I think it would be a great new experience, honey." Mrs. Yaoyorozu said, sadder at the fact that her daughter will be leaving them soon.

"You know, I was able to make our family's fortune by years and years of studying abroad, and while this is not technically that, it would still prove a major source of experience. That is why we are so willing." Is what Mr. Yaoyorozu said, but what he actually thought is. *Finally! I won't have to deal with that idiot again! My house won't get burned down again!*

Luffy was having a hard time trying to figure out what was happening.

"Well, I'm glad you accepted our proposal." All-Might said, feeling a bit off at the fact that they accepted this so fast, especially with Momo's situation.

"Yes yes, I'm also glad that Luffy will finally be gon–" Mr. Yayorozu caught his words before they could escape. "Glad that Luffy and Momo will be closer to school, and more importantly, dreams."

"Of course. U.A. will send a copy of this file to your email address." Aizawa said as he got his file back, dismissing his slip-up. "Now, onto the next matter at hand."

The parents raised an eyebrow at this. They thought they were done.

"First of all, Luffy's attack against the league." Aizawa said. This the parents knew, but they couldn't exactly punish him, since he wasn't theirs, to begin with. "In an attempt to save his fellow student, Luffy rushed headfirst into the League of Villain's Headquarters and proceeded to use his power to beat every single League member. He didn't stop there, after being teleported away with a warp quirk, Luffy proceeded to beat the villain All for One, as I'm sure you have seen numerous times in the media. The school body decided to give Luffy a week's suspension from school."

"Whoa! Awesome!" Luffy said in celebration. "What's that? Some kinda food?"

"It means you won't be going to school for a week, Lu." Momo said a bit saddened at that, she expected Luffy to get some sort of punishment, but she didn't want to go to school alone. *Wait, If Luffy is getting one…*

"That's it?" Luffy said. "What kinda reward is that!?"

"It's not a reward, you mo–" Aizawa said angrily, catching his words this time. "It's not a reward, it's a punishment."

"A punishment?! For what?!" Luffy said annoyed. He had no idea why he was being punished. Aizawa just sighed and All-Might laughed internally.

"I understand the context but I must say." Mr. Yaoyorozu said. "This type of punishment feels too light for the crimes he committed."

"Father!" Momo said, surprised and mad at her dad for throwing Luffy under the bus.

"Due to our inability to protect the children and the fact that Luffy had to defend himself, even if it was illegal. Those are the reasons our punishment feels light." Aizawa said. "Even if they shouldn't."

"Now, young Yaoyorozu." All-Might said as he pulled a folded piece of paper from his pocket and unfolded it, and Momo felt butterflies in her stomach, not the good ones. "She used her quirk to defeat a Nomu to save her and a classmate from 1-B–"

*Ok, Not bad.* Momo thought, hoping it wasn't going to go into more detail.

"-She also used her quirk to put a tracker on young Luffy and then proceeded to blackmail me into giving her a ride to Camino Ward in an attempt to rescue young Luffy and young Bakugou, while also being fully aware of the danger she was putting herself and others in." All-Might said and if Mr. Yaoyorozu had a pair of glasses, they would have fallen there.

*Oh, crap.* Momo thought as she had a hard time not taking her eyes off the floor, even so, she felt her parents gaze at her. It felt horrible.

"The school body decided that a punishment fit for her breaking these rules would…" All-Might paused for dramatic effect, Aizawa rolled his eyes at this.


"WHAT?!" Momo and her parents shouted at the same time, Luffy also shouted about a second later because he didn't want to feel left out.

"Is what I would've said if I hadn't recently just retired." All-Might said and the parents and Momo felt a huge wave of relief wash over them. "But she will be suspended for 1 month."

"Oh thank god." Mr. Yaoyorozu said he got hit with too many bombshells and he felt his head reeling. "Wait no no no no no no! What happened? I thought I raised you better." He said as he turned to Momo. "What on god's green earth pushed you to do such a thing?! Not only did blackmail All-Might but you also went to fight?! Why?"

"W-well.. Umm."

"Hold on, not here in front of the teachers." The Mom said but it didn't stop him. "We could do this elsewhere."

"And Blackmail?! How could you? That's the greatest sin of all, how could you do that?! That's a villain activity. I thought you were a good little girl who didn't break the rules, who always used to study, now what do you do, huh?! Now you're in the gym! Don't think because I'm not home I don't know. The maids tell me everything! Everything! They tell me how you're in the gym 24/7 with him… him…" Her dad started going off before stopping for a second and turning to Luffy. "It's his fault… isn't it?"

"What? No!" Momo said but that didn't stop him. Mr. Yayorozu stood up.

"Every single bad thing that happened, has happened ever since he arrived." Mr. Yaoyorozu said as he glared at Luffy, Luffy glared back. "Think about it, The U.S.J, The camp, and now this. You've corrupted my little baby girl."

"Huh?! What're you talking about old man?" Luffy said, getting up from his bean bag. "I didn't do anything!"

"Don't play dumb. How many times? Huh? How many times did you make her train? Look, Look, now she's addicted to it. I came to my house just a hour ago, did you know what I find? Her in the gym. Because of you."

"I didn't make her do anything!"

"Can you even count the number of times you burned down my house?! or ss that too much for your brain?"

"I only did it once!"

"She didn't even like you at first–"


"-she begged me to throw you out, I should've listened. Look at what you made her do. She knew you were poison but I was too naive to notice it."

"I'm not poison!"

"You are! You are poison disguised as honey! And my sweet baby daughter started to transform ever since you came here. She used to keep her nose in her books, now look at what she did, and it's all your fault!"

"I didn't make her come after me! She came by herself!"

"You slithered in here, like a snake, took a seat at my house, at my table, and look what you did. I don't even know who or what you are, especially with that white new form of yours, can you even explain what this is?!"

"Look old man, I'm sorry for whatever I did, but I didn't do anything! I never made her train or be friends with me or come after me or anything! So stop lying!"

"You are a plague, a pest. I should've thrown you out when I had the chance!"

"You know what? Fine! If you want to throw me out, then I'll just throw myself out!"

"That's now how that works!"

"I don't care! I hate this stupid place anyway! I'm just gonna go, make myself a boat, and live on the seas, like I was born to do!"

"Fine go! Good riddance."



"Stop." Aizawa said as he used his scarf to stop Luffy from stomping out the house, and potentially getting himself killed by drowning.

"Hey! What's your deal sunglasses?!" Let me go!" Luffy said as he struggled to get out of the scarf but stopped when he saw Momo's dad walk past him.

"I'm sorry, I can't do this right now." Mr. Yaoyorozu said with a hand on his forehead as he left the room.

"Take a seat Luffy. We still have some stuff to talk about." Aizawa said as he managed to catch Luffy off-balance and pulled him into his bean bag.

"Hey!" Luffy said in protest as he tried to get up again but stopped when a bag of chocolates hit his head. "What the?"

"Eat that and cool your head." Aizawa said, him being the one who threw the bag of chocolates he bought at the store for a scenario just like this. Of course, he wasn't expecting things to get this much out of control, I don't think anybody did. *Good thing I decided to keep some snacks whenever Luffy's involved.*

"Umm… Excuse me, gentleman, I have to go… check up on him." Momo's mom said as she also stood up and quickly walked after him.

All-Might released a tense breath he didn't even knew he was holding. Momo stood tense in her seat. Luffy began to eat with a scowl on his face. Aizawa put his scarf back into place.

"Oh man, I had no idea that would escalate that far." All-Might said. "I'm sorry young Luffy, I had no intention of getting you caught in the crossfire."

"What even was his deal? He acted like I was some kind of bad guy. Saying poison this and Momo that." Luffy said with a mouthful. "I didn't even do anything!"

"A parent's love is one the things few can rival." Aizawa said. "Of course he would be mad, from his perspective, you've corrupted his daughter."

"I didn't corrupt anything! Right Momo?" Luffy said, and after not getting a response. "Momo?"

"What? Yeah, yea– I mean yes." Momo said as she felt water start to pool in her eyes. "I just wow… I've never been scolded before."


"Anyway, why'd you stop me sunglasses?" Luffy said as he finished his chocolates.

"Well, I don't know if you know, but you are the school's responsibility, which means you're my responsibility. I just can't let you wander around freely." Aizawa said, knowing that Luffy is not from here, he definitely did not want to have him lost. "You're going to have to stay put here."

"Huh?! Well, I don't know if you know! But I just left this stupid place. Where am I supposed to go?" Luffy said, confused.

"Isn't it obvious?" All-Might said, referring to the dorms.

"But I thought you needed my father's signature for that." Momo said, now recovered.

"After this whole act, I think it's safe to say that Luffy is now back in U.A.'s hands from now on." Aizawa said as he got some eye droppers. "Which means you'll be at the school's beck and call, and more importantly, at my beck and call. You betrayed my trust, in order to gain that back, you'll need to obey every rule to the letter. That means no more lawbreaking, no more fooling around, no more anything. I tell you what to do and how to do it."

"Eh?! I'm not doing that!" Luffy said in protest as he punched the bean bag. " That goes against being a pirate!"

"I don't care. You're going to do it and you're going to do it well." Aizawa said with a tone of finality. "I don't want to hear any more of this."

"We'll see about that." Luffy said in a whisper.

"What was that?" Aizawa heard it.

"I said we'll see about that!" Luffy said and Aizawa really felt like punching something right now, and Luffy's face looked perfect for that.

"You litt–" Aizawa was interrupted.

"I'm sorry! I'm back." Mrs. Yaoyorozu said as she quickly walked in the room and too a seat near Momo. "Unfortunately, we'll have to continue this discussion with just us 5."

"Is everything alright?" All-Might asked out of concern.

"Yes, my husband just feels… a little under the weather right now." Mrs. Yaoyorozu said.

*Yeah, I bet.* Aizawa, Momo, and All-Might thought at the same time.

"Now, getting back to our conversation." Mrs. Yaoyorozu said before a deep breath. "Momo's going to be suspended for 1 month?"

"It should've been more than that. I hope you'll be able to discipline her correctly so that she makes sure she never repeats such a thing again." Aizawa said.

"Of course, I'll make sure she gets punished accordingly." Mrs. Yaoyorozu said and Momo whimpered. "Don't you have anything left to say for yourself?"

"... I know what I have done wrong and I'll do my best to rectify that. All I can say now is that I am sorry." Momo said as she stood up and bowed low. She knew what she did was wrong and she apologized for it even if she didn't like it. She protected her best friend, that's all that matters to her.

"That's good. What I said to Luffy also applies to you, you'll have to work hard to regain the school's trust, you, Luffy, and Todoroki." Aizawa said as he stood up, along with All-Might. "Make the school and yourself proud by overcoming this punishment and coming back stronger than ever. We'll see ourselves out."

"Young Yaoyorozu, know that I don't blame you." All-Might said as Aizawa left. "If I were in your situation, I probably wouldn't have gone that far, but I know why you did it and I respect that. That doesn't mean I approve of it, but I understand. Goodbye, I'll see you all at school."

"See ya later!" Luffy said with a wave. Momo plopped back onto the sofa.



"Momo, I don't like what you did. I want you to know that." Momo's mom said in a motherly voice. "I'm sure your father is going to give you hell later so I'm not going to scold you. I just want you to know that I'm here for you."

"Of course." Momo said and then Momo's mom got up.

"I'm going to check up on him. If anyone deserves scolding, it's him if you ask me." Mr.s Yaoyorozu said. "Doing that in front of your teacher, he must be insane. Does he even realize how much face we lost?!"



"Hey Momo." Said Luffy.

"Yeah, Lu?"

"What's High Alliance?"

"...That's where we're going to live." Momo didn't bother to correct him. "We're going to live at school."

"Awesome! Together?"

"The whole class."


Height's Alliance.

A week later.

"Whoa! This place looks awesome!" Luffy said as he and Momo spotted their new place of residence, all 5 floors that they were going to live in. "Oh, Hey look! There's everybody!"

"We're the last to arrive?" Momo said as Luffy called out to the rest of the class.

"Hi guys! It's been a while!" Luffy said excitedly, that's when they saw him.

"Luffy!" "Rep!" Pretty much everybody shouted, most of the students ran at him and nearly knocked him down, almost dragging Momo with him

"Whoa whoa whoa whoa! What happened?" Luffy asked, confused.

"Don't 'what happened?' me! What the hell happened to you?!" Kaminari asked, super excited. "Last I saw you was the last time I looked on my phone dude! You're a huge hit!"

"Huh?" Luffy said, soon a circle formed around him and Momo made out with their classmates. "Hit? Who was hit?"

"Why didn't you respond to any of our messages?!" Mina asked angrily.

"Yeah! We've been messaging you and Yaomomo non-stop. What the heck man?!" Hagakure asked, frustrated. "Don't you ever check your phone?!"

"Phone?" Luffy said with a tilt of his head. "What's that?"

"Ok, we should've expected that." Mineta said with a sweat-drop.

"But not you!" Mina said as she pointed at Momo.

"Yeah, why didn't you ever respond? Did something happen?" Asui asked, worried.

"Or maybe it was what you did." Uraraka said, still a little mad at Momo but happy that she didn't face any serious repercussions.

"No no, It's nothing like that. I just got…" Momo was feeling very embarrassed right now. "Overwhelmed."

"Overwhelmed?" Jirou asked, feeling disappointed.

"Are you serious?" Sero asked, feeling just as disappointed.

"W-well I never got so many messages before a-and I didn't really know how to respond a-and I'm sorry!" Momo said quickly and did a small bow.

"That's embarrassing Momo!" Luffy said with a laugh. "Shishishshi!"

"Oh that reminds me!" Kaminari said due to his laughter that he probably heard a thousand times by now. "Can you actually fly?"

"Huh? Fly?" Luffy said, confused.

"Yeah dude! When you're all white and stuff, can you do that again?!" Sero asked, getting closer to Luffy.

"Can you turn the ground to rubber?!" Kirishima said, also invading Luffy's personal space.

"Yeah, but I have to go gear 5 first." Luffy said, which made Izuku pull out a notebook out of seemingly nowhere.

"Wow! Does that mean there are only 5 gears? Is that all there is or are there more? How do you fly by the way? Do you somehow rubberize the air or is it another quirk or maybe haki? Is your whole fifth gear a different quirk or is it somehow related to your rubber quirk? Or does it have to do something with water? Why's your heartbeat so loud? Even through all of the helicopter noise, it was pretty clear to hear." Izuku muttered quickly. Luffy didn't even spot him because he was so short. "I wrote down some hero stuff about your fifth gear, could you take a look at it later?"

"Everybody make some space! Our class representative needs his space!" Iida said as he tried to push away the people that were suffocating Luffy but it didn't work. "Hey!"

"Can you go fifth gear for me really quick? Please!" Mina said as she got out her phone. "1 second of you and I'll become famous!"

"Can you please do it?" Sero asked, equally as curious.

"I have to say, I'm quite curious about it as well." Tokoyami said, doing a far better job at hiding his curiosity.

"Yeah, I bet it's super mainly!" Kirishima said. All in all, everybody was interested, even the kids who weren't at the circle wanted to see it.

"Wait! He can't just do it! He'll get old–" Momo try of help was suffocated by her other classmates. This continued for about 10 more seconds before Luffy finally having enough and gave in.

"Fine! I'll do it!" Luffy yelled which made the students get off of him. Soon they made a bigger circle around him, many with phones in hand and someone with a notebook. "Gear Fif–"

"What the hell did I say?" Aizawa said as he slapped Luffy mid-transformation, making him face plant the ground. "Did you really forget everything I talked about?"

"Mr. Aizawa!" Everybody said when they noticed him and quickly hid away their phones.

"What's this? A circus?" Aizawa said sarcastically in his monotone voice as he got to the front of the staircase.

"No, this is ju–"

"Everybody! To the front of the staircase now! I don't want to repeat myself." He said and everybody quickly followed. Momo had to peel Luffy off the ground, looking half dead.



"Now, Given everything that has happened. I'm glad we were able to bring class 1-A back together. And to make myself clear, you should not and will not ask Luffy to do any other tricks or transformation again, am I clear?" Aizawa said as everybody got in front of him. He didn't want Luffy to try any of his otherworldly powers again unless he absolutely has to. He didn't want to risk the consequences.

"But! Mr. Aizaw–"

"Am I Clear?" Aizawa said with his cape floating and red eyes.

"Yes sir." Everybody said, they were disappointed.

"Good. Now I'll explain how your dorm assignments will work shortly. First, however, we haven't forgotten about the provisional hero licenses you were supposed to get." Aizawa said.

"Oh yeah, I totally forgot about that part." Kaminari said.

"So much has happened, I guess it slipped our minds." Mina said.

"This is important, listen well, Yaoyorozu, Todoroki. You two are the ones who broke the rules and went to rescue Luffy and Bakugou that night." Aizawa said and most the the class stood warily. They found out later through messaging each other. At first most of the people thought they were joking, but one message from Todoroki that said 'It's true.' and they believe him. They got to ask him this morning more about it but he didn't say any specifics.

"Based on your reaction, I suspect at least some of you were at least aware of their plan. I'm going to set aside a number of issues and just say this, if it weren't for All-Might's retirement and Luffy's unofficial debut, I would expel this entire class. I've gotten too much trouble for what it's worth. You'll have to live as model students to regain our trust." Aizawa said and the air felt heavy, they didn't expect the backlash to fall on all of them. "That's all, now look alive. Enjoy your new home."

*We're supposed to be excited after that?* Almost everybody thought at the same time.


"So, what happened Yaomomo?" Mina asked, everybody was interested. "We asked Todoroki but he's being stingy with the details."

"Yeah, we really want to know." Kaminari asked.

"Well, I kinda, maybe, sorta, only a little… blackmailed All-Might into giving me and Todoroki to Camino Ward." Momo said while rubbing her arm in embarrassment.

"WHAT?!" Everybody said at the same time, even Uraraka, Asui and Shoji were surprised by this. They knew she did something, they didn't know she did this."

"B-B-B-Blackmailed?! All-Might?!" Izuku said he didn't want to believe it.

"I can't tell if that's bad but I'll tell you what." Kirishima said excitedly. "It's totally badass!"

"That's some villain stuff." Sero said, frightened. He quickly got stabbed with an earplug.

"Don't say that, you idiot. That's mean!" Jirou said before turning to Momo. "But I didn't expect you to do it. Like seriously."

"No wonder he didn't say anything." Shoji said as he looked at Todoroki looking dead as ever on the outside.

"It's really not that big of a deal as you make it seem to be." Momo said in a pacifying manner. "I just wanted to help Lu out."

"There are Better ways to help somebody!" Uraraka almost screamed. "You could have gotten really hurt!"

"So could Luffy!" Momo countered.

"That guy's a freak of nature. I doubt anything can hurt him." Kirishima said as he watched Bakugou unleash a small explosion point blank in his face. "Ouch, That looked like it hurt."

"Lu! What happened?!" Momo asked, concerned. "Did he say something to you?!"

"Did you say something to him?" Kaminari asked Luffy with an ashy face.

"He just thanked me. I don't get why he got so mad." Luffy said as he rubbed the ash from his face.

"What did you say to him?" Asui asked.

"I said that I knew he was a big softie on the inside." Luffy said. This made some students giggle.

"That would do it." Sero said, him being the one who found it funny.

"Everybody come in! Enough chit chatting outside." Aizawa said as he unlocked the door to the dorms. "Each student dormitory holds one class. Girls are on the right and Boys are on the left. The entire first floor is a common area, that's where you'll find your kitchen's baths and laundry rooms."

"Wow! This looks awesome! Where's the food?!" Luffy asked the thing on his mind.

"Oh no, with Luffy here, we're probably going to starve to death!" Sero said worried.

"Under a tight lock with a secret combination key, one which I gave to Iida." Aizawa said which immediately put the students at ease. "Don't think I don't know how you operate."

"Eh?! How am I supposed to get food? What if I go hungry?!" Luffy said way over the top.

"Don't care." Aizawa said and walked away from Luffy.

"This feels like I'm living in a mansion!" Uraraka said, barely believing her eyes. "It's so big!"

"A bit smaller than I expected." Momo said which Uraraka overheard and felt her jaw leave her mouth.

"It's so spacious!" Mina said as she looked through the window walls.

"Living quarters start on the next floor, four boys and four girls on each level. Everyone gets their own room, you should be comfortable, you get your own AC, toilets, mini-fridges and closets."

The class went to one of the rooms to check it out.

"We even have balconies! Wow!" Izuku said as he looked over the balcony.

"I can see everything! Awesome!" Luffy said as he squatted on the railings.

"W-whoa! Easy! You might fall!" Izuku said worried at the way Luffy was standing.

"Shishi! Don't be such a baby!" Luffy said as he slapped Izuku's back and almost made him fall over the balcony. "Whoa! You okay?"

"Midoriya!" Iida shouted worriedly.

*I might actually die living with Luffy!* Izuku thought as he felt his heart jump out of his chest.

"Here are your dorm assignments." Aizawa said as he handed the students a piece of paper to where everyone will be living. "Now get to work and unpack, you have until 07 PM."


"Oh man, I'm beat!" Kirishima said as he plopped on the sofa like an old man.

"You and me both, You done unpacking?" Sero said, also sitting on the sofa.

"Pretty much." Kirishima said.

"Feels good huh?" Izuku said, also sitting on the sofa.

"I know we coulda died, but it's kinda exciting to be living here!" Kaminari said as he stood on an armrest.

"It's gonna be awesome to be living all together!" Luffy said, him sitting on the back of the sofa.

"Exactly! It's the perfect way to increase our cooperation and discipline! How smart!" Iida said through a series of robotic hand movements.

"So you never relax. Do you?" Kirishima said to Iida.

"Hiya boys! All done with your rooms?" Mina said as she and the rest of the girls came into the common space.

"Yup! It was super exhausting." Luffy said, now sitting backwards on a sofa.

"Well, the girls and I have been talking and…" Mina said excited.

"We have a great idea!" Hakagure said, equally as excited.

"Let's go around and see who has the coolest room!" As soon as Mina said that, Izuku, Mineta and Tokoyami instantly froze.

"Yeah! Let's do it!" Luffy said as he hopped from his sofa. "I bet I'm gonna win."

"Hohoho! We'll see about that!" Kirishima said, ready to take the challenge on. They started walking towards their nearest one.

"Ok so, going after the list, the first one is…" Mina said as she pulled out her phone. "Midoriya!

Izuku's Room.

"NO! NO! NO! NO! Please don't go in there!" Midoriya said but it didn't work seeing as Luffy was already in the room. "Crap!"

"Oh my god! It's All-Night!" Luffy said as he looked at the room plastered with All-Might merchandise. He started laughing and this did not help Izuku feel better. "Everything's All-Night!"

"Wow, you're such a fanboy!" Uraraka said as she looked at a wall filled with posters of All-Might.

"I just admire him…" Izuku said with a tomato red face.

"Hey? What happens when I do this?" Luffy said with a figurine with All-Might in hand.

"No, No, Please don't touch that, that's a collectors editt–" Izuku said.

Luffy twisted the head off. "Whoops."

"AAAAAHHHHH!" Izuku screamed and tried his best to put it back together.

Tokoyami's Room.

"No way." Tokoyami said as he stood in front of the door. Luffy walked up to him and just picked Tokoyami up by the waist and put him aside.

"Whoa! This looks awesome!" Luffy said as he looked at a room filled with dark and scary stuff.

"So scary!" Mina and Hakagure said.

"You fiends!" Tokoyami said as he shaked uncontrollably.

"Oh man, I had a keychain like this in middle school!" Kirishima said as he picked a cross keychain with a skull on it.

"Hey look at me!" Luffy said as he got a fake skull and put it in front of his face. "I'm dead. Yohohohoho!"

"Please leave." Tokoyami said, feeling miserable.

"A sword!" Izuku said when he noticed a classic sword. "So cool!"

"Get out!" Tokoyami finally snapped.

Aoyama's Room.

"Ah! I can't see! It's so bright!" Luffy said as he had to shield his eyes from all of the bright disco lights.

"Expected to be honest." Mina said, already leaving.

"Doesn't surprise me." Kaminari said, also leaving

'Ok so, next one is–" Uraraka was cut off.

"Come on in girls." Mineta said as he emitted pure creep aura. "I've got so much to show you."

"So, skip?" Mina asked as they went up the stairs.

"Yeah, total skip." Hakagure agreed.

Ojiro's Room.

"Looks the same." Luffy said as he looked at the room that didn't change at all.

"Very normal." Mina said, trying to look impressed.

"Did you forget to unpack?" Hakagure said, not needing to hide her face

"Can we go now?" Ojiro said, not liking the critic he was receiving

Iida's Room.

"Wow, It looks like a library in here!" Mina said as she looked at the room filled with books and with a shelf filled with glasses.

"You'll find nothing odd in here!" Iida said.

"Ugh… books?! I don't like books." Luffy said as he picked a book and immediately felt like sleeping.

"But books are an important part of our lifes! They hold meaning and wisdom." Iida said in the defence of books.

"It just makes me sleep." Luffy said as he threw the book on the bed.

Kaminari's Room.

"Wow! So many hats!" Luffy said as he took a hat from a hat rack. He placed it on top of his Straw hat.

"Do you wear all hats like that?" Asui asked, weirded out.

"Yeah!" Luffy said with a smile.

"Come on guys! At least say something about the room!" Kaminari said annoyed.

Koda's Room.

"Wow! So you also have emergency food?!" Luffy said when he noticed the rabbit.

Koda quickly placed himself as a wall between Luffy and the rabbit. He shook his head violently.

"Oh so you want to eat it?" Luffy asked, to which Koda shook his head even more.

"By the way, where's Bakugou?" Jirou asked as Mina and Hakagure had to defend the rabbit from Luffy. "I feel like I haven't seen him at all."

"He's catching on some sleep, guess he musta been tired from all the unpacking." Kirishima said as they left the room.

Shoji's Room.

"Wow, there's nothing here!" Luffy said as he looked at the empty room with nothing but a desk and a futon.

"So you're a minimalist, huh?" Todoroki asked.

"I just never understood why people had to fill their room with junk." Shoji said as he looked back only to see everybody already gone.

Sero's Room.

"So exotic!" Mina said as she looked at the very foreign looking room.

"I love it!" Uraraka said with enthusiasm.

"A hammock! Awesome so you got one too, huh?" Luffy said when he noticed a low hanging hammock.

"What, you also got one?" Sero asked curiously.

"Ah, you'll see!" Luffy said as he turned to leave the room.

Todoroki's Room.

"Do we really have to do this?" Todoroki said as they approached his door.

"Ah, Don't worry I'm sure yours will b–" Uraraka was interrupted.

"Wow! So Japanese!" Mina said when she noticed the very japanese like room.

"You know, this kinda reminds of the land of wano." Luffy said as he looked at a paper wall.

"The one with the samurais?" Kirishima asked, already being told dozens of stories from Wano by Luffy.

"Yup! But this is a lot less colorful." Luffy said as he exited the room.

"Ok, so the last but definitely not least is…" Uraraka said as he pulled out her phone. "The rep!"

Luffy's room.

"You put your logo on your door?" Kirishima said as he noticed the Straw hat jolly roger on Luffy's door.

"I saw it a bunch of times on your hero outfit." Jirou said as Luffy opened the door. "Is that supposed to be your jolly roger?"

"You bet it is." Luffy said as he walked in through the door. Everybody was surprised that it wasn't just a huge meat fridge.

"Whoa dude! You really like your pirate theme don't you?" Sero said before noticing the hammock which replaced his bed. "So this is what you were talking about."

"Wow, So awesome! Todoroki, Tokoyami, check this out!" Kirishima said as he motioned Todoroki to a dresser. "Look! 3 Japanese swords!"

"Cool." Tokoyami said, he liked the swords. "But why are there 3?"

"Those must've cost a fortune." Todoroki said, he admittedly was impressed, even if he didn't show it.

"I helped Luffy a bit with decorating and stuff." Momo said to which the 2 boys nodded. They were surprised she was willing to spend money on stuff like this.

"Aww, So cute! A reindeer plushie!" Mina said as she noticed it standing next to a pirate ship in a bottle.

"Can't sleep without youw wittle baby toy?" Hakagure said in a baby voice.

"Rep! I demand answers! You ridiculed me for having books, but look! You have books of your own!" Iida said as he pointed to a small bookshelves. "And not only that, but they are archeology books! What is the meaning of this?!"

"A slingshot?!" Kaminari said as he picked up a green slingshot from the table and started to play with it. "I haven't seen one of these in ages!"

"A classical violin? And an electric guitar?" Jirou said as she noticed the two instruments hanging on the wall. "Do you even know how to play these?"

"An orange tree?" Asui said when she saw an orange tree hidden in a corner of the room. "Are you sure you can take care of it? I guess free oranges don't ruin anything."

"You have a karate gi!" Ojiro said as he took a look in the closet. "I've never seen you practice any martial arts, though."

"Wow! Look at this, a ship in a bottle. I heard these are pretty hard to make." Midoriya said as he carefully lifted it from the desk. "Is that… a lion… on the front?"

"Nah, It's a sunflower." Shoji said as he squinted his eyes at it. "I think…"

Koda was seen pointing worriedly at a microwave. He wasn't sure if Luffy could or should operate it.

"Wow! Dirty mags!" Uraraka said as she opened a drawer and saw a bunch of NSFW Magazines. "I didn't know you were into this kinda stuff!"

"I didn't know he was into anything." Mineta said as he warped near Uraraka, giving her a heart attack. "Hey rep, think I can borrow these?"


"Rep?" Mineta asked again, actually most of them asked questions but neither of them got answers. They looked at him and he looked frozen in time, unable to move.

"Lu? Are you okay?" Momo said as she gave him a small push, waking him up to reality. "Lu?"

"Huh? What? Umm… Ye-Yeah I'm fine. What's up?" Luffy said as he looked at Momo, who in turn looked worried.

"Nothing, is everything okay?" Momo asked worriedly.

"Ha, Of course everything is okay, why wouldn't it be? Everything's awesome!" Luffy said forced, he quickly slapped his face with both palms before doing a 180 and walking out the room. "Soooo, who's room is it next? I can't wait to see it!"



"Well, that was..." Uraraka said as they all stared at the open door.

"Weird." Mina said, with a hint of worry in her voice. "Super weird."

"I've never seen the dude like that before." Kaminari said as he put down the slingshot. "Yaomomo?"

"N-No, well, at least I don't think so." Momo said as she looked on worriedly.

"It's just more of the rep being a weirdo. There's nothing new about that." Mineta said as he walked out the room with some magazines in his shirt. "Let's just go."

"Hey!" Uraraka said as he bonked him on the head. "Those aren't yours!"

"Yes ma'am." Mineta said as he nursed the bump on his head.

Jirou's Room.

"Wow! So many instruments!" Uraraka said as she looked at the room filled with several instruments.

"Did we really have to do this?" Jirou said, embarrassed. She didn't like people in her personal space.

"Look at this cool guitar!" Luffy said he picked up an electric guitar. "You know who would really like it here? Brook–" Luffy found his words got stuck in his throat. He put the guitar slowly back into place.

"This is so punk rock!" Hakagure said, impressed.

"Can you play all of these?" Mina asked, amazed.

"Yeah, at least a little." Jirou said as she hit the end of her earplugs together.

Hakagure's Room.

"This is for sure girly." Kaminari said as he walked into a room that one could describe as pink.

"I like it!" Luffy said with a thumbs up, which Hakagure returned, not that he could see it.

Mina's Room.

"Ta da! Isn't it super cute!" Mina said as they all looked at a red and black style room.

"Wow, so much makeup!" Kirishima said as he opened a suitcase filled with makeup.

"Hey! Don't touch that!" Mina said, annoyed.

Uraraka's Room.

"Yeah, Sorry, My room's not very interesting." Uraraka said as she scratched the back of the head.

"Looks the same." Luffy said as he looked at the room that didn't change at all.

"Wow, I just got deja vu!" Kaminari said with a chill up his hands.

Asui's Room.

"Wow, So green!" Mina said as she looked at a room filled with plants and green color.

"I love nature, what can I say?" Asui said.

"The last one up is Yaoyorozu." Kaminari said, leaving the room. "Love the room Tsu!"

Yaoyorozu's Room.

"The thing is… I might've miscalculated the proportions and… oh well." She opened her door to a room with a bed that occupied like 60% of it.

"That bed is huge!" Kaminari said in surprise.

"Luffy! Get down! That thing is not a trampoline!" Uraraka said in annoyance but was stopped by Momo.

"It's fine, I got used to it." Momo said with a smile, but that only served as a mask to hide her worry.

*Sometimes I forget they live together.* Some of the students thought. Soon, they all left to count the votes.

Common Area.

"Alright everybody! Now that everyone's got their votes in, it's time to decide the winner!" Mina said as she held a bowl with a bunch of pieces of paper. "And now, without further ado, here are the results of the first 'Who has the coolest room?!' minus Bakugou. Drumroll please…


"With a tie between two of our students, each getting 5 votes is… Todoroki and Luffy!" Mina said with showman voice. "Congratulations!"

"Woo hoo! Let's go!" Luffy said excitedly while Todoroki looked as dead as ever. "Come on Ice boy! Liven up a little!" Luffy said as he took Todoroki on his shoulder and played mechanical bull with him.

"Can we go to sleep now?" Todoroki asked in his usual monotone voice. Most people giggled at this.

"Congrats guys!" Kirishima said, looking amused.

"What do we win?!" Luffy said as he threw Todoroki on the couch.

"You win the grand total prize of…" Mina said, making a makeshift drum roll out of an armrest. "Nothing!"

"Eh?! How does that make sense?!" Luffy said in a sulk. People laughed at this too. All in all, it was a good first day of the dorms, well, depending on who you'd ask.

"Maaaan, am I tired." Kaminari said with a stretch. "Let's just all go to sleep."

"You said it." Sero said as he and everybody went to each of their rooms.

"Everybody! Don't forget to brush your teeth! Dental hygiene is incredibly important!" Iida said as he mimicked a tooth brush being used. He was mostly ignored. "Goodnight everyone!"

"Goodnight!" Momo said with a wave before catching a glimpse of Luffy. "Goodnight Lu!"

Luffy didn't turn back, he just waved absentmindedly as he went on his way. Momo found that weird, she expected Luffy to do an over the top wave like he always did. *What's going on?*










1:32 AM

Common Area.

*Oh man, I forgot to bring a water bottle, and my room doesn't even have a fridge.* Momo thought as she went downstairs to grab a cup of water. She was walking in the dark, using just a small flashlight for light *That's what I get for choosing such a big bed I guess.*

*Heavy Sniffs.* She heard something that sounded a lot like crying, it was coming from the sofa. She turned her flashlight to the sofa and she saw Luffy sniffing and sobbing into a pillow. Momo quickly ran at him.

"Lu?! What happened?! W-Why are you crying?!" Momo said agitated as she sat on the couch next to Luffy. The straw hat was on the coffee table. She looked at Luffy and the wet patch he made on the pillow, he was shivering uncontrollably. Momo couldn't make heads or tails. 99% of the time, Luffy was your average happy-go-lucky guy with a distinct lack of common sense, the other time he was a serious, hardened war veteran. Now he was… this, crying.

"C-C-Crying? Sob W-Who's crying? Sniff I'm Sob N-Not." Luffy tried to lie, he was starting to hyperventilate. He felt like he didn't have air, he felt like all the air was sucked out of him and he couldn't get any, as much as he tried.

"Okay, Okay, calm down. Just breathe, okay? Take a deep breath." Momo tried to help in any way she could. She soon found herself doing her best to calm Luffy down. After about 2 minutes of uncontrollable breathing, Luffy finally managed to take level breaths.

"Okay, Okay, okay, Good? Are we good now?" Momo said to Luffy, to which he responded with a shaky nod. "That's what I like to hear. Now, can you please tell me why you are crying?"


"Just take your time." Momo said in as motherly a tone as she could, she found out that she hated seeing Luffy in this form.

"I-I d-don't know." Luffy said, and this time, he was being honest. "I-I don't, seriously! I don't, I-I don't, I d-don't know. Sniff."

"It's okay, It's okay, I believe you. Just umm… tell me what happened. Tell me the last thing you remember before crying, could you do that for me please?"

"I-I Umm… I j-just got into m-my room, Sniff And uhh, I looked around, an-and t-then I f-felt water on m-my feet. I-I uhh… I just s-started crying, I saw m-my room, and I j-just broke d-down, I-I didn't wanna wa-wake anybody up, s-so I just ran. I-I ran as fast a-as I could. Sniff A-And I uhh, found my-myself here. I-It just hurts. S-So m-much." Luffy said as past tears threatened to fall from his eyes again. He hated it, he hated crying. He only cried when sad things happened, but nothing sad happened now, so why is he crying? "I-I miss them."

"Miss them?" Momo said, finding it hard to listen to Luffy right now, but it would be worse if she had to leave. "Miss who?"

"M-My friends. I-I miss them soo-so much, Sniff I can't t-take it anymore." Luffy said and he found his vision blurry again, he felt the tears run past his cheeks, but he didn't care about that. "I-I Hate it, and I-I Hate it soo Much! I Hate that I don't know where they are! I Hate that I can't see them anymore. I Hate that I don't know whe– If they'll come back, Sob." Luffy didn't even feel Momo's embrace or her caressing his back. He didn't feel anything. Right now, he only felt sadness. "I Hate that I don't know if they're looking for me! And I Hate this stupid place, I Hate that I can't be a pirate. I Hate That I can never meet Shanks again, I hate that I can't meet Sabo Again. I Hate it. I-I-I Hate that I can't become the King of the Pirates!"

And so, Luffy listed all the things he hated. Even if he repeated them, he didn't care. He felt like weights were being lifted from his body. Soon, the moon fell over them, and the cold, dead air of the night was filled only with Luffy's sobs and Momo's words of reassurance.

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