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60% Love starts from 9 to 5 / Chapter 3: Chapter 3

Chapter 3: Chapter 3

After Thomas dropped the bomb of changing the next month feature work, everyone in the office went into panic mode. This was a typical day at work, back when I was working under Thomas, he would suddenly change make drastic changes to the topics we were assigned to cover and he would change it just days before the articles are supposed to be sent out for publication. So I wasn't particularly surprised, in hindsight I was probably expecting something like this to happen when I found out he was the new editor.

"Is he being serious? Change the main attraction of the next month issue? As if we are not already in trouble surviving as a magazine." a guy in glasses cried out.

"Don't be so loud, if he hears you, you'll have to write the main feature in such short time." another guy says.

"Shut up both of you." a woman's voice cuts into their exchange. "Thomas is in a lot of pressure, he has a huge responsibility of restoring this magazine to its previous glory and if it isn't enough there are rumours going around the company that FX will close its doors if we fail to bring in the numbers in the next 6 months. So I am sure, whatever he is doing he is doing it for the best of the magazine and for us. And instead of complaining about the current state of things, it'll be better if we show our face to Thomas with good ideas in the meeting next hour." she says with strong and stable voice.

I wonder who she is, she is putting in so much confidence on Thomas, it's almost scary for me to see, well I guess it's mostly because I don't like him but even I have to admit the girl was right, as far as I remember most people back in Neopolis were not so fond of him personally but professionally he is the most reliable person you can ever find.

But wait just a minute did that girl just say FX will close down in 6 months and the guy before also said something about the magazine being in trouble. I didn't hear any such words from Stella, why would she hide this from me and more importantly why would she send me here if the magazine is in trouble, wouldn't it have been better if she had sent someone more efficient and more creative and someone who can adapt well to different environment better than me?

"Riya, we all know that he isn't our enemy but a little consideration for our work, time and effort will be appreciated. We are all in this together, it would have been nice if he could've just discussed it with us before he completely scrapped the feature." another guy in black sweatpants and hoodie speaks up.

While the others continue to argue whether Thomas was right or wrong in making the decision. I look around the people standing on the office floor, Joshua was right I can only see a handful of women working here, I guess there's only six women including me. I am not much worried about girl bonding here because its not like I had a bunch of girlfriends in my old office. I quickly scan out the guys in the office and reach a conclusion that I definitely can't read them. I am really bad at reading men, contrary to the popular belief that women can tell everything about what a man is up to. When it comes to men, I am just clueless.

This is going to be a long day to survive, I think to myself as my eyes land on Joshua who's waving to me from the other side of the room. Well at least I have one friendly old face to rely on.

Once everyone return to their places, I approach Joshua to give me a quick rundown about the work here.

"So what was the main feature of the next month issue?" I ask taking a seat on the chair beside him

"It was exclusive a day in the life interview with Jonathan Key."

"Jonathan Key, as in the world famous footballer Jonathan? He rarely lets anyone interview him, how did you guys manage to convince and why is it getting scrapped again?" I am in disbelief

"That's what all of us want to know as well, but Thomas isn't going tell us. He's really secretive about things."

"Really? Like what?" I ask

"Like he won't tell us where he worked before he came here, or the reason why he leaves the office during afternoon and comes back after everyone has left for the day."

"But that can be personal reason, we don't really need to know about that." I say, I honestly couldn't care less about Thomas's private life.

"You are not wrong, but you know we all get curious about him. Anyway, you should really get some ideas to the meeting, Thomas expects everyone to participate in the brainstorming sessions."

"Yeah, I'll do that and thanks"

"No problem, Anna if you need anymore information just come to me" he beams.

I return to my place to deal with the problem in hand. I don't know what Thomas is thinking, deciding to scrap the interview that is bound to sell like hot cakes.

Over the weekend I had done some research on the magazine to get an idea about what exactly is the philosophy and aim of the magazine. After some extensive research I found that FX mostly wrote about men's health, fashion and lifestyle tips. At the beginning of its life FX was at the top of its game but as time passed by if failed to retain the attention of its readers losing to other evolving magazines who were more forward and up to date with the world.

Recently FX has tried to change its direction with last two months issues. I am guessing after Thomas's arrival, it has worked but it's not enough to run the magazine smoothly.

And I can't think of any idea which can overshadow the interview of Jonathan Key. This interview is everything that this magazine needs.

An hour passes by quickly and I still haven't come up with any amazing idea. I hesitantly enter the meeting room, Thomas enters soon after.

"I hope everyone has at least one good idea to offer today. We only have 1 week before the magazine goes for publication, so the idea should not only be good but it should be quick to execute as well. With that let's us start. We'll start from Joshua." Thomas announces as stands at the head of the long conference table.

"I think we should do another interview of Markus, he's another footballer and he's on the news lately for his antics off field as well as on field." Joshua suggests

"FX is a men's lifestyle magazine not a gossip site. And people are tired of him it'll hardly provide us any good attention." A guy in glasses immediately shuts down Joshua's idea.

"What about we do full coverage of men's fashion from fashion week starting from best to the worst in the week. We won't have to do much field work since the show is already over." a girl whom I just noticed says.

"Exactly fashion week got over 2 weeks ago so this idea is as stale as the bread they serve in the cafeteria." Thomas retorts with a stoic face.

Ouch, I feel bad for the girl but its not even the worst comment Thomas is capable of.

Everyone by turn give their ideas to Thomas, some ideas were so outrageous that I could see one of Thomas's forehead vein throbbing. and finally the my turn arrives, and I just sit there without saying anything. I can feel everyone eyes on me finally Thomas speaks up,

"Anna right? What do you have for us?"

I look up at him he's looking directly at me, "Any of the ideas said here are good." I lie and laugh nervously trying to avoid his gaze.

"I need your opinion, I don't need you to free ride other people's ideas." he says in a cold manner. "So what have you got?"

"Nothing, I've got nothing. I tried really hard to think up of something but it's my first time working for a men's magazine and my mind kept thinking of topics suitable for a women's magazine so I've got nothing." I burst out nervously.

"Eh- I already expected it, I don't know why Stella keeps sending me her employees who are so incompetent to adapting to new work places." He sighs.

Ugh he makes me so mad, can't he be a little understanding and whats up with this belittling attitude. I can't believe I have to work with this rude, egoistic man.

"Alright, listen up since we don't have any exceptional good ideas, we'll set up an interview with all the upcoming actors. Everyone get on it."

"That's the most banal idea I heard in this meeting yet." I burst out before I can think.

Ah shit, you've done it this time Anna, of all the places to express your honest thoughts I choose this day and this man to say it in front of. AAAhhhh....

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