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Love starts from 9 to 5 Love starts from 9 to 5 original

Love starts from 9 to 5

Author: Neophrodite

© WebNovel

Chapter 1

"Can't you just think it over once?" , I ask my editor-in-chief Stella pleadingly

"You are being transferred to FX magazine and that's the final, I think I have told you that last week itself Anna and you still haven't packed up your things from your cubicle" Stella tells me pointedly.

After I received the news of my transfer I have been constantly going in and out of my editors office, trying to convince her to not to transfer me. FX magazine is a men's magazine and I have been working for a women lifestyle magazine called "Neopolis" for the last 4 years.

"But why does it have to be me? I don't know anything about that magazine and you know I am good at what I do here."

Stella who was sitting behind her stylish and modern white table across from me sighed and pushed away her chair and came up to my side.

She put her hand on my shoulder and calmly said, "I know you are anxious about starting at a new place and I also acknowledge the contribution you have made to this magazine in the last four years but FX is currently understaffed, a lot of employees left with the previous editor. And the new editor can use help at the moment." Stella squeezes my arm and looks at me with pleading eyes.

I sigh knowing that I can't fight my transfer anymore. Stella was my first boss but she never made me feel scared of her. She was always warm towards her subordinates and really didn't believe in harshly berating anyone. I wasn't particularly close to her but I respected her as a person and as my boss.

"Okay I'll go there, since I don't have any other option"

"That's great" she beams at me "Anna it's only a temporary transfer so don't worry you'll always have place here in Neopolis." She assures me with a smile.

I smile back at her weakly and leave her office.

Back in my cubicle, Lauren is anxiously waiting for me. She is my only friend in here and I am hers. We never quite got along with the other employees, as according to them we didn't quite fit the image of a employee of a luxury lifestyle magazine.

She was as much upset as me about my transfer.

"So, what did she say" she comes up to me

"I am starting from Monday"

"What? No way" Lauren's face drops into a sad expression

"Yeah I know" I return her the same expression

Lauren suddenly puts her arm around my shoulder and squeezes me strongly and her voice getting a sudden change in the mood, "C'mon no need to be sad, today is Friday and it's the weekend let's go out somewhere and make the most of our time together."

I smile at her, " You know I am only transferring to another floor in the building, you'll still get to see me from time to time, it's not a goodbye."

"I know but it's not the same as working together, things will change and you'll make new friends there." She speaks in a low voice.

"Alright let's go to the place near the river, it'll be my treat." I say putting my own shoulder around her.

The weekend went by quickly and it's already Monday, I came to office quite early today like two hours early so that I can pack up my things from my cubicle and quickly move to my new cubicle in my new office floor.

The new office is five floors up from my old one.

Never thought I had actually accumulated so much stuff over the past four years. The three boxes were not heavy but rather they were blocking my view. Somehow I got inside the lift and pressed for the 16th floor.

The lift door opened and I mindlessly stepped out of it and directly crashed onto a person coming from the right side. The boxes fell off from my hand with a loud thud and I think my coffee mug broke because there was a crashing sound as well.

"Whoa are you okay?" A deep voice asks me.

I look at the owner of the voice and I immediately stiffen when I look at his face. The person standing in front of me is the last person I thought I'll ever see. It was Thomas Parker. My ex senior co-worker at Neopolis and the reason why I almost got fired from my job. I hated this man.

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