In a car, Greg played with Janet and Helen while Sophia was observing them. While this all was happening, they had come to church, and while seeing a lot of people there, Greg looked at Sophia, and then, he asked: "Are you ready."
"Yes, let's have this after us," she said, and when he nodded, he walked out and as Megan show up, she took her to bed with twins and then Sophia come out. When this has happened photos, all around started coming. While seeing it, both of them smiled and then slowly started walking inside with the accompaniment of music. After being there, everything has begun. While this was happening, all have done, and after exchanging rings and baptism twins, they walked out. When this has happened rice and coins started going on them. While seeing it, Sophia looked at Greg, and then he said, "tradition."
Megan Clark is FML of 'Secretary of the Empress' my other novel.
Oh, and I'm posting it on my bday too 3rd bday with chapter :)
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