When I wake up I feel that Sophia isn't hugging me. 'ufffff' I said to myself and I roll to look where she is and I could slowly take morning routine. When I move I saw that t-shirt she wear roll up and one of her breast was outside.
For the first time I have good look how beautiful they are. While looking at it I turn on 'f**k me and my love to boobs why I'm like that and even I turn on while looking at them without touching. how I wish I could play with them' I said to myself while making my little friend in better position to not hurt myself more.
My mind probably stop working rationally now and I totally forgot about my past love and I start looking at her moving breast while she breath during sleeping.
I don't know what happened with me but I'm slowly start trusting her and maybe I will give her a try . Probably this start happening with me because what she is doing to me.
Mostly her actions to me that she show me how truly she is to me. ''maybe I will give a try that Sophia could heal my broken hearth but if she will be like that b***h I probably will never love anybody and stay single my whole life" I said in low voice while memorizing all what I'm seeing.
When I getting up Sophia move to her side thanks to that I could help t-shirt to be in place I couldn't find blanket she probably kick it I haven't use it. Me and my fat was enough for me to heat myself. When I get up I saw it on floor. Then I put it on bed and I go to have shower to fight with my pain I have now after looking at Sophia and my dream that I have about her. It was most realistic that I have from our first kiss.
When I enter a shower and water start running I saw that I forgot to close doors 'oh fuck I totally forgot that I'm not alone but I hope she wouldn't wake up and see me' I think and I become more interested in calming down that thinking about not close doors.
After shower I saw that I again forgot to take my thinks with me. So I take one of towel that I clean myself and I turn it around my hips to cover my important think. I only take one and it. when I look at mirror I saw that I look like that girl from 'the ring' with my wet hairs. "good that I pack hairdryer with me " I said loud to myself.
At first I don't wanted to make my hair wet but accidently I move my head to running water. when I go out I saw Sophia having red face and texting with someone. When she saw me she said to me "good morning you finally finish I will go now and use it" while saying it she close her phone and she move fast to toilet. 'where you running so fast' I said to myself while looking at her back.