While Greg goes out I look around and before I could ask mom what she made exactly dad come and while he sits he starts eating. While seeing him I said "wait for everyone to be here"
"I'm too hungry and while knowing that my love made it I will eat it now and without waiting for him to be back," dad said while eating. While I wanted to wait for Greg to comeback mom Megan and Mei start eating so I start too. 'Its smell too good' I said to myself while taking the first spoon. While I have been eating slowly Greg come and after he sits he takes a spoon and while he wanted to eat he saw something and he said
"Thanks for the meal"
While hearing him mom said "you haven't eaten"
"I know there is the thing I don't eat and I will go to make some food for myself," Greg said while getting up and going to the kitchen.
While I have been looking at why he doesn't eat dad said "eat now"
sorry for late upload (short nap after eating come to longer :/ )