/ LGBT+ / Love's Alchemy: Breaking Shadows (BL)

Love's Alchemy: Breaking Shadows (BL) Original

Love's Alchemy: Breaking Shadows (BL)

LGBT+ 41 Chapters 43.8K Views
Author: TheEmpressNing

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Dorian Shadowvale, once guided by a moral compass, found himself transformed into a soulless villain through the unending cycle of transmigration. This shift in his destiny occurred when he unintentionally stumbled upon the ancient and ominous "Cursed Amulet of Shadows."

Upon contact, the amulet intricately tied his fate to the cosmic threads of the multiverse, through a system, casting him as a recurring villain in each world it touched. The malevolence entrenched in every realm gradually chipped away at his humanity, pushing him to commit unspeakable acts driven by the relentless pursuit of power and survival.

Realizing the amulet thrives on timeline alterations, Dorian plots to exploit its hunger for disruption. He carefully orchestrates shifts that not only feed the amulet's appetite for chaos but also weaken its grip on his soul.

Along this challenging path, he encountered a man who embodied everything he wasn't – a stark contrast that raised questions about what Dorian truly needed for redemption.

Arc 01: Interstellar (35 Chapters)
Arc 02: Modern Era (Ongoing)
Arc 03:...
Arc 04:...

Quick transmigration novel. Cover created by the Author ©.


  1. Mrs_TNT
    Mrs_TNT Contributed 4311
  2. kermit_gravo
    kermit_gravo Contributed 3688
  3. Infernaldrip
    Infernaldrip Contributed 1804


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    • Translation Quality
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    LV 15 Badge

    While this novel is still in its "early stage," it quickly became a favorite for me. I personally feel this novel is underrated, and it's not because I am being biased due to the author being a favorite of mine but my genuine opinion. As much as I would love for more frequent updates the author does stock pikes then mass releases several usually 3+ chapters at a time & she thankfully dosen't compromise on the quality so it makes the wait worth it. I plan to update this review later by commenting on this post but if The EmpressNing continues to write this novel to the level or above of her other works then I doubt my score will change as the only thing that brings it down is the longer (timely though) time for uploads but honestly it's not too long. I also have to say if you like this novel, then check out any of The EmpressNing's other works as they are all fantastic! I have read them all & several times over, including this one! 🤩😍🥰😁

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