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91.17% LOTM ?? / Chapter 62: chapter 57

Chapter 62: chapter 57

Chapter 37 The Southern Continent 2 days ago

Chapter 228 The Southern Continent Two Days Ago

Set the time back to two days ago.

Southern Continent, West Balam Region, former Kingdom of Pas, Gaspar Port.

Under the deserted moonlight, the huge ship wrapped in black iron slowly passed through the narrow river. The heavy wheels drained the water impatiently, making a noisy splash. The bow of the ship was covered in crimson. From a distance, it looked like The turtle with its head held high is about to waddle ashore.

In the port, even though the natives in shabby and dirty robes had been working in this job for many years and were accustomed to all kinds of ships, when they saw this ship, they still couldn't help but sigh in a low voice and rise to worship. thoughts.

The colonists from the Northern Continent who broke open the gate to the highlands arrived in iron ships. Their absolute technological gap left an indelible impression of fear on the aborigines who were stuck in the agricultural era.

The majestic appearance of the battleships can wipe out a city's artillery with casual vomiting and diarrhea. These products of the new world showed a power far beyond the expectations of the aborigines at the beginning of the war, shattering their self-contained world view that had been cultivated for thousands of years. Coupled with the deliberate guidance of the governments and churches of the Northern Continent, many soldiers worshiped these war tools as gods after their defeat, thinking that they were extensions of the gods of the Northern Continent and had the same status as the tribal high priests. Holy Spirit".

They are the "holy spirits" who bring destruction and punishment, and they are the "demons" who decorate themselves with death and killing.

Unlike the natives who have never seen the world, Leon, a "mongrel" who is half Intis, relied on the powerful night vision of the "living corpse" to squint his eyes and try to see the painting of the ship clearly.

As Mr. Johnny said, there is no problem... He swept away the two natives in front of him. Leon, who was slightly irritated, stood on tiptoe and subconsciously licked his lips.

There was no military flag hanging on the mast of the ship, but with many years of experience, Leon could still tell that this transport ship belonged to the fleet deployed by the Fusac people in the Southern Continent.

He wasn't surprised by the results.

After the highland capital was captured, the Intis and Loen people followed closely behind, divided the Pas Kingdom, and established colonial regimes on the left and right banks of the Pas Valley respectively. At first, they pretended to support several major powers outside the royal family. Chieftain, created a puppet government.

His father, Intis, who worked on the plantation, liked to tell him the history of Intis's colonial expansion as a bedtime story for a long time.

"Okay, don't fucking stand here!"

"Can't you see the ship coming into the harbor?"

"Pull all the cargo over here and check the water level. If such a big ship runs aground here, I will skin you all and feed it to the fish!"

Raising his voice, Leon slapped a skinny and dry native, and drove these empty-minded two-legged beasts back to their posts like ducks. He then pulled up the lantern and shone it around to make sure there were no people on the shore. Accidents will occur.

"Why don't you move?"

The bright firelight pierced the face of the flaxen-haired native. Leon looked at it twice and shouted sharply.

"Sorry, boss, I've never seen such a big ship."

The plain-looking native was full of cowardice and did not dare to argue with Lyon. He only explained in a voice that he could hear.

"Hey, hey, hurry up and move the goods. If you save a few pounds, I'll cut off your head and put it on top."

"Yes Yes..."

The unremarkable-looking native hurriedly ran away, and the lantern in Leon's hand quickly shone to the other side. Without the firelight, it was difficult for even a "living corpse" to see other people's micro-expressions in the darkness.

It turned out to be a transport ship of the Fusac people. It was not enough to support the military leader of West Balam, but it also had to hook up with the "Rose School of Thought"?

The indigenous young man casually wiped a handful on his face. With the slight movement of the fleshy buds, his ordinary face quietly changed. When he put his palm down again, he had the appearance of a standard Northern Continent race.

Under the cover of illusion, Jerry Zarath quietly slipped out of the transportation site while the "living corpse" foreman was not paying attention.

He hid under a wall tree that was two people thick, leaning against the dry trunk. The flesh and blood on his palms bloomed like flowers, revealing the iron-black badge hidden in it.

This and the badge in Klein's hand are from the same person. They are both communication props made by Mr. A using his own flesh and blood and the "Bishop Rose" ability.

The blood dripped on the cold steel badge, but it seemed to blend into the soil. Except for the bright red dripping, there was no other change, but subjectively it made people feel a little moist.

"The ship has arrived, it's time to start."

Almost as soon as he finished speaking, a fire spear with high temperature and concentrated color that was almost blazing white pierced the sky and hit the carriage where the indigenous workers were unloading. With the sound of exploding wooden planks, a fire instantly ignited on the bodies of the few unlucky guys. The worker who was responsible for throwing objects downwards screamed and fell down, rolling on the ground.

Attack? The eyes of the "living corpse" were instantly covered in blood red, but before he could enter the state, the next round of attacks came again.

More and more flames fall from the sky, and they are different. These flames are no longer simple fires. Each cluster contains pure breath. Wherever they fall, all the filth and negative power are quickly ignited. It burned down to ashes in a matter of seconds.

Only then did "Living Corpse" Leon finally see the attacker clearly.

The man stood on the lookout lighthouse on the pier. The dark robe beneath him seemed to be coagulated with blood, trembling in the wind. His whole body was wrapped in holy light, which was both sacred and evil.

Mr. A looked down at the audience from a high position, his blood-red eyes filled with unclear pity and indifference, and he slowly opened his arms.


The sky above the pier was illuminated, the crimson moon became more and more brilliant, the warm gentle breeze blew through everyone's hearts equally, and the light of heaven arrived silently.

The blazing beam of light covered the burning carriage like a divine punishment, forcing Leon, who wanted to rescue his dependence on drugs, to retreat.

The light from the "sun" fell on the ground, illuminating the cylindrical cage, locking the volatile smell of the herbs that had not yet escaped from the flames in the pure white, and not even the several indigenous people who were huddled on the ground screaming. Fortunately, he lost his voice.

Intis's "Priest of Light"?

Leon ignored his arms that were burned by the light and looked at the top of the watchtower. Clenching his teeth, he pulled out from his arms a puppet that was only the size of a palm and made of grass leaves.

Whatever the attacker was, it was nothing he could handle.

As a "living zombie", he can resist gunfire, but against the purification of restrained "alien species", he can only escape for his life.

A hasty counterattack will only cause him to be burned to ashes by the light of purification!

As Leon bit his palm fiercely and blood flowed into the mouth of the puppet in his hand, the rough puppet made of grass and leaves gradually came to life. The dark eye sockets were filled with crimson and were about to form real eyes.

However, before he could take the next step, spiritual intuition made a judgment for Leon first.

His body instinctively hardened, and he bent over and rolled backwards. As soon as he left the ground where he was standing, a stream of flames burned in the air.

A man wearing a black formal suit and a clown mask jumped out of the flames, holding a sharp silver dagger in his hand, stabbing at the relatively fragile joints and arteries of his body at a tricky angle.

The extraordinary weapon with spiritual power passed by quickly, making sharp sound of breaking through the air.

Seeing that the first attack was ineffective, the clown did not hesitate and continued to close the distance with the "living zombies". It was completely unlike the extraordinary people who were not good at frontal combat, forcing Leon to find no chance to continue feeding. Doll in hand.

At this point, how could Leon no longer be able to tell which side the attacking enemy belonged to.

Trunsoest is a hunting dog raised by Trunsoest!

I'm not sure about the one above, the one wearing a clown mask in front of me is the "magician"?

Yes, it must be "The Magician"!

He was trying to entangle himself and wait for his companions on the watchtower to arrive!

After making a judgment, Leon, who was just retreating in embarrassment to avoid the attack, suddenly stood still. The blood in his eyes became denser due to the madness, his muscles bulged one by one, and his "living corpse" body glowed with a cold metallic light. Raising his fist, he roared and smashed it towards the clown's face.

Although the "magician" is flexible, his body is still too weak compared to the "living corpse". No matter what, the clown must avoid it.

He can't take his own attack!

However, before the fist came, a look of horror appeared on Leon's ruthless face.

Facing his attack that could dent a piece of steel, the clown didn't even dodge and simply stood still.

Looking at the clown's exaggerated smile, Leon realized that he had fallen into a trap.

But it was too late.

The silver-white giant sword passed through the back of the "living corpse", and the sharp sword tip broke straight through the chest. The power of dawn scorched the muscles and internal organs of the "living corpse", and the blood had no time to flow out, and it was already covered by the silver. The light evaporated, leaving only a pale red mist rising.

Mr. A holds a sword in one hand and puts his other hand firmly on the shoulder of "Living Corpse" Leon, controlling him and preventing the attack from advancing an inch further.

The method of escaping into the shadows is difficult to detect, coupled with the powerful armor-breaking efficiency of the "Guardian", it is enough to make Mr. A the most terrifying assassin in high-sequence situations.

The silver-white sword body cracked several shells, and the broken light twitched with the sword body. With a violent stir, the surface of the "living corpse"'s body, which was as hard as steel, was instantly torn open with several traces. The flesh, flesh, and bones were sparse and collapsed. A puddle of meat.

"Little trick."

Faced with his partner's comments, Jerry Zaratul shrugged.

"As long as it works."

He took advantage of the characteristics of the "indulgents" who don't have much brains, and also took advantage of the stereotypes about pathways within Extraordinary people.

"Little tricks, little cleverness, can't always be useful. Put down the crime of arrogance, otherwise you will suffer the consequences one day."

As soon as the battle started, all the forced laborers ran away, and even the only "prisoner" among them did not hesitate. Mr. A looked at the several young natives who lost their lives due to the range attack, and carefully drew the hanging cross on his chest. , to pay tribute to the souls who unfortunately were caught in the war.

"First put away your pastoral ways and look at this."

The mourning was interrupted, and Mr. A was not angry. He calmly accepted the hay doll wrapped in a handkerchief from his partner.

After being soaked in blood, the doll has grown new eyes, and misty blood appears on the grass stalks, like new polyps growing on the wound, but it is not complete yet.

"A curse carrier created by followers of the 'Mother Tree of Desire' through evil rituals."

"Curse?" Jerry Zaratul asked curiously.

He did not understand the rituals mastered by the "Rose School". In this regard, Mr. A, who had followed the previous generation A for more than ten years, was an expert from the church.

"Not a simple curse."

The Fusac transport ship in the river was heading in the opposite direction to its intended direction. The battle that broke out on the shore frightened the command of the ship. Although they had some cooperation with some members of the "Rose School" in the name of the resistance, they had no obligation to help these people. The natives deal with the enemy and will not actively participate in the conflict.

Mr. A looked at the outline of the ship from a distance and shook his head.

"Curse is one of the main parts of the 'alien' ability. Through curse, they can do many things, and killing the enemy by cursing is only the most insignificant part of it."

As he spoke, he closed the handkerchief wrapping the doll and attached a spiritual wall to the outermost part.

"Teacher... the previous generation A once told me that with the help of such ritual products, the demigods who were bewitched by the 'Mother Tree of Desire' and accepted the baptism of his evil spirituality can give down their power and even come in person."

"Then what are you doing with it?"

"Throw it away quickly!"

Jerry Zaratul, who was about to evacuate the scene, was startled by his partner's words.

Mr. A glanced at him slowly, his expression still calm.


"Even if such dolls are in the temple, there are only a few samples that can be studied and referenced. If we don't understand evil, UU Kanshu will never be able to eliminate them."

"Besides, this doll has not yet been completed. Even its maker cannot use an incomplete 'coordinate' to descend."

"What about pollution?"

Jerry Zaratul didn't care about his partner. He heard the elders in his family say that the characteristics of many members of the "Rose School" contained a lot of evil god pollution, and the extraordinary items they held were also, sometimes just If you come into contact, you will be assimilated without knowing it, until one day you turn into a monster with pus all over your body and strong desires.

"That 'living corpse' just now, look at his extraordinary characteristics."

Looking with Mr. A's fingers, Jerry Zarath discovered that on the mud-like body of "Living Corpse" Leon, a stone-like object with a faint green brilliance was condensing with difficulty and was about to take shape. It did not show any A crimson brilliance that usually appears on properties contaminated by the "Mother Tree of Desire".

"He is obviously a mixed race. Although I don't know how he was promoted to the 'Living Corpse' as a mixed race, he is also among the group that is not taken seriously. He should not be eligible to participate in large-scale sacrifices to the 'Mother Tree of Desire'."

"As long as you don't participate in large-scale sacrifices that respond, there won't usually be any pollution." Mr. A weighed the hand holding the doll, "And if this cursed doll can spread pollution even in its incomplete state, then his Characteristics will not be pure either."

Phew... Hearing this, Jerry Zaratul finally let go of his hanging heart.

He smiled again and patted Mr. A on the shoulder, sighing.

"You told me earlier, you scared me."

It's late today, sorry...

Finally, I would like to ask for recommendations and monthly passes, please.

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Chapter 38 Arrival

Chapter 229 Arrival

The moonlight was gradually obscured by dark clouds, making the burning warehouse in the winding street more conspicuous. The initiator of all this had already left, and no one from the local rebels who came to put out the fire found her. Her behavior was not as originally planned. He used the mirror arranged in advance to leave and walked on the street, step by step, measuring the hometown he had not looked back at for a long time.

It has been eleven years since the "Red Angel" beheaded the last king of the Highlands, and she has also been away from the Highlands for eleven years.

The streets were quiet at night, except for the slight noise around a few burning houses.

The brown-skinned child looked out through the wooden-framed window, his eyes reflecting the swaying orange of the sea of ​​fire in the distance, full of curiosity and envy.

It's not that they wanted their own house to be caught in such a fire, but since the colonial government was driven away in the Gaspar area, the resistance army formed by the newly settled highlanders set a curfew, prohibiting all non-"military" open fires. Appears at night.

Everyone must stay at home. If you go out casually, you will be arrested. If you have nowhere to return, you will be arrested. Even if someone at home is sick and urgently needs medical treatment, they must wait until the next morning, otherwise they will be disobeying the order of the governor. They will be taken to a port or to a battlefield who knows how far away. The luckier ones may be pushed onto the altar, returned to the embrace of God, and escaped from this world of endless despair and pain earlier.

For the residents of Gaspar, fire at night is a rare thing.

Taking advantage of this small light source coming from elsewhere, the child behind the wooden window lattice seized the opportunity and looked around, looking here and there. After looking at the familiar area at the door of his house, he saw that his parents were sleeping and snoring without noticing. With little hesitation, he squeezed his head out, trying to see the other side of the street.


The child let out a small scream.

On the other side of the street, a girl who was as beautiful as an angel to him was standing quietly. A few strands of fine blond hair occasionally floated in the wind, covering her pure blue eyes. She was dressed in a complicated and regular palace dress with the color of night. .

But more than her beauty, what concerned him more about the girl was her fair skin and deep appearance that were no different from those of the Northern Continent people.

Born in a small town by the canal, he was born after the demise of the Highlands. He had never seen the royal priests of the "Rose School" from the capital, and he had never heard of the rumor that the Highland royal family was also Caucasian. The first moment he saw the girl, he was mistaken. He mistook the girl for a lost heir of a certain Northern Continent noble.

Only noble ladies can be so beautiful.

But Gaspar stopped seeing the Intis a few years ago. Aren't they all saying that Fusac is very tall? I don't think she is that tall... Suddenly, the children were worried, fearing that the girl would be discovered and arrested by the resistance forces. Go.

Empathizing with beauty is a shortcoming of most people. Thanks to Gaspar's escape from direct colonization by the Intis for many years, the children who have not suffered much face-to-face oppression by the Intis can easily let go of the hatred between races and become anxious. I wanted to ask for a reminder, but because I was afraid of being scolded by my parents, I hesitated to make a decision.

The girl also noticed the child. She tilted her head and looked over. The face that was more exquisite than a religious painting made the child who had never seen the world lower his head in shame.

Sharon looked at the child who was only half her age. Before she could see more, the child's parents, who were awakened by the screams, had already stretched out a big hand, picked up the child's hair from behind, and pulled it When I turned back, I could still vaguely hear the restrained scolding in Dutan language.

With a bang, the window was locked, and the wooden board that the child had secretly removed was knocked back up, closing the bridge connecting him to the vast world.

Sharon looked at this scene without saying anything and quickly looked away.

"Hey, Miss."

It was Jerry Zaratul's familiar sarcasm and ridicule again. Sharon, who had just entered the safe house, paused and chose to ignore the noise and report the mission first.

"I blew up the underground factories and warehouses where they made their addictive drugs."

"Are you in trouble?" Mr. A asked casually.


"That's good."

Nodding, Mr. A took out a palm-sized object wrapped in a handkerchief from the pocket of his robe, held it in front of Sharon, and showed it to her.

After glancing at the item, Sharon looked at Mr. A but did not pick it up.

"We found it from the 'living corpse' in charge of the port. A said it was the product of the evil ritual of the followers of the 'Mother Tree of Desire'."

Jelly Zaratul couldn't see the two mutes performing mime, so he took the initiative to act as a middleman in the communication.

"Before killing the 'living corpse', he poured his own blood on it, but A said it wasn't a big problem..."

Before Jerry Zaratul finished speaking, Sharon, who had always adhered to the principle of minimalism, frowned visibly and used her fingers to open the handkerchief used for wrapping.

The doll with flesh and blood attached to the outer stem of the withered grass was exposed to the air again. The two eyes that grew out of the back were motionless. On the contrary, because it did not continue to draw fresh blood, the flesh and blood all over the body became much duller, and it looked like there was a faint tendency to rot. .

"This is a type of moon doll."

Sharon's ethereal voice was terrifyingly cold.

"It's already awake."

"woke up?"

Jerry Zaratul was stunned and didn't react for a moment.

On the way back, he divined that the moon puppet had not yet been fully activated, and there was no warning of the hidden danger.

Besides, if the doll has woken up, then A, who "herded" the "demon", should also be aware that A has maintained the "demon" state on their way back.

"The sacrifice of the 'living corpse' was interrupted and it is not complete." Mr. A frowned and confirmed to Sharon.

"Incomplete, but already awake." Sharon instinctively explained, her delicate little face wrinkled into a ball, fighting against the habits formed by years of abstinence. "Believers of the 'Mother Tree of Desire' are very sensitive to this ritual product. , when they first fought against the 'War Red', they held a large number of sacrifices and used ritual products to communicate and convey the situation of each city-state."

"Etc., etc!"

Hearing this, Jerry Zaratul finally reacted.

"Miss, what you mean is that although this thing is not complete yet, A's judgment is correct. The demigods of the 'Indulgence Faction' cannot come to us directly through this doll."

"But as long as we carry this doll, we are equivalent to an accidentally injured sailor in the sea. We may attract a swarm of sharks at any time and be surrounded by 'alien species' that sense the scent of the doll?"

This was roughly what he meant, Sharon nodded.

The three people in the room looked at each other in confusion until Jerry Zaratul let out an imperceptible sigh.


So...Mr. A and the others brought the evil ritual products of the "Rose School" back to the safe house without knowing, oh no, not understanding... It took Klein some time to understand what the letter said. What's going on.

This was something he didn't expect.

Judging from past experience, Mr. A has always maintained a professional and skillful style in front of him. It is difficult to imagine that such an envoy who has fought against the "Mother Tree of Desire" cultists for many years would make any stupid mistakes.

Huh... Klein let out a long sigh of relief and felt scared for Mr. A and others who were far away in the Southern Continent.

If there were not members of the "Temperance Sect" like Miss Sharon who were familiar with the "Rose School of thought", Mr. A's team would probably have been unprepared to be attacked by the local resistance and "alien", surrounded and strangled. It's hard to escape.

It was really thrilling. Compared to what they encountered, I encountered almost no danger. Whether it was the "Blood Admiral" Senor or the demigods who came with the help of the ritual, they were all restrained and unable to exert their full power. .

After thinking carefully for a moment, Klein found some paper and picked up a pen to write the letter.

Different from the previous two times, this time he needed to convey more information to Mr. A, which could only be presented on paper, unless he was willing to draw 400 ml of blood for the subsequent long speech.

The round-bellied pen absorbs ink and makes a rustling sound as it moves across the paper.

Klein first roughly recovered from boarding the "Pirate Hunter" to sneaking into the Loen Sail Battleship and then leaving. After fighting with Senor, he boarded "Vice Admiral Dusk" Bulatov Ivan's boat. the whole process.

He also gave a relatively brief talk about the recent developments in the Rossed Islands, and then got down to the main topic, presenting his insights and newly summarized views in writing after discussing with Zaratul.

"...Our plan carries a lot of risks. Just like the mission I accepted, it is likely to cause chain reactions beyond expectations..."

"His Highness Zaratul suggested that you can share your plan with the border guards stationed at the border and ask them to cooperate in their actions. They should give up going in directly and use constant harassment to create the illusion of launching a large-scale attack, forcing the 'Rose School' to go Increase manpower at the border..."

He did not write down the various secrets about the concept of "anchor" in detail, but vaguely reminded Mr. A that Sharon's true identity must be concealed.

In fact, compared to West Balam, I am more likely to accidentally cause trouble... Klein paused on the tip of his pen.

After all, Miss Sharon is just a student of the "Immortal Princess" in the Highlands. Strictly speaking, even taking into account the master-disciple inheritance system within the "Rose School", she is not a true member of the royal family.

As an ordinary member who was marginalized and prematurely separated from the highland soil, traveled far away from home, and was probably considered dead by most members of the "Temperance Sect", Sharon's importance was far less than that of "Poseidon".

Whether it is the aboriginal people living on the Rossed Islands, the Church of Loen and the Church of Storms that currently have established a colonial government in Rossed, or the Second Empire of Trunsoest who hopes to expand its maritime influence, "Poseidon" is An indispensable part of future competition.

Taking away "Poseidon" at will is equivalent to taking away the last beam under the bridge that supports the future of the Rossed Islands to get rid of Loen's rule.

Klein was still about to pick up his pen and write something. Just as he was about to take action, he suddenly heard footsteps getting closer and closer in the corridor outside the door.

The secret puppet Giorgia, who was guarding the corner of the room, immediately stood up, walked to the door, pressed against the door handle, and asked aloud.

Klein seized this opportunity, put the basically written letter paper into an envelope, used the iron-black badge in his hand to summon a courier serving the Aurora Society, and sent the letter away.

"What's the matter?"

"Ivan Bulatov asked you to go up to the deck and take a look." Georgia turned around, nodded and replied, "He said to go to Simim Island immediately."

Walking onto the deck, Klein found that almost all the surviving senior officials on the "Twilight Messenger" were gathered here. Bulatov Ivan stood in front of everyone, unarmed.

"We're here, sir with the mirror mask."

After sizing up the mirror mask on Klein's face, Bulatov emphasized the word "Mr."

"Sooner than I thought."

Klein nodded slightly and looked to the left.

There is another port on Simim Island. It is a private black port established by Loen adventurers and anonymous pirates on the island. Compared with ordinary ports, the fees are higher, but fortunately, no inspection is required, and anyone can log in at will. .

"How have you considered the things I mentioned before?"

Bulatov's words caused Klein to stop at the gangway.

When did you want to cooperate with me?

Seeing that Klein remained silent, Bulatov was also stunned for a moment.

He cleared his throat and said a name.


Do you want to invite me to deal with the "Admiral of Hell" and the "Spiritual Cult" behind him? Klein suddenly understood, pretending to be just deep in thought, turned sideways and stared at Bulatov Ivan for a few seconds before speaking.

"How should I contact you?"

"Ha, you know how to get the news to me." Bulatov smiled, "Ask your men, they don't know anything."

Through the pirates' contact point on Bayam?

Klein said no more and took off his hat to greet the deck. Then, under the eyes of Vice Admiral Dusk and his subordinates, he and Marionette walked off the ship one behind the other.

He needs to temporarily change his identity and go to Bayam to meet up with members of the Intelligence Bureau of the Islands Branch there. UU reading

After a night of heavy rain, the bumpy Haiphong Street was filled with puddles of all sizes. Brown-skinned indigenous porters came and went, carefully carrying luggage under the command of their employers.

Daniz watched the natives coming and going, carrying suitcases and looking like they had just gotten off the ship and had no time to stay in the hotel.

While prevaricating the porters who were trying to solicit passengers, he identified the road, sometimes turning, sometimes using obstacles to look back, and soon came to a row of houses near the dock warehouse.

The huge wooden plaque was blown crookedly by the strong wind. Standing in front of the small bar, Daniz stopped for the first time, suspicion flashing faintly in his eyes.

The "Golden Dream" had just ended its battle with the "Black Tulip", and his vacation had been delayed for a full week before it was approved by the captain due to a conflict with "Admiral of Hell" Ludwig.

Perhaps because he had just experienced a fierce battle, Daniz now regarded everyone as an enemy and was extremely vigilant.

Under this anxious urging, Daniz didn't want to stay on the street any longer, so he knocked on the door of the bar in front of him according to the pre-arranged rhythm, at regular intervals.

After waiting for a few seconds, he heard footsteps and saw the door creaking open, and a familiar face came into view.

"Haha, old Lynn."

The wrinkled face of the old liaison officer also showed a smile, and the two hugged. Danitz said with half concern and half caution.

"Is everything normal lately?"

"It's very normal." Old Linn touched his cheek and responded with a smile.

My thinking is not very clear today, I can only say that my condition is very poor.

Finally, I would like to ask for recommendations and monthly tickets, please.

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Chapter 39 Islands Branch

Chapter 231 Islands Branch

At 6:15 in the evening, before the storm, a small cargo ship entered the port smoothly and arrived at Bayam, the capital of the Rossed Islands, the "City of Generosity".

This place, also known as the Spice Islands, has countless cargo ships coming and going every day, bringing all kinds of newly produced exotic spices to all directions to meet the huge needs of mainland residents.

It's about to rain... Feeling the thick humidity in the air, Klein, who was carrying his suitcase, did not speed up like other passengers. Instead, he and Marionette Giorgia stood under the wooden shed provided by the port for passing passengers to rest. , looking for and distinguishing something.

After a while, Klein's eyes were fixed on a carriage that was completely dark brown and had a curly-haired baboon painted on the outside of the carriage.

"One Soul, go to 14 Palm Avenue."

"Sir, I am not hiring a carriage."

The coachman, who had brown skin and wore the same cheap jacket as the many locals around him, smiled and wanted to refuse, but was afraid of offending the northern mainlander in front of him.

"Two soles and ten pence. This price is enough for someone to make two trips."

Klein was unyielding and seemed determined to embarrass the coachman. The coachman did not dare to continue to disobey the "good intention" of the Northern Continent master. He sighed and accepted the hot and expensive fare.

"Okay, sir, if you don't mind the smell of spices in the carriage."

As he said that, the coachman glanced carefully at Giorgia, who was hidden under a Balam-style robe and whose face could not be blocked by fine gauze. He persuaded her with the last hope.

"Don't talk nonsense."

"Eh, okay."

The coachman was a good judge of eyes. He noticed that Klein's tone was becoming more and more impatient, so he simply shut his mouth, took the initiative to take the suitcases from Klein and Georgia's hands, and put them on the carriage. In the process, he thoughtfully used the handbags from the carriage. Two well-protected cushions were pulled out from under the wooden box that contained the spices. It only took a minute to convert the carriage originally used for freight into two soft and comfortable seats.

"Sir, you get in the car first. I promise to deliver it to you before the storm comes."

Storm... Klein nodded slightly, and like many gentlemen traveling with their female companions, he extended his right hand to support Georgia. He first put the lady into the carriage, and then stepped on the pedal and stepped into the carriage in two steps.

As the coachman said, the carriage was full of the smell of spices, and unlike ordinary passenger carriages with small openings for light on both sides of the carriage, it was so dark that Klein couldn't see clearly what was going on inside without turning on his spiritual vision.

"Good evening, you two."

Suddenly, a deep and mellow male voice came from the darkest corner of the carriage.

"Good evening."

The strange thing is that Klein was not surprised by this unexpected situation, but was rather calm.

He took out the match he carried with him and lit a weak flame. The orange-red flames swayed in the air, and then expanded under the control of the "Secret Puppet Master", becoming a blooming flower that bloomed independently in the air, barely lighting up a few days. human face.

The man who had spoken previously revealed his true appearance. His appearance was unremarkable, and it was hard to make an impression at first glance.

"I'm sorry, Mr. V. I really don't know which idiot designed this set of codes. If your ship hadn't arrived on time, we would have had to add this damn stupid code to the confidential documents in the storm."

"By the way, let me introduce you. Just call me Pronson."

That's right, the series of negotiations between Klein and the coachman just now were all based on a secret letter obtained by Klein from the "Dark Saint" before he left Backlund. The joint was determined early by the Islands Branch. Code.

In addition, it also recorded the addresses of several safe houses provided by the Archipelago Branch in Bayam for intelligence agents to temporarily stay, as well as the methods of contacting each other, in case something unexpected happened on the day of the arrival of the Trusted God Envoy and the situation was not smooth. Connectors are used as a supplementary means.

"Rosago conveyed my order?"

Klein had no intention of chatting and got straight to the point.

"Of course, Rosago said that you want to get the most recent information about those pirate generals. The more detailed the better, and you want us to monitor or control their contact points in the Rosde Islands."

Pronson was obviously prepared for Klein's question and answered without thinking.

"Please give me the intelligence you have received recently, please. There are some things that need to be confirmed." Klein nodded slightly, "For the rest, you can put the 'Lieutenant General of Disease' first and replace her with 'In the Dusk' will'..."

"Sorry, sir, I mean, Mr. V." Pronson interrupted Klein, "Don't you need to rest?"

"It's already very late today. You can wait until tomorrow to clean up your office, I mean your room, and it won't be too late for you to read the information."

"Hey, the speed of transmitting information at sea is much slower than on the mainland. Except for a few pirate generals and pirate kings, most pirates have no messengers. Excluding higher-level occult methods, frequent storms and islands on the sea The long distance between them also determines that telegraphy cannot be widely popularized. Now wireless telegraphy has just started, and they are much slower than us in transmitting messages to each other."

They are much slower. What does it have to do with me browsing the information collected under my instructions?

The office has not been tidied up. Do I still need a supporting room to read a few pages?

Klein wanted to ask the other person this question, but in the end he didn't say it. He just looked at the other person with doubtful eyes.

Questioning him immediately was not the reaction Gehrman Sparrow should have had, silent pressure and decisive action were.

And if Pronson's attitude not only represents himself, but also represents the epitome of the entire Archipelago Branch, Klein has already felt the vague alienation from the Archipelago Branch.

It seems that Rosago did truthfully report a series of my arbitrary behaviors to the current person in charge of the archipelago. What is even worse may be that Trenso, who had not had a good impression of me in Backlund because of the Lanerwus incident, Members of the Sturt Intelligence Department spread gossip to colleagues far away at sea, so the Islands Branch is vaguely wary of me, their nominal person in charge in the future...

After a moment of silence, Klein insisted.

"I hope I can see that information when I get my luggage packed."

"Also, let Rosago come to see me. I need to check his recent work."

The air froze instantly. Planson, who was also the "Secret Puppet Master", looked at each other without showing any signs of weakness. The smile on his face gradually became slightly stiff.

Fortunately, he has not lost his most basic self-cultivation, nor is he like the priests who often lose their reason due to extreme emotions. He has shown the level of a "clown" very well, even though his heart is ups and downs. , still locked his thoughts well under the formulaic smile, nodded and responded.

"Of course, I will notify them for you."

After all, it was impossible for him to really have a conceptual conflict with the envoy appointed by the "Angel with Lamp" and appointed by the High Council through a vote.

Moreover, as a practicalist, he is still willing to use his own eyes to measure.

Why do you have to go against the wishes of the divine envoy? First, follow him and see what he really thinks. Wouldn't it be better to determine what kind of person he is?

So, after a brief exchange of thoughts, the two fell into silence, leaving only the creaking sound of the carriage driving on the stone road.

After more than ten minutes, the carriage began to slow down, and the surrounding houses became increasingly dense. The "secret puppet" pretending to be the coachman opened the curtain and asked several passengers, including Planson, to get off.

Low-rise houses with various architectural styles are lined up in rows. If you look around, you can see more than two styles in sight. Sometimes the top of the house here is still a large Fusac-style dome, and over there it is already a good-looking house. Intis pop art with gold.

Although the Rossed Islands are a colony under Loen, they contain elements from almost all regions in the world. Businessmen from every country will appear here, trying every means to mine wealth from the "generous city" flowing with milk and honey. .

Under the guidance of the coachman, several people walked to an wrought iron gate. Looking inside was a manor that occupied an extremely large area, almost the total area of ​​the surrounding buildings.

Palm Tree Street is already on the edge of Bayam City, and only here can there be large estates.

Klein smelled the rich smell of various spices in the air. While feeling the exotic customs, he did not forget to pay attention to the windmill, bakery, brewery and other supporting buildings in the manor. If he had not learned the true purpose of this manor earlier, , he really thought that this was just an ordinary spice plantation that could be seen everywhere in Bayam.

"How's it going?"

"Very good."

Klein nodded slightly, and Planson smiled proudly. He directed the coachman to knock on the wrought iron gate, exchanged a few secret signals with the gatekeeper, and after confirming the token, the gate creaked open to welcome several people in.

Under the leadership of Planson, Klein and others did not go to the main house of the manor, but came to the same supporting facilities as the bakery, a training camp for militia training, and entered a wooden house with a certain age. .

"Although no one usually breaks into the manor, we still built the branch underground."

While explaining, Pronson reached out and groped on the wall, and pressed it on a wall tile that would neither dent inward nor react. After a few seconds, blood suddenly dripped from his palm, and the wall in front also began to flow. Then it flowed like a liquid and turned into a shadow with the texture of flesh and blood. It pushed open to both sides like a curtain, leaving a passage two people wide and extending downward.

"A level 1 sealed object of the 'Secret Prayer' path?" Klein casually glanced around and asked in a low voice.

"A sealed object corresponding to the 'Three Heads Cathedral', but that sealed object is only used to charge energy. What really works and serves as the warning mechanism for the entire branch is the solidification ceremony buried under the manor, pointing directly to the Lord. "

After a while, just when Klein was about to think that Pronson was going to put his question aside, the answer came belatedly.

It turned out to be a large-scale solidification ceremony, and the level 1 sealed objects at the third level of the sequence could only serve as "battery" and not the main part... Klein sighed in his heart.

The spiral staircase leading to the underground is three hundred meters long, and the further down you go, the thicker the darkness becomes. The shadows clinging to the stone wall hang down along the gravity as if they are entities, and the layers overlap each other, except for the incomplete ones. In the darkness and absolute silence, with every step he took, Klein would feel the invisible pressure getting heavier. His inner impulses became stronger and no longer calm. The seeds of fear took root and sprouted, and were about to break through the gate of his emotions and engulf him. The cowardly side of him fled.

Fortunately, the distance of three hundred meters was not too long. As more light reappeared in front of Klein's eyes, the strangeness disappeared silently.

Was it the ability of the "Three Songs Cathedral" just now?

Does the "Secret Prayer" pathway still have the ability to target people's hearts and emotions at a high sequence?

Klein squinted his eyes, adjusting to the environment, and found that he was standing in a cylindrical space, which was the headquarters of the Trunsoest Intelligence Agency Islands Branch in Bayam.

Compared to the one built on the outskirts of Backlund, the space and layout of Bayam's base are relatively stingy. It sounds nice and gives people a sense of refinement, although it is small but has all the internal organs. In fact, it is limited by space. Many The layout is just adequate.

"The passage just now is completely covered by the level 1 sealed object stored in the Holy Ark. Any intruder who tries to break through from there will have their flesh and blood devoured by the shadows, and then the shadow that symbolizes their personal negativity will be extracted and turned into a puppet of the sealed object. "

After listening to Planson's explanation, UU Klein suddenly understood what he had just felt.

No wonder I felt a sense of tearing in my soul... Seeing that Pronson no longer observed him, Klein let out a small sigh of relief.

"Is this the ability of the 'Three Songs Cathedral'?"

"Of course." Planson looked at Klein with a slightly strange look, "In addition to this one, there are two other level 1 sealed objects collected in the holy cabinet under Bayam, but one is a 'different species'. One is the 'Cunning Mage', and the state of the sealed object corresponding to the 'Cunning Mage' is quite unstable. It comes from a demigod in the church who died a hundred years ago. The saint received an evil curse before his death, and even his body was The evolved sealed objects have been affected and are difficult to control and utilize."

Klein raised his hand to trace the messy threads on his chest and sighed in a low voice.

"May he rest in peace in the spiritual world."

Upon seeing this, Pronson quickly agreed.

"May he rest in peace in the spiritual world."

"By the way, don't you want to pack your luggage and read materials?" The number of glances directed at several people in the hall gradually increased. Planson frowned slightly and changed the subject, "Your room is at the end of the rest area. Three, I will inform Rosago now and ask him to bring the information you need to see you."

"As for the rest of the matter, you can deal with it tomorrow. You can also put the meeting with Mr. Taylor on tomorrow. Hehe, Mr. Taylor has not been in good spirits recently and may have taken a rest."

Tyler Franz, the former head of the Islands Branch of the Trunsoest Intelligence Agency, a former member of the "War Red"... Klein nodded in agreement with Pronson's suggestion and did not refute.

I have a full class today and am so tired.

Finally, I would like to ask for recommendations and monthly tickets, please.

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