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71.42% Lost Episode Stories / Chapter 5: Happy Appy Part 5

Chapter 5: Happy Appy Part 5

November 4th, 2011

Welcome to the last post of the Happy Appy Season 2 series. 

I started Napoleon, a Bigger Help, which is just great. The last thing we saw yesterday was a snuff film, and the first thing I see today is possibly another! Oh well. It starts out with Happy saying "Hey kids, last week was fun, killing Miranda with my best pal. Hey, come over here!" and Forensik walks into view, saying "Yes, Happy?" Happy says "You know, we've killed women, but we haven't done any children yet." Forensik gasps like a girl, and says "Oh, you're right, Happy! Let's kill someone!" Oh god. I can't take it anymore. 

They find a child skipping some pebbles at a lake. Happy's van comes into view, and the kid flings a pebble at it, leaving a mark on the driver's side window. Happy gets mad at the kid, so he shoves him in a burlap sack, and goes into his van. Inside, Forensik murders the kid, while Happy sits in view. What happened was absolutely horrifying that I can't say what happened in detail. I'll just say that by the end, the kid only had half of his skin, his skeleton, and chunks of organs left. And, like the Miranda scene, you know why I didn't post what happened. And before you say that I should know Forensik's identity by now, I should mention that during his snuff films, he wears a ski mask instead of his gas mask. In fact, it's the same ski mask Napoleon wears in the CSI-style Happy Appy intro. 

Meaner played. It picks right off after Happy Goes Bonkers, where Happy is in his van polishing his cleaver and cleaning the body parts of children. The corpse of the girl he sliced with the garrote wakes up, and both the girl and Happy scream. Happy injects the girl with some of the green fluids he used on the kid in Happy the Doctor, and proceeds to mutilate her off-screen. After Happy is done, he is heard chopping the girl's head off with the cleaver. Happy leaves his van with the knife and says "That was fun! Hey, killing is a fun thing to do! You can do it at home if your mommy and daddy allow you to. If they don't, which will probably happen, do it anyways because I, Happy Appy, say so!" and the credits roll. 

In Happy Appy's Christmas, we see Happy Appy drive to the playground in his van, which is decked out in Christmas lights and decorations. After a minute of waiting, Happy, dressed in a Santa outfit, leaves the van through the side door and shouts "MERRY CHRISTMAS, CHILDREN!" His voice grabs the attention of nearly every kid on the playground, and they rush over to him asking for presents. Happy panics for a moment, and then slowly gives every child a small present. One of the kids opened his present, and it was a juice box. Eventually, every present gets opened, and they all turn out to be juice boxes.

We see the children drink them, except for Danny, who was hiding behind the monkey bars. All of a sudden, we see all the children collapse. When I first saw this, I thought he had done a Jim Jones and put poison in the juice boxes. Happy says "Look like my knockout drink worked!," and drags the kids into his van from Danny's point of view. We see Happy Appy drive off, while Danny runs after him. Eventually, Happy shouts "MERRY CHRISTMAS!," causing Danny to stomp on the ground and scream "I HATE YOU, HAPPY!" The episode suddenly ends after that.

Happy's House played. We see a nice looking house, with Happy Appy standing in front of it. Happy says "Hey kids! Who wants to see my house?" and walks inside. We get a tour of Happy's house. For the first half, it seemed like a normal house. Suddenly, Happy says "Now for the main highlight of the tour. Are you ready to see my basement?" He goes outside and opens the cellar door. We see a dark room. Happy flicks on the light switch, and we see the basement, full of body parts. On the walls were dry splatters of blood, and skin stretched to look like bear rugs. On the various tables were jars of body parts. There was one table covered in a cloth with a humanoid figure under it. Happy says "Hey kids! Do you like my workshop?," and goes to the table. He says "Well kids, here's my magnum opus under this cloth." He unravels the cloth, and what's under it is a statue of a human, made of human parts. It's unfinished, to say the least. Happy has yet to add the organs and the rest of the skin. Happy says "Hey kids, you should make a statue like mine!" and the credits roll. Jim mocked Happy's ideas as he did when we watched Lighter. 

Napoleon, the Biggest Help played. Great, another snuff film, I thought, and seeing the list of episodes, hopefully the last. In this episode, Happy is seen putting organs into his statue. He puts a stomach, heart, and ribs in, but finds out he has no intestines. Happy screams for Forensik. Forensik comes over, and Happy says "Napoleon, could you please find me some intestines, preferably adult ones?" Forensik goes into Danny's house, where he and his father are crying over the death of June. Danny notices Forensik, and screams. Danny's dad rushes over, and Danny runs away. Forensik slashes the dad's throat, and drags him out the door. Forensik says "You are very lucky I haven't killed you yet, Danny" and takes Danny's dad to Happy's house.

Forensik cuts open Danny's dad's stomach, and mutilates him to no end. Happy cheers Forensik on, while Forensik throws Happy Appy body parts like a bear throwing chunks of flesh to her cubs. After probably one of the less brutal snuff scenes, when compared to Miranda and the kid, we see Happy cheerfully place the intestines in the statue, and the episode ends. Jim couldn't take this anymore. If we see another snuff film, I am going to destroy the disc.

We played Danny's Love. We see Danny kissing the girl from a few episodes back, and Danny says "I love you, Jenny!" Happy notices Jenny from the bushes. Happy says "Hey kids! Who wants to see a relationship end?" Jenny goes near the road. She notices that a limo is there which looks like the one Aphex rode in Happy Meets the Rhubears. Excited for whatever reason, she knocks on the window. A man in shades, who looks a lot like John Wilkinson, rolls down the window. She says "Hey mister, you have a nice car!" He smiles, and says "Thanks!" Suddenly, Happy opens the door, and grabs Jenny. We see the limo drove away. Danny screams, and cries for the last five minutes for the episode.

Finally, Happy Fest/Happy Rots in Hell were up.

In Happy Fest, we see Happy discuss plans in the camera. He says "Hey kids! I have an idea that will change the world! I will make everyone happy!" and brings out a knife. I knew what he was going to do. He was going to carve smiles into people's mouths. He got out of his van, and said "Hey kids! Who wants to smile, even when they're sad?" and all the children, which were around five, came running into Happy's van. Happy locks the doors, does a death smile, holds up a knife, and we see the outside of the van, where children are screaming and Happy Appy laughing. After that, Happy opens the van door and climbs out. In the background, you can see a kid's boy whose mouth was stretched like Kuchisake-onna, but in a smile. Happy says "If you make everyone smile, the entire world will be a better place!" and the credits roll.

Finally, Happy Rots in Hell was up. I couldn't believe it. It was the end (well, minus the epilogue), and we couldn't feel any better. This is actually our favorite episode. Just guess why. In Happy Rots in Hell, Happy drives to an old house where Danny is hiding. We see Danny holding a knife, while another girl is with him holding keys. Danny says "I hope Happy doesn't come here, Abigail." We see Happy APpy knock down the door with brute force. Abby says "I'm going to go downstairs and open the door to the basement." Danny says. "Okay, Abby, but if Happy hears you, call for me." Abby walks downstairs, trying not to make a sound, gets the keys, and tries to unlock the door.

The jangling of keys alerts Happy. He creepily says "I hear you!" before running over to try to kill Abby. She unlocks the door and gets in the room right before Happy could reach her. She locks the door, and Happy shouts "Don't think you can hide forever, Abby!" before running. A revving of a chainsaw is heard, and Happy is seen trying to chainsaw down the door. Danny shouts "GET ME, INSTEAD!" and Happy says "Oh, goody! You're much more important than her!" It cuts to a POV shot of Happy Appy trying to slice Danny with the chainsaw.

Danny runs into the stairwell room. Abby locks the door again, and the two run down the hall, as Happy tries to cut down the door. Abby finds out that there's a door to the basement, so she tries to unlock it, when Happy breaks through the door. He runs towards them, but Abigail unlocks and opens the door, and slams it in Happy's face. We see the basement, which is a bunch of pipes and a random chest. Danny opens the chest, and finds a knife and a revolver with six bullets. 

Danny tells Abby to get out using some stairs to the side. She does, and Happy breaks through the door. He charges at Danny with the chainsaw, making Danny jump out of the way. Danny fires the revolver once, but misses hitting Happy. The chainsaw gets stuck in the wall, and Happy pulls it out, forcing his back and having him dodge two more bullets, and one hits Happy. He screams, and pushes Danny down. Happy grabs his chainsaw, and shouts "Now I will have my revenge!" Danny rolls out just as Happy Appy forces the chainsaw into the ground. 

He pulls it out, and notices that Danny is going for the chest. He charges at him, but Danny grabs the knife and throws it at Happy. Happy dodges it, and the knife hits a gas pipe. Gas sprays everywhere, and Happy rushes to clog up the pipe with a cloth. He stops the leak, but the room is covered in gas. Danny finds a box of matches, and lights one. He mocks Happy, causing him to turn around. Horrified, Happy tries to cut Danny in half, but Danny gets out of the way and drops the match on gas. Happy begins to scream as the basement fills up with fire. 

Danny gets out of the basement in time, somehow not getting burned. Happy notices that there are some explosive chemicals. We see a camera pan to the destroyed basement, where Happy's melted, crushed body lays. Abby is crying nearby, while Danny is trying to comfort her. Suddenly, Forensik grabs both of them, and coldly says "You have killed my creation. Now I will do the same to you two!"

Finally, I played the Epilogue.

It starts out with someone playing Gloomy Sunday by Rezso Seress, while it shows clips from all the episodes in its intro, minus the snuff ones, albeit in black and white. It cuts to a man typing on a typewriter on his desk with the crushed Appy at its side. The paper the man is typing on seems to be about Happy Appy. A subtitle appears that says "Portrayed by an actor." A narrator talks over this scene.

"It looks like the evil rampage of Happy Appy has come to a close. Although he had died, his unfortunate impact on the world lives on. The many people who died on that show did it so the sick man who directed the show could see his true vision, a snuff TV show. Where the director is, I have no idea, but I think everybody would like to think that he died in a gruesome way."

But the man turns his face to the camera.

"You'd think he had died. But, although Happy is long dead, the director lives on, and somewhere in the world, he is making private home movies, which continue the horrible story of Happy Appy. But, you might be wondering one thing. Why did Happy Appy go so bad? We might never know until the director comes out and reveals why he made Happy kill all these people."

We see the director slowly fix Happy's puppet with clay model utensils.

"Somewhere in the world, the director is slowly rebuilding Happy's clay model, damaged in the series finale of Happy Appy. And if the director rebuilds Happy's clay model, who knows who might be killed next. It could be a celebrity's child. It could be the president's child. It could be any child. We can only say two things. The director is alive, and he might be killing someone. I hope someone will kill the director, Freddrick Gorgote." 

It cuts to Happy's rebuilt model. The director adds a knife, it cuts to black, and a scream is heard. 

"I hope someone will kill Napoleon."

And now we know who Napoleon/Forensik is. He is the director who made this show, Freddrick Gorgote.

As the disc ended, Jim said "Well, at least that's over, and we know who Forensik is." He gave the disc to me, and said "Keep this. Even though I want this destroyed, keep it so that you can learn more about how these episodes were made." I said okay, and left his house to tell you about the last episodes. 

Oh, and I remade the episode list. I guessed on where Hospital Doctor was (It's not Happy the Doctor)

Season 1:

Happy's Vacation/Hurt Happy

Monkey Bar Mishap/Happy Goes to School

Happy at the Fruit Olympics/Nate Needs Help

Never Run With Knives/Happy Fixes Kids

Happy Fixes Kids, Part 2/Happy Fixes Kids, Part 3

The Towers

Happy the Doctor

Happy in Space/Mean Miranda

Happy Appy Goes to the Circus (?)

Happy's Trick/Hospital Doctor (???)

The Happy Appy Movie

Season 2:

Happy Meets the Rhubears/Camp Aaah!

Happy and the Oranges/Happy's Van Breaks

Lighter/Happy and Blackberry

Napoleon, the Big Help/Nuxik

Rose of Blood 'n Bone/Can of Kill

Jar of Hate/Happy's Rising

Happy Kills Benny/Miranda Lives

Miranda Dies

Napoleon, a Bigger Help/Meaner

Happy Appy's Christmas/Happy's House

Napoleon, the Biggest Help/Danny's Love

Happy Fest/Happy Rots in Hell


November 5th, 2011

You know, I don't think that revealing Forensik's identity was a good idea. When I went to sleep on the fourth, I heard someone open the back door. Since it was probably Freddrick or one of his friends, I grabbed a gun and went into the kitchen. In front of me was a man in Forensik's clothes trying to burn my house down again with a lighter. However, unlike the normal Forensik, he was quite fat, giving me the idea that he was John Wilkinson in disguise.

Before he could turn on the lighter, I shot him in the leg. As he stumbled to the ground screaming in pain, he dropped the non-lit lighter on the ground. He tried to light it up again, but I stepped on his hand with my right foot. With his free hand, he tried to slash my Achilles' heel with a knife, but I kicked the knife out of his hand with my left foot. I grabbed the knife and held it to his throat. The man proceeded to say "Do it, you stupid foreigner! End my life, and you'll hear Freddrick so much that you'll piss your pants at the thought of him, you sissy!"

I chuckled, and said "No, I'll just do this!" As soon as I finished talking, I grabbed him and threw him head-first into a metal radiator, knocking him out. After that, I called the police over, and they revealed who tried to burn down my house. It was none other than John Wilkinson. I seriously wonder where Freddrick Gorgote is. He can't have possibly returned to the John Wilkinson Summer Camp!

November 6th, 2011

I got it!You know the address mentioned in the Can of Kill (and possibly the Rose) episodes? I think Freddrick is hiding out where the address is! Now that I may have a possible lead, I'm planning on going to the address soon in the next day or so. I have to go now; I need to find some small weapons to bring, just so that I could run from Freddrick and protect myself if he chases after me.

November 7th, 2011

Oh shit. Oh shit.

Today, I found out that Mr. Oscar Mathewson died today. Now normally, I would post on this blog the deaths of people if they worked on Happy Appy. This man didn't. In fact, he was a big fan of this blog, and would ask questions by my email. I am going to stop Freddrick now! I'm horrified that Freddrick is starting to go after fans of this blog. When he's done with my fans, he'll go after me next, and THAT isn't going to happen!

November 9th, 2011

This post will be the last post of this blog. Even though many questions related to the show remain unanswered, this post will (or might) answer the ones related to Forensik and Freddrick.

First, I must talk about the trip to the address, and what happened. Since I live in the suburbs of Aberdeen, Washington, and the address was near Alma, Colorado, I chose to take a car ride, and I took some things with me. The first thing I took was a photo of Freddrick Gorgote, for when the Forensik I find is actually him. I also took some weapons, like the knife and the pistol. After driving for almost 23 hours, I reached Alma, Colorado. The address, which I will not tell for people's safety, was over five miles out of Alma. I drove over to the address, and there it was.

It was a fancy abandoned house, sort of like the one in Happy Rots in Hell. In fact, it was the same house, albeit with a spray-painted sign that said "Happy Appy Fun-House!!!!" I don't know why the house was rebuilt, though. To make sure Freddrick didn't trap the front door, I peeked inside. Sure enough, there was a shotgun trap using a Winchester. I tried to sneak into the window, but Freddrick locked the window, so I had no choice but to break the window. I climbed in, making sure not to cut myself on any glass. After that, I disarmed the Winchester trap and took the shotgun. 

The house was completely abandoned, and all lights were off, save for the room where the window was. I looked for the light switch, but I was distracted by the fact that parts of the floor were wet. This meant one of two things; a water leakage had happened, or there was blood on the floor. I ran to the light switch, and tried to turn the light on. However, it didn't work, so I headed for the circuit breaker. Sure enough, the circuit breaker only had one switch that was on.

I turned on every switch, which made nearly every light in the house turn on. I went back to the staircase room, and turned the light back on. As I guessed, there was some blood on the carpet and floor of the staircase room. I said "Hey, Forensik! I know you're here, and I turned the power on for every room in this house. Now you can't hide in the shadows!" There was no response, which I knew was going to happen.

I shouted "HEY, FREDDRICK GORGOTE! I KNOW YOU'RE FORENSIK!" and no response. Since there was no response, I explored the house a bit more. From the staircase room, the living room was to the right while the kitchen was on the left. I explored the living room first. It looked like it had been abandoned since the 1950s. The couch was old, brown, and had various tears in the cushions and seat, the TV was an old analog set that could only display static due to it not having a converter box, and a frame on the wall had a picture of the weird guy from The Towers. 

On the front wall, there was a door that was left open. I went through it, and I was in the laundry room. It looked like a regular laundry room at first, with washing machines and laundry baskets. However, some pieces of clothing in the laundry basket were stained with blood, and over the laundry basket was a framed photograph of Freddrick as Napoleon hanging out with Happy Appy. Other than a door to the right side that leads outside, there was nowhere to go. I went out of the laundry room and went into the kitchen. And I wish I hadn't. 

The kitchen was just as run down as the rest of the living room, but it was probably worse. There were countertops, dishwashers, and an oven which had been rusted up. On them, however, was rotten meat infested with maggots. The stench was unbearable, so I quickly ran out of the kitchen and into the dining room, not noticing anything else other than the rotten meat. As I entered the dining room, I noticed that there was more maggot-infested rotten meat, so I ran into the next room over, which was the hallway, and looked at what the dining room had in it. There were various chairs, all of which were pulled out. Other than that, it looked like a rundown dining room with rotting meat.

The hallway was nothing special, to be honest, and lead to nowhere. At the end of the hallway, near the laundry room, it looked like someone piled up a bunch of wood to block off entry to the hallway. After dashing through the dining room and kitchen, avoiding the smell and accidentally knocking a chair over, it was time to go upstairs. It was the only place I could go. As I was walking up, though, I had a feeling that someone was watching me. I turned around, but no one was there. I finally went up the stairs, and tried to decide where to go, the left hallway or the right. Suddenly, I heard an all-too-familiar voice.

"Hey Gerasim! Guess who?"

I froze instantly. It was Freddrick on the other side of the hallway. I said "Are you going to run away from me this time?" and he said "Now, why would I do that? You know I'd never run away!" and I responded with "LISTEN, FREDDRICK! How do you keep coming back?" I heard no response from Freddrick for a while, and Freddrick said "Well, I have some people who work with me. They do my dirty work and try to kill you." and snapped back with "But anyway, how did you get here?" and I said "There was an address listed in two episodes of Season 2, and I went to whatever was there." And Freddrick said "Ah, it looks like I shouldn't have put that address in. It would have made the authorities' search more fun. For me that is!"

I wondered if I could talk Freddrick out of killing me. I said "Listen, Freddrick, why do you kill people?" and he cheerfully replied "Well, it depends on WHO I killed! If it was a worker of Happy Appy, it was because I wanted Happy Appy to be more mature, but those damn employees and managers wouldn't let me. Now that they're all dead, I went after your fans, and I'll soon go to you!" I was about to say that John Tresti, Jim Forester, and Tristan Drews were still alive, but I stopped, probably because Freddrick killed them already except for Forester.

I said "Well, you don't have to kill people just because they ruined your show, or should I say 'magnum opus'." Freddrick took out his blood-stained scimitar knife and said "Do NOT make fun of my show! I bet you don't have the balls to make another comment. Well, do it!" Sighing, I said "You should have been happy that your showed aired and got decent ratings. Look at some of the shows now that only air for a few episodes before being cancelled." Freddrick put away the knife and said "Eh, you're right. I should have been happy about my show." I was relieved to have finally corrected Freddrick. 

"But I still love my lifestyle! I love killing people, evading cops, and most of all, stalking you. Oh, the joys!" I knew that because Freddrick was mentally insane, it would be hard to stop his ways. "Freddrick, have you ever wanted to be successful?" Freddrick said "Yes, at covering up Happy Appy forever! I don't need your help because I'm doing it just fine!" I said "No, I mean having a successful life." He shuts up, before replying with "Well, yeah. Who wouldn't want one?" I cringed, before saying "Well, because you've, to put it best, fucked up your chances of having a successful life." Freddrick was offended. He pulled the knife out again and said in a louder tone "WHY THE HELL would you say that?"

Sighing again, I said "Because, one, you killed a lot of people and the cops are looking for you. Two, if you're caught, you're going to jail forever, or put on death row." Freddrick finally knew that I was trying to tell him that because of his actions, he's never going to have a successful life. He finally broke free of his other personality. He said "Oh my god. I can't believe I fucked up my life. I really can't. If only it wasn't for my mental illness." Freddrick sat down on the stairs, and put his head in his left hand. "Listen, Freddrick, you don't have a choice. One day, you will go to jail, and you will die there."

Freddrick said "Go. Just go. I don't care about life anymore. I'd rather kill myself than be put to the electric chair or lethal injection." I said "Listen, Freddrick, you could probably start a new life by changing your identity and moving to South America, but you'll get arrested one day, so it's a checkmate now!" Finally, he said "Listen, before I kill myself, I want to show you my true face." I said "Uh, sure?" and Freddrick took off his mask. I saw a skinny, pale face, with various scars, and hair that was ripped out at random spots. It was none other than Freddrick.

Freddrick said "Well, Gerasim, it looks like it is time to go. I'm sorry for killing everyone related to Happy Appy. I'm now going to make the survivors' world a lot safer." He got the scimitar knife and jammed it into his throat, effectively killing himself. I felt depressed that I couldn't save Freddrick from his mental illness. I checked his body for anything related to him. In his jacket, I found some interesting things. I found a couple of knives with dried blood on them, and a folded sheet of paper. Reading it, I found out that nine people had worked for Freddrick! After taking the paper and his gas mask, I left the house, and went to my car to go back home, but leaving my shotgun, katana, and knife behind.

Well, this is it. I can't believe I have to stop posting on the blog, but I must stop posting on Happy Appy, because I pretty much did everything related to the show. I watched Seasons 1 and 2, killed the show's insane director, and even went to the studios where it was filmed. However, that does not mean that the search for answers is over. If you look hard enough, you can find the answers to the unexplained questions that relate to Happy Appy. Now, you might be wondering two things. What will I do, and what will I regret when I quit posting on Happy Appy?

Well, I will actually open another blog, which will be a short-lived one that talks about Fright House Screamers. Remember that? Now, what will I regret when I quit posting on this blog? Absolutely nothing. I just want to never see this damn show again. I'm sorry for leaving this blog, but I must part ways for now. 

See you soon,

    Gerasim Vasiliy Yakovlev

P.S. I haven't explained something. How did the episodes get on Noggin? You see, not all of them did. Only a selected few aired before the show was canceled. How the others came about, I don't know. Maybe Freddrick, after Happy Appy was canceled, made new episodes, which were more low-budget and gorier.

P.P.S. Here's a question I'm going to answer. Where's the playground? You see, they did film the playground scenes at a real playground in Colorado. The only scenes they filmed in the studio were any scenes other than in the playground. They had two vans for Happy. The first was a miniature, and the second was an actual van. After the scene in the Happy Appy Movie, they brought a new van. After the part in Happy's Rising with the grenade, a new black one was bought, and that's all I could find out. 

Second Post

Here are the contents of the list I mentioned. There's 10 names, meaning that four have either been killed or arrested, two have been injured, and four have unknown fates.

My followers and helpers:

John Wilkinson's fate is unknown! Oh no!

Blythe Underwood is arrested.

Kenny Spooner was killed by Gerasim when he blew his head off

Shayne Rogerson is dead, possible cause of death by structural collapse of studio?

Willy Batts is injured, had his arm chopped off

Dudley Franklin

Nathan Jakeman (He posed as me when I tricked Gerasim into thinking I'm a sane employee. He didn't come, however!)

Fox Garner

Milton Barrett was shot in the stomach while he was with Kenny, but escaped

Mervyn Payton

November 10th, 2011

The man who uploaded the three interviews closed his account on YouTube. But he has given me one last interview, which is with Ray Bollia, AKA Danny.

Interviewer: Ray Bollia? 

RB: Keep it quick, please. I still have nightmares about what Freddrick had done to me.

Interviewer: How were you involved with Happy Appy?

RB: Well, it all started in a town called Alma, Colorado. I was living there peacefully, until one day, when I was kidnapped by Freddrick.

Interviewer: How did this happen?

RB: It was 1999. Happy Appy had just been canceled, and all employees were fired. The director, who was charged with a crime, had moved to Alma, where he lived under a new identity.

Interviewer: How did you get kidnapped?

RB: When I was 7, I was being babysat by my mother's friend. Late in the night, the man kidnapped me, without leaving a trace.

Interviewer: Where were you taken?

RB: I was taken to a house that had the shape of a barn. It had tinted windows, three floors, and a cellar. It was also dark blue. There, Freddrick filmed more episodes of the sick show.

Interviewer: How did you escape Freddrick?

RB: After filming Happy Rots in Hell at his house, an anonymous person tipped the police, saying that the kidnapper of me, Miranda, Abigail, and some other kids was living in the dark blue house outside of town. So, the police broke into his house and saved the four of us. Freddrick ran away, though, which I found stupid. He needs to be found and killed for what he has done to me! Sorry, I get too carried away.

Interviewer: Last question for now. What happened to Freddrick?

RB: He became a creature known as "Forensik."

July 15th, 2012

As soon as you've seen this post, you're now either asking this or you're about to comment with something like this:

"Where the hell have you been?"

Well, the easiest answer I can say is that I basically decided to stop caring about Happy Appy. There are two reasons why. The first is that some members of Freddrick's 'group,' to put it in simple terms, are still seeking revenge. The second is that there's nothing left to say about the show anymore. During the time I was gone. I went back to my family in Perm, Russia, and sometime later this month, my younger brother, Vladimir, is coming over to visit. Just a month ago, I got a job, meaning I have even less time to post. Also, during the time that I was gone, only one Happy Appy employee died, which is amazing, considering that, at the very least, five to seven employees died a year before I began research in 2011.

Said employee was Joanne Broope, who you may remember as one of the producers during the real Happy Appy movie. She was actually a post-production editor for the show, but she only worked on Happy's Vacation and Nate Needs Help. The interesting thing is how she died. Joanne wasn't killed with a knife or anything Freddrick's followers would normally use. She had her head smashed in with a sledgehammer. Thankfully, though, it looks like Freddrick's followers have slowed down on killing Happy Appy employees, which is very good. Also, from now on, I'm going to call the people who work with Freddrick "The Followers' ' for consistency reasons.

July 17th, 2012

Well, I guess this is the end of this blog. There isn't much I have to say now, Besides Happy Appy and Freddrick Gorgote, and both of those things are dead. Unless something new happens, I'm not going to update this blog any longer. I will still keep it up, so everyone can read about what happened.

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