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20.68% Lost Artefacts | A Game of Thrones fic / Chapter 6: Bastard Girls & Bastard Boys

Chapter 6: Bastard Girls & Bastard Boys

In the quiet courtyard of Winterfell, Jon stood before Catelyn Stark, Robb Stark, Sansa Stark, and Arya Stark, preparing to bid them farewell once again. Having just arrived a week earlier, Jon's departure weighed heavily on his heart, knowing that his return was uncertain.

Catelyn, her expression a mix of concern and understanding, spoke softly to Jon. "Jon, you have barely had a chance to settle back into Winterfell. Are you sure you must leave again so soon?"

Jon met her gaze, his eyes filled with a complex blend of determination and regret. "I'm sorry, Mother. Circumstances call me away once more. There are pressing matters that require my attention."

Robb, though disappointed, expressed his support. "We understand, Jon. Just remember that Winterfell will always be your home."

Sansa, her voice filled with a mix of longing and acceptance, added, "We will miss you, Jon. Please promise to return when you can, and know that you will always have a place here."

Jon's voice carried a tinge of melancholy as he replied, "I promise, Sansa. Winterfell holds a special place in my heart, and I will find my way back to you all when my tasks are fulfilled."

Arya, her eyes brimming with both pride and sorrow, stepped forward. "Please come back Jon, promise me, if danger finds you, you'll find a way to survive."

Jon knelt before Arya, his voice filled with reassurance. "I promise you, Arya. I will do everything in my power to come back to Winterfell, no matter the challenges that lie ahead."

As they shared heartfelt embraces and exchanged final words of love and support, Jon, Tyene and Missandei prepared to depart from Winterfell once again. The courtyard echoed with bittersweet farewells, and as they turned their backs on Winterfell, Jon's departure carried the weight of uncertainty, knowing that his return might not be imminent.


The Kingsroad stretched out before Tyene, Jon, and Missandei as they made their way toward Castle Black. The ancient thoroughfare, once bustling with travellers and merchants, now seemed quieter, as if whispering tales of its storied past.

The road itself was a wide, well-maintained path, it's surface compacted and smooth, allowing for easier travel. It snaked its way through diverse landscapes, traversing rolling hills, dense forests, and open plains. Towering trees lined the roadside, their branches reaching out like ancient sentinels, casting intermittent shadows upon the travellers.

Occasionally, they passed by small villages nestled alongside the King's Road, with humble cottages and thatched roofs peeking through the trees. The residents, few in number, went about their daily lives, glancing curiously at the travellers passing through their humble abodes.

As they journeyed northward, the King's Road revealed glimpses of majestic landscapes. Vast fields of wildflowers stretched out in vibrant patches, swaying gently in the breeze. Rivers and streams meandered beneath old stone bridges, their waters glistening under the sunlight.

As they stroll along the King's Road, Tyene playfully nudges Jon's side and smirks mischievously. "Come on, Jon Snow, the Dornish are known for their fertile lands and passionate nature. I'm sure we'll have a brood of beautiful children running around our keep, with their father's brooding looks and their mother's fiery spirit."

Jon chuckles and playfully rolls his eyes. "Oh, is that so, Tyene? I can already imagine them, little half-Northern, half-Dornish warriors, ready to conquer the world."

Tyene looks back with a gleaming smile on her face "Don't forget part dragon, it seems real conquers could be coming from my womb" Tyene says while stroking her belly.

Missandei, walking alongside them, adds with a gentle smile, "Indeed, Tyene. Your children will carry the strength and resilience of both your lands, a powerful combination." Missandei was happy for the two of them when they told her that Tyene was with child.

Tyene nudges Missandei playfully, her eyes gleaming mischievously. "And when we're not busy raising our little heirs, Jon, we'll have to try new delicacies together, if you understand my meaning."

Jon laughs and playfully raises an eyebrow. "Is that so, Tyene? I'll be more than happy to sample some of those delicacies" Missandei just blushes under the attention of the two.

Their playful banter fills the air as they continue their journey down the King's Road, the prospect of their future together and the adventures awaiting them bringing joy to their hearts.

Tyene continued walking down the road before she turned to Jon with a small frown "Jon are you sure you'll be ok" she says softly.

"I know how difficult it was to see your family after so long, will you be ok seeing your uncle" she continued getting a pained look from Jon.

"I miss him, it hurts to know he rarely sees his family because he wanted to protect me, but I want to see him, I want to apologise in person, maybe if I had never fought the king he wouldn't be there right now," Jon says sombrely getting cuffed on the back of the head by Tyene.

"Don't be foolish Jon, you know he loves you, you're family" Tyene says to him drawing a small smile from Jon. They shift back into the comfortable silence as they walk down the road.

Missandei had been wondering something for a while but hadn't yet brought it up "Jon, if we have a ship why have we not sailed to the wall" She states curiously drawing the man's attention.

Jon looks in her direction and gives a sheepish smile "It's been so long since I've been home I wanted to enjoy it while I could, though I did ask Robb if he could send some men to sail the boat to East Watch by the sea" He tells her getting a nod in return.

"Don't mind him Misa, he's a maiden at heart enjoying romantic walks looking at the flowers" Tyene teases as she loops her arm into Jon's. Jon just rolls his eyes and smiles, Missandei chuckles as well.

"So Jon have you tried using your magic ace yet," Tyene asks looking at the axe that was hooked to his back.

Jon untangles himself from Tyene before taking the axe off of his back and taking a look at it.

Its single blade is crafted with a sharp, gleaming edge, suggesting the potential for devastating power. The blade itself possesses a chilling allure, appearing to be made of a translucent, ice-like material that glistens with a faint blue hue.

The handle of the axe is crafted from pale weirwood, giving it an ethereal and otherworldly charm. The weirwood's natural grain and delicate texture create a visually striking contrast against the icy blade. Its pale hue evokes a sense of ancient mysticism and connects the weapon to the realm of the supernatural.

Nestled in the hilt of the axe is a captivating blue glowing gem. The gem emits a soft, enchanting radiance that seems to pulsate with cool, icy energy. Its vibrant blue colour enhances the axe's connection to the power of ice, hinting at the potential for frosty magic or control over frozen elements.

Together, these elements create a visually stunning and potent weapon—a large single-bladed axe with a pale weirwood handle and a mesmerizing blue glowing gem embedded in the hilt.

"It is a beautiful weapon, I must admit" Jon states as he looks at it, it was strange it felt like it was a part of him now, like another arm he could use. He had not trained much in the axe as he always felt he was more suited with the sword but he knew the basics, and that coupled with the complete ease he felt with the axe meant he could probably use it with some proficiency.

'Got to find someone to teach me' Jon thought to himself as he walked down the king's road the only sound being the cold wind blowing through the trees and the sound of the trio stepping on the path.

"An axe suits you and adds to your savage northern charm" Tyene teases with a smile.

Jon looks at Tyene with a mischievous smile "A northern savage am I, perhaps I should steal you away then" he says grabbing her by the waist and throwing her on his shoulder.

Tyene laughs and chuckles while beating on his back "Let me go you savage" she shouts out while laughing. Missandei can't help but laugh as well.

They continue walking for the next couple of weeks enjoying the fresh northern air as well as their company with each other.

After a long day of walking, they decide it is time to stop for the night.

Setting up in a small clearing a mile away from the road they decide to neglect cooking and have cold food before getting an early night, Missandei was not used to travelling so far so she slept very quickly with Jon and Tyene joining her not long after.


As Jon wakes up from his slumber at the campfire, he finds himself greeted by the sight of the moon shining high above in the sky, casting an ethereal glow upon the surrounding woods. Tyene and Missandei lie asleep nearby, undisturbed by whatever catches Jon's attention.

However, Jon's senses sharpen as he listens intently to the sounds carried by the wind. Faint but distinct, he hears the echoing barks of dogs in the distance, their voices signalling some sort of activity or commotion beyond his immediate vicinity. The barking seems distant yet persistent, suggesting that it may be originating from a settlement or a gathering of people far away.

Amidst the canine chorus, Jon's ears pick up another sound that unsettles him—a piercing scream, faint but unmistakable. The scream carries a sense of urgency and distress, causing a knot of concern to tighten in Jon's gut. It is a sound that demands attention, hinting at possible danger or trouble nearby.

With a firm grip on his trusty axe, Jon's instincts compel him to investigate the source of the distant commotion. His steps are deliberate and cautious as he navigates through the woods, following the echoes of the barking dogs and the haunting echo of the scream.

The moonlight provides sporadic illumination, casting eerie shadows among the trees as Jon moves deeper into the forest. The sounds grow louder, guiding him towards their origin. His heart beats with a mix of anticipation and concern, fueled by a desire to understand what is happening and lend aid if necessary.

As Jon ventures forward, he remains alert, attuned to any signs of danger. The rustling of leaves, the hushed whispers of the wind—they all become potential indicators of what lies ahead. With each step, his grip on the axe tightens, ready to defend himself or others should the need arise.

Startled by the sudden rustling of bushes and the snapping of branches, Jon's gaze snapped towards the source of the commotion. A weak, bloodied figure staggered out, dishevelled and disoriented. It was a young girl, her once flowing brown hair now tangled and wild, her face etched with fear and desperation.

Without hesitation, Jon instinctively moved to catch her, his hands reaching out to provide support and solace. But as his hands made contact, she recoiled, pushing against him with all her remaining strength. Her voice pierced through the night, her screams filled with anguish and despair.

"NO!" she cried out, her voice trembling with a mix of terror and defiance. "Stay away!"

Jon's heart ached at the sight before him, the girl's fragile state leaving him torn between compassion and the need to protect her. He held his ground, his voice soothing and laced with concern.

"Easy now," he said, his tone calm but reassuring. "I won't harm you. You're safe now."

His words seemed to pierce through her panic-stricken mind, causing a momentary pause in her struggle. Her wide, tear-filled eyes locked with Jon's, searching for something she could barely trust anymore — a glimmer of hope, perhaps.

Carefully, Jon maintained a gentle grip on her trembling form, offering stability and support. He spoke softly, his voice steady and kind.

"You're not alone anymore," he said, his eyes reflecting empathy and understanding. "I'm here to help you. You're safe now."

The girl's struggles gradually subsided as the weight of her ordeal began to bear down upon her, her energy spent. Her screams transformed into choked sobs, her body trembling in Jon's arms. With great care, he held her closer, providing a sense of warmth and protection amidst the chill of the night.

It was dark and she was bloody but Jon thought that the girl was familiar, brushing her hair out of her face he looks at her closely.

"Alys..." Jon says with confusion in his voice. He wondered what she was doing here in a place like this looking so bloody and beaten.

The girl looks up at him her eyes widening in recognition "Jon... is that you" she says her voice trembling.

He has met Alys a few times when he grew up in Winterfell, the Karstarks have always been staunch supporters of the Starks and so they were often invited to many events. Alys begins to cry again and she holds onto Jon as if he was going to disappear.

Though Jon suddenly tenses as he hears growling as well as footsteps in the direction that Alys had just emerged from. Putting the girl behind him he stands ready brandishing his axe.

Two hounds burst through the bushes growling with open jaws, saliva dripping from their mouths, Jon narrows his eyes as he looks at the hounds. He could see the dogs get low on their legs as if getting ready to attack so Jon holds up his axe.

As the hounds lunged forward, their snarls echoing through the night, Jon's reflexes sharpened. His axe became an extension of his arm, swiftly cleaving through the air with lethal precision. With a swift swing, he struck down one of the hounds, its life extinguished in an instant.

However, the victory was short-lived as the remaining hound sank its teeth into Jon's arm. Pain seared through his body, causing him to hiss in agony. In a desperate bid to free himself from the relentless grip, Jon's muscles surged with an unexpected surge of strength.

In a display of raw power, Jon unleashed a forceful swing, hurling the hound off his arm. The beast soared through the air, its body colliding with a nearby tree with a sickening thud. The impact snapped its neck, leaving the creature motionless.

Confusion mingled with pain as Jon took in the sight before him, the remnants of his supernatural feat leaving him momentarily stunned. His mind raced with questions, pondering the source of this newfound strength and resilience.

But there was little time for contemplation. Blood dripped from Jon's injured arm, a stark reminder of the imminent danger that still surrounded him and Alys. His focus returned, adrenaline coursing through his veins, urging him to remain vigilant in the face of the ongoing threat.

He assessed his injuries, acknowledging the pain but refusing to succumb to its grasp. Alys, still behind Jon, looked at him with wide eyes, a mix of fear and gratitude. Jon rips off a bit of cloth from his tunic and performs some treatment on his arm.

"He's gone an killed ol' Bess and Black Maude!" Jon hears the slimy voice of a man sounds out in the night.

As Jon's gaze lifted from the fallen hounds, his attention was drawn to the two repulsive men who had witnessed the demise of their loyal companions. Their appearances matched the grotesque nature of their characters—disgusting and ugly, with rotten teeth that protruded from their menacing grins.

A putrid stench, foul and overpowering, permeated the air as one of the men came closer. It stung Jon's nostrils, causing a reflexive recoil. Their outrage was palpable, evident in the fire that blazed in their eyes and the contorted expressions on their faces.

The men approached with a mix of anger and vengeance, their voices laced with venomous intent. "You killed our hounds, you bastard!" one of them snarled, spittle flying from his decaying teeth. "You'll pay dearly for that!"

Jon's grip tightened on his axe, his muscles primed for another confrontation.

His voice carried an undercurrent of defiance as he faced the men, his eyes locked onto theirs. "Your hounds attacked us," he retorted, his tone firm.

"Well little girly over there shouldn't have run off!" The man with the horrible stench shouts, Alys shrinks under his gaze and Jon can feel her tremble from behind him. The other man who had first spoken walks forward standing next to his companion.

"Come on girl, come with me and ol reek we'll take nice care of ya" The man states as he flashes his rotten teeth, Jon frowns as he looks at the situation they are in.

'She must've been captured and then escaped, but why would some no-one bandits kidnap a lord's daughter' Jon thought to himself.

"Give us the girl and we'll let you live or else ya can join her back in the young masters' cabin," The man known as Reek says his breath fogging the air, realising an unbearable stench that stung Jon's nose.

"No... leave now or I'll kill you..." Jon says emotionlessly to the two men who only seem to get more angry.

The night air crackled with tension as the confrontation escalated. The scent of impending violence hung heavy, mingling with the foul odour that emanated from the men. Jon steeled himself, prepared to face the repulsive duo and protect Alys.

As the men unleashed their wrath with swords drawn, Jon swiftly pushed Alys away from the impending clash, guiding her to a safer distance. His focus narrowed, his every instinct honed for the imminent battle that lay before him.

With axe in hand, Jon met the charging men head-on, his movements fluid and precise. The attackers lacked the refined skill that Jon had acquired over the years, and he skillfully exploited their weaknesses, parrying their wild swings with calculated ease.

However, it was the man called Reek who fought with a savagery that bordered on feral. His attacks were unorthodox, driven by primal instinct rather than trained finesse. Jon found himself momentarily caught off guard by Reek's unpredictable movements, his strikes coming from unexpected angles.

The clash of steel resonated through the night as Jon engaged in a dance of blades, his muscles flexing with each manoeuvre. He countered their relentless onslaught, his combat prowess evident in his precise strikes and calculated footwork.

As the unnamed man launched an overhead swing, Jon's instincts kicked in, prompting him to swiftly sidestep the attack. Seizing the opportunity, Jon unleashed a powerful kick, intending to create a momentary opening in the man's defences.

To Jon's surprise, his kick carried an unexpected strength. The force behind his strike propelled the man backwards, his body hurtling through the air until it collided with a nearby tree with a resounding thud.

The impact left the man dazed and disoriented, momentarily incapacitated by the force of Jon's kick.

Having regained his composure, Jon turned his attention back to Reek, whose appearance continued to resemble that of a wild and feral creature. The stench that emanated from him lingered in the air, an unsettling reminder of his true nature.

As Reek swung his sword in a reckless assault, Jon swiftly intercepted the attack with his trusty axe, the clash of metal reverberating through the night. With a calculated manoeuvre, Jon swiftly pivoted, using the butt of his axe to deliver a powerful strike to Reek's nose.

The blow connected with precision, causing Reek to stagger backwards, clutching his injured nose. The pain momentarily disoriented him, creating an opening for Jon to exploit. Now that the confrontation had transformed into a one-on-one duel, the odds shifted in Jon's favour.

With a surge of determination, Jon pressed his advantage. His movements became fluid, his strikes deliberate and effective. Each swing of his axe found its mark, parrying Reek's feeble attempts to counter. The skill and training that Jon possessed became evident as he seamlessly combined offence and defence.

Reek, now on the back foot, struggled to regain his footing. The wildness in his eyes flickered, replaced by a glimmer of desperation. His attacks grew weaker, and his movements became increasingly erratic.

As Reek's swing veered off course, Jon effortlessly sidestepped the attack with a swift and graceful movement. Capitalizing on the opening, Jon seized the opportunity to disarm his opponent and end the confrontation.

With a decisive swing of his axe, Jon aimed to incapacitate Reek. The blade met flesh, severing Reek's arm from his body in a single swift motion. A pained scream erupted from Reek's lips, his anguished cries echoing through the night air.

The sight of his severed limb caused Reek to falter, his body wracked with pain and shock. He crumpled to the ground, clutching the stump where his arm once resided, the agony etched on his face. Jon's strike had effectively disabled him, rendering him incapable of further resistance.

Reek's cries of pain pierced the night, his voice trembling with desperation as he clutched his severed arm. His eyes pleaded with Jon, searching for a glimmer of mercy amidst the harsh reality that unfolded before them.

"Please," Reek choked out, his voice filled with anguish. "Spare me... I beg of you. I've done... terrible things, I know. But I can change... I can redeem myself. Just give me a chance."

Jon's gaze remained cold and emotionless, his face stoic as he listened to Reek's pleas. Jon had killed men before, he never liked doing it even if they deserved it but sometimes it was unavoidable.

"You chased down an innocent girl with hounds after keeping her locked away for days... from what I see there is nothing to redeem" Jon says coldly before approaching the pathetic man who was now crawling back on one hand.

"No...No No No... please don't!" Reek screams out though it's all in vain as Jon buries his axe into the man's head, his ugly expression freezing onto his face.

Finally taking a breath for what seemed like the first time that night Jon pulled his axe out of his head and went to Alys.

Picking her up in a bridal carry he whispers and tries to reassure her "Don't worry they're gone now, you're safe" She holds him tight still crying from relief that she's safe.

Though she looks up at Jon tears marring her face "They aren't the only ones" she says tearfully the tremble still present in her voice.

"There were others, they'll come looking for us when they realise the others didn't catch Me" she continues, Jon frowns when he considers what she's saying.

'My blood has soaked into the earth by now If they have more hounds they'll be able to track me' Jon thinks to himself as he curses, they were still several days away from Castle Black, somewhere around Last Hearth.

'We could make it, but we need to leave now' Jon thought to himself as he ran back to his camp, he didn't even notice that he was able to fully sprint while holding Alys, something he would've found weird.


Arriving back at the campsite he noticed that Tyene and Missandei were still asleep, quickly putting Alys down carefully he went to the girls. Tyene was always a deep sleeper so he had to shake her awake while speaking loudly.

"Tyene wake up! It's Norvos all over again! we need to leave!" Jon shouts in her ear while shaking her, all of this effort only manages to get one eye which she narrows at him.

"Norvos?" She mumbles out, to which Jon nods his head drawing a sigh before she opens her other eye and as fast as she can starts getting up and packing everything away.

"What happened in Norvos?"

Jon jumps as he hears the voice of Missandei from behind him on her bedroll, though he shouldn't have been surprised as normal people would wake up easily to shouting that loud.

"Just a time when me and Tyene got on the bad side of some Dothraki" Jon says sheepishly before standing up from his bedroll and starting to pack things away.

"Missandei start packing everything we need to leave quickly," Jon says urgently, she nods her head as she gets up and behind putting away her bedroll.

"Who's the girl, if you needed to unload your seed you could've woken me, no need to go bringing in any strays" Tyene teased as she looks at the girl, though she had just woken up and was unable to see the damage she had to her body. Though rubbing her eyes and going closer managed to fix this as her eyes widened at her state.

"Gods what happened!" She shouts out as she gets down on her knees holding onto her hands.

"Jon! What happened?" She shouts out as she looks at Jon who is too busy packing away the camp.

"I'll explain on the way but we need to leave, we need every minute we can get" Jon replies, Tyene nods and loses her playful attitude starting to pack away at a faster pace.

Once they were all packed up they left the fire, it may give them a few minutes if they still think they are camped here.

"We will go to the king's road, they already have my scent so going in the forest won't help and will only slow us down," Jon says as he picks up Alys again before they all leave, Jon sets the pace though slows down as Missandei and Tyene are not as fast as him.

They make it to the king's road in record time as they run down it into the night.


A young boy, his face betraying no immediate emotion, approached the grim scene. His eyes surveyed the lifeless forms of Sour Alyn, Reek, and the fallen hounds. Six men stood at his side, their expressions a mix of concern and caution, aware of the depth of the boy's loss.

As the boy's gaze settled upon Reek's lifeless body, a surge of overwhelming emotions coursed through him. In an instant, anger and anguish intertwined, erupting from the depths of his being. He sank to his knees, his voice unleashing a torrent of grief and fury.

The boy screamed in anger, vowing revenge on those who had caused his demise. The men by his side, equally consumed by anger and madness, nodded in agreement.

"Get the hounds... let's go," The boy says his eyes a cold blue almost as if they were ice.


Jon trudged onward, his face etched with determination, carrying the weight of both Alys and Missandei on his weary shoulders. The past day and a half had been a relentless march, with no time for rest or respite. They pushed forward, driven by a sense of urgency and the need to put distance between themselves and the dangers that pursued them.

Alys, unconscious but still clinging to life, lay in Jon's arms, her breathing shallow and fragile. Every step he took was measured, ensuring that she remained secure and protected. Missandei, weakened by exhaustion and the strain of their journey, had fallen behind, struggling to keep pace. Jon, aware of her struggle, had hoisted her onto his back, unwilling to leave her behind.

Tyene, the only one who seemed to possess a semblance of strength, pressed on beside Jon. Her face showed signs of weariness, but her determination mirrored his own. The weight of their circumstances bore down heavily upon them, yet they forged ahead, knowing that stopping was not an option.

The landscape passed by in a blur as they moved, their bodies pushed to their limits. Their fatigue was evident, yet their resolve held strong. Their survival depended on their relentless pace, and they were very close to their end goal.

"How are to go on while carrying...two people," Tyene asks through laboured breaths. Jon however was just as confused as her, he felt the strain of carrying the girls but knew he could push himself further.

"I'm not sure, weird things have been happening lately" Jon replies to her.

Both of their hearts sink as in the far distance they can hear the barking of dogs signifying that the people who were responsible for kidnapping Alys had now caught up with them. Jon starts to go from a brisk walk into a Jog with Tyene following close behind. They weren't far away from Castle Black now, maybe a few hours but Tyene was already slowing down, she had good stamina but it wasn't infinite.

"I'm sorry Jon... I can't" she says breathing heavily and leaning on her knees.

"Leave... I can hide somewhere and follow" she continues to speak in laboured breaths. Jon shifts Alys to one harm increasing its strain and then walks towards Tyene lifting her with his right arm and forming a seat underneath her, he had no clue where this enhanced endurance had come from but he wouldn't question it now as he had to run from the incoming hunters.

Jon goes into a sprint, though not as fast as he was when just carrying Alys, the strain of travelling without sleep had affected Jon as well, without this mysterious boost in his endurance he would've most likely been laying on the road with Tyene exhausted.

For the next few hours, Jon had to run as fast as he could, he decided to go into the forest, he could see the wall now so he knew he was close, he could now start to hear the shouts of men and the galloping of horses, Jon had resigned himself to fight, they would catch up to him any minute now.

Though suddenly the forest ended and Jon burst out into what seemed like a clearing. In the clearing was their destination.

Jon ran faster than he had ever before trying to make it to the gates of Castle Black, he was in luck, for the men stopped at the tree line, they did not want to risk a fight with the Nights Watch as they'd be grossly outnumbered.

"EAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!" A bloodcurdling scream of rage pierced Jon's ears, birds flew out of their nests and even the very trees seemed to shake.

Though Jon pressed on and made it to the gates of Castle Black, the brothers manning the gate seemed to recognise the bad situation the group was in and immediately opened the gates.

Jon goes through immediately drops to his knees as he feels completely spent, his muscles aching and burning as he breathes heavily.

"Jon!" A man shouts as he runs over to the kneeling form of Jon who tries to catch his breath as he places the unconscious forms of the three girls on the floor.

Looking up Jon is met with the concerned face of his uncle Eddard Stark.


With a gasp of breath Jon awakens, his body aches and his muscles feel fatigued, his eyes feel blurry as he opens them. Rubbing them his vision clears as he looks into the unfamiliar room that he found himself in.

The room was adorned with tapestries depicting battles that must've happened long ago. Jon recognised these tapestries, they were of the Long Night, and they showed the last hero leading the charge against the others in an attempt to bring the dawn.

Jon was amazed by these as a student of history Jon wondered what other pieces of history Castle Black would have contained in its halls.

Heading towards the door of the chamber Jon exits and finds himself in what appears to be a solar, guessing it was the Lord Commander Jon decided to wait instead of go looking around, he still felt tired and didn't feel like moving much, if he had been put in bed then the girls must be safe too.

Looking around Jon approaches the window and looks out into what appears to be a courtyard there he sees men in black sparring, they don't have much skill which is obvious just from looking and it seems another man off to the side thinks so too as he walks up to the two sparring and grabs them both while shouting.

Jon is snapped out of his thoughts when the door to the Lord Commanders solar opens and he's greeted with the visage of his uncle, whom he hadn't seen in years.

Jon had thought a lot about this moment, he knew in his heart that the man that had been a father to him all these years wouldn't hate him, but it still did not help the guilt that he felt when he saw his uncle here and not with his family.

In some nightmares he had his uncle would curse the day he was born and blame him for having to freeze at the edge of the world. While in some dreams he would forgive Jon and tell him that it would all be okay.

But in life, the simplest answer is usually the correct one, as was in this case where Ned smiles at Jon before walking over and hugging him.

"It's good to see you, Jon," he says to his nephew as Jon holds him tightly. Not saying anything for a while. Jon reluctantly let go of his uncle before looking the man in the eyes.

"I'm happy I got to see you again Father" Jon says to the man earning another smile from him.

"Come let's sit and then we can talk," Ned says as he gestures to the chair opposite Lord Commander's seat. Jon follows his directions and sits down with his uncle sitting opposite him.

"Now why don't you start at the beginning," Ned says with a smile while pouring two cups of wine from a jug on the table, he gives Jon the other cup and takes one for himself.

Jon tells Ned about what happened since they left Winterfell, how they ran into a group of bandits that had managed to take Alys Karstark and that she managed to escape and Jon killed her pursuers. He also relayed how they had been running from the main group and only just managed to make it to Castle Black.

"I'll send some men out to scout the nearby forests, it won't do having a bunch of criminals lurking around" Ned says his face marred with a frown, Jon nods in appreciation.

"Now tell me why you're here in the first place, it must be important to risk coming to Westeros," Ned asks Jon taking a sip from his goblet.

"These past few years I've been working as a mercenary of sorts, people pay me to find artefacts and relics, though a lot I find on my own and sell them to rich merchants" Jon explains, Ned smiles slightly though it's barely noticeable, Jon had always been an avid student of history so to see him living his life doing what he loved made Ned happy.

"A while ago now a man approached me, The King of Naath, he had been researching a certain Artefact his entire life, he believed it to be the answer to saving his home" Jon continued as Ned paid close attention.

Jon takes a sip from his drink slightly cringing at the taste "The Chalice of Winter, it's said the Valyrians used it to put the fire mountains back to sleep, the King needed it for this very reason" though Ned frowns slightly at the mention of the artefact.

"Jon the Chalice of Winter is an old tale, while I can't claim to know how Bran built the wall I don't think it was an artefact given by the gods" Ned says with mirth.

"I didn't believe in it either, but I found a secret entrance to a tomb in the crypts of Winterfell where I found an axe said to have been wielded by Brandon himself" Jon explains with excitement in his voice.

Jon then gets up from his seat and goes to the window "I have a strange connection with the axe, even now I can feel it's in the building opposite us" Jon says to Ned shocking him slightly.

"I can feel the cup as well it's what is leading me beyond the wall" Jon continues

Ned gets up and walks to Jon putting a hand on his shoulder "Jon beyond the wall is no place to go looking for ancient artefacts, if the cold doesn't kill you then the wildlings will and if not them then Robert" Ned says solemnly.

Jon frowns at the name before sighing "So he's here... I was hoping that perhaps it was old news and he'd gone back to kings landing" Jon says as he goes back to sit in his chair taking a deep drink.

"He is a stubborn man, he wants me to leave the watch and refuses to go back unless I'm with him," Ned says with a sigh as he sits back down as well.

"I'm surprised he isn't bored now. A big lack of whores and wine" Jon comments with a chuckle.

Ned smiles at the jape as well "I don't think he will be leaving any time soon, wildling life seems to suit him, he steals women from different tribes and fucks them whenever he wants, he gets to kill people daily, the few hundred guards he brought are well armoured and well supplied so few of the local tribes can challenge him, though recently a lot of them having been leaving and heading somewhere"

Ned concludes making Jon shake his head feeling deeply rooted resentment for the man flare up.

"Why don't you take his offer..." Jon asks in a low tone looking down at his hands.

Ned looks slightly shocked at the sudden change in Jon's attitude "I made a vow Jon, that goes beyond kings and men"

"I know the current state of the Night's Watch isn't good, we are mostly filled with criminals and orphans, but it is still an honour to serve nonetheless and regardless of these men's pasts or station in life I'm no different from them at the wall, it would be a great betrayal to the brothers here and the old gods I swore in front off if I left" Ned states with a serious voice. For a few minutes, no one says anything, Ned can see Jon has things he needs to say so he patiently waits.

"I'm sorry..." Jon finally speaks out quietly while looking down, not able to look at his uncle.

"Jon there is nothing to be sorry for, as you haven't done anything I need to forgive," Ned says assuredly to Jon.

"The only one to blame for this situation is Robert" He proceeds.

"I tried hard to convince my father that Robert and Lyanna were ill-suited, even if I loved Robert like a brother I'd never wish to condemn my sister to an unhappy marriage," he says with visible sadness in his voice.

"Sometimes I wish I had listened to Benjen, he had tried to tell us all that Lyanna would never allow herself to be kidnapped but we didn't listen and now only two of us are left out of the previous generation of Starks," Ned says sadness laced in his voice.

"You were young so you may not remember but your mother and father loved you more than you could ever know, being born out of love in a world such as this is a rare thing few people enjoy," Ned says as he looks at Jon in the eyes.

"Don't feel sorry for me Jon, it is my duty to protect my family and even if you aren't my son you are still my blood," He finishes, Jon at this moment fights back the tears he's been holding for years, it felt as if a weight had been lifted from his shoulders.

"Now I won't tell you that you can't go beyond the wall, if your quest is as important as it sounds then you need to go but avoid the Fist of the First Men, that is where Robert camped on his current expedition" Ned explains getting a nod from Jon who wipes his eyes.

"Now why don't you tell me what you've been doing since I last since you, I want to hear about your life," Ned asks with a smile.

Jon tells him about all the adventures he has been on since leaving Old Town; he told him about his love Tyene and how she was pregnant and that after this they would settle down together. And for a while, they talked about their respective lives happy to be in the company of each other again.


It was around lunchtime when Jon and Ned had finished talking, they were both hungry and wanted to eat, so Ned was leading Jon to the common hall where the brothers take their meals.

As soon as he got in through the door he was greeted by the bustling and rowdy laughter of the brothers each conversing with the other while they ate their meals. Though through all of that, he managed to see the girls who had were sat at their table, as soon as Tyene saw Jon she got up and charged him jumping into his arms.

"I'm so glad you're okay! Why did you go and pass out you idiot, and after picking me up, what are you trying to say!" She says reprimanded Jon much to the amusement of those present, but Jon knows that she was very worried about him, she was hugging him as if he would disappear.

At some point Missandei had joined the hug as well, she was immensely grateful to Jon as not many people would've risked themselves to carry her to safety. Jon starts to stroke both of their heads and they both revel in the contact of his fingers running through their hair.

Though Jon felt a bit nervous, the glares he was getting from the brothers were nothing short of murderous, he wasn't sure at this point whether it would be safer here or out there.

With a nervous chuckle Jon removes himself from the hug "Come girls I'm starved let's go eat" He says as they make their way to the table the girls sat at.

Ned neglected to join the other senior members of the watch in favour of sitting with his nephew. All three sat down at the table with a still bruised but noticeably less bloody Alys Karstark. She looked happy to see that Jon was okay, so many times she had resigned herself to death only for Jon to defy her expectations and save her.

As the group sit down Alys looks at Jon and begins fidgeting, everything she thinks of to say doesn't seem enough to convey how grateful she is to him for saving her "Jon... I just want to say... I'm-"

"Alys, there is no need, I am happy you're safe," Jon says with a smile on his face, Jon was a pretty boy when he was younger but growing up and getting some colour and some muscle on his body had turned him into a handsome man, so when he smiled at her she blushed not knowing what to say so she nodded before going back to her meal.

"Alys has told me what she knows of the people that took her, they sound like the same group that has been terrorising peasants throughout the north for the past few years, Robb has sent me a few reports on them asking for advice, they've been hard to catch as they seem to know the north well" Ned states as one of the stewards brings food to their table.

"I hope they can be brought to justice soon, I just wish I could've done more, but I didn't like my odds in that fight" Jon replies with a sigh.

Alys looked up at Jon still fidgeting with her hands "You did all you could, you managed to save me and you killed two of them" Alys says in an attempt to make Jon feel better.

"She's right Jon, we are all safe and there is two less scum in this world" Tyene adds with Missandei nodding her head at her words.

"I'll send a Raven to Last Hearth, if they are in the area the Umbers should know about it, hopefully, they should catch them," Ned says to the group.

"Alys, I'll send a Raven to Karhold as well, I'd send you home with an escort but considering the bandits may be lurking in the area it is risky" Ned states while looking at the bruised girl.

"No, thank you, Lord Stark, I appreciate what you're doing to assist me and I'm sure my father will as well," Alys says with a short bow of her head.

For a while they sit engaging in small talk while eating their food, it was nothing special but they were all hungry so they did not complain. Tyene at some point grabs Jon's arm; the one that was injured by the hound, and he winces.

Moving back his sleeve she sees the cloth makeshift bandage and glares at him "Why haven't you seen the Maester yet!" Tyene exclaims.

Moving his sleeve back down Jon tries to give Tyene his best charming smile "It's fine Tyene, I'm a Maester as well did you forget? My arms are fine" Jon says trying to reassure her.

"I don't care if you're the Grand Maester, go and get your arm looked at now!" Tyene shouts leaving no room for debate, he looks at his uncle for any support but sees him looking very closely at the table purposely not paying attention to the two.

"Very well, I'll see you all later, Father do you know where I can find the Maester" Jon asks Ned who finally looks at Jon with a helpless smile.

"He should be in the library, the building next to this one, as that is where he spends most of his time these days, I'm sure he'll be glad to see you again," Ned says to which Jon nods and heads out of the common hall.

As Jon steps out of the common hall of Castle Black, he finds himself in the courtyard where the Brothers of the Night's Watch train. He makes his way towards the library, passing through the courtyard to reach the library building. The crisp air of the North surrounds him as he walks, to most it would be an irritation but as someone who is Northern the cold felt like it was a part of him in a way he couldn't explain.

As Jon steps into the library, he is immediately greeted by the familiar scent of old books and parchment, enveloping the small space. The library consists of approximately seven rows of books, reflecting the limited resources available at Castle Black. The sole source of light emanates from a crackling fireplace, where an aged man sits, engrossed in his reading.

"Enjoying your book uncle, it must be good as to miraculously restore your sight," Jon says with amusement as he approaches the Old Man.

The old man known as Aemon Targaryen puts his book down a smile gracing his features "As you're so fond of reminding me I've been alive for a large number of years, there isn't a book in this library I do not know" He replies to Jon's jape. Both stay silent for a minute before they start laughing.

"It's good to see you, my boy, I'd thought I wouldn't get the chance again before I passed over into the next life," Aemon says to Jon with a smile.

"I'm glad I got to as well, but I'm afraid I've been sent here by a rather fiery woman to get my arm looked at, it was bitten by a hound and she wishes for me to get treated" Jon says with a sigh.

"It's good to have such a woman at your side, they take care of us when we neglect to. Come sit, I can treat your arm here, just grab my kit it should be on the table by the entrance" Aemon replies, Jon unconsciously nods though feels a bit foolish when he does it, so he heads to the table to get the maesters kit before returning and taking a seat.

After Aemon feels Jon's injuries he washes it out with alcohol and stitches it closed, while he does this they talk about his life in Essos and his soon-to-be wife's expected baby.

"I am happy for you Jon, there are already so few Targaryens left in the world it's good to know one more might be coming into it, it also fills my heart with joy that you managed to save Rhaella and her children," Aemon says a bit tearfully.

"If you manage to live a few more years I'll make sure to bring the family down to the wall, you deserve to see them before you go" Jon says in a serious voice.

"Thank you Jon but even knowing that my family are okay is enough for me" He says with a smile.

They sit there for most of the afternoon and evening talking about their lives as well as Jon regales him with the historical discoveries he made and ancient relics he had uncovered. They had supper together and continued talking until the sun had set and it was night. Aemon was an old man so he didn't have the energy he used to as a younger man, though he tried to push on as he immensely enjoyed Jon's company, but Jon could see he was getting tired and helped him to bed.

Jon walks out of the library, he remembered Ned telling him that the girls were staying in the King's tower at the moment and that he could use any of the rooms there, they had hosted Robert recently so most of them were ready.

As Jon walks into the tower he comes across Tyene who was just about to walk out of it "Ah Jon! I was just about to come look for you, come with me I have a surprise for you" Tyene says to him as she drags him up the tower.

"Tyene! God woman what're you doing" Jon says as the girl in question giggles at him.

Eventually, she brings him into a room at the top of the tower, it must be where the king would stay as it's better than the Lord Commanders chambers by far and had a very large bed. Though none of that interested Jon, what interested him was a very naked Missandei who was kneeling on the bed looking at him.

He could see her slim waist and smooth brown skin as well as her large breasts with big dark nipples that were currently erect. Jon felt himself throb as he looked at her and his breeches suddenly became a lot tighter.

"She wants you to take her Jon, she's wanted it for a while but after the last few days, she wants to reward her hero" Tyene whispers in his ear while giving it a small bite.

Jon approaches the bed his heart beating faster and faster "Are you sure this is what you want" Jon says to Missandei who nods with a smile.

"Please take me, I've waited long enough," Missandei says to him in a low voice.

Jon quickly disrobes, he pulls down his breeches and under clothes revealing his hard prick, what he didn't know was Tyene had also disrobed and was now pressing her naked body into his side, Jon could feel her nipples rubbing into him and it only served to make him harder.

Tyene kisses Jon's neck while she uses her hand to rub his cock, she disconnects her mouth and looks at Missandei "Come I think he needs some attention from those plump lips of yours" she says with a smirk as Missandei crawls over to Jon's who was standing at the side of the bed.

She goes flat on her stomach, putting her head in line with Jon's cock, she goes to reach for it with her hands but Tyene slaps them away before grabbing onto his dick and guiding it into her open mouth. Jon lets out a sigh of pleasure as he feels her hot wet mouth engulf his cock gently sucking on the tip while Tyene rubbed her hand up and down the length.

Tyene suddenly stops her hand and moves around Jon climbing on the bed and going on her belly next to Missandei, she pulled Jon so his cock was in the middle of both of them and then they both started lavishing it with attention Missandei focused on the tip while Tyene went down the length with her tongue even going to his balls and sucking on them.

Jon groaned in pleasure at the attention he was receiving, looking at the two beautiful girls on their bellies with their large backsides jiggling as they pleasured him with their mouths and pushed Jon over the edge. It had been a while since he had unloaded himself so he found himself not lasting long.

Tyene recognises the throb and twitching letting her know that he was getting close, she grabs Missandei's head and gently pushes her further further onto his cock till he hit the back of her throat. Jon had just hit his limit and started spilling out his seed straight into Missandei's throat, she had gotten good with using her mouth in the time she had spent with the two maybe even rivalling Tyene.

Removing herself from his cock Missandei swallows what already wasn't poured down her throat while Tyene cleans off his cock with her tongue, quickly getting him hard again.

"Let me get her ready for you" Tyene says with a smirk, Missandei had just gotten on her knees when she was unceremoniously pushed onto her back by Tyene who got between her legs, Seeing Tyene on her knees between Missandei's legs, with her large rump swaying in the air only served to make Jon harder.

Missandei yelped in surprise and pleasure as Tyene used her mouth on her sex, she gripped the blankets in pleasure as she revelled in the amazing feelings Tyene was providing, Jon no longer content to be an observer climbed onto the bed on his knees.

He lines his cock up behind Tyene and with a single thrust he bottoms himself out in her making her tanned cheeks ripple, he feels her sex contract around his cock as she seems to explode in pleasure, like Jon she hadn't had a chance to relieve herself in a while so feeling Jon's cock inside her she couldn't help but erupt. Tyene moans into Missandei's sex making her pleasure that much better, while Jon starts thrusting into Tyene from behind.

Jon knew he wouldn't last long the feeling of Tyenes tight and wet cunt gripping onto his cock was pushing him over the edge, and that combined with the few of seeing Tyene lick another girl's sex made Jon almost spill himself inside her.

Tyene could feel Jon's cock start to twitch so she began to go faster, she wanted them all to finish together. Missandei started moaning in pleasure as she gripped onto Tyenes hair almost humping her face, Jon was already thrusting as fast as he could which almost made Tyenes eyes roll back as she felt him impale her with his cock.

With a roar Jon finally can't hold it anymore and spills himself into Tyene shooting almost eight shots of his seed, this in turn makes Tyene go over the edge as she explodes her sex spilling liquid all over Jon's already wet cock. Though while she makes sure to bite on Missandei's nub before she erupts, the surprise of pleasure and pain makes Missandei go over the edge also reaching her climax.

For a moment they both stay there basking in the post-intercourse pleasure, but Jon wasn't finished yet, there was still another girl who he needed to take care of. Pulling his cock out of Tyenes pussy she collapses on her side before moving up next to Missandei.

"Are you ready Misa" Tyene says with a smile as they both look at each other, they both have flushed faces and lustful gazes. Missandei just nods, which Jon sees as he moves between her legs.

He rubs his cock on her sex, her juices soaked into the surrounding pubic hair making it soft and wet. He lines his cock up with her sex and pushes gently, she's very wet but even then it's a challenge to get into her as it's incredibly tight.

His head pops into her sex taking her maidenhood. Missandei hisses a bit in pain, Jon's the largest thing she's ever had in her so it's a little hard to acclimate.

Jon has an easier time once her maidenhood is out of the way and finally hits the back of her cunt. He leans over Missandei and kisses her passionately on the lips, she wraps her arms around him as she reciprocates the kiss, their tongues dancing in each other's mouths. Jon slowly draws out his cock a bit before pushing it back in, it draws a moan of pleasure and a tiny bit of pain from Missandei whose eyes widen at the feeling.

Jon lifts himself on his arms and starts to thrust a bit faster, Tyene joins in the moment playing with her nipples and kissing her neck giving her additional pleasure.

Jon didn't know what it was but Missandei's sex was so hot and tight, maybe it was because she was a maiden before this but even with Tyene he hasn't felt such a tight grip when he had taken her maidenhood.

It felt like his cock was being sucked deeper into her with every thrust, and soon he no longer could help himself as he started thrusting his cock into her wet sex faster and faster, he usually wouldn't be so rough with someone apart from Tyene cause he knew she liked it, but seeing her submissive nature and feeling her tight sex wrap around his cock awakened some animalistic instinct in Jon as he lifted her legs on his shoulder pushing his cock in deeper getting a large moan out of Missandei.

For five minutes straight he thrust into Missandei's cunt, and it hadn't loosened up one bit, it still clung to him like a second skin, Missandei had climaxed a few times now as Jon thrust deeply into her.

He wouldn't have been able to last this long if he hadn't spilt his seed two times previously, but even so, he was finally reaching the end.

With his arms he pushes Missandei's legs as far back as they can go, luckily she seems to be flexible as they reach either side of her head. Then he starts thrusting into her sex as fast and hard as he can, Missandei is screaming in pleasure now, even Tyene is moaning as she pleasures herself with her hands at the sigh of it.

Jon can feel his cock touch the entrance to her womb and it only makes him go faster until he feels his balls start to bubble with a roar he erupts inside of Missandei, spilling his seed inside of her sex seems to almost crush him as it tries to drain it dry.

Feeling tired Jon collapse on the side of Missandei and both girls cuddle into him. They were going to cross the wall tomorrow so they needed to get as much rest as possible. Eventually, they fell into a deep slumber each feeling content.

(AN: So trying a new layout, separating scenes so that it might make it easier to read, hope ya guys like it cause I'll probably do it from now on as it looks pretty neat, anyway a bit of a spoiler but the axe he has gives him a small boost to his strength and endurance, I did this as the others are known to be stronger than people and don't need to sleep, the heart of winter in this fic is responsible for creating the others so I thought it would be a nice addition, especially since it's based on leviathan, I've also started running my work through Grammarly since someone commented that my grammar was bad let me know if you think this is better)

Also biggest chapter yet 10,000 + words

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