/ แฟนตาซี / Lord of the chatgpt

Lord of the chatgpt Original

Lord of the chatgpt

แฟนตาซี 15 Chapters 5.2K Views
Author: arter_lakewins

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Lord of the ChatGPT (LOTCGPT) is aweb novel set in a steampunk-inspired world with magic, supernatural abilities, and secret societies. The story follows Klein Moretti, a young man who, after a mysterious ritual, is reincarnated into this new world. He uncovers a mystical artifact known as the "Fool’s Throne," which grants him powers and knowledge beyond comprehension. As Klein delves into the mysteries of the universe, he confronts eldritch horrors, ascends through various mystical pathways, and navigates complex power struggles between gods, secret organizations, and ancient beings.

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