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Lord Immortal Lord Immortal original

Lord Immortal

Author: Lazy_Koy

© WebNovel

Demi Siblings

In the continent of Dalaquit. There stood four Kingdom. The Dragon Kingdom, Crystal Kingdom, Ancient A'Eeton and the Spears of Edpal. The Dragon Kingdom who is the most powerful of four kingdom rules the northern part of the continent. The Crystal Kingdom whose territory is in the southern part. Ancient A'Eeton in the west and Spears of Edpal who terrorizes the eastern part of Dalaquit continent.....

In the village of Harak, that is located in east of Spear of Edpal Kingdom. There are two demi human children running away from six pursuers.

"Catch that fuckin slaves". said the leader

"Big brother i'm tired. You can go on without me". said the little demi girl.

"No way! I'm not leaving you! I'll carry you little sister". He carried her sister on his back and run as fast as he can away from their pursuers.

"Brother they're catching up."

The boy panicked. He then tripped and fell to the ground.

"You little piece of shit. You have the guts to run from me the great Gesu!" He punch and kick the demi boy.

The Demi girl pleaded. "Pleass don't hurt my brother".

"Shut up you little bitch!" PAK! Gesu slap the girl in the face.

"You! I'll kill you!!" shout of demi human boy. He grab a stone and throw it hard to the face of Gesu. But Gesu catched the stone easily.

"Heh. You think you can hurt me with this?" He smashed the rock to dust using his hands then proceed to beat up the demi kid.

"Uh, uh, bluhhhh!!"… The kid puked blood on the ground.

"Hahahaha.... Let's just kill this boy boss. This one is useless to us. The little demi girl is more important. We can sell her for 50 silver coins!" one of the goons said

"Yeah boss, Let's just kill him." added by another goon.

"Please don't!" cried by the little demi girl

Gesu grabbed and unsheathed his sword. He walked towards the boy.

'Is this all i can do! I can't even save my little sister. I'm gonna die like this?' the kid thought. Then tried to stand up and fight.

"You're just a kid.. You can't fight against our boss.. Hahahahaha!!!"

Gesu was about to swing his sword and kill the kid when he heard a noise from his left side. "Raaaaaarrrrhhhhh!!"

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