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Chapter 4: -2-

➶started; 1:35 a.m., 5, may.

➶finished; 4:54 p.m., 6, may.


⁖ Even if this isn't the right path

I'll figure it out once I start walking⁖

-nct dream, my page.


The series of happened next was entirely a blur.

Your mind felt dizzy whilst you blinked at your mother's body on the floor of the kitchen; lying there lifelessly. You shifted you blurry gaze to the cutting knife in your hand freshly covered in chemically poisoned blood.

Your clothes were splattered a crimson red, and before you could do anything you heard another nasal sound coming from the living room.

You clutched at the cutting knife in your trembling, cold hands again, letting out shaky breaths as you tried to support yourself to walk out the house as fast as possible.

However, you caught sight of another Infected in the living room, which was your father.

You lost your mind at that point.

You were a screaming, shaking, sobbing mess as you hurled yourself through hallways, slamming on walls, photo frames falling and breaking vases in hopes of making your Infected father --who was grotesquely chasing you-- lose sight of you so you don't have to do the same you did on your mother on him.

However, you accidentally ran on a dead end, and your father was limping his way to you from the other side of the same hallway.

You were trembling uncontrollably, screaming, closing your ears to not hear his hungry snarls as you curled into a small ball at the corner of the hallway, knowing it had to end the same way it ended with your mother.


Your head was spinning as you trudged down the pathway of your house, looking disheveled; cheeks stained with blood, sweat, and tears, eyes puffy and bloodshot, clothes and arms blood splattered and dirty.

It felt as if you could fall headfirst on the concrete pathway right then and there.

You looked up, letting out a shaky breath when you saw Mark halt to a stop from his trudging, now dazedly standing behind your house's fence.

He glanced back at you with glistening eyes.

He looked traumatized. His hand twitched and he shook his head before silently wiping his tear and bloodstained cheek.

Your eyes glance around him.

His brother was no-where in sight.

Where's your brother? you were about to ask, but stopped and instead your vision blurred with tears again once you took sight of how unkept Mark looked, and the splatters of dark blood on his shirt.

He must've went through the same.

Shakily, and with a sore, tired hand, Mark creaked open the fence's door for you.

You trudged out, and noticed that his arms --albiet very subtly-- spread just slightly apart once you took a step out the fence. Without a word nor hesitation, you fell into his arms and he too basked into yours.

You chocked a sob, burying your face in his chest. He smelt strongly of iron, but you didn't care about anything at this point.

His hand gripped securely around your shoulders once he felt your fingers hold tightly at his bloodied shirt. You felt so miniscule in the sanctuary of his arms.

"Mark..." you mutter, voice raspy.

"I'm sorry."

He squeezed his eyes, tears accidentally slipping down his cheek, bit his lip, then shook his head.

"Don't say that. Don't be sorry... It's alright. We'll be alright. It's okay..." He sounded like he wasn't assuring just you, but himself as well.

You held back another sob, and he gently caressed the crown of your head with his hand.

"C'mon, [Nickname]... let's get going. We have to... we have to go." he slurred in exhaustion before breaking the hug. You nod, blinking away your tears.

You didn't waste a single second and broke into a run with Mark, heading in the same exact route except not forgetting about avoiding the creepy middle-aged woman's house.

Just as you almost got to the place where you remembered about your parents and Mark's brother and made your miserable, bad decision of a retreat, Mark, who was behind you, let out a horrified scream.

You whipped around, and your eyes widened when you saw that an Infected has somehow got a grip on Mark's knee.

"What the fuck?!" You exclaimed, panicking but quickly running back before the --now standing-- Infected got any closer to Mark.

Luckily, you spotted a stray skateboard over the curb nearby, and wasted no time in picking it up and smashing the shit out of the Infected with it.

Mark was a panting, disgusted mess as he took his eyes off of the Infected once grimy black ooz seeped out from its head and onto the sidewalk, giving you a nauseated look in which you returned tenfold while flapping your hands to clean them off of the black goo of the Infected.

"Yikes. That's one ugly thing... ugh whatever, hurry, we don't have much time." You quickly finish off before holding Mark's wrist and this time the two of you ran besides each other so no-one falls behind and gets into trouble somehow.

The wind suddenly began getting stronger, and you gasped.

You were getting closer to the helicopter's location but...

"Mark! It's taking off! The helicopter's taking off!!" You exclaim in panic, grabbing his arm as you pointed, hair getting messier with the strong wind.

"Run! We have to get there!" Mark replied and immediately stood up from his crouching position behind a house's corner with you and started dashing.

Your heart rate increased the faster you ran, and you tripped several times resulting bruised knees, but caught up with Mark's pace everytime and continued on running since you obviously needed to get there if you didn't want to end up getting either bit or infected by toxic air in this city.

However, all of the helicopters around the area were slowly starting to depart as well, assuming the soldiers thought they helped all of the survivors in your small neighbourhood.

You let out a shout, adrenaline pumping strongly through your viens as you pushed on your legs to run faster in hope the helicopter won't get off the ground high enough to the point it won't see you.

You and Mark came to a halt on the grassy open grounds, looking skywards while waving your arms around frantically, calling the helicopter out to stop.

But it was no use.

It just continued on getting farther, and farther away...

You were too late.

You and Mark stood there, staring up in disbelief, watching as the lights shining down on you beneath the heli flickered away and faded as your last damned hope disappeared into the darkness of the night sky.

The atmosphere got colder, and quieter as the loud sounds of the heli were no longer there.

You hung your head low, eyes going dull and emotionless.

"W-What... What now...?" Mark stuttered, his hands slowly going up to his head before he tangled his fingers through his hair in frustration.

"Ugh! Did those assholes didn't see us flailing our arms like some crazy pigeons?! Was it that dark?!? Or were they just blind?! They need some glasses oh my god how dare they just leave us?!!!" Mark exclaimed on and on loudly, but when he noticed your silence, he glanced at you to see you pull a pill bottle out of your bag then take off your anti-pollution mask.

He raised his eyebrow, taking a pause before asking, "You're not commiting suicide, are you?"

You gave him a dirty look, "Bitch please."

Mark looked at you in confusion, then you threw him the bottle.

He read what's on it, Mega Ultra Energy Pills, it read.

"Works for a result of 72 whole hours of energy. Kiss your sweet sleep goodbye!" Mark snorted and pushed his head back until he had a double chin after reading the small writings underneath on the bottle.

"72 hours? [Name], that doesn't sound very gucci. Eyebags boundda drag all the way to Canada after having one of these--" He looked up and pursed his lips after seeing you put two pills in mouth then gulped them in without water.

"Now I'm concerned on a high number of levels." Mark muttered sarcastically, his hand holding the bottle falling down to his side.

"Hurry, down two. We need to find a safe place to stay at tonight before it gets too dark and scary." You tell him.

He sighs, and does as told but unlike you, he drank them with water.



You and Mark figured it's way too risky walking around without a weapon, and que another bad descision after that thought occured.

Mark told you it'd be best if you search area A while he searches area B. You did as told and so you parted ways.

His area happened to have a lot more shops but it was scarier becuase the electricity on that street shut off, which is why he chose to take that path instead of you.

Whilst yours had more buildings than shops, but it still didn't hurt searching.

The two of yu are stuck here, after all.

If you didn't find a weapon, at least you'd find a place to stay.

Cold night wind breezed by, making a lonely newspaper wander astray across the empty, dimly lit streets.

You bit your lip, hugging your cold arms as you walked cautiously down the center of the streets, eyes scanning down every single little move.

Everything was too uncomfortably quiet. You'd sometimes hear a sudden very faint thud, or a sound of an engine roaring, which creeped you out because nearly all cars and other electronics were either crashed down, burned, or turned off.

You shivered again.

Wearing a t-shirt this morning was a bad idea... It's getting too damn cold. And it's either because the weather is actually cold, or something bad's about to happen.

You gasped when wind suddenly howled very eerily, and stopped where you stood, hugging yourself tighter.

Something bad will definitely happen.

Just then, you heard a loud noise nearby of what sounded like trash cans clunking together before crashing to the ground, then a thud and frantic auto car honking repeatedly.

You whip to the source of the sound, which was literally the alleyway on the left from where you stood a few feet apart, and saw that a stray cat has jumped out of the darkness of the alleyway, slamming against the trash cans that fell on its way, then jumped over a car's roof resulting sudden car honks when no-one's inside.

You let out a shaky breath of relief.

A cat.

It was just a cat.

You thought it was something worse.

You were about to continue on in your way, try searching faster so you keep up with yours and Mark's rendezvous, but your eyes snapped open again, blood running cold when you suddenly realised that the cat... wouldn't have ran out the alleyway for no reason.

Maybe because of a dog, but there was no sight of one nearby.

Suddenly, as you feared, you heard unsteady footsteps coming from the same alleyway.

You didn't know why, maybe fright, but you slowly called out. "M-Mark...? Mark, is that you?!"

And oh lord, you wish you hadn't uttered a word.

Monsterous growling suddenly echoed down the alleyway, and you screamed when an Infected hurled itself out of the darkness and latched directly on you, gripping on your arms and trying to bite onto your neck.

It was entirely horror just looking at that thing from afar, but having it latch onto you was a whole other level. Sludgy black ooz splattered around as it gnashed its teeth at you, and you let out a noise of pure disgust.

"Ugh!" You groaned as you socked the Infected straight at its jaw, watching in revulsion as it lurched to stand with now an asymmetrical jaw.

The Infected whipped its head up from a low angle and glared at you with its scary clear orbs.

It was your que to run.

"God damn you!!" You cursed at it while sprinting down the street without looking back. You took too many turns and jumps but damn did that ugly fucker know how to track someone down.

You took a grinding halt once you saw another alleyway between a huge building of what seemed like a company's and a hotel building. You glanced back, and cursed again when you saw the Infected running unsteadily towards you at full speed. The downside about Infected is that those ugly things aren't quite the same as zombies. Zombies were living dead, and were in no shape to run because they were dead before. Maybe just look unsightly while stumbling to its target in a very low speed. But those damn Infected didn't die then rise from death. These assholes inhaled toxic gas or got bit by another infected, meaning that their bodies were in perfect condition except for maybe the ones that already were diagnosed medically with something. So it could run. It could do that, and that's the worst part about Infected.

You quickly jump over a trash bin, pick it up and throw it straight at the Infected in hurry. It stumbles back, releasing some angered shouts, but by then you were already at the end of the alleyway and taking a turn.

You gasp when you see it was a dead end, and look back quickly to hear that the same Infected's shadow was coming up from the other end of the same alleyway.

You groan quietly in stress, messing up your hair. Your heart was beating hard against your ribcage, and resounded into your ears as sweat trickled down your temples.

You look around hurriedly.

On your left, there was a huge trash dump that you could make use of by either jumping on it and hopping up the building with major difficulty, or hiding behind it and praying to god the Infected doesn't see you and go away.

In front of you, there was a huge wire fence which would probably take a lot of time for you to climb over-- enough for the Infected to get its grimy hands on you easily for sure.

On your right, was the exit door of a company's huge building-- but you didn't know what horrors it could possibly hold inside it.

The Infected released a loud snarl once it took sight of you.

You had to think quick.


cherribomi cherribomi

[your comments encourage me to write more~]

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