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60% Living Again to Play Football / Chapter 6: Debut

Chapter 6: Debut

- 1 Year Later -

My debut is happening in a U17 match I'm going in as the youngest player by 2 years. But that's not all the debut itself is against the Santos U17's. So my first match ever is a Sao-San derby also the derby of the two most successful Brazilian teams.

Coach Antonio expects a lot out of me ever since that match with Amelio and Andrei he's made us train together as well as he put a lot of things on me. He said he's making me the leader of the new generation. It's good sometimes like I get a special training plan for me. But it also has things like I have to learn tactics with coach Antonio every week he wants me to be familiar with "Sovereign Football" in his own words. It's hard but I can't deny the prospect of being leader of a new generation is daunting so I put up with it but I myself am starting to love Sao Paulo it's not just purely beneficial for me anymore I want to give back to this club I want it to succeed. As the leader of the new generation I also know a lot of things the other academy kids don't know our team is terrible we haven't won the Brazilian super league in 12 years the super cup in 6 years and the Southern American conference cup in 8 years. But we have rich history 4 WFA champions leagues 23 Brazilian super leagues 13 super cups 8 Southern American conference cups. but that was mostly won in "Golden Sao Paolo" A stretch of 20 years without a TROPHYLESS season in its peak we won 4 WFA champions leagues in a decade. I want our team to be great again I want teams to fear us I want us to win every season and I'll make sure it happens.

"Leandro come on its breakfast time." Amelio said while trying to awake Leandro.

"You know you gotta hit him to get em up." Andrei said as he was getting dressed.

"But then he'll be mad at me." Amelio said with a distressed look.

"Fine you win I'll do it." Andrei said with annoyance.

"Bastard." Andrei whispered as he was walking to Leandros bed.



As Andrei slapped Leandro to wake him up Leandro slapped Andrei back.

"Ow, why did you do that?" Andrei said while rubbing his cheek.

"Why did you slap me?" Leandro replied.

"To wake you up, You bastard we have breakfast!" Andrei said with anger.

"I'm sorry it's just I don't like getting woken up." Leandro apologized.

"Forgiven, But we really gotta go to breakfast because after breakfast Antonio wants us three." Andrei said in urgency.

"Oh, Yeah I remember now we gotta go." Leandro said as they got ready.

- 10 Minutes Later -

The three were walking to the food hall when theysaw Antonio waiting for them.

"You guys are late." Antonio said.

"But its just breakfast." Leandro replied.

"Yeah it's not that important." Amelio added.

"But to me it's not breakfast it's you being late it's not the place or what it's about it's the principle of punctuality." Antonio said with a angry look.

"So what your showing me is you can't be punctual and that being late is ok for you but that's not good as I demand the discipline to atleast show up punctually to breakfast!" Antonio said as he started to yell the latter part.

"Yes boss." The three said with a defeated look.

"Now go." Antonio said as he let them pass.

When they were gone Jose showed up from the food hall.

"Why were you just so hard on them?" Jose said as he was walking up to Antonio.

"Because geniuses can't be given the luxury of being late." Antonio replied.

"So what you mean is you don't want them to slack." Jose said with a smirk.

"Yes thats what I mean, Ok Jose." Antonio said.

"Then why don't you tell them that." Jose said.

"Because it's better to be mad at me then to not heed my advice." Antonio said with conviction.

" You're so stubborn." Jose said with a chuckle.

- 6 Hours Later -

"That concludes practice." Antonio said.

everyone was tired but three people were more tired than the rest.

"Why did you work us so much today?" Leandro said to Antonio who was walking away.

"Whatever do you mean?" Antonio asked.

"Whenever we did anything wrong we had to run laps and when we did do things right you made us repeat them!" Leandro said with anger.

"Are you saying you can't handle practice?" Antonio asked.

"No but-" Leandro was interrupted.

"Are you saying you can't handle it?" Antonio asked again.

Leandro sighed with a defeated look as he said. "No we can handle it."

"Good." Antonio then walked away.

"Stickler." The three said at the same time.

- 15 Minutes Later -

The three were now in their dorm when they heard a knock.


"Who is it?" Leandro asked.

"It's me!" Antonio replied.

Amelio went and opened the door.

"I have a surprise for you all." Antonio said as he walked in the dorm.

"What?" The three said at the same time.

"Your families are all waiting for you." Antonio said with a smile.

As soon as they heard the words leave his mouth the three bolted out the door.

- 13 Minutes & 42 Seconds Later -

As Leandro was running he was stopped in his tracks as he saw his mother.

"Mama!?" Leandro said with tears welling up.

Leandro ran to his mother and hugged her.

"What are you crying for?" Maria asked.

"I just missed you, That's all." Leandro said while wiping his tears.

"Ahem, What about me?" Juliana said with a look of annoyance.

"Why are you here Juliana?" Leandro said while looking at his mother.

"I wanted to come visit but it seems I'm not wanted." Juliana said while fake crying.

"She came because I wanted her too." Maria said while walking up to Leandro and whispering.

"And she might be my daughter-in-law in the future." Maria whispered with a smirk.

"I told you it's not like that." Leandro said with an annoyed look.

"Not like what?" Juliana said with a questioning look.

"Nothing, Nothing at all." Leandro said with no emotion whatsoever.

"I know that you didn't come all the way here just for that." Leandro said with an inquisitive look.

"You've always been smart I came here for this." Maria said while reaching into her bag.

She pulled out a jersey with the #6 And the name "Leandinho".

"Your father made it." Maria said with tears coming down her face.

Leandro's mind went blank as Maria handed the jersey to him. He stood for 5 minutes before Maria could get him out of his trance.

"Leandro! What do you think? Maria yelled.

"Ah, I... Don't know what to say." Leandro was lost for words at the moment.

"Say you love it." Maria said in a demanding tone.

"I do love it but how did he-" Leandro was cut off.

"Know, He was always good at reading people even unborn ones." Maria spoke with nostalgia.

"Thank you for giving this to me." Leandro said with peaceful smile.

"Well can you show me around?" Juliana asked with a smile.

"Um, Sure." Leandro said with uncertainty.

"Are you coming?" Leandro looked at his mother.

"No I have to talk to Antonio." Maria said with a smirk.

"Well then let's go." Juliana said while pulling Leandro away.

Leandro was walking Juliana around.

"What do you wanna see?" Leandro asked while turning around to her.

"You." Juliana said with a silly smile.

"Eh, Thanks I guess." Leandro Replied with a flustered smile.

"That's the first time I've seen you embarrassed Leandro." Juliana said while laughing.

"Let's get back to the tour." Leandro said while trying to change the subject.

- 1 Week Later -

Today is the the day. Coach Antonio is doing a pre-game Analysis my opponents name is Julio he is the Santos U17s captain. Coach Antonio has been telling me his weaknesses all I need to do is receive a pass dribble past Julio and score.

"Leandro, You got it." Antonio asked

"Um, Yeah I got it get past Julio and score, Simple and easy." Leandro said with a nervous smile.

""Well good, But again I must ask, What are you wearing?" Antonio asked as he was pointing to Leandros special jersey.

"It's a special jersey/kit my father made me." Leandro said with annoyance as this was the 3rd time he said it.

"I know that but you can't wear that you have to wear our jersey/kit." Antonio said while pointing to a locker with a kit in it.

Leandro had a serious expression on his face while he said. "I won't wear anything else."

Antonio sighed as he spoke. "Fine but only this time, And after you'll have to train with me for 2 hours extra."

"As long as I wear the kit." Leandro said with a grin.

After this encounter the pre-game Analysis went normally.

- 45 Minutes Later -

As the U17s were walking on to the pitch the fans that showed up saw Leandro and his

"Special" kit as he stuck out like a sore thumb as his kit was Dark Green.

"Who is that?" One fan asked with a look of stupor.

"He's so young." Another exclaimed with surprise.

One older fan spoke with certainty. "My son works at the facility supposedly there is a new wonderkid that was recommended by Jose."

"So that's him?" A younger fan asked.

The older fan responded. "Most likely."

Back to the pitch...

The two captain's decided sides and coin flipped for kickoff . The Sao Paulo U17s recieve the ball first.

- 2 Minutes Later -


The game started with Leandro receiving the kickoff. He dribbled the ball the halfway line then passed it to the other striker Javier Ramirez. Ramirez passed it to the Center-Midfielder then the Center-Midfielder passed it to Leandro who then passed it to the Right-Midfielder the Right-Midfielder Then passed to the Right-Back. The Right-Back passed to the Center-Midfielder The Center-Midfielder passed to Ramirez. While this was happening Everyone didn't realize because of the constant passing but the U17s were constantly moving forward but because most of the attention is on the ball nobody noticed.

As he noticed a gap in Santos's Leandro defense yelled for the ball "Here!"

Ramirez then passed the ball to Leandro who then accelerated past the Santos Center-Midfielder Dribbled up to the Centre-Back and did a Lateral heel-to-heel to the left as soon as the Centre-Back pounced Leandro Trapped the ball with his left-foot and cut as hard as he could to the right. Then he dribbled to the penalty box but then he felt an urge and he just shot it. As soon as the ball was in the air everyone saw that it looked wide.

One fan sighed with sadness as he spoke. "He's still too young, Nervousness is normal."

Another one looked disappointed as he murmured. "So close."

On the sideline...

Antonio shook his head with disappointment as he spoke. "I guess he's too young after all."

As everyone was sure that the ball was going wide. It changed, it curved it suddenly was cruising towards the top right corner of the goal and before anyone knew what going on they saw Leandro running towards the corner.

"Yes!" Leandro screamed with excitement as he did the "Kiss To God"

There was silence as everyone in the stands was questioning. How? But if it be they gained some sense or pure instinctive reaction. They yelled and jumped with pure excitement and joy.




As the fans were left in excitement and bewilderment. Coach Antonio on the sideline was questioning something else.

Luck or skill? Antonio was left questioning with an inquisitive look. But either way he was excited.

After this the game went smoothly as Sao Paulo just controlled the rhythm of the game and kept the ball in their yard. Until the 38th minute.

"Here!" Leandro yelled.

Ramirez passed with no problem as they had kept the lead for the past 30 minutes. But he didn't know the stunt that Leandro was about to pull.

As Leandro received the pass he thought about it and he didn't want to pass back to Ramirez or a Midfielder. He wanted to score goals. So in that moment he decided to just go with it. He saw the four players in between him and the goalkeeper and he didn't feel discouraged in fact he smiled as he started his "performance".

As Ramirez fell back he saw that Leandro was still in the opposing players half he wanted to yell but before he could get the words out of his mouth he saw a scene that he would remember for the rest of his life.

Leandro first accelerated to the first Center-Midfielder and did a stop and go to get past the Center-Midfielder. As the other Center-Midfielder was closing in from Leandros right he did a roulette to get behind the Center-Midfielder when he knew he was clear he accelerated to the Left Centre-Back. But he didn't know the other Centre-Back also was closing in on him. When he was about 2m away from the Left Centre-Back he did an In-and-out Elastico to the right but that didn't shake the defender who was trying to force him to the sideline. When he noticed the abnormality he did a ball roll to the right but he instantly snapped the ball to the left as he put all his momentum into the snap as he sprinted to get the ball back in his grasp as he finally came upon Julio.

"Boy you did good getting this far but this is as far as you will go." Julio said with a confident smile.

Leandro Laughed as he spoke. "I doubt it."

Leandro had the ball trapped under his foot he took a breath and then accelerated to the left. This didn't shake Julio who was like a spider trying to trap a bug. When that didn't work Leandro stopped and decided to "Leandinho Drag" To the right again as he accelerated down the right side of the pitch. But Julio was still on the chase as he was maintaining a reasonable distance. Leandro Was slowly losing space to cut in as if he did Julio would have a chance to steal the ball. Leandro noticed they were in the "Dead Zone".

(A/N) The "Dead Zone" is like the area in between the the penalty box and the sideline. Nothing happens there fr.

When Leandro noticed that He also realized the Left-Back left him alone so he had tons of space to work.

Leandro then sighed as he spoke under his breath. "That was a mistake."

Leandro then accelerated to the left of Julio who side-stepped to stop Leandros progression. Leandro tried to do a In-and-out Elastico to the left but Julio also got in front of him to stop his progress once again. Leandro then went a rouletted towards the goal line. He then sprinted towards the goalkeeper as Julio was hot on his tail. As Leandro reached right outside of the six-yard box the keeper and Julio were trying to sandwich him realizing this he cut towards his left and without any preparation or thought he shot as Julio slide tackled and the keeper rushed him.

Cliffhanger of hell. Sorry this chapter took so long I was struggling with certain transitions and I had to rewrite a couple of things but it's a long one hope you enjoyed!

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