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100% Live For Me (Omegaverse) / Chapter 32: Part 32 Finale.

Chapter 32: Part 32 Finale.

No Playlist today. This is the closing chapter that will include a short epilogue. Thank you for ready my messy story. This was my first story, and with the feedback I received hopefully the next one will be better.



I woke up on the couch with my dad’s voice softly speaking in my head.

“Lilly, sweetheart, I need you to wake up and get Kota.”

I opened my eyes and saw that my intuitive husband was already making his way over to us. Without me asking he climbed on the couch behind me and made me relax against his warm, broad, muscular chest. His big hand softy pressed my head into the crook of his neck, while his other arm wrapped around my waist, making me feel safe.

“What’s up pretty baby?” his deep voice rumbled in my ear as he placed a soft kiss on my forehead.

“Dad wants to tell us something,” I said nestling deeper into his embrace. It was by accident that we found out that Kota can hear when I speak telepathically to someone other than him, if we are near each other, we think it is because we are a fated pair that is bonded.

Kota connected to my dad. “I’m here Dad.” He said. All of a sudden, a tiny voice made itself known. “Me too, me here too!”

I could hear my dad’s confusion when he heard the baby’s voice. “Huh? Lilly who is that? Why can I feel three minds?”

I looked up at Kota and we both chuckled. “Dad, meet your grandson Tae-oh, he has not been born yet, but he has a strong mind.”

Dad also chuckled “That he has, Tae-oh I can’t wait to meet you.”

The baby started moving excitedly as his grandfather spoke to him.

“Mono (Minho),” the baby spoke to my father. “You found my Moddy and my uncles? Medicine that bad man gave my Moddy hurting my uncles, you bring my Moddy and my uncles to Grandpa Teso!!” The baby started kicking violently the more he got worked up and made me very uncomfortable.

Kota noticed me wincing after a painful kick. He placed his hand on my stomach rubbing the area where the baby was kicking. “Hush now Tae-oh, you are hurting your momma!” The verbal command from Kota made the baby calm down instantly.

“Sorry momma.” The baby shyly said as he moved around more gently.

“It’s okay baby, you go to sleep for a bit, let me and Pappa handle this.” I soothed the baby and felt his mind drift away.

“Wow! Congratulations! But this kid … this kid is something else.” Dad chuckled, “But he gave me a lot of information that I will take up with your Moddy, as you guess by now, Lilly you are going to be a big sister to two boys, that aside, the reason why I asked for Kota as well is that we found Aizen!”

As Dad gave us the details of Aizen’s hideout, we started to mobilise the Nights who stayed behind. I wore the Kevlar vest and protective gear that I promised Kota as we moved out.

The nights overwhelmed all of Aizen’s guards without much of a fight. The hideout was not an abandoned warehouse or anything dirty but a luxury villa right on Boulevard Hill. The guards were all taken to the lounge as Kota went in search of Aizen. I heard him yelling and swearing as Kota dragged a struggling, bound Aizen down the stairs toward the lounge.

“Low-grade Alpha scum!” the leader of the Nights spat on the tied-up and subdued group of mercenaries lying on the ground. As elite Betas, they despised low-level Alphas who thought they are all that just because they can claim the title of Alpha.

One of the guards looked up at the Nights in disgust. “How can measly Betas overpower us, Alphas? How did you gain entrance? Why weren’t the alarms triggered?”

“I would also like to know how these pieces of trash could get in here without us knowing?” Aizen spat and tried to kick the head of one of the men lying on the floor. He again tried to break free from Kota’s grip but hardly moved my husband’s arms with his struggling.

“Shut your pie hole you old fart!” I yelled at Aizen, putting a little of my Queens's voice in my words as I was getting very irritated. Aizen’s mouth snapped shut and he could not open it however hard he tried.

Kota looked at me and saw that I was getting irritated. He pushed Aizen down on a hard chair, walked over to me, and wrapped me in his arms emitting calming pheromones.

After I calmed down, I made myself comfortable in a luxurious-looking single lounge chair. Feeling regal with all the luxury around me I released Aizen from the compulsion.

“You useless cur, how dare you use compulsion on me! You are of my blood, offspring of my offspring! Is this how the new generation treats their elders! I am still your king.” Aizen was spitting mad, his face turned redder with every word he uttered as he tried to break to cuffs binding his hands behind his back.

I unconsciously rubbed my small baby bump as he continued with his typical villain monologue. He noticed my act and stopped mid-sentence, as an evil smile crept onto his face.

“You will never see that pup you are carrying, I will cut him from your body and raise him as my own, I will make sure that he turns out better than the first one, he will be strong and restore my empire to me, not as useless as that mongrel of a son!” He started laughing crazily.

In a burst of madness, Aizen managed to break the handcuffs, grabbed a knife from the Night standing near him, and launched himself at me. Instinct made me curl up into a ball protecting my baby.

The gunshot that rang behind me pulled me from my stupor. Aizen’s momentum was halted about a meter from reaching me. A small hole in his forehead started leaking a thin stream of blood, as his whole body collapsed.

“No one gets to touch my wife and son, especially not a piece of shit like you,” Kota said behind me as he holstered his gun. He looked at the team leader. “Clean up this mess.”

Kota moved in front of me, picked me up princess style, and carried me to the SUV that was parked outside, he did not let me go as we inside. I could hear his heart racing as he calmed himself down. He kissed the top of my head hugging me tightly. He murmured in my hair as he rocked us back and forth.

“I will not survive if I have to lose you, you are my whole world, You and Tae-oh.”

I wrapped my arms around my husband “I love you baby shark, you too are my world.”

Yeon woke up from my emotional state, he gave a light kick to make his presence known. “I whuf you poppa and momma, we go now, uncles need me!”

Before Kota and I could register what the baby meant we were transported to a very unfamiliar lounge. A loud “fuck you scared the shit out of me” was the first thing we heard. I looked up from Kota’s chest to see Moddy holding his hand over his heart.

“Lilly, Kota? How did you get here?” my dad asked before we could answer Yeon spoke to them telepathically.

“Mono, my Moddy, Tae-oh bring momma and poppa. Uncles sick, we go NOW!”

I reached for my dad and Moddy and laughed. “Well, the first prince has spoken.” My son is very headstrong. A minute later we found ourselves in my father-in-law’s backroom of their tattoo parlor, the one that looked like a mad scientist's lab.

“Teso! Tae-oh bring uncles!” the baby’s excited voice could be heard in our minds.

Both of my father-in-laws didn’t seem surprised to see us. Tetsu looked up from his workstation. “Tae-oh, you're late!” while his voice sounded stern there was a proud smile on his face.

“Nuh-ah, not late, just right!” the baby argued back.

Oh, dear! This child is going to keep all of us on our toes.

“Princess, can you get onto the examination bed I need to do an ultrasound to check on the babies. Minho can you help him to pull up his clothes?” Tetsu asked.


I was scared half to death when Lilly and Kota suddenly appeared in John’s lounge. The fact that a tiny unborn baby brought them here had me flabbergasted. Before I could get my wits together we were transported to the tattoo shop owned by Ken and Tetsu.

As Tetsu told me and Minho to go to the examination bed another painful cramp hit my abdomen. This time I could not hide the pain and groaned out loud.

As the groan escaped from my lips Minho swept me up and placed me on the bed as if I was a piece of porcelain.

“Naui Dal, how long have you been having these pains? Why didn’t you tell me?” I could hear the panic in his voice.

I stroked the side of his face, “not long, about an hour give or take.”

Minho helped me to lift up my shirt as another pain hit me getting worse. I grabbed Minho’s hand and managed to say “Save our babies” before I passed out.


“Tetsu!!” I yelled the moment Hanul lost consciousness, how much pain must he have endured to pass out? My mate is strong and can take a lot of pain.

Tetsu rushed over, messily squirting the gel onto Hanul’s abdomen, pushing buttons on the machine with his left hand while pressing the convex probe over the area where the babies should be.

Two swooshing sounds could be heard from the monitor, but they were too fast. The loud curse from Tetsu drew my attention to the monitor where I saw our two tiny babies convulsing in pain.

“Kitten! Get the IV line up for Princess, we need to give they the medication now. The babies are holding on well for now. Minho I need you to let us work with Hanul, trust in him.”

“Young one!” we both looked at Hanul and saw the colour of his eyes had turned green.

“Nexial, do you know what Klaus gave Hanul,” Tetsu asked. “I need more information as blood work will take too long, we don’t have that time.”

“Yes, I do! He used a cocktail of a heat inducer and a susceptibility drug, he wanted no resistance from Hanul while he bred him, I have absorbed most of the drugs, but it feels like the babies are having a reaction to the bit that did get through.” Nexial said and we could hear that he was reaching his limit.

Ken pushed me aside to put the IV line up, he gave me a side glance and nod at Kota. “Take him to the kitchen.”

An hour passed with me pacing the small kitchen. Tetsu’s call down the corridor brought me to an abrupt halt just to run to the backroom in the next instant.

“Hold your horses cowboy!” Tetsu laughed as he saw me. “They are all out of danger and doing fine, Hanul is awake and waiting for you, go over I will do a final sonar to show both of you that the babies are fine.”

Hanul grabbed my hand as I stopped next to the bed. We both looked towards the monitor as Tetsu explained and pointed to the screen. “According to Tae-oh he is getting two uncles, and yes they are two boys a bit on the small side, but that is normal for Omega’s, they are very strong just like their daddies.”

I gave Hanul a deep kiss, “have you decided on names yet?” I asked but I already knew the names he was going to pick. Hanul gave me a look that said: seriously are you too stupid not to know what names I’m going to choose?

“Lee Yeon and Lee Rang,” we both said at the same time making everybody in the room laugh.

The next day Kota and I returned to the headquarters, the normal way as we made Hanul and Lilly stay in Hanul’s old apartment on the roof of the building. (See chp 15.)


The nights that went with Alex and Jason managed to capture Klaus and his goons. Cleo freed all the Omegas that were held in captivity as sex slaves and breeding tools.

With the death of Aizen his entire underground organization collapsed. The coded files revealed deep dark secrets of many highly placed officials, CEOs, and politicians.

Two more breeding farms were shut down. Quite a few countries were in an uproar due to their ministers being involved with the breeding program. New legislation protecting Omegas was implemented worldwide.

Personalised inhibitor jewelry for Omegas became more readily available and affordable. The research was led by Tetsu and Ken and they were given state-of-the-art labs.

Minho and Hanul returned to John and Asuna and were told the real story behind Minho’s birth. Eviline – the woman Minho thought was his mother- was a Beta, she wanted money and power, and what better man than Aizen the king of the dragons, so she started with her grand plan.

She knew that Aizen would never look at her as a woman because she can’t give him the Alpha heir that he desired, but her twin sister can because she is an Omega. Her plans included the usual drugging of Aizen and her sister to make sure she becomes pregnant. Eviline even unknowingly fed Asuna fertility medication for a month before the incident.

She removed the sleeping Asuna replacing her in Aizen’s bed and had Asuna locked up in a private clinic.

When Aizen woke up she pretended to be a frightened Omega and ran out of the room clutching her clothes to her naked body, making sure he got a good look at her face and the marks of lovemaking on her body, those marks were not from Aizen though. She made sure Aizen could not find them for the duration of Asuna’s pregnancy.

The day Minho was born she took him away even before Asuna could get a glimpse of him. He was a dominant Alpha as she had hoped for if he were not she would have left him on the street.

She showed up on Aizen’s doorstep with the newborn baby. After paternity tests confirmed that Minho was his biological son he offered Eviline marriage. Due to the baby being fussy and crying uncontrollably, Eviline kept some clothing of Asuna near the baby.

When Aizen started hinting at having another child Eviline created a fake attack on her injuring her Omega gland and reproductive system. She bribed a specialist to declare her a newly differentiated Beta.

Aizen couldn’t care less about her after the attack and gave her money. Eviline made it clear to Aizen that she will not interfere with him raising Minho nor will she divorce him, she will be his arm candy when the occasion requires it, in exchange she wanted a huge allowance, and he must not dictate her life either.

Years later John rescued Asuna from the clinic, he was hired to kill her but instead found his fated mate. They faked Asuna’s death and moved to this small town.

Eviline was handed over to the police by Minho himself, the look on her face, when she saw Asuna alive, was worth all pain she caused.

Lilly was officially crowned as the Queen a year after Tae-oh and the twins were born. Ken and Tetsu had a beautiful Omega girl, they called

her Na-Bi, who was born a few months after Tae-oh, Lee Yeon, and Lee Rang. They treated her as a delicate princess that frustrated her endlessly. All of the couples that attended Hanul and Minho’s wedding had children within the past year. They were a happy little group enjoying their friendship and children together.

The group had a surprised addition, JJ, and his mate Silver. Silver was Lilly’s best friend since Lilly lived in the small mountain town with Kota and his uncle. While Kota and Lilly were on the run from Aizen, Silver got into trouble looking for them and almost paid the price with her life. Minho saved her and took her to the hospital making sure she got the best treatment. This deed saved his life years later when Klaus ordered JJ to kill him.

Lee Yeon, Lee Rang, and Tae-oh celebrated their third birthday with all their friends on a beautiful sunny day. As they blew out the candles, Na-Bi ran up to them crying.

“Baby girl! What’s wrong?” all three boys asked in unison.

“The dark one has been born, I saw him, war is coming.” She said crying surrounded by her three-favorite people.


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