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0.91% Lincoln Gets Limber / Chapter 1: 1. Ch 1- Parents' Request
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Lincoln Gets Limber


© WebNovel

Chapter 1: 1. Ch 1- Parents' Request

(A/N: Hey, everyone! I want to thank everyone who voted on the poll I set up a while back (okay, more than a while), and can confirm this was the winner. I will be doing the others later, so for those who wanted the others to win, keep your eyes open.

Just a couple of small notes- I know the timeline in this probably won't correlate that well with the timeline of the show, assuming the episodes are in chronological order. All I can really say is to just go with it- it'll make a lot more sense that way.

Also, as I am now in the middle of my second year assignments, I don't know how much time I will have to work on new chapters. I've written about a few week's worth so far to make it easier on me, but I cannot promise there will be consistent uploads after that, so if you do like this story, please follow.

So, without any further ado, please enjoy!)

It was the start of another Monday in Royal Woods, Michigan. The temperature was warm, but not too high, and the skies were clear, allowing the sun to shine down. The small town just North of Detroit was quiet as always, except for one particular house- 1216 Franklin Avenue, otherwise known as the Loud House. Yes, this house was famous throughout the town and quite a few neighbouring towns for its inhabitants. The Loud family were renowned for their large family with even larger personalities, so whenever anyone drove by, the house was almost always the source of chaos, commotion and general noise in one form or another.

In one particular room stood the only boy, Lincoln Loud. The eleven-year-old snowy-haired child had just finished getting dressed, wearing his standard outfit of an orange polo-shirt, blue jeans and grey socks in white and red sneakers. Noticing the reader, he turned to them and smiled, showing off his overbite.

"Hey, guys!" He greeted. "Now, I know what you're thinking- Lincoln, it's a Monday morning, meaning you have to go to school. Why are you so happy? Well, the answer is simple- having been grounded for the past week, that ends today and I'll finally be able to play my video games again!" He took on a more serious facial expression as he left his room, the reader following. "For those who don't remember, this all happened because my mom wanted me to start getting more exercise. I kept trying to get out of it, so they signed me up for the football team, and kept my video games to make sure I made an effort. As you can imagine, I was less than thrilled, so I tried getting Lynn to help me, but that didn't go so well. After that, we decided that she would take my place instead. It was working… until she got injured in the last game of the season. Feeling guilty, I decided to step in for her in the last play of the game…" He frowned, remembering what followed. "Only to score against my team and cost us the game, which caused the team to beat me up."

He shuddered, feeling where he still had bruises on the back of his arm. "Still, after that, my parents lessened my grounding to a week, which I deserved. The important thing is that it's over, and I won't have to play football ever again."

He began walking towards the staircase, before he stopped upon hearing a door open. Looking, he saw his older sister Lynn Jr. emerge, the ponytailed brunette using crutches to support herself as she walked, due to the fact her leg was currently in a cast. She noticed Lincoln and smiled.

"Hey, bro," she greeted.

"Hey, Lynn," Lincoln replied, subconsciously fighting not to stare too hard at her cast, "how's your leg?"

She shrugged. "Eh, I've had worse. Cast should come off in a couple of weeks, three tops."

"Right," he began rubbing the back of his neck, "sorry about that. Again."

She rolled her eyes, suppressing a groan. "Stinkoln, shut up already! I've told you, it's not your fault, so get over yourself."

Though he was rolling his eyes, he smiled. "You're right."

She smirked. "Besides, it's allowed me to put a lot more effort into working out my upper body. Check it out." She lifted up the bottom of her shirt, revealing a toned set of abdominal muscles. "Now, that's a pro six pack right there."

Lincoln's eyes widened. "Woah! I don't think I've ever seen one in real life!"

Lynn snorted a laugh. "Not surprising, bro. Besides, if you want, I can start training you again. Under my tutelage, you'll have rock hard muscles in no time!"

He chuckled. "That's okay. Besides, I think we've both learned that I'm not cut out for such exercise."

Her smile faded with a nod. "How you feeling, by the way? I know that game kinda haunted you a bit."

She was right, as the beating he received after the game had caused him to be reclusive for a couple of days, as well as him having mild nightmares for a few nights. "Better now. Still, I'm glad I won't be doing football again, so hopefully I won't have to deal with… them anymore."

Her smirk returned. "Relax, Stinkoln. Coach said I can join again once I'm healed, so if they start talking smack about you, I'll just smack 'em about myself."

This caused the boy to smile again. "Thanks, Lynn."

"KIDS! BREAKFAST IS READY!" They heard their father shout from downstairs.

"Guess we'd better go down." Lincoln turned to his sister. "You need a hand getting downstairs?"

"You kidding? All that work on my core and arms was good for something! Watch this!"

Lincoln watched as Lynn hoisted herself up, using the crutches to keep her legs in the air. She then slowly began walking with her crutches, a look of intense concentration on her face as she approached the stairs. Lincoln held his breath, worried for his sister's safety. "Lynn, I don't know if this is such a-" He cut himself off and watched in awe as she slowly and steadily, but nonetheless successfully, made her way downstairs, step by step. The closer she got to the bottom, the more confident she felt, and by the time she was at the bottom, she relaxed.

"Oh, yeah!" Turning back, she smirked at seeing Lincoln with his jaw dropped and his eyes widened. "Told you, bro! All that training's good for something!"

As Lynn headed towards the kitchen, Lincoln snapped himself awake, just in time to hear a stampede of feet heading his way. He got out of the way of his other nine sisters, all rushing down stairs to get some food. Once the stairs were clear and his sisters were all in the kitchen, he looked back at the reader. "And that's how you survive the call for breakfast in the Loud House."

Lincoln headed downstairs, passing through the dining room where his sisters were sitting down with their breakfast and into the kitchen. He saw his father, Lynn Sr., stood at the stove. The brown-haired man in the green sweater, green checked button-up shirt, brown trousers and brown shoes, looked over his shoulder and smiled at his only son. "Morning, champ!" He greeted.

"Morning, dad," Lincoln greeted back with an equal smile.

"Your breakfast will be ready in a moment, I, uh… accidentally dropped your egg."

Lincoln rolled his eyes. "That's okay, dad." At that moment, he heard footsteps approaching the kitchen. Turning around, Lincoln saw his mother Rita entering, wearing her typical pink shirt, purplish-brown pants and black shoes. She was still a little visibly tired, and carrying a cup of coffee, but still smiled when Lincoln said, "Morning, mom."

"Morning, sweetie," she greeted back. "Good thing you're here, because your father and I need to talk to you."

Lincoln was surprised to hear this, but nodded in response. "Okay, sure."

"Now, first of all, your grounding is officially over, and I will put back your video games when I get back from work."

Lincoln's smile shot up as he pumped his fist in the air. "Yes!"

"But!" This shot down his immediate enthusiasm. "Your father and I have decided that we would still like you to try and find some way to get regular exercise." Lincoln's smile turned into a frown as he opened his mouth to respond. "Let me finish." He shut his mouth accordingly, not wanting to anger his mother. "While we realise that trying to force you to do football was a bad idea, we still think that you need a hobby other than video games or comic books."

"Okay, but can't I just use the Dance Battle game at Gus' arcade?" Lincoln offered.

"Nice try, Lincoln," Lynn Sr. told him as he began putting Lincoln's breakfast on a plate, "but you have to keep your eyes on a screen for that, and you're only exercising your feet. You need to find something that will give you a better overall workout, you know?"

Lincoln sighed, ducking his head down. "Okay. I'll… try, I guess."

Rita placed a hand on his shoulder. "That's all we can ask of you, Lincoln."

"We talked with your gym teacher," Lynn explained, "and he said that your school has an track club after school. Now, I'll be picking you up after practice, so I'll be making sure you did at least try."

"Yes, dad," Lincoln replied.

"But try and have some fun with it, okay?" Lincoln nodded. "That's good. Now, go on, your breakfast is ready."

He handed the plate to Lincoln, who then took it into the dining room, where all ten of his sisters had seemingly been listening in on the conversation, as he caught them all looking at him for a brief moment before they tried to play it cool. He rolled his eyes as he took a seat between his rocker third oldest sister Luna and his grease monkey fourth youngest sister Lana. His oldest sister Lori was chatting with his second oldest sister Leni about her date plans for the weekend, Luna was tapping a beat with her cutlery, Lynn Jr was doing her best to ignore the constant puns from his fourth oldest sister Luan, Lana and her twin Lola were having an argument across the table, while his fifth youngest sister Lucy, his second youngest sister Lisa, and his baby sister Lily were all eating quietly.

"Hey, bro," he heard Luna ask, "what did the rents want with you, huh?"

This seemed to gather everyone's attention, as all eyes were on the white-haired boy. "Oh," he replied, "they want me to find another sport, after… well, y'know." The ten sisters frowned at the memory of being pummelled by his own team. "Were they ever like this with any of you guys?"

"No, but they literally haven't had to," Lori told him.

"I mean, I can believe that for some of you, since you do golf, Luan learns circus skills at her clown school, Lana does her alligator wrestling, Lola has her ribbon dancing, and Lynn basically does every sport on the planet." The majority of his sisters laughed at their brother's joke, while Lynn just smirked proudly. "I can also understand why they don't say this with Lily since she's too young, but what about the rest of you? Why don't mom and dad ask you to find a sport?"

"Well, I do dance classes, like, every week," Leni explained. "My friend Jackie got me into it when she told me about the cute instructor guy."

"Huh. Never would have guessed."

"Well, you know how hard I rock out, bro, always gotta push it to the limit," Luna told him. "An hour long concert for me is pretty much a workout itself, plus it takes muscle to help Chunk load the van time after time."

Lincoln nodded, then turned to Lucy and Lisa, since they were sat side by side. "What about you guys?"

"You forget that I do Tai Chi," Lisa reminded him, the scientist adjusting her glasses. "Not only does it improve my muscle strength, but my flexibility and balance too."

"I get a good workout from digging graves," Lucy said in her typical monotonous voice. "That, and at the young mortician's club, we switch roles every now and then, so sometimes, I'll be a pallbearer."

Even though he was used to most of his goth sister's weird hobbies and activities, this still caught him off guard, causing him to blink. "… okay then."

"Lincoln, look at this way," Lynn spoke, getting his attention, "if you find a sport you actually enjoy, then it won't feel like exercise as much. Sure, it takes effort to be good- I should know," they all rolled their eyes in response to that statement, "but as long as you find something you like, it'll be worth it."

While his sisters voiced their agreement, Lincoln mulled it over in his head, before smiling back at the injured jock. "You know what? You're right. Thanks, Lynn."

"Eh, no worries."

While the siblings continued to eat, Lynn Sr. and Rita continued their conversation in the kitchen. "Do you think he'll take to it this time?" Lynn asked.

His wife groaned slightly. "Honestly, I'm not sure, Lynn," she responded. "I just hope he tries. I don't want him to fall in with that stereotype that gamers are lazy, you know? I knew friends in college who were like that, and it affected them pretty badly. Not only did they keep using games to procrastinate, but they also became quite unhealthy."

Lynn frowned at the notion. "Honey, just because it happened to them, I doubt it'll come to that with Lincoln."

"I know, but I can't help but worry. I just want Lincoln to be healthy and make the most of his childhood."

He put a hand on her shoulder, giving her a supportive smile. "He will. Just wait, I'll bet he find something that makes him really happy."

She smiled back, placing a hand on top of his and giving it a squeeze. "I hope so."

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