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72.72% Lily love / Chapter 16: Science

Chapter 16: Science

Another morning of the oasis dimension. I'm going to focus on trying to shape-shift today because I'm sure my sisters are worried sick about me. Heading downstairs for the I have no idea how manyth time. I think it's been a week since I first stepped into this place. I can't it's been that long, anyway I've learned to find my centre and channel my magic. I hope mastering the art of magix shape shifting is easier than I think. I have a feeling that it's going to take me ages to be able to shift into a human again. At least Vivian has been calling Juliette and telling her that I'm fine. I really want to see them, I mean it's almost Poppy's 9th birthday. Seeing her growing into the cute young girl she is has been amazing but I wanted more for them. I wanted them to be able to look back on these times with joy not sadness. If only father wasn't so stupid, I didn't expect him to be like that and why did the royals have to punish my mother. At least she's alive, and I've found out that I have another sister, maybe once this is all done for I can take mother and Lizzie back home. Anyway I need to see how Vivian is. I got down the steps and into the kitchen where she usually is at this time. Why isn't she here, she is always here, something doesn't feel right. "Vivian!" I yelled,"Vivian where are you? Come on out this isn't funny." Tap tap tap. It coming from under my feet, why was it coming from there? There isn't a basement in the viler, at least not one that I know of. Running around the house,I found a room that I had never seen before. It was next to the library and was the door was the same material as the wall with the same pattern. Was this a secrete room Vivian never told me about? In the entrance of the room it was a short hallway and dark stairs that went very far down. It was super dark but it had a few torches spread apart, it looked like a horror move basement. From watching a few scary movies like:ti (the scary clown), puzzle, Friday the 14th and shout I know that basements are always bad news. But... y'know I'm curious and this isn't a movie or a story so it's not like that's going to happen. I started to go down the old, wooden stairs one step at a time, each one squeakier than the one before. It was so spooky and at any moment I was waiting for something to pop out and kill me or something else like maybe a stair to break and for me to fall 50ft down to my death. I finally got to the bottom of the stairs after what felt like days. Any who I was down here and no I need to figure out where Vivian was. There was a dimly lit hallway that seemed to go on for miles, the floor was a hard wood but it was mainly covered up by a blood red carpet. There were tables with beautifully made vases on them with baby-pink tulips, violet hydrangeas and rose-pink lilies in them. There were doors every 5 metres of the wall on each side and I decided to try and find Vivian in here. I looked in every room thoroughly, checking for any more secrete entrances or passage ways and keeping every door of the rooms that I had been in, open. The rooms were rather weird each one completely different yet they had the same vibe about them, like something was off. The rooms were rather crazy in some places, one had a bunch of artefacts of beasts and others had furniture on the roof( those rooms made me dizzy). After what felt like centuries I came to the last door of the hallway, "please tell me she's in here." I muttered to myself. I opened the door slowly, but to my relief there she was. The room was like a laboratory and a library mixed in one, there were shelves upon shelves of books at the back and there were also tables of chemicals and vials. It was a little creepy but at least Vivian was here Ben though she was on a chair, at a table of microscopes, sleeping and snoring. I giggled, it was honestly cute. Though what was she doing down here, is one of her hobbies science. Y'know now I think about it I don't know to much about her. A approached her as my steps got louder trying to maybe wake her up and eventually she did, well after I got right next to her and started jumping up and down ferociously. She woke up screaming and pulled out a gun blaster thing, it didn't look like any that I had ever seen. It was really small and the end looked like a needle but I have seen the movie PIB; people in black and small guns are usually really powerful. She yelled at me still half asleep," hey! Get back, I'm armed!"

"Don't shoot, please Vivian, it's me, lily!" I screamed scared for my life.

"OMG, lily what are you doing down here, also who did you get down here?"

"First I should be asking you the same question and second you left the wall door thing open." Vivian looked really tired.

"Oh god thank god it't only you, I never would have been able to cope if you were a random person or bad guy who had gotten into my secrete laboratory." This was all kind of confusing, like why does she need a secrete laboratory and why did she keep it a secret from me. I mean yeah secrete may be in the name and so what if I'm new here and may break some stuff, y'know what never mind it was smart to keep it a secret from me. I then asked her," so what are you doing down here anyway, well apart from science." She sighed and said," well if your down here I might as well tell you the truth, so I may or may not have been trying to find a may to find out the magic behind my pocket-watch and if it is possible to create a portal that can go back on time." WHAT!

Dear lily love readers,

I hope you have enjoyed this chapter and I apologise for not uploading as much as I usually do. I also just wanted to say that you have the power to do anything you want as long as you work hard and never give up. And ending on that good note please don't forget to comment, share and vote as that would really help me out, also any reviews would be appreciated. And as always I will se you all in the next one bye. Also please don't forget to comment any questions because I would like to do a Q & A with your questions.

From yours truly CG

👩🏻‍🦰🐰🍭🥖<- still me as always.

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