Chapter 134 – Cleaning Wasteland
Next day, Banana Mia and others had a meeting to discuss their future plans.
Sebastian had dealt with the captives yesterday, and all surrendered soldiers agreed to join Shelter 88. They got their eggcat partner and became pre-evolved demi-humans.
On the other hand, captive civilians were skeptical about mutants, so they declined the offer. Half of them were sent back to Mafdet City while the rest followed the surrendered soldiers' footsteps, joining the shelter as well.
This boosted Shelter 88's military personal from 1800 to 2500.
Today, a new issue required Mia's attention.
"Are we running out of warehouse space?"
Sebastian nodded, "Yes. After the raid, we don't have enough rooms to store everything. We still don't have a suitable tank to store the fuel from the outpost."
Sebastian reminded Mia that all 100,000 barrels of oil were still in Mia's space inventory.
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