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40% Lila | Stranger Things/ Billy Hargr... / Chapter 8: Chapter Seven

Chapter 8: Chapter Seven

Lila woke up the next morning to sun peeking into the room. She sat up and looked around. She wasn't in Max's room, she was in Billy's. Billy was sound asleep next to her, shirtless.

Lila widened her eyes. His skin was tan and shining in the sunlight. His stomach was toned just enough. She didn't know what this feeling was, but she liked it.

She reached her hand out, placing it on his chest before fmdragging her finger towards his stomach. Billy groaned in his sleep before cracking open one eye.

"What're you doing?" He mumbled. "It's too early."

"Looking." She replied. He yawned before sitting up. He grabbed her waist and pulled her waist so that she was laying ontop of him.

"Max is probably looking for you." He said resting his arms on her back.

"I know." Lila nodded. "Stay here."

Lila laid her head on Billy's chest and closed her eyes. They laid their a while before banging was heard from the other side of the door.

"Billy!" Max shouted. "Open up."

"You wanna get that?" He asked looking down at Lila. She nodded before getting off the bed. She opened the door and Max stormed in.

"I thought she was gone!" Max whisper yelled.

"Still here." Lila smiled.

"You didn't sleep with her did you?" Max glared. "She's too good for you."

"No, Max." Billy snapped. "I wouldn't anyways. She probably doesn't even know what that is."

"Come on, Lila. Before Billy corrupts your mind." Max scoffed. Lila followed her out Billy's room and across the hallway. Max shut her door behind them and locked it. Lila sat on her bed with her eyebrows raised.

"We did sleep together." Lila said.

"What!" Max said as her eyes widened. "Do you know what that means?"

"In the bed." Lila said. "Sleeping."

"No, no. That's not what that means." Max shook her head. "Um, it's totally different."

"How?" Lila asked.

"Like, y'know, um, sex?" Max cringed.

"Nope." Lila shook her head.

"It's something that happens when two people love each other." Max said. "I'm not explainibg the rest."

"Okay." Lila giggled. Maybe that's the feeling she'd felt earlier.

"So, Lucas called and said they needed help." Max said. "You're coming?"

"Sure." Lila said. "When?"

"When Billy isn't paying attention. He's in charge of me today and won't let me go out." She said.

"Sneak out." Lila stated.

"Yes, sneak out."

- - -

"Can you see him?" Max asked. Lila nodded before taking her blindfold off.

"Showering." Lila giggled.

"Oh God." Max gagged. "Come on. Let's go."

Max pushed open her window before climbing out. Lila followed behind her, nearly falling. They sprinted towards the road, slowing down as they got further away from the house.

They met up with Lucas, Dustin and another older boy. Lila had never seen him before, but he was pretty like Billy.

"Wait, wait. Who is this?" The older boy asked looking over at Lila.

"Her name is Lila." Dustin said. "She's helping us."

"Can she be trusted?" He raised an eyebrow.

"Most definitely, Steve." Lucas said. "Now let's get a move on."

"What are we doing?" Max asked as she kicked a rock down the street.

"Trying to find Dustin's disgusting pet, Dart." Lucas said. "We think it's a demagorgon. It escaped his cellar."

"You kept a demagorgon?" Max scowled.

"To be fair, he wasn't a demagorgon at first. He was a slug." Dustin answered.

"Gross." Lila shuttered.

They arrived at a junk yard on the outskirts of Hawkins. Abandoned cars sat there surrounded by tons of scrap metal.

"This was good thinking." Steve said dumping a pile of meat out onto the ground.

"We can turn the bus into a hide out." Dustin said.

And then they got to work. They covered any opening with the scrap metal so that the demagorgon couldn't get in.

It was begininng to get dark outside and fog was falling. It made it ten times harder to look for the creature.

Lila was laid out in a bus seat. She was bored. She wished she would've stayed with Billy.

"Lila, can you look for Billy? I just want to make sure we're still in the clear." Max said as she sat across from her.

"I'll try. No cover." Lila shrugged. She closed her eyes and focused real hard on thinking of only Billy.

When she finally saw him, he was yelling at someone.

"She's thirteen years old, she doesn't need a full time babysitter!" Billy shouted at the person. Seconds later, he was pushed into the shelf in his room. Whoever it was held him by the collar of his shirt.

"What did we talk about?" The voice boomed.


Billy's eyes clenched shut as he felt the sting on his cheek. "Respect and responsibility."

"That's right." The voice stated. "Now, apologize to Susan."

Billy breathed heavily. "Sorry Susan."

"Now, you're going to go find Max!"

Lila opened her eyes and exhaled heavily. A tear slipped from her eye as she looked at Max.

"Hurt." Lila said.

"What? How?" Max asked.

"Slapped. Is coming to find us." Lila said.

"Shit!" Max hissed.

"Hey, hey! It's here." Steve whispered. Lila peeked outside through the crack in the window. Sure enough, a demagorgon stood there eating the meet from earlier.

"Holy shit." Dustin said stepping backwards. As he moved, he tripped over something behind him. The demagorgon looked over at the bus and up at Lucas who was looking out through the roof.

It made a terrifying noise before four more appeared. They moved towards the bus, slowly. They knew someone was here.

"Shit!" Dustin hissed. "We're going to die!"

Just then, the demagorgon's attacked. They jumped onto the bus, climbing up trying to find away inside. The kids screamed in terror.

Lila stood there, frozen. She gathered up enough courage before climbing up the ladder.

"Lila!" Max shouted. Lila held her hand up before letting out one of her ear piercing screams. The demagorgon's screeched before bursting into pieces like they had before.

She dropped to her knees before lowering her head.

She was tired. Her eyes drooped before she fell forward, loosing complete conciousness.

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