/ Urban / Light In the Dark

Light In the Dark Original

Light In the Dark

Urban 20 Chapters 19.2K Views
Author: Basiyem

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Dzi Saifi Dzulfikar, a pediatrician who chose to leave her identity in order to find her identity and life in accordance with her religious guidance. She bought a simple house in front of the Baiturrahim Mosque. She became a marbot mosque. One afternoon, She was preparing herself towards the mosque for the Maghrib prayer, Khalid Raharja Kusuma, a new neighbor who lived not far from her house came to deliver food. They met and fell in love at first glance.
They were forced to separate because there was a misunderstanding between Khalid and his mother who thought Dzi was two different figures. Khalid loved Dzi and Nancy wanted to match Khalid with Saifi. One same woman, but is considered a different person.
Will they find blessing their parents?
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Author Basiyem