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100% Life of Shi / Chapter 1: Dream....
Life of Shi Life of Shi original

Life of Shi

Author: Quinn_Dawson

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Dream....

As Shi dreamed of that first time she met Tye, her heart fluttered.....

Before anything Shi was in a relationship with a man that really find himself not marrying her. Shi was the mother of two beautiful girls and could do nothing but love her girls and herself as this man used and cheated on her.

Mo was the father of the two beautiful girls but yet he was a jerk and Shi couldn't understand why this man she thought she was spending the rest of her life with was betraying her. Night and day she wondered if he was coming home, as she sat and cried, damn do he really love me.

Night after night Shi dreamed of being in a better relationship while she laid with Mo. When they were intimate within each other there was always fire, at least she thought, if so why did Mo sleep with other women. Shi and Mo always got into altercations with each other which was pushing her away from Mo more and more even though he didn't noticed. Shi decided she wanted to explore the world of men so she signed up to this dating website one day and just waited.

As Mo was out doing his dirt and work Shi worked her part time job. While she slept one night Mo came home drunk late in the early morning and took Shi by surprise even though she didn't want to have sex he did so she had no choice. Mo had his way with Shi and went to sleep leaving her awake and feeling used. As the sun came up Shi got herself and the girls ready for their day leaving Mo sleep. Shi went to work as usual, as she worked she got a call from Mo asking for where she was.

"Mo, really you know I'm at work."

"Shi why didn't you wake me to let me know you were leaving?"

"Are you serious Mo you know what time I go to work, when I get off and what days I work. Why are you acting this way? What's wrong?"

"Never mind, do what you do I see you later."

As Shi hung up looking at her phone weird she got a few chimes from the site she signed up for. "Almost forgot i even signed up for this thing." Shi said as she smiled. "Let's see what we have here when I take my break."

Shi continues to work and soon before she knew it, it was break time. She sat down and went threw her phone looking at the men who thought she was sexy and wanted to meet her. Shi couldn't believe that she still had that beauty in her after being so mistreated by Mo, she always felt she wasn't.

"Well let's see how they felt about me being a packaged deal with two kids." Shi continues to flip through the pictures of men that chimed her. As she thought about it, "Mo not being faithful so why not give a test trial." So Shi text one of the men that chimed. The guy asked if she wanted to meet, Shi went along with it. Even though she was a little scared because this was something she never did before.

After meeting this guy secretly for a week she realized all he wanted was some of essence between her thick thighs, but not feeling wanted by Mo she gave the man what he wanted. Shi felt a little relieved yet also surprised that she did what she did, but she wasn't really feeling bad because she felt wanted. Shi got her body rubbed and kissed in ways she never felt before. Her body felt satisfied for the least. Shi thought her and the guy hit it off. To say the least she know that her essence was really all he wanted because she never heard from him since. That's when she felt low and betrayed once again.

She started to give up on this site but she tried again a few more times and ended up with the same results of body pleasing but nothing more. Shi hid this from Mo so well he never knew what was going on but she definitely knew what he was doing. She just didn't catch him in the act as of yet.

Their life went on as normal as the year turned into two more years of them being together. Then she decided to go to school. Shi wanted better degrees for better job opportunities. Mo didn't really care for it but Shi didn't care she wanted to better herself for her and her children. Shi became committed to school work and home forgetting all about those flings she encountered in the past.

Shi never erased the site she kept on to it just in case things didn't go right. One day Shi got a chime,she looked on the site and saw Tye. Shi stood her ground and didn't respond and continued on with her life. Shi thought life was good until one day....

there it was another phone sitting on her kitchen counter. Shi has to take a peak and what she found made her see red!!!!

The pictures, she finally caught Mo in the act after all this time.

"So, Mo please explain this to me!"

"Who is she and why does she have your phone taking pictures of herself, you and some dog?"

Mo became angry. "Why the fuck you in my phone and going through it, see you looking for stuff and finding out what you don't want to find out. That's your fault if you didn't want to know the truth you shouldn't have been snooping!"

Shi was outraged there was now two phones. Mo had two phones. One for his business so he said and the other for pleasure. They began to argue and fight over the phone. She got pissed to point she got a knife and stabbed the phone until it broke to where it wasn't working. Shi was so in rage she didn't know she cut herself.

Shi and Mo argued about the stupid phone for 5 minutes then Mo stormed out the door. Left standing, pissed, and bleeding Shi was angry.

After the adrenaline wore off Shi felt the pain where she cut herself and realized she was fed up with Mo's bullshit and lies. She calmed herself down before the girls woke up from their naps. As Shi sat and thought about her waste of six years with this man she was through her heart hurts but she still loved him.

A week went by and Shi hasn't heard from Mo getting a little worried she called around looking for him she even drove to certain spots she knew he hang at. She was getting pissed that Mo would leave and not return her calls or call to check on them.

Not knowing what day it was Shi received a phone call thinking it was Mo she looked and it was her landlord calling about the rent.

"Mr. Hue I don't have the full rent because I haven't received the other half from Mo. Please give us time." Shi said.

Mr. Hue was a nice old man and knew that they were loyal tenants so he gave them until the end of the month to have the rent or he would have to vacate them. Shi understood where Mr. Hue was coming from and agreed to his terms. By the end of second week Shi answered her phone and long behold it was Mo.

"Mo where the hell are you and why haven't you been returning my calls."

"Shi, don't worry about that I'm calling to see if you got me a new phone since you broke the other one."

"Are you serious right now Mo, what do you need with two phones I'm not buying you a new one we have to pay the rent the landlord called for it last week."

"Well Shi pay the man."

Mo knowing she only worked part time and couldn't pay the whole rent by herself those 5 words came out of his mouth. Shi was pissed and angry and asked him was he not coming home and helping pay the rent or did he not care what happened to his children. At that point she was almost at the point whether he cared about her or not. Shi only cared about the well being of their children.

"Mo please stop playing with me and come home and take care of your responsibilities. Our landlord said we had until the end of the month."

Mo being the jerk he was, he told her she handle it and hung up. The end of the month came and Shi still didn't have all the funds for rent and still no Mo. He was gone for nearly three weeks.

Shi let her parents know that she and the girls would move back home until she got on her feet. She got a call from the landlord and that call ended her rental agreement.

Shi parents came with a u-haul and helped her pack her and the children stuff. Then all of a sudden Mo pulls up with one of his friends. He walked in the house as Shi was exiting. Mo called to Shi.

"Ma, dad give me a minute to see what he wants."

All they could do was nod in anger.

"What do you want Mo?"

"So that's it you found your way out huh? Guess you was ready to leave? Why didn't you pay the man you could do it?"

"Mo, how could I when you know I only worked part time and the rent is more than what I make. Are you serious right now!!!!! A WAY OUT?!! A way out you have got to be joking right now hahaha. I been in this relationship with you for years and you tell me you don't see yourself marrying you, but yet I been here through the cheating and the fights and the pain let alone you leave me for three weeks and have me thinking, wondering if your ass got arrested or dead somewhere. You not return my calls and half of everyone didn't know where you were. Even though I think they were lying. I even thought I wasn't good enough. I even had complications during my pregnancy with both our girls because you decided to cheat then too.... and let's not forget I had the second child without you. My mom was there through it all. A WAY OUT!!!!! Our landlord gave us until the end of the month to have the rent but yet u left for three weeks no call. That was like you were saying forget me I can do by myself since I broke you stupid little phone."

Shi was going off on Mo because she had enough. By the time she was done he went back outside and watched her and her family finish packing their things. He gave his girls a hung and kiss and left. Shi couldn't believe the bull Mo put her through. And what he had the nerve to say those words to her.

She left that apartment broken.

A month later Shi was back home with her family and her kids. Mo's family had visits from Shi and the girls and every other time Shi took the girls to visit Mo looked at Shi with lust in his eyes. As the months passed Shi continued with school and work and taking care of her girls.

Four months have passed and Shi forgot she was on that dating site, she got a chime. Who was it she wondered.

There he was again! Tye came back around and this time he spoke, "hi beautiful." Shi thought he was not serious but he spoke with her mom about him remembering she turned him down before, what made him come back did he want what the others wanted she thought, remembering her past.

"What should I do mom, should I say something? Should I say hi back, what do you think?"

Shi felt nervous to reply because she told herself she wasn't dealing with anyone for a while, hints the reason she was single for months. Shi mom told her to give him a chance to see where things go. So she did with her reply back, "hi."

With that being said she got a response back from Tye and they talked on the phone. He wanted to meet as so did she but was nervous to do so remembering the past and what happened before.

Even though Shi heart was still a little set on Mo she wasn't sure what to do, is why she didn't date anyone, she wanted to give them time to see if Mo was stupid on his mistakes and wanted her back. Tye and Shi texted each other for a week and when they were ready to meet Mo called Shi wanting to talk.

Shi wondered what he wanted even though she was waiting on him. Her mixed feelings were all over, she grew feelings for Tye but still felt a little for Mo. Shi spoke with her mom for advise whether to see Mo, but it was all up to her so instead of finally meeting Tye, Shi met up with Mo to talk and see if they were meant to work it out or stay apart.

When Mo saw Shi he couldn't believe the beauty he let go. Mo flirted with Shi and knowing that she still had feeling for him Shi caves to Mo's charm. Mo and Shi made passionate love that night and fell asleep. Later that night Shi woke up realizing she fell for Mo's charm she quickly dressed. Mo woke up to Shi putting on her clothes.

"Where are you going come lay back down."

"No, I have to get home to our girls this wasn't suppose to happen this way. We were only supposed to talk and that was that I made a mistake."

Realized that she was back at the place they once lived together Shi sat in the car and cried. How could she be so stupid to let Mo back in and he was still living in their once apartment together. Shi vowed to never let him get to close to her again, that's when she realized she was over Mo. Her feelings have grew for Tye. Shi went home and washed off the filth and dreamed of Tye. The next day she got a text from Tye "good morning beautiful." Shi felt bad because of the night before, but didn't tell Tye what happened. She only replied with a hi.

Shi spoke with her mother and told her what happened and they both sat in silence, but soon got over it. That following week was a heartfelt tragedy to Shi's family so she didn't spoke to Tye for a week. As he texted her she finally responded I want to meet you. Nervous as ever for their first meet Shi was dressed to empress but not to much.

Tye approached her and spoke but her nervousness got the best of her which almost scared him away. He could tell she was nervous so he let her calm down and to know that he wasn't gonna hurt her. Shi and Tye took a stroll through the park and had a long conversation about their past life. That night they realized they were meant to be. A few nights passed and they met up with each other every night and they finally wanted to take their meeting a little further.

Tye and Shi made love in her car which had her body in chills. He was in a daze that they both couldn't believe the sex. Every night Shi and Tye got together they couldn't keep their hands or their bodies apart from each other nor did they want to part. Tye knee that Shi had to go.

Every night when Shi left Tye she would dream of him and couldn't wait to be in his arms again. A year went pass and their relationship was still strong. Tye took Shi home to meet his family. She fell in love with them as they did her. His family knew that Shi was the person for him. A few years later between all the ups and downs with people trying to break their relationship Shi and Tye is still strongly in love with each other and their three beautiful children and pets. Shi and Tye have been in love from day 11 to 6 years later. As she dream every night one day she will be his wife!!!


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