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12.5% Life is a Game : Rise of the Bloodvolva / Chapter 6: The first stop

Chapter 6: The first stop

I drive while explaining to my [Subordinate] what the car is. They are very impressed and want to see other models, buses etc ... Inuyama says that he even want to try to drive one. I promised to make him try. He is very happy.

(real faithful dogs with me now, I like that)

Suddenly a red sign appears before my eyes, making me jump and suddenly jolt the car to the right and left.


/!\ Warning /!\

you enter a higher level danger zone:

[Forest of Dark Druids]

recommended level: 50 +


"- What is this mess ... I know this forest was sacred to the druids in the past but it does not have that name now ... this isn't good ... 50 or more? !"

"-Blóðvölva, the smell of the forest has changed," Inukami added, pulling his head out of the window and hugging the naginata whose tip was coming out of the car because of its size.

And as if to show us that indeed we were not safe, a gigantic shadow passes in front of the car, failing to make me swerve the car.

([predator's eye]! [identification]!)

The forest seems to slightly lighten up, the rise in my skills increasing my already excellent vision. Suddenly I see red dots, two by two, all along the road.

(eyes ... So many big eyes staring at us ...)

The fear that grip me earlier when I heard the roar of the Alpha comes back instantly, cold sweat trickle down my back...


/!\ Warning /!\

you're leaving the higher level danger zone:

[Forest of Dark Druids]

recommended level: 50 +


"- whew ... we went out and we're alive. We must cross two villages now and we will be at home."

My kobold are also relaxing , I guess they too must have seen the sign. We arrive in sight of the first village and I see for the first time in my life an image that will probably remain engraved forever in my memory: the small village so peaceful that I knew was now spewing smoke and flames. I cut my headlights when I got there, and then we hear human's cries and beast's roars. The road that I have to take to go to my house goes outside the village and I am very happy about it. Whatever happens in this village is not good.

(I'm sorry but I have people waiting for me, hoping they're still alive ...)

The reality of the situation catches me all of a sudden: it is really an apocalypse. I survived miraculously, I gained powers allowing me to become a monster (well, half-monster) and thus increasing my survivability, I absorbed more than thirty monsters since then and I have reduced in slavery three more ... it was not a game ... it was my new reality ...

- Shit ..." I say with a ball in my stomach and biting my lips until blood is drawn ... which did not even flow much ...

Inukami sees my worry and asks me what's bothering me. I sigh and explain that I'm assimilating what is happening, that my world is undergoing changes and that many people of my race will die. It's not the fact that people are dying that annoys me, but rather that those I know are in danger and that it's already been four hours since everything started and it fell on us in the middle of the night. .. nobody could possibly be prepared.

"- I understand what you mean Blóðvölva, we were suddenly sent to your world without further explanation that "you were monsters hunted back home? Rejoice! We will send you in another! It's up to you to conquer it as you see fit! "

"- So you come from another world ..."

I start to think about all the consequences that imply but I can not even imagine everything that can happen, the situation is still unreal for me.

Lost in my thoughts I do not see until a little late that we arrived at the second village that we must cross this time. He is in the same state as the previous one and my fear for my family is getting stronger. The main problem with this village is that I have to cross it entirely through the center to reach the road to my home, which means to pass in the middle of what has ... no, what IS currently reducing this village to ashes.


You enter an area [Besieged]

good luck !


(I really feel that the respnsables of this mess are having fun ... "good luck", I'll give you luck goddammit ...)

"- get ready, we do not know which enemies we could meet ...

- Orcs !"

Inuyaha interrupts me and I turn my head towards the place he points to: a kind of humanoid Pig head, 170cm, armed with a grotesque sword is currently ransacking a small food store with three of his friends .

(woaw they have nothing to do with the image conveyed by "the lord of the rings") I think while looking at the creature.

The creature must hear the car because it stops its task and turns to us. Bad luck for us, we must go on the road in front of the store to leave the city.

(I'm sorry for the code of the road !)

Normally the street is one way, obviously the other than mine, but I decide to take it to go faster, because shit I'm living an apocalypse, I will not do the good driver right now! The Orc is doing a frightful "grouiiiik" to call his comrades, all uglier than the others.

(If I hit something this big, my car will be scrap metal, I rarely saw a "human" with such a big belly!)

I find myself with four orcs in front of me, blocking my way. I feel anger rising in me, my family is in danger and these big pigs are on my way ?!

(I'm going to kill you ... your blood will make me stronger, especially with a belly like that you must have a lot of it! [Identification], [predator's eye]!)


Orc Warrior (level 15)

Hp: 220/220


Orc Warrior (level 13)

Hp: 200/200


Orc Warrior (level 15)

Hp: 220/220


Orc Warrior (level 16)



(They have a lot of life but ... I have new weapons ...)

My team and I are getting out of the car, ready to fight. I take the naginata from Inukami's hands:


Kobold naginata

a kobold naginata of good quality.

Suitable for humans because made for a large samurai Kobold

Damage: 35 - 40

+6 Str

+6 Agi

+8 Dex

bonus [half monster]:

+5 Fr

+4 Agi

+4 Dex

durability: 42/50


Like the katana it is shorter but wider and heavier, however it fits me perfectly. I have always loved Japan and its culture ... the handling of weapons is one of the first things I learned.

My new weapon in hand I do not wait and go straight on the orc armed with his bumpy sword

(If they are the blacksmiths of this kind of weapon then I can understand why they rely on looting ...)

"- Gruiiiiiik !" He shouted as he lunged at me.

The exchange is fast. Thanks to [predator's eye] I immediately see his weak point: his prominent snout. His belly and small legs do not allow him to be agile he can not avoid my weapon that sinks into it without difficulty without even him approaching me.


Critical Strike !

-120 Hp


I rotate my weapon, still stuck in him.


Critical Strike !

As a fatal blow was carried the effect [instant death] is triggered.

[instant death]: loss of all remaining Hp


(here, I'll calm you down, you damn moving pork rib)

I'm angry, I do not know why I feel so angry but my blood is boiling in my veins, I only want one thing: to kill these creatures, bleed them and absorb them.

I grab his head as he falls, dead, and uses [Blood Manipulation] and [Blood Absorption]. My mana decreases even more than with a kobold, normal considering the size of the beast , but when I absorb it I feel even better than before.

(more blood, more use of mana but proportionnal reward ... perfect)

I drop the dried pork mummy and turn to the other enemies, busy with my kobolds. To my great pleasure Inukami slices his head in two movements, having double their level I understand that easily. But what surprises me most is my wrestlers, Inuyasha and Inuyama, who also submit the two remaining pigs. they didn't kill them.

"- They are yours Blóðvölva."

I smile, proud of my little [Subordinate]. I take out my special dagger, Blóðörn and with it I kill both orcs and then absorb their blood. I then take a look at his wakefulness gauge: 96%. so I do have to finish 100 enemies with it. Hard considering the damage it does. I also gain a level, but I do not deal with it right now, too eager to return.

We get back in the car after this quick fight, I start the engine then drive in the village in full chaos without even absorbing the other three. A new group of orcs is blocking the road at the town hall. A beautiful group of ten this time. And ten of these huge things is not a trivial matter.

They immediately see the car and three of them are heading towards us.

"- Stay in, go out only if I ask you. I want to see what I'm worth against those", I say to the attention of my group.

I'm getting out of the car armed with one of Inukami's katana this time. Its range is smaller than the naginata but I can move more easily with, against three opponents I prefer that.

The first orc sees me go out alone and laughs. A laugh that can be expected from a pig: horrible and noisy.

(I hate you deeply and feel sincerely wrath for you ... I'll be happy to bleed you)

I feel my thoughts becoming more and more violent and bloody, I think that my nature of [half-monster] and my titles [Dominator] and [Blóðvölva] have changed me deeply ...

I put myself in position, the sword lowered to the side and dash. As I am far away, he has time to prepare his blow to greet me: he raises his sword and stabs it in my direction. I dodge it sideways and in the same movement decapitate it. At least I hoped to, but his neck offers more resistance than expected. I do not trigger a critical hit but it suffers the [serious bleeding] status.

(One out ... two more to go)

The two remaining screams to attract the rest of their horde but I'm on them in an instant, not leaving them time to prepare to face me. One receives the katana in the snout like the first orc and died instantly, I left the sword planted and take out two daggers, one ends in the throat and the other in the snout of the last still alive . I pounce on him, spurting large stream of blood covering me. I see the rest of the horde watching me: I am in the middle of a bloodbath because of the massacred bodies of their comrades.

I smile as I look at them with [predator's eye]. They back away. My smile grows.

"- [Blood Manipulation] ..."

The blood at my feet begins to levitate around me. I approach the one who's pouring his blood on the ground but still lives: I plunge my hand into his open throat.

"- [Blood Absorption] ..."

It slowly starts to dry up. The other orcs are growling but do not dare approach.

(Cowards ...)

Finally he dies by exsanguination. I turn to the others, a satisfied smile stuck to my face. I know how terrible I must look right now. I see myself in a window near me ... actually I do not even recognize myself. I am covered in blood, red eyes and a carnivorous smile ... blood mysteriously flies around me to reinforce the picture. If I did not recognize my face in this mirror I could have believed in a monster. I use one more time [Blood Manipulation] and [Blood Absorption], collecting all the blood around me. The scene is cleansed of the carnage. There are only three dried pigs left and a young man with red eyes and a monstrous smile. The pigs all squeal, an unpleasant noise in my ears. My good mood disappears. Suddenly I hear a grouik more serious and a big pig ...

(No ... a boar since he has tusks)

... leaves the town hall with a human corpse in his left hand and a bloody halberd in his right hand. The others makes a lot of noises and show me with their fat hands.



Orc Commander (level 30)



(mmh he's at the same level as Inukami, I guess his leather skin is thicker, so higher natural defense ... if I have to fight him with one, two, three .... eight more orcs it's going to be complicated ...)

"- Inukami, Inuyasha, Inuyama !

- Yes Blóðvölva !" thye said as they exited the car. Immediately the orcs growl and backs off a little. Obviously they do not like my kobolds ... good thing.

"- Inukami the naginata please.

- Here, Blóðvölva", he said with reverence, handing me the weapon and taking up his katana.

I put myself in an aggressive position, the weapon pointed at the commander orc. He grunts and screams, marking the beginning of the fight. Am I comfortable with nine opponents, one with almost triple my level? No. But my stats allow me to be on a par with him, I'm sure. Both of us are charging at each other. He is faster than his peers. I dodge his assault with a jump on the side. He can not turn or stop immediately.

(He is as clumsy as the others ... perfect)

I then aim at his legs with my weapon by propelling it forward. I pierce his knee but his bone and sturdy skin prevents me from really sinking in it or do real damage. He is barely slowed down. Indeed he does not even pay attention to the injury but he gets angry because I managed to touch him.

(It will be necessary to aim only at its weak points or the fight will last an eternity ... time that I do not have to devote to them ... [predator's eye]!)

Once again the red dots appear on my enemie. He has the same as other pigs, the snout being the most important. However, this point is between two large yellow ivory tusks, and he constantly moves his head like a boar ready to charge me. The naginata is more practical when it comes to piercing the hot spots compared to a katana, the elongation being longer. But for brutal blows the katana has the advantage. And I'm not talking about the halberd he handles.

(I want it, it looks good, at least much better than the other weapons of the pigs)

I take a look at my Inus and see that they are doing well against the other eight orcs. I decide to try something: I cut myself and pour my blood on my blade, then I attack the creature. I dodge his attack again and manage to touch him. The thick leather once again prevents me from penetrating deep into its fat. However my goal is accomplished:

"- [Blood Manipulation] ..."

I then see my adversary looking in disbelief at his arm's wound. I control the blood I've injected into his body and start transferring my mana through him to take control of his blood from a distance. It seems that it works because the commander starts to frantically scratch his arm while throwing me eyes filled with hatred. Once enough blood is corrupted I start to order it to go to the heart. The orc howls and rushes on me, he wants to eliminate me so that I stop what I'm doing to him. I dodge his desperate attack and order my blood to swirl in his heart. The orc collapses while holding the chest, moaning.

(hey, when the heart jokes around we have a hard time right ...)

I can approach him, my hand extended to his heart (to better control my blood, I noticed that it responds better with gestures than by thinking only) then imagine my blood hand-shaped squeezing his heart. And I squeezed my own hand. He screamed again. I try several experiments, each tearing out cries of pain from him. He writhes like a worm every time.

- Ahah ... ahahah ... AHAHAHAHAH!

I start laughing like a madman. I do not know why.

(My mental health must have been altered, I realize it at least, it's already that right?) I say to myself.




your knowledge of the skill [Blood Manipulation] has taken it to the

next level.


New sub-skill!

Unique Skill: [Blood Implosion]

Effect: Your blood can implode on itself


([Blood Implosion]? To implose ? Let's test it ...)

I separate a small part of my injected blood and direct it to the arm of the orc.

"- [Blood Implosion]"

I then see the place where I sent my blood start to dig under the skin of the orc, only tearing him a weak cry as he has already screamed. Then suddenly a kind of bubble is formed and the skin explodes. He screams louder than before this time.

(Holy sh... my skills are dangerous! And much more complex than I thought ... [Blood Manipulation] allows much more than I thought, I'll have to see that again calmly)

"- Well it's time to finish this"

Throughout my tests the creature has had his Hp decreased. My Kobolds have ended the fight for a while, opening the throats of each annoying bug for me.

(they understand quickly)

I raised my katana above the orc but stopped suddenly. I take then my special dagger. The boar is on the belly, the back of his neck raised. I push the dagger into a red dot lying there...

Miaksou Miaksou

it's getting longer and longer !

My "real" work (that I hate but...hey, money) has no fixed time, so i'll try to do 1 chapter a day, but not at a fixed hour. thx for your understanding

next chapter
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