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Life is a Game : Rise of the Bloodvolva Life is a Game : Rise of the Bloodvolva original

Life is a Game : Rise of the Bloodvolva

Author: Miaksou

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: History

"- Definitely this moon is beautiful ... yes really beautiful ... aaaah it's a good night to die I guess ..."

These are my thoughts as I look at the moon that is exceptionally close to the Earth that night . But it is especially its incredible red color that fascinates me as I hang one meter above the ground, the torso pierced by a kind of hideous spades bone. My blood ran along this spike and dripped to the ground just below me. The reason for my death? A missed experiment. And by missed experiment I mean a demon invocation that escaped me and now pierces me. But it's not even the most funny / weird part of my night: no, the strangest part is this kind of little blue panel floating in the sky :


Welcome !

Fun is about to start! Rejoice because your normal life will crumble! Do not despair though, because what's replacing this boring thing is going to be a game filled with excitement and even more excitement!

Are you ready ?

Smile because it does not change anything if you are not...


Countdown before something extremely fun happens: 03:45


Well maybe I should start with how I end up in the situation I am in before taking care of this panel ...

So here it is : my name is Lukas, I am twenty-two years old, medium-length chestnut hair with strange red reflections that I comb back, and steel eyes (not blue steel no, steel, as in metalic steel ), 178 cm and coming from an old family. And I mean very old family! Our history is very complex and we have been present on all continents but never in "History" officially. The peculiarity of my family is that ... we have been mostly hunted throughout its history, hence the fact of being present on all continents. Today my branch is the last one it seems. At least the only one aware of our history because it is us, namely my grandfather, who inherited the library of the Family.

Why hunted? Because it seems that my family has some peculiarities that people feared or coveted. Nowadays the blood is diluted so these abilities are non-existent, and moreover the world has forgotten us. It's better this way ! I do not want to be hunted too. I finished my studies and now I'm enjoying my time to ... well I'm not really a sociable man so I enjoy my time to play video games and go on the internet. The dream life for a shut-in.

One day I was bored, I did not have more series to see that interested me, no more manga, games ... nothing that interested me. So I decided to go to my grandfather's library. I came down from my room on the second floor of the family home and went to the basement. The room was arranged by my grandfather when he built the house. Humidity and temperature strictly controlled to preserve the writings of our family. I specify that I live in the countryside, with my mother, my sister and my grandfather, I mean we have money but having a house of this size in Paris... Like I said this house is really big and the basement even more. It's really not suitable for just four family members ... but at least we each have a large personal space!

To come back to that day when I was bored ... I went down and I lockpicked the door lock, I've been doing it since I was a child, a very useful talent in a house so big with closed doors everywhere. This allowed me to have any kind of play space and more. Oops, I'm going astray again. So I opened the lock and walked in. The particular smell of this room invaded my nostrils and made me smile: I like this room, its calm, its solemn and has a mysterious side ... I scanned the rays and observed the strange objects stored here. My Famile has really collected odd objects throughout her story. It looks like a small museum down here. Finally I came to a section about a very old clan of my Family: the blóðvölva. Most of the texts concerning them beingin an absolutely indecipherable language I decided to do a search with my favorite tools: internet. After some time I could translate the name of this clan: it is something in old Nordic meaning "sorcerer of blood". Immediately my curiosity was piqued: with this kind of name I am not surprised that we were hunted down. So I tried to find some tracks and leads but without success.

What gave me the desire to deepen the subject was that I still had a physical peculiarity: my blood. It seemed to give me some resistance to diseases and injuries, in fact I almost do not bleed unless severely cut and my healing is very fast. It circulates very quickly in me which allows my muscles and brain to be highly irrigated, allowing significant cognitive capacity and low muscle fatigue in case of physical effort. Basically thanks to my blood I am intelligent or at least I think quickly, Itire less and am hurt with difficulty. Basically. It is certainly not something incredible, I'm not some anti-hero in red spandex that's unkillable ok ? I'm just above average but hey, it's something right?

With the name of "blood sorcerer" and my peculiarity, these blóðvölva attracted me strongly. After a while I finally find a collection written in old French. My god, what a horror it has been to read. So I learned that the blóðvölva were a Nordic clan and because they fought and bathed in the blood of their enemies they seemed to be invulnerable. Moreover, stories revolved around them that they would perform rituals of invocation of spirits and demons with their blood and that of sacrifices. Cool ! I love this clan! I liked the one who raged in Asia as assassins, visibly they were able to erase their presence and disappear in the shadows, ninjas basically, but those have such class !

Just like every time I discover an interesting clan, I learned about the history of the place they lived in, the myths and legends of the area, the types of combats and their various martial arts etc ... my passion for the history of our family has often led me to practice all kind of fighting sports and I become a great lover of history and mythology. I wonder if it's related to the fact that I'm single or that I can not have a lasting relationship of more than a month ... no it's probably due to the fact that I actually do not care about relationships.

Oops, I'm going astray again. After a long month of research in the library, countless books read or partially translated, hours on the internet etc ... I ended up translating a text about a blood ceremonies who's supposed to "bring power". Without real precision on the purpose, this ritual is quite simple: on a moonlit night, draw with Nordic runes on a large slab of stone, and recite a kind of dark prayer. I had already read a lot of stories about clans practicing black magic (as a matter of fact the Salem massacre was actually a cover to eliminate a clan from my family), and it was very much like a ritual of invoking ungodly creatures. Well, I admit that I have already tried to invoke some ... but that's old Nordic, there are no demons in Scandinavian culture, just various worlds with sometimes weird creatures and nice gods like Thor and Loki or Fenrir, the monstrous wolf supposed to devour Odin. No demons. So let's give it a try!

We are now at the day, or rather the night where IT started. After my month of study, I had to wait a moment before doing the ceremony: indeed finding a large stone slab relatively far from home to not attract attention was not easy task. Fortunately a career of sandstone is a few kilometers away from my home. I spent a moment there before finding a stone big and flat enough for my work. Amusing detail: I only learned the day before that the full moon night was going to be the cradle of a rare sight! The moon, the Earth and the sun would be perfectly aligned in this order, thus leading to the phenomenon called "Red Moon" or "Bloody Moon". the universe wanted to help me and send me signs!

So I arrived on the night of the red moon at the quarry and prepared myself. I took out a ceremonial dagger that was in the library and slashed my wrist deeply. Despite her age, the blade had kept all its sharpness and when my blood soaked it and seemed to glow slightly. A hack like the one I did with could have been enough to pass for a suicide attempt for someone normal but my blood did not flow very much. As if he had a proper will, the large blood flow that usually inhabited me seemed to avoid the sectioned veins as much as possible. I collected the blood in a glass jar that I had sanitized so as not to spoil my blood. The stone chooses was bad enough so at least I needed to have good blood. Even more so since it was not even going to be fresh enough to draw the runes because of my peculiarity that's preventing me from having enough to do them all with a single hack. So yes I had to cut myself several times and collect the blood to be able to have enough. By the time it was done, the time of the bloody moon had come and it was slowly getting her red color. A little before it was complete I started drawing the runes on my body as well as on the stone. The task was not simple but I had trained with markers before. Alas, drawing with the marker on oneself and on a stone is not difficult, but to draw with the finger with blood is ! By the time I finished the moon was entirely red.

"- it's amazing ..." I lost myself in my thoughts for a moment admiring it and finally began the invocation. At the exact moment I was going to finish the strange blue panel appeared in the sky :


Welcome !

Fun is about to start! Rejoice because your normal life will crumble! Do not despair though, because what's replacing this boring thing is going to be a game filled with excitement and even more excitement!

Are you ready ?

Smile because it does not change anything if you are not...


Countdown before something extremely fun happens: 05:00


It disrupted my concentration and ... I did not understand until too late that the process was started. I saw the moon light up strangely. The runes on my body and on the stone oscillated. Suddenly smoke came out and began to aggregate. I watched everything without understanding or reacting, everything seemed unreal: the moon, the message, the smoke. I did not understand anything. Suddenly the rune on my body and on the stone disappeared. It was not supposed to happen. But before I understand I suddenly feel something piercing me.

"- Aaaaaah ... it's been so many years that I was not called in this plan. Thank you human. Too bad for you, the runes on the stone were irregular because of its shape and that on your body lacked life. They did not protect you as it should ... "

The creature who spoke to me was not even discernible in the middle of the smoke, and despite that I am raised a meter above the ground, the body pierced by a bone spike. And here we are in the present: understanding that I'm going to die, I look at the moon.

"- Definitely this moon is beautiful ... yes really beautiful ... aaaah it's a good night to die I guess ..."

Miaksou Miaksou

ok, here's the first chapter... damn is it always like this ? A mix of fear and exitement...

Hope you enjoyed it (of course every writers want people to enjoy their work), cause I enjoyed writing it

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