/ Realista / Lie Anicka, Lie

Lie Anicka, Lie Original

Lie Anicka, Lie

Realista 3 Chapters 4.1K Views
Author: Apricus

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Persh, the youngest Montelo prince from Spain, clashed his fortune with the President's daughter of the Philippines. Being cast outside his kingdom made him rebellious enough to pledged for himself that he would never return to his father's castle, and living with Geralda's brat successor continually injures his plans.

Indeed, he must obtain a way to control the woman's mouth shut, or she will denote out everything he had been doing for the last few years to oblivion. Well, there's one diversion to tame the majestic Anicka Geralda. It is the project "seduce and destroy."

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Author Apricus