The snowy mountain seemed as if it got further away from them the more that they walked. The group kept walking, but it looked as if they would never reach their destination.
"The cold is intolerable," the monk Lin Zhao grumbled. "The bookkeeper always made it a hustle to find him."
"Have you tried looking for him before?"
"No, but I met others who have," Lin Zhao explained. "They always said that the bookkeeper was a devotee to his craft, so it took special care to make sure no one finds it and disturb it."
"Such a bothersome spirit," Hana shook her head, and Arthur agreed with her.
"I think we've entered some sort of loop," Arthur looked at the trail. "The mountain keeps getting further away. If the bookkeeper truly took it as its residence, then some sort of mechanism to ward off visitors is at play."