Tenshi froze and asked "Hello? How long have you been here?" Midna pursed her lips, "The whole time, aren't you a strange bird~" Tenshi started sweating silently. He didn't know, Midna just got here.
He cleared his throat and continued reading, pretending to know nothing. Midna rolled on his head, touching his horns and grabbing his ears. Then she moved to his wings. Tenshi's ears twitched and he complained "Can you leave me alone?"
Midna giggled, "No." as she continued poking him, grabbing him all over. Tenshi twitched as she pinched his ear tips. Midna and Tenshi froze, Tenshi blushed and continued reading, staring at the book absentmindedly.
Midna pursed her lips and continued pinching his ears, giggling "What a weird bird." she flew in front of him, crossing her arms and legs, "So what's your secret, birdman?" Tenshi furrowed his brows, "Huh?" Midna waved quickly, "Don't play dumb with me. Everytime I see you, you change or get stronger. What's your secret? Tell me and maybe I'll give you a surprise."
Tenshi perked up, "A surprise?" Midna's lips twitched, "Yeah…" Tenshi pursed his lips, "What kind of secret?" Midna rolled her eyes and giggled, "A kiss?" Tenshi froze from head to toe, "But-But you're an Imp!" Midna shivered from head to toe with anger, Tenshi nodded, "I get Fruits from another Universe."
Midna was startled, "The Universal Teleportation allows Items to be used outside of their original Universe?!" she gawked at Tenshi, who nodded, "Mhm." He looked at her teasingly, knowing that she couldn't do this.
Midna was a being of the Twilight Realm, she couldn't exist in the light without special props or hiding in shadows. Like right now.
Midna bit her finger and stared at him, Tenshi smiled and said "My surprise?" Midna suddenly spat out her tongue and giggled, "I lied~!" before spinning on the spot and disappearing.
Tenshi was stunned and snapped his fingers, "Damn! Tricked again! But…" he smiled fondly, "That was cute!" before going back to his book, continuing to read.
The next day
Tenshi was sitting outside watching Link shoot targets with the Bow and Arrow. Everyone watched and Zoro muttered, "This guy's pretty good!" Tenshi chuckled and replied "Good? This guy is awesome! Watch this shot…"
Everyone watched as Link fired the bow and arrow, hitting a stick at the lookout tower, all the way across the village!
They were dumbfounded!
Tenshi clapped and said "That was awesome! Hahaha!" Link rubbed the back of his head and grinned, "Hehe~" Malo was standing behind Link and gawked before sighing "Amazing. I thought you'd lose for sure!" as he took out a Piece of Heart and a Hawkeye.
Link took them and smiled in amusement, "Thanks, Malo." Malo smiled warmly, "No problem, Link… Come back soon, okay?" Link rubbed his head and nodded, "For sure!" he waved at Talo, Beth, Colin, and Tenshi before getting on Epona, galloping out of Kakariko to continue his journey.
Tenshi sighed and shook his head, "Shame Midna went with him…" Zoro was already nowhere to be found, standing on a cliff above Kakariko, frowning as he muttered, "What the…"
Robin was chatting with Renado about the world, speaking to a few Gorons before waving as she talked into a snail, "Zoro-kun, time to go."
Inside a Cave, Zoro was looking at a fossil, "Huh? Where did you go, Robin?" Robin sighed, "No, where did YOU go?" she was startled as Zoro suddenly bumped into her from the side, saying "Hey."
Robin held her chest and let out a breath, "Oh my!" Zoro scratched his chin and looked troubled, "But… it's my turn to fight Type Zero in 3 minutes…" Robin looked at him with a troubled expression, "But Luffy said we have to leave soon…"
Zoro and Robin looked troubled at the same time before Zoro ran over to the arena, saying "Won't be long! If I'm gone for more than 10 minutes, I'm dead!" Robin sighed and walked over, sitting next to Tenshi as she said "That guy, so single minded…"
Tenshi was drinking and coughed, "Well, I think he's pretty funny. Like how does he get lost on a straight road, you know? That's a classic." Robin's lips twitched and she smiled at him, "You have a strange sense of humor, Tenshi-kun." Tenshi was startled, "I do? I think my sense of Humor is pretty good!"
Robin chuckled softly, narrowing her eyes in amusement, "And you're very cute when you're confused. Just like Chopper." Tenshi's lips twitched before he remembered, "Oh right! You said you were going to Wano, right?" Robin nodded and Tenshi handed her a door, saying "Can you deliver this to a man by the name of Kyoshiro?"
Robin held the door and tilted her head, "Sure. Can I ask who?" Tenshi smiled and nodded, "An undercover Red Scabbard, his real name is Denjiro but he's changed his name to Kyoshiro. When he heard Oden was killed, he was so angry his face literally changed shape!" Tenshi mimicked Denjiro's expression as Robin covered her mouth, gasping "Oh my, how sinister!"
Tenshi nodded, "He's a sneaky kinda guy. I left a letter so when you get there, you should have a headstart in your undercover operation." Robin smiled gently, "Thank you, Tenshi-kun. You're very kind." Tenshi smiled softly, "It's nothing, really. I basically threatened him so it's 50/50 whether he'll help you."
Robin chuckled, "How thoughtful!" Tenshi chuckled and scratched his cheek, his long ears twitching upwards. Robin giggled and waited for Zoro, asking "Do you know the History of this World, Tenshi-kun? These… Gorons, I believe, are very cute!" Tenshi looked at the Gorons walking around and muttered, "Cute?"