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25% Legend of Rahu / Chapter 1: Monster Flood.
Legend of Rahu Legend of Rahu original

Legend of Rahu

Author: Kido_TO

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Monster Flood.

Once upon a time, a hero called Rahu was fighting a bunch of monster trying to invade his kingdom, in the forest.

The forest wasn't big. It was capable of holding all sorts of wild plants and animals. It was also the forest known for it's vastness, The Vast Forest.

At the moment, Rahu was severely injured while fighting the nonstop invasion of these monsters. No matter how many times he kills every sorts of monsters that appear before him, new monsters always come nonstop.

Perhaps, Rahu was anticipating for these monsters flood to stop at sometime. In his mind he was thinking [I'll kill no matter how many of you come, to save my kingdom and my family!]

Little did he knew at the moment, that there are several thousands of these monsters residing at the back of this monster flood. The amount of monsters he killed upto now was only in hundreds.

However he didn't gave up. He was a Swordmaster who knew no limit. He would rather die in a battle to protect those he want to protect, rather than see the death of his loved ones while he's alive.

[For mine loved ones, the kingdom where I was born, it doesn't matter if I die today protecting it. But atleast I'll die protecting it to the end. Though I regret not being strong enough to kill all of these monsters. If I get a chance to become stronger once more, I swear I'll kill every single monsters in the whole continent.]

The consciousness of his became dizzy. Though he was still subconsciously using his sword to kill the monsters. It was during this time that one of the tiger elephant faced monster of the size of an elephant appeared behind his back and attacked with it's claws. Unable to bear the the pain as well as the fatigue anymore, Rahu lost his consciousness completely and the bunch of monsters along with that elephant tiger tore his flesh and after some time not even his skeleton was left by these hungry monsters.

The moment he died, the whole flood of the monsters entered the kingdom. When the guards of the border city saw the monsters running towards them, it was at this moment they knew that the strongest expert of their kingdom died protecting them.


"Remember, I'm going to stop these monsters that are going to invade our kingdom. I've got reports that they will invade through the Vast Forest. If the monsters come before you, try to run away and report it to the city Governor to escort the citizens to safe place. Also, tell the governor to send someone to report this to the king as well. Okay then see ya."

Flashback end~

Unable to see the end of this unending flood of monster that were coming to attack the walls of the City, the guards left in a hurry to inform the City Governor. However, very soon, the walls broke open and monsters entranced the City. Meanwhile the guards were only able to reach the City Governor's mansion at this moment. "Sir, sir! We have a very important information to provide to you, it's related to the survival of the City and the kingdom, so please let us come in the mansion." They screamed before the mansion with loud voice channeled with the inner strength. It was loud enough for anyone in the field of 1 kilometre to hear this.

Not long after the City Governor who was reading the newspaper newspaper at the moment called them. "Come in. I hope you got some worthy information that requires you to scream here." The guards at the gate who were angrily looking at the two men who called themselves the guards who were protecting the border, were shocked. They could only let these unknown people who dared to scream around their city Governor's mansion to pass the gate.

After getting inside the mansion, the two men first dictated their identity of being the guards at the border. They then informed the City Governor that they had no choice but to directly inform him instead of their seniors at the moment due to the urgency of the moment. "The monsters would have soon broke the walls and entered the City. Please inform the king with your escorts. Also the strongest expert of the kingdom died protecting the border in the Vast Forest."

The city Governor was shocked. Fear was apparent on his facial expression. Soon, the screams of the citizens filled their eardrums. Several sorts of monsters' roar also sounded. Screams ranging from women, children, men, also sounded. The City Governor was scared. In his mind he was thinking [The strongest expert died? How can my family be alive now? I've to run and protect my one year daughter atleast. My wife will be outrun by the monster due to her lesser cultivation stage.] With this thought in his mind the governor packed some bunch of food items and picked up his daughter and ran away at a speed where winds can be seen following him in the afterimages.

The escorts who were supposed to send the messages to the kingdom, were soon killed by the monsters as they didn't even got the chance to infer the situation, and before they could run away, they were killed by the stronger monsters.

Soon everybody in the city became the food of the monsters. The neighbour City got the news of this, and like this their neighbours cities also got the news of this. Soon, the news travelled to the Capital city of the kingdom. The king also got the hang of the situation. He also got the news that the City Governor of the border city which was supposed to come first in the borderline of the Vast Forest in the south, turned his back upon the kingdom and ran away with his daughter.

When the king got the news of how the strongest expert of their kingdom, also called the hero of their kingdom, Rahu, died while protecting them from the monster flood, he was saddened. He knew that if they couldn't hide then the imperial family would also soon become the food of the ravaging monsters. From the report, it could be seen that the monsters already ate the citizens of bunch of the cities.

Ofcourse these cities resided in the southern part of the kingdom. Fortunately or unfortunately, the Capital city resided in the northern part of the kingdom which made the imperial family faraway from the monster flood. However it was said in the report that the monsters were seem to be travelling in a straight direction, that is from south to north. From this it could be seen that if the king didn't took any measures to hide somewhere with his imperial family, the imperial family along with him would be turned into the nutrients of the monsters. Fortunately it would take 3 days for monsters to reach the capital city. During this much time, he had the time and the facility to run away from the monster flood along with his imperial family. He informed his plan to his children and wives. None of them complained. They were also shocked to know that even, Rahu the number one hero of their kingdom failed to protect the kingdom.

So in this case they had no choice but to run away from the monster flood and hide in a faraway place until the monster flood is gone. The citizens of the kingdom were in panic due to the monster flood. Many people had died in the process. All of them were wishing for the king to take action against the monster flood. However, how could these normal people know that the king was planning to run away from his responsibility, and turn his back upon them, similar to what the city Governor did, back then?

In the realm of netherworld,

Several prisoners were lined up and the line could be seen like a chain that goes to miles in length. In the back of the chain, our hero Rahu could seen appearing. He was confused seeing the new scenario. Wasn't he fighting those monsters right now? Wait he seem to have got clawed by a monster from his behind. [Damn it. They dared to sneak attack on me, such treacherous monster $#$@$&$_@+] He cursed that monster. However he knew that in war sneak attacks are normal.

Author's note: I'll use [ ] for when somebody is thinking and " " for when somebody is saying something.

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