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40.42% Last Rune Bearer / Chapter 18: Chapter 18: Mid Summer Celebration!

Chapter 18: Chapter 18: Mid Summer Celebration!

The Mid Summer Celebration was a grand event held at the Arcanum School of Magic every year. It was a time to celebrate both the founding of the school and the country, which occurred on the same day many years ago. The festivities were held in the large courtyard of the school, which was decorated with colorful banners and twinkling fairy lights.

The celebration began with a grand parade, led by the school's marching band, which wound its way through the town and ended at the school's gates. The students of the school, dressed in their finest robes and carrying banners and flags, marched in the parade alongside the band.

Once the parade arrived at the school, the courtyard was transformed into a bustling festival ground. Booths and vendors lined the perimeter, selling everything from magical trinkets to delicious treats. Students and visitors alike wandered the booths, browsing the wares and trying out various spells and charms.

In the center of the courtyard, a large stage had been erected for the evening's entertainment. Various student groups performed, showcasing their magical talents in displays of fire, water, and wind magic. There were also performances by various bands, and even a magical fireworks display that lit up the night sky.

The end of this week was the big celebration on Saturday. Through out the week at school all classes have a Mid Term Assessment to see how well their students are doing.

Some of the students called this week Flair Week because of how hectic and frantic everyone is to complete their tests as well as all the festivities that occur this week.

Monday Arin had his Magical Beasts class mid term exam where they had to go out into the forest and collect and save a beast to have them taken to a safe place for them.

One of the big threats with this week is that lots of poachers flood the area knowing there will be a abundance of beasts of all kinds around.

Monday morning, the air was crisp and cool as Arin walked towards the Magical Beasts class. He had been studying hard for the mid-term exam and was eager to see what Professor Sylas had in store for them. As he entered the classroom, he saw the other students chatting and getting their gear ready for the day's excursion. The excitement in the room was palpable.

Professor Sylas stood at the front of the room, his eyes scanning over the students. "Good morning, class," he said with a warm smile. "Today, we'll be heading out into the forest to collect and save a magical beast. As you all know, poachers tend to flood the area during this time of the year, so be on your guard."

Arin felt a sense of nervous anticipation as he listened to the professor's instructions. This was a serious assignment, and he knew that the stakes were high. He glanced around the room, looking for his partner for the day's excursion, Lily.

When Professor Sylas announced the pairs, Arin was paired with Lily. He felt relieved, as he had worked with her before and knew that they made a good team. After gathering their equipment, Arin and Lily made their way to the forest.

As they made their way deeper into the woods, Arin could hear the sounds of magical beasts in the distance. He felt a rush of excitement and nervousness. He knew that they had to work quickly and efficiently to find and save a magical creature before the poachers did. Off in the distance they heard a Unicorn cry out.

Arin and Lily searched through the forest, following the sounds of the trapped unicorn's cries. They pushed through the thick underbrush and finally came upon a clearing. In the center of the clearing, a young unicorn was caught in a trap, its horn and wings tangled in the twisted metal. But as they approached, they saw movement in the trees, and then a massive Wyvern landed in front of them, its wingspan casting a dark shadow over the clearing.

"Looks like we're not the only ones interested in this unicorn," Arin said, summoning Stone Bullets to his hands. "Lily, can you free the unicorn while I take care of the Wyvern?"

Lily nodded, her fingers already moving quickly as she examined the trap. But as she worked, the poachers emerged from the trees, surrounding them on all sides. They carried a variety of weapons, from crude clubs and spears to finely crafted crossbows.

Arin summoned a Wind Blade to his hand, the whistling sound of its movement slicing through the air. "Lily, watch out!" he shouted, as a group of poachers charged towards her.

Azazelith let out a deafening roar, and charged towards the poachers, her massive form barreling through the group, sending them flying in all directions.

Arin's Wind Blade made short work of the remaining attackers, as he dodged and weaved between their attacks, striking back with deadly precision. As the last poacher fell, the Wyvern let out a furious roar, and charged towards them.

Arin summoned another Wind Blade, but the Wyvern was too fast, and its massive claws raked across his arm, sending him tumbling to the ground. He let out a cry of pain, but didn't have time to dwell on it, as the Wyvern loomed over him, its jaws gaping wide.

Lily let out a cry, and summoned a massive ball of water, hurling it at the Wyvern with all her might. The water struck the creature in the chest, knocking it back and stunning it for a few precious moments. Arin scrambled to his feet, his arm throbbing in pain, and summoned Radiant Blast to his hand. He fired it at the Wyvern's head, and the creature let out a final roar before collapsing to the ground.

Breathing heavily, Arin and Lily rushed to the unicorn's side, freeing it from the trap and checking it for injuries. Thankfully, it seemed to be unharmed, and they managed to coax it to its feet.

"Let's get out of here," Arin said, wincing as he clutched his wounded arm. "The poachers might come back, and we don't want to be caught in the middle of it."

Lily helped the unicorn up onto Arin's back in the makeshift Carrying pack. While Azazelith dragged the unconscious wyvern back to class.

Arin, Lily, and Azazelith made their way back to Magical Beast class with the young unicorn safely perched on Arin's back, and the unconscious adolescent wyvern being dragged by Azazelith. The three of them were exhausted and covered in dirt and sweat, their clothes torn and bloodied from the fierce battle they had just fought.

As they entered the classroom, Professor Sylas looked up from his desk and his eyes widened in surprise at the sight of the unicorn and wyvern. "My goodness," he exclaimed, standing up from his chair. "What happened out there? Are you all right?"

Arin stepped forward, the young unicorn nuzzling into his neck as he spoke. "We found the unicorn trapped, but it was being used as bait for a wyvern. We had to fight off the wyvern and a group of poachers who were also after the magical creatures in the area. We were able to save the unicorn and subdue the wyvern, but it was quite a battle."

Professor Sylas listened intently, his eyes narrowing as Arin described the encounter with the poachers. "That is concerning indeed," he said, stroking his chin. "I will have to report this to the Headmaster. Poachers have been a growing problem in the area, but this many in one place is alarming."

He then turned his attention to the young unicorn on Arin's back, running his hands over the creature's mane. "Well done, all of you," he said, smiling. "This is quite a remarkable find. We'll need to make sure it's taken care of and sent to a safe place."

After hearing the heroic tale from Arin, Lily, and Azazelith, Professor Sylas is impressed with their bravery and quick thinking. He is glad to see that the young unicorn and adolescent wyvern are relatively unhurt and safe.

"Excellent work, Arin and Lily," he says, his voice ringing with pride. "You have demonstrated exceptional skill and bravery in the face of danger. And with the help of Azazelith, I'm sure."

He gives them both top marks for the Mid Term exam and congratulates them on a job well done. "Your efforts today have not gone unnoticed," he says. "I will make sure that your names are put forward for special recognition by the school."

Arin and Lily smile, feeling a sense of accomplishment and pride in their work. They thank Professor Sylas and head back to their dorms, eager to rest after the long day.

Arin and Azazelith arrived at the infirmary, with Arin holding his injured arm close to his chest. The nurse, a kind-looking woman with glasses, immediately took notice and waved them over.

"What happened?" she asked, a concerned look on her face.

"During our Magical Beasts midterm exam, we came across a young unicorn that was being baited for a larger beast. As we were freeing the unicorn, an adolescent wyvern attacked us," Arin explained, wincing as he moved his arm slightly.

The nurse nodded, understanding the situation. She carefully examined Arin's arm, which was now starting to swell and turn red. She gently prodded the area around the wound, causing Arin to grit his teeth in pain.

"It looks like you've been clawed pretty badly," she said, before reaching for a jar of salve. "This should help with the swelling and prevent any infection from setting in."

She applied the salve to the wound and wrapped it in a clean bandage, before instructing Arin to keep it elevated and avoid using it too much. Arin thanked the nurse and left the infirmary, feeling a bit better but still a bit sore.

After heading back to his dorm Arin wanted to learn some more about his new companion.

Arin sat on his bed in the dorm room, facing Azazelith who stood in front of him. He looked at her with curiosity and respect.

"Azazelith, can I ask you something?" he began, "What was it like in the demon realm?"

Azazelith paused for a moment, considering how much she wanted to reveal about her past. "It was... different," she said finally. "The hierarchy of demons is complex, with different levels of power and authority. I was a commander, which put me fairly high up in the ranks, but I still had to answer to higher-ups."

Arin nodded, absorbing the information. "What about your family? Did you have siblings, or parents?"

Azazelith's expression darkened slightly. "I had siblings, yes. But my family is... complicated. I prefer not to talk about it."

Arin could sense her discomfort and changed the subject. "Well, how did you end up becoming my familiar?"

Azazelith's demeanor lightened a bit. "I was summoned by you, of course. But it was more than that. I sensed something in you, a potential for greatness. I knew that if I could help you tap into your true power, you could become a force to be reckoned with."

Arin smiled at her words, feeling a surge of pride. "And you've helped me so much, Azazelith. I couldn't have gotten this far without you."

Azazelith's eyes gleamed with pride. "You have a great destiny ahead of you, Arin. I am honored to be a part of it."

Arin couldn't help but wonder about Azazelith's mysterious past, but he knew better than to press the issue. He was grateful for the bond they shared, and he trusted her implicitly.

She spoke up again surprising Arin.

Azazelith began to explain to Arin that their bond goes beyond just being a summoner and a familiar. When you summoned me our souls made a pact we became life-bonded, it means that their lives are connected in a very intimate and powerful way. If one of them were to die, the other would die as well.

"This bond is unbreakable and eternal, Arin," Azazelith says, her voice low and serious. "It means that we are bound to each other, in life and in death. You are my summoner, and I am your familiar, but we are also so much more than that now. We share a connection that few can understand, and it's something that I cherish more than anything."

Arin nods, taking in the gravity of what she's saying. He knew that their bond was strong, but he didn't realize that it was a bond that would follow them beyond death. "I understand," he says, his voice tinged with a hint of awe. "I feel the same way, Azazelith. You're more than just my familiar. You're my friend and my partner in everything that we do."

Azazelith smiles, her eyes shining with pride. "I'm honored to hear you say that, Arin. We're in this together, no matter what happens. And I'll always be here to protect you, even if it means sacrificing everything."

Arin felt like Azazelith and him broke some boundaries and became a little closer.

Azazelith said she was going to head back to the demon realm since he was going to sleep and that all you needed to do was think of me and I will appear.

He wondered if that's why the rune was connected to his heart on his chest it was continuously being fed magical energy since it was attached to his source.

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