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Last Resort Last Resort original

Last Resort

Author: Spitfirequeen02

© WebNovel

Tyrant's Ruling

Scene 1

Kestrels Pov   

                Kestrel rested her feet up on the corner of her desk, her chin in her hand contemplating the oil painting on the far wall that she had gotten as a gift from another Alpha. At the sound of her second in command's voice she looked over.

    "News I assume?" She questioned locking her eyes onto his. She observed his state of dress as he made his way to her desk. His dark blue shirt was wrinkled and tucked partially into his pants. With her free hand she gestured to the empty seat on the other side of her desk. He sat immediately before finally speaking hesitantly.

   "The Rexxar has been sent to earth, scouts got word from other packs and Esma saw it too" He stated slowly, gauging Kestrel's reaction. A smile spread across her face slowly till she was grinning she got up walked around the desk hugged Finn before walking out the door in an obvious good mood. The Rexxar had been found if she could get her hands on it she could make shifters the top species on the planet, just the thought made her grin spread farther. She always thought humans were such pesky creatures good for almost nothing. Her lip curled recalling her encounters with them all with the mindset of being greater than everyone and everything around them, it sickened her. Walking through the halls of the main pack house she made her way outside heading straight for the trees, dusk had fallen. A few others spotted their leader heading for the tree line and followed ready for a run. Only scouts and Finn were allowed to leave the housing area after being cleared by Kestrel, unless she started a pack run. Stepping behind a tree Kestrel stripped out of all her clothing stacking it into a neat pile before letting the shift take over her body. The breaking, rearranging and new placements of the bones used to hurt horribly, now it went faster resisting the shift made the pain worse and the shift take longer. She was the first shifted shaking her dark red fur she went to move the group forward. A small whimper caught her attention the mother of the young wolf who still hadn't stopped trying to resist the pain of the shift was still on the ground the mother tried to hush her distressed pup but it was too late. Kestrel moved closer to the whining wolf the mother bowed her head backing away slowly, Kestrel stood beside the brown pup slowly nudging him to his feet. His balance was off not used to being on all fours, after he got his footing Kestrel started the run keeping a steady pace, they stayed close to the borders of their land heading for the mountains. Pack runs only go till the weakest link falls back usually the eldest wolf did first. The moon was visible Kestrel threw her head back and howled a haunting and lone cry quickly joined by Finn then the rest. When they howls ceased Kestrel had Finn lead the group back and she would run the rest of the borders. Every member of the pack was joined in a mind link communicating telepathically when in wolf and human form. The Alpha's thoughts couldn't be heard but she could still communicate. She waited for Finn to move the group out, before she went the opposite direction going along the borders. All of her pack members were once Rogues without a pack for whatever reason. Kestrel was as well at one point till she gathered them on her journey from Louisiana to Montana and gave them a place to belong; she was always picking up strays and increasing her numbers. Kestrel heard the pup before he could pounce on her she sidestepped him continuing to trot he followed stalking her like prey he was practicing his skills at being a wolf.

"You know practicing is best done in the safety of the clearing" she snapped through the mind link he picked up pace matching his alpha lowering his head apologetically. Kestrel slowed to a stop listening she faced the border hackles raised, ears back, and teeth bared. She felt the pup at her side mimicking her, the threat slowly emerged from the shadows a large grey male with glowing yellow eyes. Kestrel snarled the male moved forward eyes locked on her he got within striking distance before submitting to her. She relaxed slowly so did the pup, the big male was a Rogue he didn't smell of pack. Circling him slowly she rubbed against him and initiated the mind link with him granting him access into her pack. When she stepped away he lifted his head following his new Alpha back, he kept even with her hind legs letting her lead. The pup pranced around in front of her. Picking up speed she brought the pup back to its mother taking the new addition towards the main house others crowded at the new smell but accepted their new pack member. She went for the tree she had shifted by, pulling her clothes on as quickly as she could heading back into the clearing she told Finn to cloth the new member and have him in her office in five minutes. Finn knew she meant it; no more than five minutes would be allotted. She watched him usher the wolf in the direction of one of the many houses on the property. Kestrel turned on her heel heading for her office. On the way there she heard the pitter patter of little feet, a sound she had come to enjoy in the house.

    "Melody!" Cried a distressed female from the other side of the house. Kestrel heard a giggle as the little footsteps came running closer turning she scooped the child up walking towards the yelling. A small woman with wild blonde curls came running around the corner stopping right in front of Kestrel she breathed a sigh of relief till she saw who had her. Her mate came running behind her stopping just short of hitting the back of his female. They both immediately dropped their heads apologizing the child squirmed stretching its arms for its mother. Kestrel handed it over gladly resting her hand on the woman's shoulder gave her a reassuring squeeze before walking  back to her office the male was standing in the center of the room looking at Finn who was leaning back on her desk arms crossed over his chest. Finn's eyes temporarily drifted to hers and he inclined his head a sign of respect, Kestrel walked past him taking a seat in her high backed throne like chair.

    "Name?" She requested softly throwing a glance his way. She pointed to the chair Finn was seated in earlier the man sat.

    "Asa." He replied eyeing Finn cautiously before turning his attention back to her. Kestrel was intrigued she hadn't heard that name before. She looked over the male paired with it he was tall, even sitting he was towering he was over six feet no doubt.

    "Who was your past Alpha?" She asked eying him; his yellow eyes caught her gaze and held it.

    "Volke." He stated plainly as if it was no big deal, but it was Volke was an Alpha to the north. She shook her head standing she looked down at her desk observing the claw marks and cracks she had put there over the years. She would have call and set up a meeting with Volke no one looked forward to a sit down with him.

    "Finn would you be kind enough to show Asa to his own room." She purred looking up at the both of them, Asa's name rolled off her tongue smoothly. With that she exited heading for her room ready for sleep but not the night terrors that had plagued her life since she was a child. Closing her door and locking it she got changed for bed, lying under the fluffy comforter she stared at the ceiling in the dark for what felt like hours putting off sleep. Eventually rolling on her side she closed her eyes sinking into the grips of her nightmares. When her eyes opened she was in the clearing smoke filled the air, ash rained down as all the pack houses burned to the ground. Everything was spinning as she looked around pack members coughed from inhaling the smoke as they pulled bodies of others from the ash lining them up in the clearing less than a fourth of her pack was still standing.

    "You're fault. It's your fault." Esma croaked from behind her. Kestrel jumped facing the old wolf she had Finn's arm around her waist holding her up all fingers were pointed at her. "You've damned us all. Killed us. Failed." She continued Kestrels breathing quickened. She couldn't have failed her pack she had been cautious, careful. She woke sweating again like every time it was morning her breathing slowed eventually, but she had to look to see the pack houses were still standing, getting up she ready for whatever this day would throw at her.

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