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Chapter 2: Prologue 2

"How are you feeling now?"

"Yes, I've calmed down. But... why did this happen?"

"When we attempted to transfer the entire class, including you, to another world, only you failed."

"Failed? Was there some issue?"

The god covered his mouth, appearing on the verge of laughter, and began explaining.

"Haha! Well, you see, the reason was... it had to do with where you were standing. Your position happened to be right on the border of the magical circle's effective range. Furthermore, your clinging to the edge of the blackboard interfered with the transfer. While we anticipated students clinging to doors and desks, this was an unexpected circumstance and not integrated into the magic circle's program."

"I see. I understand now."

"Great! I've finally explained it. Your body was transferred, but it seems that your soul remained in your original world."

That my adventure in another world would end before it even began... What an awful bad ending!

"But, be careful. I can hear your thoughts in your current state."


"Yes, your body is missing, so your thoughts are clear to me. But let's get to the main point. We don't have much time."

The god produced a crystal from thin air and displayed an unfamiliar continent within it.

"To elaborate on the previous situation, you were supposed to transfer to this continent in Gaillas, which is on the northern part of our world, along with your classmates. However, due to your actions, it didn't work out."

"Ah, I see. My actions were quite foolish."

The god sighed but realized that she didn't grasp the gravity of the situation, so she decided to explain further.

"Anyway, you failed, and there's no way to return to your previous world. So, I'm thinking of reincarnating you closer to where your classmates are. How do you feel about that? Do you want to be close to your classmates?"

"No, I refuse!"

"Ah, I thought so."

It seemed that the god understood my reluctance, or perhaps she had investigated it.

"You don't want to meet them, do you? Your relationship with your classmates wasn't great."

Indeed, as the god said, I didn't get along with my classmates. If anything, I'd prefer going to the depths of hell over being in the same world as them. Besides, I'm not into RPGs; I'm more of an FPS gamer.

"I understand your feelings. And, I have a personal request. While we have a hero, I still hope you can save this world. With a hero around, things should be fine, but..."

I wondered if they were truly fit to be heroes.

"Is there a hero's destiny? Or, could it be that the others won't want to see me?"

"I don't know for sure, but I believe so."

"Alright, please do it! But, about the location... Do I need to go where my classmates are?"

"It's the same world, but the place of your reincarnation will be different. Traveling from where you'll be reincarnated to where your classmates are will take about four to five months, so it won't be easy to meet."

Having my favorite guns and vehicles was appealing. Meeting my classmates... well, I doubted they would want to see me anyway. I was starting to feel excited about going to another world!

"Please! Reincarnate me as an FPS player, not an RPG player!"

"Very well, then. Let me explain a few things before the reincarnation begins."


"First, I'll prepare a body for you in the same shape as your previous one, along with your VRMMO data. Once everything is ready, I'll just need to incorporate your soul into the body. But there's one issue..."

"An issue?"

"Yes, you won't be able to use magic at all, and you won't be a hero."

"Magic won't work? Is it because there's no magic or heroes in that world like in the game?"

"Exactly. But there are some advantages to it. Status effects from magic won't affect you. Paralysis, curses, no matter how powerful, won't work. But, be cautious, offensive magic can still harm you."

"I understand. I'll be careful!"

"I'll explain the rest after your reincarnation. Now, are you ready?"


"Alright! Let the reincarnation begin!"

After the god's words, I started feeling drowsy. Just before losing consciousness, I heard her say, "Do your best."


*God's Perspective*

"Phew... it's finally over. I was really nervous."

I never expected the transfer to fail in such a way. I'll need to review the magic circle. Next time, I should make sure it can work even if someone clings to the blackboard. Huh?

"Um, Lord Gaillas... has his reincarnation finished?"

She was the goddess Melteinas, responsible for causing this incident. Well, I kept it from her to ensure everything went smoothly.

"It's done. By the way, didn't I tell you before? The effectiveness of the transfer magic circle doesn't increase with more magic power."

"Yes, I'm sorry."

While she appeared remorseful, she didn't seem to grasp the gravity of the situation, so I continued to explain.

"You see, in this case... well, he was on the brink of complete annihilation because he couldn't cross into the new world. If I hadn't noticed and intervened, the entire school building might have been teleported to an existing castle, or all of the students, including him, might have had their souls completely erased by his magic power."

Her face turned pale. She realized the gravity of the mistake she was about to commit.

"From now on, please be more careful. Now, back to work."

"Yes... I understand."

She returned to her workspace with a dejected look.

This time, things ended relatively smoothly.

I remember another incident when another goddess mistakenly caused the death of someone. She demanded abilities on par with ours, full access to all skills, and a vast sum of money in the new world. Well, she passed

away long ago, and she ended her second life rather uneventfully.

"Hehe, he seemed interesting. He was so absorbed in his thoughts that he forgot they were transparent. Well, it's about time he arrived... Wait, what's this?"

Something was strange. Why did this happen? Oh!

"Could he be mad at me?"

At that moment, the god realized her own mistake. But it was too late to turn back now.

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