/ Urban / Killing Yourself to Live

Killing Yourself to Live Original

Killing Yourself to Live

Urban 22 Chapters 34.0K Views
Author: TaintedMetal

4.73 (18 ratings)

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Everyone wants a happy life, but not everyone is reasonable enough at how they make themselves happy.

Elotro Risas loves his nation of Decou, but nothing breaks his heart more than seeing his fellow Decouns slowly killing themselves with a certain nootropic known as Blue Moon, as if Decou hasn't had its tough hardships enough throughout history.

Within a nation of a bleak, weird and dark future, Elotro goes on a journey to not only eliminate Blue Moon, but with a new age full of firm rules, laws, and certain people in society, will he be able to achieve what he calls as "the ultimate form" of serving his country?

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    • Translation Quality
    • Stability of Updates
    • Story Development
    • Character Design
    • World Background

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    When I picked up this book, Swift Hand never believed that Dystopia Theme could be excellent. Yes, it is. But in the Webnovel site, where the majority of the trending novels were dominated by Eastern Fantasy, Fantasy, Contemporary Romance, and Magical Realism, I don’t think so. That was until I met this book, though. To organize my thoughts carefully, I’m gonna chronically write it starting from Writing Quality. Note, Swift Hands is not an English Native, as a long-time reader, but I can spot some errors and grammatical mistakes, though it doesn’t feel so glaring and obvious. The grammar is definitely a 4.8/5 for me. Update Stability — As the latest chapter, I can see the Author is constantly updating daily chapters, so 5/5 for me. Story Development — Since the story is still the exposition, I can’t rate the story development yet. But I can see the central idea of the story is pretty interesting. Character Design — As said earlier, the story is still early stage so I can’t rate it. But from what I’ve seen currently, the protagonist seems okay to me. World Background — Earlier chapters, Author really take the time to give us the necessary information for a Dystopia Theme. I totally okay with it and I like it. To the smaller details and bigger details, Author doesn’t overwrite or underwrite explanation, though sometimes it did. Anyway, the World Background is definitely something I’ll be interested in so 5/5 Overall, Story seems legit. Supporting the Author. Goodluck 👍

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    This story looks very promising. great concept and World Building. very interesting. the author diD a great job Here! Please continue writing 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻

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    Here is a review. It's a 5 star review. Why did I write this review? Because I felt that it needed one. Why is it 5 stars? Because why not? The book is by someone I know. Nothing more to say. Bye!

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    I am not much a fan of Dyspotian theme books. But this one did make me read some more and then more. The author captivated me with his character description and scene setup. Keep it up author-Kun. Looking forward to further updates

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    I believe this deserves way more reads. The author does an incredible job of easing us into his well-induced plot, without info-dumping, and carries the story well from there. Although it's still too early to deeply judge, I recommend this book as the author has done an amazing job so far. Keep up the good work.

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    Killing Yourself to Live is a great, hard-boiled, dystopian thriller that gives off the vibes of a mixture of Blade Runner and The Office. Done through a sreies of supposed audio-recordings, it has a great voice that takes it through the story. The world the author's built is fantastic, with its own jargon and slang that the author doesn't waste time defining, but teaches us what it all means through how its used. A really nice effort, and I can't wait to see where it goes.

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    Good job author on your new work! This is so eye catching in the first intro and the cover was nice too! I gotta say good luck in the future! You novel was captivating and it was in such good hands as I know you are talented in writing. May you novel aspire new authors and become a pillar for new ones. Sentence flow was superb and grammar mistakes are little to none. Good job!

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    LV 3 Badge

    Interesting. Your work has hooked me up. I enjoyed your way of writing as well as the world-building. This work has great potential. I didn't find any grammatical errors as far as I could see. Can't wait to see where you will take this overall great novel to. Highly recommended.

    Reveal Spoiler
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    I must say dystopian novels aren't generally my preference but this book does have the potential. I request you all to give it a try. The world building may seem slow but the author definitely has a conclusion that will blow your minds if you sit tight.

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    Honestly im impressed, your writting is very good and it flows so well, I like How you don’t overly describe about The world that he’s living in, but also Giving us Enough info to go off of . Keep it up, its Very interesting .

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    First of all I'm not a fan of this genre, as an early review i think the story was just building up, not that exciting yet. The writing is good, close to mistake free, may be you should choose a different platform for this type of story of publish to both...good luck to the author for the rest of the novel.

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    LV 10 Badge

    An early review, just to support the theme. Give it a try and those who searched a gem in this genre definitely be hooked from the first few chapters.

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    I am not a fan of the Realism Novel because it often made me overthink the fictional imagination that might be included inside the book. But Tainted Metal, our beloved author managed to nail it perfectly with his unique writing style. Naming wise was great as it made some cyberpunk, Ghost in the Shell, Lucy (starred by Scarlet Johansson) -ish into the story. It was interesting, while at the same time, attractive as it made you crave for more the more you read. My only complaint? Seven chapters to start is too short. But here I am, reviewing it as one of the best stories in the webnovel. The chapter might be short, but mind you, that it won't be when you savor every single word author used to bring the story forward. This is an impressive novel that even as a writer of lousy cultivation novelist like me could get some point to improve myself. So those that love reading to savor, be sure that you keep this in your collection. Good luck, author, And keep up the great work. This is your reader. I've left my five-star review here to start. Looking forward for my membership in the reformation camp. Reader out.

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    LV 10 Badge

    [RECOMMEND] I don't know how to communicate! I feel so blown away 🤣 A suggestion author include emoticons, your work would then b perfection. I'm an Author, I know but as a reader before that I would be spending time hooked up with yours! People read this intriguing plot, you might as well b prepared so as not to die from laughing too hard! About the novel- A first person narrative, unique portryal, well constructed world back ground, character ( protagonist) has a humble PERSONALITY (note the sarcasm), intricately tailored plotline with enticing concept. To the Author- I'm going to go for your other books for sure! keep writing well 👍

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    Every words have a meaning when the writer write it. It was meaningful that sometimes you can go to the world of the book. Keep It Up Author!!!!

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    Though it is a short chapter for now , I am waiting for the next chaps. Since I could really learn from different writing styles after reading a lot swaps from books. Writing quality is alright. Story develop. since it is not done yet , I will pause the rating here. Stability of updates , It does not really matter. Character design, your story actually has this lucifer series vibes plus ready player 1. But it is your own imagination , it is just me feeling something from some movies I watched and it is fine. World background, your imagination connects to mine as I read so It is a good start. Keep writing! You are doing a good job!

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    I am wildly impressed by this novel. Everything, ranging from how the author describes the minor details to something to which point of view he chose to use for this novel suits it splendidly. Can't wait for more chapters to be posted soon! 🤩

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    Hello everyone. Author here. I'd like to give my great thanks to all the reviews that have given this dystopian novel a chance, in particular since this novel was part of a contest (that'll end very much soon, but I will finish this novel regardless of the contest outcome). Your commentary is much appreciated here, and I am grateful for the users who have either given powerstones, added this novel to their collection, or perhaps both. Thank you all.

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    Author TaintedMetal