"I wish..."
"I wish..."
Nick's body began to shudder as his jaw tightened.
His breathing was rapid, and he tried his best to say the Sentence.
Nick gritted his teeth.
And then, Nick's body lost all strength, and he fell back onto the bed.
"I can't do it!"
At that moment, Nick began to cry loudly.
'I just can't do it!'
'How pathetic am I that I can't even kill myself?!'
'How pathetic am I that I even want to kill myself?!'
'I always saw the people that said the Sentence as weaklings, even if I didn't want to admit it.'
'I knew that I was stronger than them.'
'And yet, I just want this to be over!'
'There's nothing left!'
'What am I supposed to do with this shit stain of a life?!'
'What's the point?!'
For several minutes, Nick just cried.
And when he was done, he just felt empty again.
Crying hadn't helped one bit.
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