Nick took a deep breath and entered the Containment Unit.
He really didn't look forward to this.
As soon as he entered, he saw a big black cuboid in the middle of the room.
The cuboid was about 2.5 meters high, five meters long, and three meters wide.
This was the Specter, and it was a big one.
The people from Anatomy who had delivered the Specters had even needed to remove parts of the floor to get this huge Specter onto the fourth floor.
Luckily, the entrances to Containment Units were generally huge, almost always covering an entire wall.
When Nick saw the Specter, he grew nervous.
This Specter was on the verge of unworkable.
Nick slowly walked around the cuboid until he arrived at its backside.
There, he saw a door.
Nick put his hand on the handle and turned it.
The door creaked open, and Nick looked inside.
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