Time passed.
Hours passed, in which Nick just kept thinking about things.
At some point, Nick's stomach even started to hurt, which made him remember that he hadn't eaten anything for quite a while.
But it seemed so unimportant.
He just didn't care.
Also, in a certain way, the pain of hunger felt justified to Nick.
Nick was just too consumed by regret and guilt.
Feeling happy in any way felt unfair to Horua.
After taking away Horua's happiness and future, Nick believed he didn't deserve to have one of his own.
It was only fair.
"Man, you look like shit."
Usually, Nick would jump up in surprise at the voice that had suddenly appeared behind him on the bed.
Yet, Nick just didn't care a lot, and he also quickly realized who it was based on the voice.
Nick didn't answer.
A moment later, a rat entered Nick's vision, and he saw it looking down at him with interest.
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